The guy who bought Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle......likely walking without felonies, and only 2 citations and a 2,000 dollar fine, anti-gunners weep.

You didn't watch the analysis in the video by a Wisconsin Lawyer because because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to know the real facts.

Typical Moon Bat denial and stupidity.
You didn't read the law, preferring to have a video, as you do not read and comprehend at normal levels, or trust yourself to read the law itself, preferring to be spoon-fed something that makes you happy. I read the law, what the judge and prosecutor said and my experience with law from College, and in courtrooms, instead. Like I said earlier, you have little sense of right and wrong left to begin with (probably due to raising) along with a steady diet of unexamined dogma/propaganda. Nobody could expect you to understand judgement, plea deals, and complicated realities, preferring simplifications as necessary to remain in your comfort zone. Good luck on your future endeavors.
A guy can join the U.S. Military under certain conditions and they will teach him to shoot something a lot more potent than a semi-automatic rifle. Should the government be liable for contributing to the delinquency of a minor?

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