The gun industry is the most consumer-friendly industry in america.

point is that accidents happen Brian !! Do the best that you can to avoid accidents but they are always going to happen .

Yes but gun accidents don't happen in schools now. So is opening up schools to the 17,000 accidents a year really the answer?

Brain....there are many schools in the country that allow their staff to carry guns......and you can dig up 3 accidents.......and I agree.....the occasion of school shootings are rare....but blame your anti gunner buddies who are trying to use school shootings as a reason to take away peoples right to keep and bear hyping school shootings, which are rare, they are creating a need for something to be done...and to combat a school shooter you need good guys with guns, the sooner the better to save lives...

So tell your anti gun nut friends to stop it....and then the clamor for armed teachers will subside.....

Well I actually don't know what is best. I think accidental shootings is a valid concern. But I wouldn't want another newtown either. I still think smart gun technology in schools might be an option. Would lower chance of accidents and provide protection. would smart gun technology lower accident really need to think about that......the smart gun technology would still allow the gun to fire with whoever has the ring or bracelet on.....the 3 accidents you always bring up all happened with the owners of the smart guns wouldn't have stopped the accidents.....

There is different technology out there. If you have to enter a code to fire it there won't be accidents. The teacher would only enter the code if there was a reason to use the gun.

Yes there would........people do stupid things with everything.....
Nobody doubts they happen. It's the quantity claimed which is obviously wrong. isn't obviously wrong since the only thing your are doing to refute the number is to say that it isn't compared to 18-19 actual studies that say you are the one who is wrong....

There is a huge list of reasons why they are wrong btw. Anyone with common sense should be able to see it.

You aren't using common sense you are using your bias......the researchers used actual scientific methods to come up with their numbers.....and many of them are anti gun researchers looking to low ball the number....and they still came up with high numbers.....

Sure and there have been millions of defenses. I just don't know anyone who has. And only 50 or so are confirmed in the news. And only 230 criminals are shot and killed. Sorry common sense says the numbers are way wrong.

Common sense also says that regular, law abiding citizens are not out to kill anyone, even criminals and the actual research numbers show this...most incidents end when the victim produces the gun and the criminals run away...since they don't want to get shot, captured or killed....common sense......and any story that doesn't end with blood spilled or a dead criminal is not news worthy, especially on a national level........and even then, you have gang shootings all over chicago and they are rarely covered in our local non shootings have no chance to make it into the news.....common sense......

Unlikely. Sorry but with as many as you claim I would know somebody who has used one in defense. I don't. They don't happen that often.
Yes but gun accidents don't happen in schools now. So is opening up schools to the 17,000 accidents a year really the answer?

Brain....there are many schools in the country that allow their staff to carry guns......and you can dig up 3 accidents.......and I agree.....the occasion of school shootings are rare....but blame your anti gunner buddies who are trying to use school shootings as a reason to take away peoples right to keep and bear hyping school shootings, which are rare, they are creating a need for something to be done...and to combat a school shooter you need good guys with guns, the sooner the better to save lives...

So tell your anti gun nut friends to stop it....and then the clamor for armed teachers will subside.....

Well I actually don't know what is best. I think accidental shootings is a valid concern. But I wouldn't want another newtown either. I still think smart gun technology in schools might be an option. Would lower chance of accidents and provide protection. would smart gun technology lower accident really need to think about that......the smart gun technology would still allow the gun to fire with whoever has the ring or bracelet on.....the 3 accidents you always bring up all happened with the owners of the smart guns wouldn't have stopped the accidents.....

There is different technology out there. If you have to enter a code to fire it there won't be accidents. The teacher would only enter the code if there was a reason to use the gun.

Yes there would........people do stupid things with everything.....

It would lower the chance greatly. isn't obviously wrong since the only thing your are doing to refute the number is to say that it isn't compared to 18-19 actual studies that say you are the one who is wrong....

There is a huge list of reasons why they are wrong btw. Anyone with common sense should be able to see it.

You aren't using common sense you are using your bias......the researchers used actual scientific methods to come up with their numbers.....and many of them are anti gun researchers looking to low ball the number....and they still came up with high numbers.....

Sure and there have been millions of defenses. I just don't know anyone who has. And only 50 or so are confirmed in the news. And only 230 criminals are shot and killed. Sorry common sense says the numbers are way wrong.

Common sense also says that regular, law abiding citizens are not out to kill anyone, even criminals and the actual research numbers show this...most incidents end when the victim produces the gun and the criminals run away...since they don't want to get shot, captured or killed....common sense......and any story that doesn't end with blood spilled or a dead criminal is not news worthy, especially on a national level........and even then, you have gang shootings all over chicago and they are rarely covered in our local non shootings have no chance to make it into the news.....common sense......

Unlikely. Sorry but with as many as you claim I would know somebody who has used one in defense. I don't. They don't happen that often.

Yes....that makes for sound scientific research........I don't know anyone who has been to the it must be made of cheese.......
There is a huge list of reasons why they are wrong btw. Anyone with common sense should be able to see it.

You aren't using common sense you are using your bias......the researchers used actual scientific methods to come up with their numbers.....and many of them are anti gun researchers looking to low ball the number....and they still came up with high numbers.....

Sure and there have been millions of defenses. I just don't know anyone who has. And only 50 or so are confirmed in the news. And only 230 criminals are shot and killed. Sorry common sense says the numbers are way wrong.

Common sense also says that regular, law abiding citizens are not out to kill anyone, even criminals and the actual research numbers show this...most incidents end when the victim produces the gun and the criminals run away...since they don't want to get shot, captured or killed....common sense......and any story that doesn't end with blood spilled or a dead criminal is not news worthy, especially on a national level........and even then, you have gang shootings all over chicago and they are rarely covered in our local non shootings have no chance to make it into the news.....common sense......

Unlikely. Sorry but with as many as you claim I would know somebody who has used one in defense. I don't. They don't happen that often.

Yes....that makes for sound scientific research........I don't know anyone who has been to the it must be made of cheese.......

If we use your number that is about 50 million defenses the last 30 years. Thats close to one for every single gun owner in the country. Sorry but the odds say your number is ridiculous.
and this silly avoidance of the dreaded Accident , he11 , we never would have had moon , ocean , jungle , medical exploration if we had been as afraid of possible ACCIDENTS like the anti gunners are afraid of possible accident . Heck , we'd still be living in Old Europe in caves if we were afraid of indoor plumbing where we might fall in the Crapper and drown . [SORRY]
You aren't using common sense you are using your bias......the researchers used actual scientific methods to come up with their numbers.....and many of them are anti gun researchers looking to low ball the number....and they still came up with high numbers.....

Sure and there have been millions of defenses. I just don't know anyone who has. And only 50 or so are confirmed in the news. And only 230 criminals are shot and killed. Sorry common sense says the numbers are way wrong.

Common sense also says that regular, law abiding citizens are not out to kill anyone, even criminals and the actual research numbers show this...most incidents end when the victim produces the gun and the criminals run away...since they don't want to get shot, captured or killed....common sense......and any story that doesn't end with blood spilled or a dead criminal is not news worthy, especially on a national level........and even then, you have gang shootings all over chicago and they are rarely covered in our local non shootings have no chance to make it into the news.....common sense......

Unlikely. Sorry but with as many as you claim I would know somebody who has used one in defense. I don't. They don't happen that often.

Yes....that makes for sound scientific research........I don't know anyone who has been to the it must be made of cheese.......

If we use your number that is about 50 million defenses the last 30 years. Thats close to one for every single gun owner in the country. Sorry but the odds say your number is ridiculous.

The actual research by trained researchers in 16 different studies, conducted by both private and public researchers, over a 40 year period says you are wrong.......
and this silly avoidance of the dreaded Accident , he11 , we never would have had moon , ocean , jungle , medical exploration if we had been as afraid of possible ACCIDENTS like the anti gunners are afraid of possible accident . Heck , we'd still be living in Old Europe in caves if we were afraid of indoor plumbing where we might fall in the Crapper and drown . [SORRY]

Sorry but when it comes to kids accidently shot at school it's very serious.
Sure and there have been millions of defenses. I just don't know anyone who has. And only 50 or so are confirmed in the news. And only 230 criminals are shot and killed. Sorry common sense says the numbers are way wrong.

Common sense also says that regular, law abiding citizens are not out to kill anyone, even criminals and the actual research numbers show this...most incidents end when the victim produces the gun and the criminals run away...since they don't want to get shot, captured or killed....common sense......and any story that doesn't end with blood spilled or a dead criminal is not news worthy, especially on a national level........and even then, you have gang shootings all over chicago and they are rarely covered in our local non shootings have no chance to make it into the news.....common sense......

Unlikely. Sorry but with as many as you claim I would know somebody who has used one in defense. I don't. They don't happen that often.

Yes....that makes for sound scientific research........I don't know anyone who has been to the it must be made of cheese.......

If we use your number that is about 50 million defenses the last 30 years. Thats close to one for every single gun owner in the country. Sorry but the odds say your number is ridiculous.

The actual research by trained researchers in 16 different studies, conducted by both private and public researchers, over a 40 year period says you are wrong.......

And they have been debunked many times over. But many of those surveys say your 1.6 number is wrong yet you still use it.
all for the Children ehh , Brian ?? Well , I disagree and I like kids , have 3 of my own . Its the adults responsibility to protect the children using common sense practical action and not the emotional , 'for the children' drivel and talking points .
you worry about possible accidents rather than Verified actual deaths . Like i said , emotion rather than thinking Brian !!
you worry about possible accidents rather than Verified actual deaths . Like i said , emotion rather than thinking Brian !!

There are far more verified accidental deaths than there are mass shooting deaths. You seem incapable of thinking very far ahead.
Name one other industry that produces a complicated mechanical device that usually works flawlessly for a 100 years. Not cars or computers or washing machines - they are designed with planned obsolescence in mind. But guns last forever and work perfectly despite being a controlled-explosion device!!!

Only the gun industry cares about YOU.

Yyyyyeah. Nobody feels more "cared about" than a gunshot victim.


limpwrister sentimental gheyness
you just want people , Americans disarmed or handicapped in their gun choices when 'I look ahead' to the future Brian !! That's the reason for mrobamas recent green 5.56 / .223 tip ammo ban . Handicap or disarm the rabble , same as was / is done in 'england' and most of the rest of the world .
you just want people , Americans disarmed or handicapped in their gun choices when 'I look ahead' to the future Brian !! That's the reason for mrobamas recent green 5.56 / .223 tip ammo ban . Handicap or disarm the rabble , same as was / is done in 'england' and most of the rest of the world .

No I question whether it is smart to open up kids to the 600 accidental gun deaths each year, to save them from the 130 mass shooting deaths each year.
you said SMART GUNS earlier and that's the handicap , smart guns are stupid or you'd see them being used by military in war zones and USA police in American big city he11holes Brian .
and as regards saving 600 , he11, leave things as they are or open up the 'no gun schools' to armed self defense . Ok with me , I don't worry about the RARE school shooting no matter which way you and your crew decide to go . Remember , school shooting and anti gun propaganda is your issue , not mine !!
you said SMART GUNS earlier and that's the handicap , smart guns are stupid or you'd see them being used by military in war zones and USA police in American big city he11holes Brian .

I said they might be a good option for schools. Then you would lower the accident factor while still having armed faculty. Smart guns aren't stupid, trying to make them mandatory for all owners is. It would be quite expensive to replace all police guns with them.
and as regards saving 600 , he11, leave things as they are or open up the 'no gun schools' to armed self defense . Ok with me , I don't worry about the RARE school shooting no matter which way you and your crew decide to go . Remember , school shooting and anti gun propaganda is your issue , not mine !!

I haven't suggested anything anti gun.

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