The Hamas atrocity stories are FAKE

Take a look at who is most credible. Israel has a very long history of winning wars.

They DON'T commit atrocities.

Ham-ass has a long history of committing terrorism and atrocities.

Who should you believe?

Second and third that! ^^^:up:
You think a peacenik like me works for Hamas. lol.

You love war, so peace is a concept unknown to you.

I had heard a day ago, that Abby Martin released her documentary from 2019;

Gaza Fights For Freedom

free to view, if anyone is interested in an alternative PoV.

She isn't a shill for either side.

Regardless of what those photo-ops show, I don't think Netanyahu is a "globalist." The goal of worldwide globalism is the redistribution of wealth to third-world developing nations, a replacement of predominantly white, Anglo-saxons through miscegenation of the races, and a world where there is only one government, one currency, and one language.

In all seriousness, I don't see Netanyahu wanting Israel to be the center of the world. Israel wants to maintain their own customs, their own language, their own religion, and their own state. Unlike true globalism, which does not believe in borders, autonomous nations, etc. If anything, true globalism is the force driving Israel to be overrun by people who want nothing more than to destroy it.
Yep. Globalists seek to eliminate national sovereignty.

There is not a group of people with a greater sense (and need) for national sovereignty than Jews.

If people were rational, they would understand that globalists would want to destroy Israel, not defend it.

Unfortunately, most people are irrational and simply run with what they are being told at sites like,, Hamas sympathizers or just people in chat groups
Yep. Globalists seek to eliminate national sovereignty.

There is not a group of people with a greater sense (and need) for national sovereignty than Jews.

If people were rational, they would understand that globalists would want to destroy Israel, not defend it.

Unfortunately, most people are irrational and simply run with what they are being told at sites like,, Hamas sympathizers or just people in chat groups

Absolutely right! More than one idiot poster actually claimed that Netanyahu was a "globalist" last week, which was ludicrous. He is an Israeli nationalist, just as Trump is an American nationalist, just as Javier Melei is an Argentinian nationalist, just as Jair Bolsona is a Brazilian nationalist, and just as Putin is a Russian nationalist, for that matter.

Every one of those people I mentioned are driven by their love for their own country, which is why the forces of globalism wants nothing less than to destroy them and their countries.
I did and I read the article you used as "evidence." It doesn't say what you want it to say. You've been spreading disinformation on this topic

So you're actually claiming that they never used genocidal language? Netanyahu never compared the Palestinians to the Amalekites? They never said the entire nation is responsible, or called them animals, that was all a figment of everyone's imagination, even though there are direct quotes of those things and a video of him bringing up Amalek?

First you dismissed what gipper said about children dying, as if no children have died. And now you deny their own words? I already told you at least 5 times on other threads that I don't want to post to you on this topic because you are one of the most unreasonable ones here. But now, you're getting even worse than unreasonable.
Yep. Globalists seek to eliminate national sovereignty.

There is not a group of people with a greater sense (and need) for national sovereignty than Jews.

If people were rational, they would understand that globalists would want to destroy Israel, not defend it.

Unfortunately, most people are irrational and simply run with what they are being told at sites like,, Hamas sympathizers or just people in chat groups

I think you're misunderstanding what people are saying. I can't speak for others, but I never thought that the globalists care about Israel. (the people.) They don't. They use both sides as pawns.
Absolutely right! More than one idiot poster actually claimed that Netanyahu was a "globalist" last week, which was ludicrous. He is an Israeli nationalist, just as Trump is an American nationalist, just as Javier Melei is an Argentinian nationalist, just as Jair Bolsona is a Brazilian nationalist, and just as Putin is a Russian nationalist, for that matter.

Every one of those people I mentioned are driven by their love for their own country, which is why the forces of globalism wants nothing less than to destroy them and their countries.
They don't think. They merely repeat.

When something confirms their hatred of Jews, their confirmation bias sets in and they dig in their heels.
Absolutely right! More than one idiot poster actually claimed that Netanyahu was a "globalist" last week, which was ludicrous.
Opinion .
But others think he is Deep State and a senior figure .

I put him on a par with Himmler and Goebbels and fully believe he is Fourth Reich .

BTW, Many of the top Nazis were Jews as were huge numbers of the SS .

Support evidence by the bucket load .
If it has happened show us the pictures.

There are pictures out there, you just have to look for them.


Opinion .
But others think he is Deep State and a senior figure .

I put him on a par with Himmler and Goebbels and fully believe he is Fourth Reich .

BTW, Many of the top Nazis were Jews as were huge numbers of the SS .

Support evidence by the bucket load .

There is no global "deep state.", that's just a American political entity within the federal government. The deep state is however, aligned with the globalists.

OMG! My feelings are hurt. What does Hamas think about Americans?

Hamas hasn't managed to extract $ Trillions (1) from America because traitorous American Zionist shills hate people they've never met and about whom they know nothing.

Here's what your hero has to say about Israel's "ally":

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

(1). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html
By Thomas R. Stauffer

EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S.
aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED
I had heard a day ago, that Abby Martin released her documentary from 2019;

Gaza Fights For Freedom

free to view, if anyone is interested in an alternative PoV.

She isn't a shill for either side.

I don’t think you’ll get many takers here for her peace loving opinions. She is very courageous and intelligent. Beautiful too.
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Ok, according to USMD, no Gazan children have died, you all! :laugh2: Spread the news!

And while we're at it, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength!


Of course children have died, silly. But that's what happens when you're forced into fighting an enemy who wages war against civilians and hides behind women and children. It's unfortunate, but it happens. 7,736 British children also died during the German's Blitz in WW2, over 5,000 German children died during the allied bombing of Dresden, and between 40,000-70,000 children died in the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Ok, according to USMD, no Gazan children have died, you all! :laugh2: Spread the news!

And while we're at it, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength!

I’m betting many of these apologists for Israel‘s genocide will deny they supported it in the years to come. Of course like W’s dumb murderous lying invasion of Iraq, they’ll likely claim they were lied to.

Can’t fix stupid.
Ok, according to USMD, no Gazan children have died, you all! :laugh2: Spread the news!

And while we're at it, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength!

Show us your first post where you said ANYTHING about October 7th and the murder of 260 young adult Israelis and the brutal rape, tortured and murders of Israeli citizens. If you can't produce anything (you can't) them you have nothing to offer on this topic NOTHING
So you're actually claiming that they never used genocidal language? Netanyahu never compared the Palestinians to the Amalekites? They never said the entire nation is responsible, or called them animals, that was all a figment of everyone's imagination, even though there are direct quotes of those things and a video of him bringing up Amalek?

First you dismissed what gipper said about children dying, as if no children have died. And now you deny their own words? I already told you at least 5 times on other threads that I don't want to post to you on this topic because you are one of the most unreasonable ones here. But now, you're getting even worse than unreasonable.

There's an old saying that: "You can't get people to believe something they're getting paid to not believe."

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.” CONTINUED

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