The Grilling Of Judge Gorsuch.What Outlandish Questions Will/May Loony Leftist Liberals Ask Of Him?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:bang3: :bang3: :argue: The Gorsuch hearings/grilling should be coming up soon next month. And what can we expect to hear from the rats who just want to eventually back the future Supreme Court Judge into a corner? It will probably seem that no matter how Gorsuch answers the outrageous/senseless questions the rats will throw at him, they will declare him unfit,,,right?
So what do you guys expect to hear from the worse of the worse Democrat Senators?
First Example: Elizabeth Warren. Mr. Goresuch, is it true that you once claimed you were 1/32nd Black and 1/32nd Cherokee Indian?
Al Franken: Mr. Gorsuch, have you finally stopped beating your wife?
one more example: Alan Greyson:,,,Your Honor Gorsuch, do you feel that the Trump Care Bill passed a few weeks ago is just a bill to kill as many poor people as possible and as quickly as possible?
Why do we need nine judges?

We seem to get along just fine with eight
Your Honor: do you believe that back in 1947,, an alien ship landed in Rosewell New Mexico, and were planning on kidnapping a few attractive white american women to take back with them to Mars?
Here is the best question:

A traveller comes to a fork in the road which leads to two villages. In one village the people always tell lies, and in the other village the people always tell the truth. The traveller needs to conduct business in the village where everyone tells the truth. A man from one of the villages is standing in the middle of the fork, but there is no indication of which village he is from. The traveller approaches the man and asks him one question. From the villager’s answer, he knows which road to follow. What did the traveller ask?
Your Honor: Would you agree with the 75% of all Americans that Rachel Maddow is neither male or female?
I thought they were starting next week. Course its been a while since I checked.

First question would be simple:

Is national security a religious or secular issue?
How long have you been meeting with agents of Vladimir Putin?
Mr. Gorsuch, why should we confirm someone like you who clearly hates women?
I thought they were starting next week. Course its been a while since I checked.

First question would be simple:

Is national security a religious or secular issue?
yes,,,i just heard its monday......havent been keeping up,,,,but good,,!! im off monday
Mr. Gorsuch, why should we confirm someone like you who clearly hates women?
Maxine Waters: Judge Judy: 456 years ago, abraham lincoln signed the apocolation demasculation fried chicken googalation legislation that supposedly freed the slaves, yet to this day, weze still have 5 million slaves picking cotton in Mississippi and Louisiana. So as the next christie creme supreme justice of the courts, will you finally put a stop to all of this unessessary slavery in the south?
Alijah Cummings: Judge Gorsuch, I have a very simple question to ask of you,,,,how many Hillary supporters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
:bang3: :bang3: :argue: The Gorsuch hearings/grilling should be coming up soon next month. And what can we expect to hear from the rats who just want to eventually back the future Supreme Court Judge into a corner? It will probably seem that no matter how Gorsuch answers the outrageous/senseless questions the rats will throw at him, they will declare him unfit,,,right?
So what do you guys expect to hear from the worse of the worse Democrat Senators?
First Example: Elizabeth Warren. Mr. Goresuch, is it true that you once claimed you were 1/32nd Black and 1/32nd Cherokee Indian?
Al Franken: Mr. Gorsuch, have you finally stopped beating your wife?
Will you recuse yourself if Trump's Muslim ban comes before the court?

Will you recuse yourself if any issue Dims don't want you to rule on comes before the court?
:bang3: :bang3: :argue: The Gorsuch hearings/grilling should be coming up soon next month. And what can we expect to hear from the rats who just want to eventually back the future Supreme Court Judge into a corner? It will probably seem that no matter how Gorsuch answers the outrageous/senseless questions the rats will throw at him, they will declare him unfit,,,right?
So what do you guys expect to hear from the worse of the worse Democrat Senators?
First Example: Elizabeth Warren. Mr. Goresuch, is it true that you once claimed you were 1/32nd Black and 1/32nd Cherokee Indian?
Al Franken: Mr. Gorsuch, have you finally stopped beating your wife?
Will you recuse yourself if Trump's Muslim ban comes before the court?

Will you recuse yourself if any issue Dims don't want you to rule on comes before the court?
Nancy Pelosi: do you believe in reading bills before you pass them, like I do?
Spoiler Alert. Don't read this if you don't wanna know the ending.

Here's how it's gonna go...The Democrats will rant & rave about Trump and Russia for a couple days, and then inevitably conclude Gorsuch is an 'Evil, Racist, Homophobic, Woman-Hating, Nazi.' It's how these things always go.

But in the end, Gorsuch will be confirmed. So no need to watch the hearings. It'll go the usual predictable route. Nothing ever changes.
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Your Honor: how many times have you spoken to "The Russians" in the past 10 years?

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