The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

"Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure" such as Christianity, White Supremacy, Sanctuary Movement, Gender Equality, Tea Party Movement, Constitutional Movement, etc.... Antifa groups rarely organize protests. Their main activity is exposing organizations and individuals they consider fascist such as Neo-Nazis and White Supremacy groups. They are active on Internet and occasionally show up at rallies lead by fascist groups and authoritarian political figures such as Donald Trump.
I've never seen them at a Trump rally. They'd be squashed if they did.
Those on the left that consider anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney fascist are fucking idiots.

The word fascist is over-used by the left.

Mainly because the left doesn't know what the word means. Most of the Marxist morons of the democrat party honestly think that Fascism is "right wing." Uneducated buffoons who have never read Mussolini, have no idea what Avanti was. have no clue of his arrest in Switzerland for organizing a general strike on behalf of Vladimir Lenin.

Leftists, particularly the Communist democrats, are abysmally ignorant and are trained by our institution of redacted learning to lose all intellectual curiosity. Most of these drooling retard think that the shit that the Ira Einhorn motherfucker with the man bun told them is actually true. They NEVER go to the source or discover for themselves. They are well trained by universities to never question, never think.
So Trump and his gang aren't fascists, just right-wing populists who are simply racists who want to keep the current system as it is but deny its benefits to groups they're interested in oppressing. I suppose the fascists are worse but not by much.

What proof do you have Trump is racist?

Back in the day as a NYC dilettante he went to all the right parties, had all the right friends.
Those on the left that consider anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney fascist are fucking idiots.

The word fascist is over-used by the left.

Mainly because the left doesn't know what the word means. Most of the Marxist morons of the democrat party honestly think that Fascism is "right wing." Uneducated buffoons who have never read Mussolini, have no idea what Avanti was. have no clue of his arrest in Switzerland for organizing a general strike on behalf of Vladimir Lenin.

Leftists, particularly the Communist democrats, are abysmally ignorant and are trained by our institution of redacted learning to lose all intellectual curiosity. Most of these drooling retard think that the shit that the Ira Einhorn motherfucker with the man bun told them is actually true. They NEVER go to the source or discover for themselves. They are well trained by universities to never question, never think.
So Trump and his gang aren't fascists, just right-wing populists who are simply racists who want to keep the current system as it is but deny its benefits to groups they're interested in oppressing. I suppose the fascists are worse but not by much.

Utter stupidity.

Trump IS a populist, that I agree with. Nothing with Trump even hints of racism. You communists are just a bunch of demagogues defaming those you are conditioned to hate.

democrats are fascists.
I usually don't answer insulting posts but I will make an exception because it's Friday night. I have always abhorred Communism because it can only exist in a totalitarian state. Yes, Trump is a racist. Maybe he doesn't support White supremacy openly but that's not really relevant.

Back in 1973, the federal goverment took him to court over racial discrimination which he settled out of court. In 1978, the federal government again sued him claiming discrimination in violation of consent decrees. From 2011 to 2016, Trump was a leading proponent of the already-debunked "Birtherism" conspiracy theory claiming President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Trump continued to insist, as late as 2019, that a group of black and Latino teenagers were guilty of the 1989 rape of a white woman in the Central Park jogger case, despite the five males having been officially exonerated in 2002, based on a confession by an imprisoned serial rapist that was confirmed by DNA evidence. In 2016, about Mexican immigrants, he claimed, "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." He claimed that a judge with "Mexican heritage" should be disqualified from deciding cases against him. He retweeted false statistics claiming that African Americans are responsible for the majority of murders of white Americans, and in some speeches he has repeatedly linked African Americans and Hispanics with violent crime. During the campaign, Trump used the fears of the white working class voters, and created the impression of global danger of groups that are deemed to pose a challenge to the nation. He made comments following a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that implied moral equivalence between the white supremacist marchers and those who protested against them. In 2018, during an Oval Office meeting about immigration reform, Trump allegedly referred to El Salvador, Haiti, and African countries as "shitholes", which was widely condemned as a racist comment. In July 2019, Trump tweeted about Democratic congresswomen of color: "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done." In 2020, he's condemning black protests over the police murder of of George Foyld.

Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

If everyone is a racist, no one is a racist.

And again you make the bullshit point of the "fine people" thing when he was talking about both sides in the "remove the statue" debate.

If those places aren't shitholes, why are people so eager to leave?
Those on the left that consider anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney fascist are fucking idiots.

The word fascist is over-used by the left.

Mainly because the left doesn't know what the word means. Most of the Marxist morons of the democrat party honestly think that Fascism is "right wing." Uneducated buffoons who have never read Mussolini, have no idea what Avanti was. have no clue of his arrest in Switzerland for organizing a general strike on behalf of Vladimir Lenin.

Leftists, particularly the Communist democrats, are abysmally ignorant and are trained by our institution of redacted learning to lose all intellectual curiosity. Most of these drooling retard think that the shit that the Ira Einhorn motherfucker with the man bun told them is actually true. They NEVER go to the source or discover for themselves. They are well trained by universities to never question, never think.
So Trump and his gang aren't fascists, just right-wing populists who are simply racists who want to keep the current system as it is but deny its benefits to groups they're interested in oppressing. I suppose the fascists are worse but not by much.
Keep the current system as it is eh ? You mean the system that has made very wealthy people out of blacks, whites, chinese, mexicans, indians from india, and etc ? You talking about a system they hate, even though it has made members among each race, gender, and character super rich beyond their wildest expectations or dreams ? Hey listen, if they don't want to just share or have their wealth confiscated by force, then they had best vote for anyone other than a radical leftist highly dependent Democrat that's for sure.
Yea, the public housing projects and slums are just filled with rich Blacks and Mexicans. :cuckoo:
Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.
"Antifa is not a unified organization but rather a movement without a hierarchical leadership structure" such as Christianity, White Supremacy, Sanctuary Movement, Gender Equality, Tea Party Movement, Constitutional Movement, etc.... Antifa groups rarely organize protests. Their main activity is exposing organizations and individuals they consider fascist such as Neo-Nazis and White Supremacy groups. They are active on Internet and occasionally show up at rallies lead by fascist groups and authoritarian political figures such as Donald Trump.
I've never seen them at a Trump rally. They'd be squashed if they did.
I have no doubt of that. Trump's following has about the same tolerance for descent as their leader.
Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.
Seriously? He has more diversity than you’ll ever know

Wiki- Jovita Carranza (born June 29, 1949) is an American businesswoman who has served as the Administrator of the Small Business Administration since January 2020. She previously served as the 44th Treasurer of the United States from 2017 to 2020 after being appointed by President Donald Trump.

Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.

Amazing how far we have gone from judging people by the color of their skin.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Here's a list of demands non-existent ANTIFA placed on pussified-Seattle's PROG-punk government: Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch
Antifa exist in same way that pro-lifers exist. Neither is a unified organization, they are hundreds of groups and organizations and millions of individuals. Anyone that opposes abortion is pro-life and anyone who opposes fascism is Antifa. Since fascism takes many forms so does Antifa. Many on the far left consider Trump a fascist and are trying to expose him. They are Antifa just as those that work to expose those they believe are Neo-Nazis, and Blacks protesting the fascist police policies, and segregationist in the Old South protesting the heavy handed fascist federal government, etc...

I don't recall pro-lifers rioting, burning down buildings, raping women, murdering people, etc.

Standard disclaimer: Queue mention of Eric Randall Rudolph in 3-2-1

You don't have a good memory do you? Now you can do your own research many sites have facts.

Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.
Seriously? He has more diversity than you’ll ever know

Wiki- Jovita Carranza (born June 29, 1949) is an American businesswoman who has served as the Administrator of the Small Business Administration since January 2020. She previously served as the 44th Treasurer of the United States from 2017 to 2020 after being appointed by President Donald Trump.

Acosta is gone and Carson will be leaving so Trump will have his all white cabinet.
Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.

Amazing how far we have gone from judging people by the color of their skin.
So there aren't any qualified to serve in a Trump cabinet, or is that none will.
Democrats are commonly associated with antifa.

Antifa is widely unpopular.

Democrats see antifa hurting their internals polls so they write stories like this.
Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.

Amazing how far we have gone from judging people by the color of their skin.
So there aren't any qualified to serve in a Trump cabinet, or is that none will.

It's just standard SJW identity politics, and you are a smarmy participator in it.

A pox on you and your house.
Those on the left that consider anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney fascist are fucking idiots.

The word fascist is over-used by the left.

Mainly because the left doesn't know what the word means. Most of the Marxist morons of the democrat party honestly think that Fascism is "right wing." Uneducated buffoons who have never read Mussolini, have no idea what Avanti was. have no clue of his arrest in Switzerland for organizing a general strike on behalf of Vladimir Lenin.

Leftists, particularly the Communist democrats, are abysmally ignorant and are trained by our institution of redacted learning to lose all intellectual curiosity. Most of these drooling retard think that the shit that the Ira Einhorn motherfucker with the man bun told them is actually true. They NEVER go to the source or discover for themselves. They are well trained by universities to never question, never think.
So Trump and his gang aren't fascists, just right-wing populists who are simply racists who want to keep the current system as it is but deny its benefits to groups they're interested in oppressing. I suppose the fascists are worse but not by much.
Keep the current system as it is eh ? You mean the system that has made very wealthy people out of blacks, whites, chinese, mexicans, indians from india, and etc ? You talking about a system they hate, even though it has made members among each race, gender, and character super rich beyond their wildest expectations or dreams ? Hey listen, if they don't want to just share or have their wealth confiscated by force, then they had best vote for anyone other than a radical leftist highly dependent Democrat that's for sure.
Yea, the public housing projects and slums are just filled with rich Blacks and Mexicans. :cuckoo:
What percentage are they ????? That's what I thought. Come back when you think that you can come up with something other than more lame bullcrap to waste people's time with.
Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.
Identity politics is the scourage of this nation. This is exactly why we see the troubles we are having now, because people are being placed into positions due their genders, skin colors etc, and this regardless of their qualification's, education's, character, mindset's, goal's and etc. We have become a stupid people. Period.
Antifa doesn't exist???!!!! Really??? You sure??? Perhaps your left-wing sources are, as usual, out to lunch?

Try doing a search of all groups....You'll find at least a couple dozen state and local branches with Fascistbook pages.
Whites make up 86.4 percent of the Trump's cabinet. In the Trump organization, a black face is about as common as a black face at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If Trump's not a racist he's doing a hell of a job of pretending to be.

Blacks make up what percentage of our population?
Trump's Cabinet of 21 includes only 1 Black who says he will resign after the election and there are no Hispanics. The nation is 13% black and 17% Hispanic.

Early census figures point to 11% black and 20% hispanic. Demographics are shifting due to democrat illegal migration policies.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Here's a list of demands non-existent ANTIFA placed on pussified-Seattle's PROG-punk government: Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch
Antifa exist in same way that pro-lifers exist. Neither is a unified organization, they are hundreds of groups and organizations and millions of individuals. Anyone that opposes abortion is pro-life and anyone who opposes fascism is Antifa. Since fascism takes many forms so does Antifa. Many on the far left consider Trump a fascist and are trying to expose him. They are Antifa just as those that work to expose those they believe are Neo-Nazis, and Blacks protesting the fascist police policies, and segregationist in the Old South protesting the heavy handed fascist federal government, etc...

I don't recall pro-lifers rioting, burning down buildings, raping women, murdering people, etc.

Standard disclaimer: Queue mention of Eric Randall Rudolph in 3-2-1

You don't have a good memory do you? Now you can do your own research many sites have facts.

And right on queue the promoter of the Abortion Industrial Complex points to the 11 murders by SERIAL KILLER Eric Randall Rudolph in the early 1990's. You are as predictable as you are dishonest. After Rudolph went to prison, how many abortion factory bombings? Well, zero. Say, wasn't the Rudolph the Olympic Park bomber as well as blowing up baby killing factories? The guy liked blowing people up.

But honesty is something that you Abortion zealots will NEVER engage in.

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