The Grim Truth...


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Ten truths that should concern ALL may not be too late to change course, but I fear we Americans do not have the strength or awareness to stop the coming disaster, but then I am a pessimist.

Truth #1: The U.S. is on the brink of bankruptcy, as many economists have been warning for some time now, with more than $16 trillion in debts owned by foreign nationals and corporations.

Truth #2: We no longer have a government that is “of the people, for the people and by the people.” This sorry state of affairs is reinforced by a study which found that average citizens have “little or no independent influence” on the policy-making process.

Truth #3: Far from being a benevolent entity concerned with the well-being of its citizens, whether in matters of health, safety or security, the government is concerned with three things only: power, control and money. Nowhere is this more evident than in the transformation of police officers from benevolent keepers of the peace to inflexible extensions of the military.

Truth #4: Our primary use to the government is as consumers, worker bees and bits of data to be collected, catalogued, controlled, mined for information, and sold to the highest bidder. Working in cahoots with corporations, the government has given itself carte blanche access to our phone calls, emails, bank transactions, physical movements, even our travels on foot or in our cars.

Truth #5: Whatever problems we are grappling with in regards to illegal immigrants flooding over the borders has little to do with the fact that the borders are porous and everything to do with the government’s own questionable agenda. Conveniently, the Obama administration is asking Congress for $3.8 billion in emergency funding which would be managed by the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State and Health and Human Services, the very same agencies responsible for bringing about a rapid shift into a police state.

Truth #6: The U.S. government is preparing for massive domestic unrest, arising most likely from an economic meltdown. The government has repeatedly made clear its intentions, through its U.S. Army War College report alerting the military to prepare for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States.”

Truth #7: As Gerald Ford warned, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” We now find ourselves caught in a Catch-22 situation wherein the government’s so-called solutions to our problems have led to even graver problems. In this way, zero tolerance policies intended to outlaw drugs and weapons in schools result in young children being arrested and kicked out of school for childish behavior, and zoning laws intended to protect homeowners have been used to prosecute residents who attempt to live off the grid.

Truth #8: The U.S. is following the Nazi blueprint to a “t,” whether through its storm trooper-like police in the form of heavily armed government agents, to its erection of an electronic concentration camp that not only threatens to engulf America but the rest of the world as well via NSA surveillance programs such as Five Eyes.

Truth #9: Not only does the U.S. government perpetrate organized, systematic violence on its own citizens, especially those who challenge its authority nonviolently, in the form of SWAT team raids, militarized police, and roaming VIPR checkpoints, but it gets away with these clear violations of the Fourth Amendment.

Truth #10: As I make clear in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, the United States of America has become the new battlefield. In fact, the only real war being fought by the U.S. government today is the war on the American people, and it is being waged with deadly weapons, militarized police, surveillance technology, and laws that criminalize otherwise lawful behavior.

So there you have it: facts rather than fiction, so naked that a child could call it for what it is, and yet so politically inconvenient, incorrect and uncomfortable that few dare to speak of them.

Even so, despite the fact that no one wants to be labeled dimwitted, or conspiratorial, or a right wing nut job, most Americans, if they were truly paying attention to what’s been going on in this country over the past few decades and willing to be truthful, at least to themselves, would have to admit that the outlook is decidedly grim.

The author's book, 'A Government of Wolves' should be read by every American.
There is another possibility you have not considered, some people know things are fucked and yet manage to live their lives without being afraid.
There is another possibility you have not considered, some people know things are fucked and yet manage to live their lives without being afraid.

I suppose, but you would then be living your life with your head buried in the sand.

And do not confuse my post with personal fear. My fear is for my country and it's youth.
There is another possibility you have not considered, some people know things are fucked and yet manage to live their lives without being afraid.

I suppose, but you would then be living your life with your head buried in the sand.

And do not confuse my post with personal fear. My fear is for my country and it's youth.

Such altruistic fear is beyond conservatives, otherwise they would not be conservatives.
There is another possibility you have not considered, some people know things are fucked and yet manage to live their lives without being afraid.

I suppose, but you would then be living your life with your head buried in the sand.

And do not confuse my post with personal fear. My fear is for my country and it's youth.

Such altruistic fear is beyond conservatives, otherwise they would not be conservatives.

I am not a conservative...but I once was.
What can you expect? We keep voting for authoritarian politicians and this is what we get.

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