The Hamas atrocity stories are FAKE

But you wrote: "we saw women in Gaza crying over a rubber baby-doll claiming it was a baby that the IDF killed." when you only "saw" more Zionist propaganda on pro Israel's Western MSM(1).

Apparently, you've never been to the Middle East of spent time in or around Levantine Palestinian refugee camps so you're shilling for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda because of what you saw on pro Israel TV.

In addition to spending 10 - 11 months in the Middle East including the Levant, I've been paying attention to events in the region for 60 years and have learned that everything Israel does is done " way of deception" as per former Mossad officer, Victor Ostrovsky.

Finally, if all you've done is watch pro Israel TV since 7 October, you really haven't "seen" anything related to the 80 years of torment that Palestine's native population except what Ziono- media wants you to see.

(1) “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with, and questions like Tapper’s follow naturally." CONTINUED
One of my Arabic instructors was a Palestinian woman. She was the nicest person you'll ever meet....till you make the mistake of mentioning Israel or Jews.
Then she became Archie Bunker.
The only reason they haven't release some of the women is because Hamas is raping them and they don't want anyone to find out what they're putting them thru.
Correct. Taking sex slaves is permitted in Jihad. You will get into heaven no matter what you do during Jihad in the name of Islam. Arabs are kidnapping and raping Sudanese women for the same reason. This has been going on since Mohammad appeared on the scene.


If you have access you can see the Hamas originals. They're celebrating their shit!!


You seem to be missing the bigger picture by ignoring the fact that IDF is mutilating, burning, torturing and crushing 2.2 million innocent civilians with free bombs "Made in USA".

More of Palestine's native men, women and children are being killed every day than Israelis were killed on 7 October.

If I thought that killing the Hamas attackers of 7 October was Netanyahu's genuine objective, I would support it.

However, the Israeli government has been carrying out countless False Flags and then lying about it as early as the Lavon Affaire of the 1950s.

Mossad's motto even stated: "By way of deception thou shalt make war."

Even casual students of Middle East events are aware of Israel's state sponsored, international Hasbara propaganda mill and the Western MSM's complicit pro Israel bias.

There's been more and more independent reports of Indiscriminate IDF helicopter and tank fire killing hostages and Hamas members alike.

Additionally, those same independent examinations have revealed that stories about beheaded babies and similar atrocities are simply more of Israel's endless supply of lies.

One thing that has become clear is that Netanyahu and his henchmen had foreknowledge of the attack, some in the Netanyahu regime let it happen as a pretext to doing what has long been planned all along: the destruction of Gaza, extermination of its civilian population and seizure of the land.

If that additional step toward a "Greater Israel" were to happen and as long as Zionist genocide continues in Gaza, both Israel and AIPAC's collection of traitorous US politicians will have made both countries less secure than ever before.

You seem to be missing the bigger picture by ignoring the fact that IDF is mutilating, burning, torturing and crushing 2.2 million innocent civilians with free bombs "Made in USA".

More of Palestine's native men, women and children are being killed every day than Israelis were killed on 7 October.

If I thought that killing the Hamas attackers of 7 October was Netanyahu's genuine objective, I would support it.

However, the Israeli government has been carrying out countless False Flags and then lying about it as early as the Lavon Affaire of the 1950s.

Mossad's motto even stated: "By way of deception thou shalt make war."

Even casual students of Middle East events are aware of Israel's state sponsored, international Hasbara propaganda mill and the Western MSM's complicit pro Israel bias.

There's been more and more independent reports of Indiscriminate IDF helicopter and tank fire killing hostages and Hamas members alike.

Additionally, those same independent examinations have revealed that stories about beheaded babies and similar atrocities are simply more of Israel's endless supply of lies.

One thing that has become clear is that Netanyahu and his henchmen had foreknowledge of the attack, some in the Netanyahu regime let it happen as a pretext to doing what has long been planned all along: the destruction of Gaza, extermination of its civilian population and seizure of the land.

If that additional step toward a "Greater Israel" were to happen and as long as Zionist genocide continues in Gaza, both Israel and AIPAC's collection of traitorous US politicians will have made both countries less secure than ever before.

Sorry Fatima, but once you start sticking babies alive into ovens, decapitating kids, and gang raping women, you don’t get to pick how much the revenge should be, and for how long. Israel has every right to level Gaza and turn it into farmlands, as any other country would have done had they experienced an Oct. 7 like attack. And yet, the Israelis are doing their best to limit the civilian casualties. Unfortunately Hamas animals hide behind their own people because they care less for their own that they do even the Israelis.
You seem to be missing the bigger picture by ignoring the fact that IDF is mutilating, burning, torturing and crushing 2.2 million innocent civilians with free bombs "Made in USA".

More of Palestine's native men, women and children are being killed every day than Israelis were killed on 7 October.

If I thought that killing the Hamas attackers of 7 October was Netanyahu's genuine objective, I would support it.

However, the Israeli government has been carrying out countless False Flags and then lying about it as early as the Lavon Affaire of the 1950s.

Mossad's motto even stated: "By way of deception thou shalt make war."

Even casual students of Middle East events are aware of Israel's state sponsored, international Hasbara propaganda mill and the Western MSM's complicit pro Israel bias.

There's been more and more independent reports of Indiscriminate IDF helicopter and tank fire killing hostages and Hamas members alike.

Additionally, those same independent examinations have revealed that stories about beheaded babies and similar atrocities are simply more of Israel's endless supply of lies.

One thing that has become clear is that Netanyahu and his henchmen had foreknowledge of the attack, some in the Netanyahu regime let it happen as a pretext to doing what has long been planned all along: the destruction of Gaza, extermination of its civilian population and seizure of the land.

If that additional step toward a "Greater Israel" were to happen and as long as Zionist genocide continues in Gaza, both Israel and AIPAC's collection of traitorous US politicians will have made both countries less secure than ever before.


Total BS.
so because one side lies, we're all supposed to think the other is God's honest truth here???

you really should look zionism up WW


I have. The founding of Israel was indeed terrible.

The IRGN, and Sturm were every bit as bad as ham-ass.

That was nearly 80 years ago.

Israel has evolved, ham-ass has not.
You seem to be missing the bigger picture by ignoring the fact that IDF is mutilating, burning, torturing and crushing 2.2 million innocent civilians with free bombs "Made in USA".

More of Palestine's native men, women and children are being killed every day than Israelis were killed on 7 October.

If I thought that killing the Hamas attackers of 7 October was Netanyahu's genuine objective, I would support it.

However, the Israeli government has been carrying out countless False Flags and then lying about it as early as the Lavon Affaire of the 1950s.

Mossad's motto even stated: "By way of deception thou shalt make war."

Even casual students of Middle East events are aware of Israel's state sponsored, international Hasbara propaganda mill and the Western MSM's complicit pro Israel bias.

There's been more and more independent reports of Indiscriminate IDF helicopter and tank fire killing hostages and Hamas members alike.

Additionally, those same independent examinations have revealed that stories about beheaded babies and similar atrocities are simply more of Israel's endless supply of lies.

One thing that has become clear is that Netanyahu and his henchmen had foreknowledge of the attack, some in the Netanyahu regime let it happen as a pretext to doing what has long been planned all along: the destruction of Gaza, extermination of its civilian population and seizure of the land.

If that additional step toward a "Greater Israel" were to happen and as long as Zionist genocide continues in Gaza, both Israel and AIPAC's collection of traitorous US politicians will have made both countries less secure than ever before.


More of Palestine's native men, women and children are being killed every day than Israelis were killed on 7 October.

Muslim math is worse than liberal math.
We can only hope the millions of dumb Americans (YOU) supporting this inhuman slaughter of children and babies will someday come to their senses.

The Independent has an article out titled “Inside a southern Gaza hospital: Screaming orphaned children, amputee toddlers and the stench of rotting flesh,” which begins as follows:

These horrors are all caused by a genocidal onslaught that is being backed to the hilt by the US government, who just single-handedly blocked a UN resolution demanding a ceasefire to end this nightmare. Instead of focusing on the unfathomable depravity of all this, Americans are being propagandized into worrying about a completely fictional epidemic of university demonstrators chanting for the genocide of Jews.

westwall Toddsterpatriot Lisa558

It's awful!

Hamas should release all the hostages and surrender.

Do it for the innocent Palestinian women and children.
Take a look at who is most credible. Israel has a very long history of winning wars.

They DON'T commit atrocities.

Ham-ass has a long history of committing terrorism and atrocities.

Who should you believe?
Well, I can't say they don't commit atrocities.....but they never could get away with it if they did.
I used to watch MSNBC and CNN back in the day, but since they kept reporting news that I knew from personal experience was false, I stopped watching them.
I also question many of the reports coming out of Fox News, because they seem to be siding with NeverTrumpers against Trump, and they have some stories that are intended to trick people into believing lies.

One thing Fox News has never done is said that Trump never had anything to do with Jan 6th. They also refuse to admit that Biden cheated in the 2020 election, even though tons of evidence of it has surfaced this year that he did. As a matter of fact, you can't just say that both parties are cheating, but that both of them are working together to keep Trump from running. The reasons they're working together aren't the same. Democrats are doing it because most of them are card carrying communists, but the neocons in the GOP are really just RINOs that want pretty much the same things that Democrats want. They're just masquerading as conservatives. Nobody who isn't part of the club is allowed to run because they don't get backing from rich donors. So Ron DeSantis and Niki Haley are both taking money from rich donors. Niki Haley has been made wealthy by weapons manufacturers. DeSantis won't receive most of his cash till he leaves office.
I never watch the MSM. They all lie for the establishment, however this clip gives you a good idea of the genocide Israel is committing and many Americans ignorantly support.
hey HAVE TO sell war to people, to get the public's support, because no one would go along with it if they knew the real reasons
Who is "they" in your mind, and what are the "real" reasons?

Is this murder not true in your mind? Were 260 innocent kids not brutally gunned down at that festival?

I've noticed you like to spread doubt and confusion and HINT that Israel is making shit up but you're low on specifics and facts

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I never watch the MSM. They all lie for the establishment, however this clip gives you a good idea of the genocide Israel is committing and many Americans ignorantly support.

I think you need to look up the meaning of the genocide.


It's funny how the people committing genocide always accuse the people they murdered of committing genocide.
Classic Marxist tactic.
I think you need to look up the meaning of the genocide.

View attachment 870478

It's funny how the people committing genocide always accuse the people they murdered of committing genocide.
Classic Marxist tactic.
Typical talking point of the msm, yet you claim you don’t trust them. Are you trying to excuse Israel for mass murdering thousands of innocent people or do you think Palestinians are subhuman, as the Israelis claim?

Here is a good definition for you. Do you think it applies to Israel or are they exempt?

Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories:

  1. Killing members of the group
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
There are a number of other serious, violent crimes that do not fall under the specific definition of genocide. They include crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and mass killing.
What is Genocide? - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
One of my Arabic instructors was a Palestinian woman. She was the nicest person you'll ever meet....till you make the mistake of mentioning Israel or Jews.
Then she became Archie Bunker.
Concerning your Arabic instructor who, apparently survived the Nakba, why should a Nakba survivor have any less enmity toward their tormentors than any other ruthlessly persecuted group?

Jews and Arabs got along reasonably well until the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs. (1)

Many of the Palestinian refugees I met in Southern Lebanon didn't hate Jews for who they were but hated them for what Zionist Jews did to them.

Can you thin of any people who have not resisted foreign invaders who massacre their families, destroy their homes and steal their land?

Even Palestine's native residents who live in the West Bank have been murdered and driven from their homes by Israel's pampered psycho-Settlers (2) whose ongoing criminality is proof that Israel has never wanted peace.

(1). “Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

EXCERPT "Myth #1 – Jews and Arabs have always been in conflict in the region.

Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there had always been a Jewish population, as well. For the most part, Jewish Palestinians got along with their Arab neighbors. This began to change with the onset of the Zionist movement, because the Zionists rejected the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and wanted Palestine for their own, to create a “Jewish State” in a region where Arabs were the majority and owned most of the land.

The British Hope-Simpson report of 1930 similarly noted that Jewish residents of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed friendship with their Arab neighbors. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in the verandah of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the Zionist colonies."CONTINUED

(2). "Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.

Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED

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