The Greatest Labor Market in US History keeps on Booming !!!!!!!

You have done nothing but post memes and lies.

Post facts.

The is undisputable fact:

Biden has the most full time jobs in US history, with the most job openings in US history. Therefor Biden has the best labor market in US history and it will stay good for a long time, because of Biden's Build back better and IRA.
You are a senile fuckstick.

I posted no memes, nor lies.

Here is one of your other threads on this topic, you braindead halfwit. Are you too stupid to keep up with all the claptrap you spam the board with?

Here is another of your threads on this same topic that has already been locked because it is a duplicate.

Grow a brain, Dumbass.

Its already been proven and established by the facts that Biden has given us the best labor market in US history. A great accomplishment.
But lets examine why Biden has been so great and successful with jobs.

I think Biden's record labor market is due to his policies that focus on middle class job creation.
The Build back better bill, and IRA have greatly greatly increased middle class jobs, with more to come.

Instead of giving massive tax cut handouts to the ultra wealthy like Bush and Trump did, Biden has stimulated/targeted massive job gains. Giving massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy does little to stimulate jobs, whereas infrastructure and construction give jobs directly tio the middle class.

An additional benefit to middle class jobs strength are increased wages for the middle class and increased tax revenue from the middle class.

Build back better and the IRA have created a substantial amount of higher paying middle class jobs. I think it is obvious that htis is working great because the numbers prove this.

Record job creation, record wage gains, record demand for workers (JOLTs jobs opening at 10+M a big record and higher than any other president).

This has nothing to do with covid at all as the US has surpassed the pre-covid job total long ago. No covid excuses.

We learned this morning that the economy created 339,000 jobs last month. We have now created over 13 million jobs since I took office. That is more jobs in 28 months than any President has created in an entire 4-year term.

Unfortunately this illusion is built all on borrowed money
so yes there is a flurry of activity but it remains to be seen what the long term results will be. It's a quick high after the first needle...
It's great for the moment.
In addition to record job creation we have record per Capita Debt, record homelessness, record crime, and the longest run of dollar devaluation since the great depression. In effect it is a form of fool's gold. Government funded public sector jobs are not actually jobs. But hey... It's a paycheck for somebody for now.
Unfortunately this illusion is built all on borrowed money
so yes there is a flurry of activity but it remains to be seen what the long term results will be. It's a quick high after the first needle...
It's great for the moment.
In addition to record job creation we have record per Capita Debt, record homelessness, record crime, and the longest run of dollar devaluation since the great depression. In effect it is a form of fool's gold. Government funded public sector jobs are not actually jobs. But hey... It's a paycheck for somebody for now.
How is that any different than anything Bush or trump did?

At least Biden has done something to produce jobs. Bush borrowed a ton and then blew up the economy. Trump borrowed even more and had a mediocre economy.

Biden's deficits are lower than what he inherited, so at least he is lowering debt and deficit compared to Trump.
You are a senile fuckstick.

I posted no memes, nor lies.

Here is one of your other threads on this topic, you braindead halfwit. Are you too stupid to keep up with all the claptrap you spam the board with?

All you do is post lies and memes.

Can you even admit Biden has the best labor market in US history, because all the facts and data prove this, but you can;t admit it because it pains you to admit.
How is that any different than anything Bush or trump did?

At least Biden has dine something to produce jobs. Bush borrowed a ton and then blew up the economy. Trump borrowed even more and had a mediocre economy.

Biden's deficits are lower than what he inherited, so at least he is lowering debt and deficit compared to Trump.
Oh I agree... I'm merely pointing out the inevitable.
Trying to keep politics out of it. We need a different method.... But how do we get there? Dunno.


Key Takeaways​


Today’s inflation comes mostly from sectoral supply side disruptions, largely the result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent disturbances to supply chains; and disruptions to energy and food markets originating from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Demand patterns too have undergone significant changes, again largely induced by the pandemic. In some sectors, these effects have been amplified as a result of the exercise of market power. But today’s inflation, for the most part, is not the result of significant excesses of aggregate demand such as might have arisen from excessive US pandemic spending.


While we welcome the return of interest rates to more normal levels, which reduces a number of distortions associated with persistent, abnormally low interest rates, increasing interest rates too far and too quickly risks a painful slowdown to the economy with minimal benefits to inflation short of a significant downturn. This would have particular adverse distributional consequences, especially for marginalized groups in the country.


There are fiscal and other measures that can and should be taken to alleviate particular sectoral inflationary pressures, and that are likely to be more effective than broad-based interest rate increases.


Recent data shows significant moderation of inflationary pressures, with nominal wage increases in particular being only a little over pre-pandemic levels. This, together with other indicators such as tempered inflationary expectations, goes a long way in alleviating worries about an incipient wage-price spiral.


Yea, people are having to work two job to pay for Biden's inflation.
Real wages are going to down under Biden.
Retirees are having to go back to work because of Biden's inflation.

We are supposed to feel bad some due that retired at 34 and wasted all their money has to go back to work?
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Yea, people are having to work two job to pay for Biden's inflation.

The percent of people working two jobs is lower now than during Trump's "best economy in the history of the world".

Why was it so high under Trump?

The percent of people working two jobs is lower now than during Trump's "best economy in the history of the world".

Why was it so high under Trump?

View attachment 791397
Nice chart.

Republicans are triggered and ill over Biden's booming labor market. They are jealous that Biden has a better jobs market than Trump. They care more about pathetic partisan competition than America winning.

they feel the need to lie to try and explain why Biden;s economy is better than Trump's.

The Democrats are the ones always winning and the Republicans are always losing.
Slobbers the idiot who claimed only 9 million jobs were lost during the pandemic, :itsok: :laughing0301: :itsok: :laughing0301: :itsok: :laughing0301: :itsok::itsok::laughing0301::itsok::laughing0301:


I said no such thing, Dumbfuck. YOU said 12 million people had gone back to work after losing their job and so Biden had not fully recovered them. By 12 million, I assumed you were talking about those under Trump. That actual number was 9½ million.

It was after that exchange, you said your memory failed you, it was really 22 million lost in March & April, 2020 and that Biden had not recovered them. And as evidence Biden had not recovered them, you posted an old article stating he had recovered them in the private sector but not quite in the public sector. But your article was nearly a year old from BEFORE another close to 4 million jobs have been added, putting the number of jobs close to 4 million ABOVE the pre-covid high.
Link us up to your data on “22 million” jobs created under Tater.

I never said 22 million jobs were created under Biden (assuming by "Tater," that's who you mean).

Why do you continually ask me to prove claims I never made?
340k new jobs !!!!!!
Yes !!!!!
Go Joe !!!
Go America !!

Treasonous Republicans rooting for failure (like we had under Bush and Trump) are ill this morning !!
Republican attempts to sabotage America have failed thus far.

Biden's policies have given us the best labor market in US history.
Biden has prioritized the middle class and jobs, just like Bill Clinton did. Biden and Bill Clinton, 2 experts on the economy.

GOP prioritize handouts to the ultra wealthy, which doesn't work at all. Democrats prioritize a strong middle class, which clearly is much better.
No Republican has ever been this good, and no republican has ever had a jobs market this strong.


Black unemployment rate went up almost a full percent in one month and the true believers give Joe a pat on the back :rolleyes:
You are a senile fuckstick.

I posted no memes, nor lies.

Here is one of your other threads on this topic, you braindead halfwit. Are you too stupid to keep up with all the claptrap you spam the board with?

He's a bot.
Black unemployment rate went up almost a full percent in one month and the true believers give Joe a pat on the back :rolleyes:
get back to me when a republican can have the booming record jobs market that Biden has.

JOLTs jobs opening at a record too, 10 million.
That means there are 10 million job opening out there so the labor market will remain strong AF

Enjoy Biden's booming labor market, obviously you hate it
Black unemployment rate went up almost a full percent in one month and the true believers give Joe a pat on the back :rolleyes:

The all-time low unemployment rate among black people occurred under Biden.

Same with Hispanics.
If capitalism in 1929 had possessed the same tools of statistical and propaganda manipulation as it does now, the Great Depression would now be known as the mild recession

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