The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

So there aren't any qualified to serve in a Trump cabinet, or is that none will.

What is the proper racial makeup for a cabinet? Should there be a quota?

Don't you race baiters think you are just a wee bit insulting be demanding that people for top positions be hired based on skin color rather that qualifications?
So there aren't any qualified to serve in a Trump cabinet, or is that none will.

What is the proper racial makeup for a cabinet? Should there be a quota?

Don't you race baiters think you are just a wee bit insulting be demanding that people for top positions be hired based on skin color rather that qualifications?
Just 1 out of 20 might would be nice. Of course, that might upset the Trump to look down the table and see some non-white faces.
Most people have never heard Antifa. In fact, some of their supposed members have never heard of it either.
What is the basis for that statement? Are you now trying to make believe there is no such band of miscreants
that roam around Portland, for example, with the blessings of mayor Ted Wheeler?

We all know better than that. Get a life.
Most people have never heard Antifa. In fact, some of their supposed members have never heard of it either.
What is the basis for that statement? Are you now trying to make believe there is no such band of miscreants
that roam around Portland, for example, with the blessings of mayor Ted Wheeler?

We all know better than that. Get a life.
Of course Antifa exist. Anyone who claims to be anti-fascist is Antifa. I'm just saying it's not a term most Americans are familiar with and many people that have strong anti-fascist beliefs are not familiar with the term either, at least not till Trump decided to demonize it.

The fact is Trump needed a buggy man to blame the riots on and Antifa fit was perfect. They had no national organization and were a bunch disorganized far left groups so they had no national voice which was perfect. The far right could makeup all kinds of shit and there would no national voice in opposition. Even better, democrats would defend them and that would give Republicans an opportunity to associate the Democratic Party with Antifa, a terrorist group; actually, not a bad strategy.
Most people have never heard Antifa. In fact, some of their supposed members have never heard of it either.

The vast majority of Americans know who the democrat party terrorists ANTIFA are. Many may not realize that they are just the re-imagining of the KKK, but they have heard of the terrorists.
Most people have never heard Antifa. In fact, some of their supposed members have never heard of it either.
What is the basis for that statement? Are you now trying to make believe there is no such band of miscreants
that roam around Portland, for example, with the blessings of mayor Ted Wheeler?

We all know better than that. Get a life.
Of course Antifa exist. Anyone who claims to be anti-fascist is Antifa. I'm just saying it's not a term most Americans are familiar with and many people that have strong anti-fascist beliefs are not familiar with the term either, at least not till Trump decided to demonize it.

The fact is Trump needed a buggy man to blame the riots on and Antifa fit was perfect. They had no national organization and were a bunch disorganized far left groups so they had no national voice which was perfect. The far right could makeup all kinds of shit and there would no national voice in opposition. Even better, democrats would defend them and that would give Republicans an opportunity to associate the Democratic Party with Antifa, a terrorist group; actually, not a bad strategy.

What utter bullshit. Anti-fa is a specific blanket organization consisting of small groups of socialist/anarchist idiots. Their tactics are far more in line with the SA than with GI's storming out of a Higgins Boat on Omaha Beach.
So there aren't any qualified to serve in a Trump cabinet, or is that none will.

What is the proper racial makeup for a cabinet? Should there be a quota?

Don't you race baiters think you are just a wee bit insulting be demanding that people for top positions be hired based on skin color rather that qualifications?
Just 1 out of 20 might would be nice. Of course, that might upset the Trump to look down the table and see some non-white faces.
Trump has maintained the most diverse staff of any president in history. Try a new hating point.
Of course Antifa exist. Anyone who claims to be anti-fascist is Antifa.

Just as anyone who claims to support liberty is a Libertarian?


What a steaming pile. ANTIFA is a distinct terrorist group that promotes radical leftist ideology and IS in fact fascistic in nature.

I'm just saying it's not a term most Americans are familiar with and many people that have strong anti-fascist beliefs are not familiar with the term either, at least not till Trump decided to demonize it.

The fact is Trump needed a buggy man to blame the riots on and Antifa fit was perfect. They had no national organization and were a bunch disorganized far left groups so they had no national voice which was perfect. The far right could makeup all kinds of shit and there would no national voice in opposition. Even better, democrats would defend them and that would give Republicans an opportunity to associate the Democratic Party with Antifa, a terrorist group; actually, not a bad strategy.

Everyone know who ANTIFA is, and everyone knows they are leftist terrorists.

Apparently the CCP thinks their lackies in the demcrat party need to distance themselves?
We used to be an Anti Fascist country. Interesting story about an Anti-Fascist American, Woody Guthrie and Fred Trump:

For Guthrie, Fred Trump came to personify all the viciousness of the racist codes that continued to put decent housing – both public and private – out of reach for so many of his fellow citizens:

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

And as if to leave no doubt over Trump’s personal culpability in perpetuating black Americans’ status as internal refugees – strangers in their own strange land – Guthrie reworked his signature Dust Bowl ballad “I Ain’t Got No Home” into a blistering broadside against his landlord:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

In 1979, 12 years after Guthrie had succumbed to the death sentence of Huntington’s Disease, Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett published a two-part exposé about Fred and Donald Trump’s real estate empire.

During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.

Here's a list of demands non-existent ANTIFA placed on pussified-Seattle's PROG-punk government: Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch
Antifa exist in same way that pro-lifers exist. Neither is a unified organization, they are hundreds of groups and organizations and millions of individuals. Anyone that opposes abortion is pro-life and anyone who opposes fascism is Antifa. Since fascism takes many forms so does Antifa. Many on the far left consider Trump a fascist and are trying to expose him. They are Antifa just as those that work to expose those they believe are Neo-Nazis, and Blacks protesting the fascist police policies, and segregationist in the Old South protesting the heavy handed fascist federal government, etc...

I don't recall pro-lifers rioting, burning down buildings, raping women, murdering people, etc.

Standard disclaimer: Queue mention of Eric Randall Rudolph in 3-2-1

You don't have a good memory do you? Now you can do your own research many sites have facts.

And right on queue the promoter of the Abortion Industrial Complex points to the 11 murders by SERIAL KILLER Eric Randall Rudolph in the early 1990's. You are as predictable as you are dishonest. After Rudolph went to prison, how many abortion factory bombings? Well, zero. Say, wasn't the Rudolph the Olympic Park bomber as well as blowing up baby killing factories? The guy liked blowing people up.

But honesty is something that you Abortion zealots will NEVER engage in.

I never said I was an abortion zealot just calling you out for one of your many lies. Seems you can't tell the truth but that's on par for a trumpturd.
Of course Antifa exist. Anyone who claims to be anti-fascist is Antifa. I'm just saying it's not a term most Americans are familiar with and many people that have strong anti-fascist beliefs are not familiar with the term either, at least not till Trump decided to demonize it.

The fact is Trump needed a buggy man to blame the riots on and Antifa fit was perfect. They had no national organization and were a bunch disorganized far left groups so they had no national voice which was perfect. The far right could makeup all kinds of shit and there would no national voice in opposition. Even better, democrats would defend them and that would give Republicans an opportunity to associate the Democratic Party with Antifa, a terrorist group; actually, not a bad strategy.
Oh...I see what you are getting at. That Antifa was a nearly unknown entity until Donald Trump (the center of all evil in this country) decided he needed to blame rioting, bomb tossing, looting, arson, violence and general chaos on something or someone. So he chose Antifa, as if there was no source of the violence and
mayhem until Trump chose to make Antifa the scapegoat.

Okay..... :rolleyes:
Most people have never heard Antifa. In fact, some of their supposed members have never heard of it either.

The vast majority of Americans know who the democrat party terrorists ANTIFA are. Many may not realize that they are just the re-imagining of the KKK, but they have heard of the terrorists.
KKK and other white supremacy groups are primary targets of Antifa. They showed up at a KKK rally in Charleston and fighting broke out. I think this is where Trump discovered them after he made his remarks about plenty of blame to go around on both sides which seam to lend support to the KKK. I believe that's when the anti-Trump stuff appeared on the Antifa web site run by an Oregon group.
During his everything-is-antifa press conference, Barr insisted that the DOJ knew that antifa was behind every bad thing. That there is actually no such group as antifa isn’t a handicap for Barr, Donald Trump, and others who have made it the nation’s number one boogeyman. It’s Tom Cotton. It’s Lindsay Graham. It’s every Fox news and far-right radio host ever. They can kick antifa all day and never have to worry that the president of antifa, or spokesperson for antifa, or especially lawyers for antifa will ever show up to contradict even the most outrageous claim.

The real antifa won WW2. We called them US soldiers.
This thread reminds me of a scene from the 1967 comedy ‘A Guide For The Married Man”

only whats going on now is no laughing matter

Of course Antifa exist. Anyone who claims to be anti-fascist is Antifa. I'm just saying it's not a term most Americans are familiar with and many people that have strong anti-fascist beliefs are not familiar with the term either, at least not till Trump decided to demonize it.

The fact is Trump needed a buggy man to blame the riots on and Antifa fit was perfect. They had no national organization and were a bunch disorganized far left groups so they had no national voice which was perfect. The far right could makeup all kinds of shit and there would no national voice in opposition. Even better, democrats would defend them and that would give Republicans an opportunity to associate the Democratic Party with Antifa, a terrorist group; actually, not a bad strategy.
Oh...I see what you are getting at. That Antifa was a nearly unknown entity until Donald Trump (the center of all evil in this country) decided he needed to blame rioting, bomb tossing, looting, arson, violence and general chaos on something or someone. So he chose Antifa, as if there was no source of the violence and
mayhem until Trump chose to make Antifa the scapegoat.

Okay..... :rolleyes:
That's about right. Trump needed a scapegoat for his peeps to attack. He couldn't use protesters because they had growing support of the public. BLM would have been perfect because of their close ties to the democratic party but that could hurt his chances of winning Black voters. Antifa was the next best thing; besides it would be payback for Charleston.
That's about right. Trump needed a scapegoat for his peeps to attack. He couldn't use protesters because they had growing support of the public. BLM would have been perfect because of their close ties to the democratic party but that could hurt his chances of winning Black voters. Antifa was the next best thing; besides it would be payback for Charleston. could be that Antifa was clearly a primary factor in the riots not only in Minneapolis but New York, Oakland, Seattle, Chicago....whereever there are disaffected radicalized punks with a bent for violence
and an unshakable belief they have the right to attack "bad people" because they are virtuous "anti fascists"
and by definition to oppose them is to be for racism and fascism.

Therefor, the people who get hurt have "got it coming" and you are either for them or against them.

If you lived anywhere near Portland, the way I do, you would realize how they operate (Andy Ngo) and how the little rats get coverage from left wing politicians (Ted Wheeler).

Who were all the young white people in the riots smashing things and setting cars on fire? Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?
That's about right. Trump needed a scapegoat for his peeps to attack. He couldn't use protesters because they had growing support of the public. BLM would have been perfect because of their close ties to the democratic party but that could hurt his chances of winning Black voters. Antifa was the next best thing; besides it would be payback for Charleston. could be that Antifa was clearly a primary factor in the riots not only in Minneapolis but New York, Oakland, Seattle, Chicago....whereever there are disaffected radicalized punks with a bent for violence
and an unshakable belief they have the right to attack "bad people" because they are virtuous "anti fascists"
and by definition to oppose them is to be for racism and fascism.

Therefor, the people who get hurt have "got it coming" and you are either for them or against them.

If you lived anywhere near Portland, the way I do, you would realize how they operate (Andy Ngo) and how the little rats get coverage from left wing politicians (Ted Wheeler).

Who were all the young white people in the riots smashing things and setting cars on fire? Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?
White people you see smashing things up are the same ones responsible for violence in the WTO riots, May Day marches every year, BLM protests, Gay Pride Marches, LBGQ protests, etc. There was a study that came out of Harvard a couple of years about rioting and looting. 75% of those arrested were not part of the protest march or the proceedings. Most arrived after the protest. Over half had criminal records that included burglary, housebreaking, shoplifting, or vandalism. Protests attract criminals like bees to honey. Protests that end by noon are rarely violent. Those that end after 4:00 pm are most likely to be become violent.

The idea that people that organize protests are behind the violence is generally not true. The purpose of protests is to gain public support. Violent protests tend to do the opposite.
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That's about right. Trump needed a scapegoat for his peeps to attack. He couldn't use protesters because they had growing support of the public. BLM would have been perfect because of their close ties to the democratic party but that could hurt his chances of winning Black voters. Antifa was the next best thing; besides it would be payback for Charleston. could be that Antifa was clearly a primary factor in the riots not only in Minneapolis but New York, Oakland, Seattle, Chicago....whereever there are disaffected radicalized punks with a bent for violence
and an unshakable belief they have the right to attack "bad people" because they are virtuous "anti fascists"
and by definition to oppose them is to be for racism and fascism.

Therefor, the people who get hurt have "got it coming" and you are either for them or against them.

If you lived anywhere near Portland, the way I do, you would realize how they operate (Andy Ngo) and how the little rats get coverage from left wing politicians (Ted Wheeler).

Who were all the young white people in the riots smashing things and setting cars on fire? Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?
Yea, they could be a factor or not. One thing is for sure, they are not a national organization of any sort. Google Antifa and see what you find. You will find a defunk web site that's not maintained and rarely works, several explanations as to what Atifa is, some news media articles that say practically nothing, half dozen or so right and left web sites making all kinds of claims. What you won't find is Antifa. On facebook there are people claiming to be Antifa but far more just writing about. If Antifa was really an organization of any significance, they would have a working website filled with propaganda, a national spokesperson on cable news, fund raising campaigns, and membership drives. They have none of these because they're not a national organization or even a regional one. In fact, it's not one specific organization with a headquarters and a president and a chain of command. In a sense, there are plenty of antifa groups, but antifa itself is not a group. That description is largely in line with how federal law enforcement has interpreted the antifa movement. Whether you use the term Antifa, Commies, Anarchists, White Supremacist, terrorist, etc. you're not referring to any specific group or organization.

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