The "gun show loophole" myth, laid to rest.

This is a lie, typical of the dishonest right.

In addition to the gun show loophole there's the shopping center parking lot loophole, the gun range loophole, and the backyard loophole.
There is no law saying private sales require a 4473. You're a liar.
This is a lie, typical of the dishonest right.

In addition to the gun show loophole there's the shopping center parking lot loophole, the gun range loophole, and the backyard loophole.
Actually fascist, those are facts. I don't have a problem with background checks, but the only people who are required to perform them are licensed gun dealers. Private sales are not regulated so there can be no "loop hole" to avoid something not required. It's you who lie, like always. What's the weather like in Beijing today?
Junior, you posted talking points someone told you about. I have posted facts. This why the gunophobe movement is not getting anywhere. Most of what you posted is uninformed propaganda.
Nope. I'm a gun owner. I don;t like propaganda from any side. You do gun owners no favors.
Actually fascist, those are facts. I don't have a problem with background checks, but the only people who are required to perform them are licensed gun dealers. Private sales are not regulated so there can be no "loop hole" to avoid something not required. It's you who lie, like always. What's the weather like in Beijing today?
word salad
one of my carry hand guns is a S&W .40 I bought from a friend of mine, it was completely legal, no reacords, the guy wont even have a Kroger card cause he thinks "they" watch such things. I can take that handgun and completely legally sell it to someone I do not KNOW is a felon or has some other reason he cannot buy it, like age etc. So if you came up to me tonight and looked like a normal guy I could completely legally sell it to you. If you went and robbed a bank with it all I would have to say is I did not know you was a bad guy.
one of my carry hand guns is a S&W .40 I bought from a friend of mine, it was completely legal, no reacords, the guy wont even have a Kroger card cause he thinks "they" watch such things. I can take that handgun and completely legally sell it to someone I do not KNOW is a felon or has some other reason he cannot buy it, like age etc. So if you came up to me tonight and looked like a normal guy I could completely legally sell it to you. If you went and robbed a bank with it all I would have to say is I did not know you was a bad guy.
I don't sell guns to people I don't know. Not commenting on you, just me.
I don't sell guns to people I don't know. Not commenting on you, just me.
I don't either. I bouhght this one from a guy I have known since he was in grade school. I am just saying I could sell a handgun to anyone I do not KNOW legally cannot buy one.
one of my carry hand guns is a S&W .40 I bought from a friend of mine, it was completely legal, no reacords, the guy wont even have a Kroger card cause he thinks "they" watch such things. I can take that handgun and completely legally sell it to someone I do not KNOW is a felon or has some other reason he cannot buy it, like age etc. So if you came up to me tonight and looked like a normal guy I could completely legally sell it to you. If you went and robbed a bank with it all I would have to say is I did not know you was a bad guy.
I won't take that chance. Again, me, not you.
All I am saying it is legal in my state.
Here too, I just won't do it. My ex-convict son in law asked me if I would sell him a rifle and the piece of shit and I have never crossed paths again. Pos.
Here too, I just won't do it. My ex-convict son in law asked me if I would sell him a rifle and the piece of shit and I have never crossed paths again. Pos.
I will not sell a firearm to someone I don't know either. Many are not like us though, and that is a problem.

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