The Hildebeasty leaves door open for 2020 run: 'I'd like to be president'

Doubtful. Democrats and independents are picky about candidates like Hillary. Republicans on the other hand are very cult like and will vote for anyone with an R, even porn star fucking reality show stars or creepy guys that picked up underage girls at the mall.
Hillary wants to be President but doesn't want to run again? That's a very telling statement all in its own right.

She probably thinks the campaign would kill her like it almost dd the last time. Her campaign can only take so much or her falling down, having to be helped up the stairs, etc.

It also shows a degree of entitlement.

Funny that so many of the resident left wing lunatics on this board tell me I am obsessed wi5h HIllary because I talk about her.....but she won’t go away.

She is like the smell of fish in the office when someone cooks leftovers.
Some people just won't take "GO FUCK YOURSELF, BITCH" for an answer.

But, she is exactly the candidate the democrats need to run, so they can COMPLETELY lose all power for the rest of my children's lives. This will be a final rejection to all things communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker--at least for the next 50 years.
Yes, and I'd like to have all the money you stole, be 20 again, and know the other words...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Former DemonRAT presidential nominee Hillary ROTTEN Clinton during an event over the weekend left the door open to a possible 2020 run, saying that even though she doesn't want to run, "I'd like to be president."

Clinton's comments come as speculation has increased over whether she will launch another bid after the midterm elections.

"Do you want to run again?" Recode’s Kara Swisher asked during a Friday night Q&A with Clinton.

"No," Clinton replied quickly, sparking laughter from the audience. But when Swisher pressed her further, she added: "I’d like to be president."

Clinton went on to say that "there’s going to be so much work to be done" after a DemooRAT "hopefully" wins the next presidential election.

"The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been in the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department," she said, listing off the qualifications that she often touted during her previous run.

She added that she's not going to think about a possible run until after the upcoming midterm elections.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


She's TOXIC to the Dems now. How is this going to happen?

What a mess. She should do it though, she should DEFINITELY do it.
She`s so toxic that she had 3 million more votes than Mango Mussolini who called the neo Nazis in Charlottesville "fine people".

You want her to be your candidate in 2020? Oh I think you should go for it, a great plan.
I do not want her to be my candidate. To know what I want you`ll need an IQ higher than room temperature and you`ll need to give up your Deplorable membership.
Hillary wants to be President but doesn't want to run again? That's a very telling statement all in its own right.

She probably thinks the campaign would kill her like it almost dd the last time. Her campaign can only take so much or her falling down, having to be helped up the stairs, etc.

It also shows a degree of entitlement.

Funny that so many of the resident left wing lunatics on this board tell me I am obsessed wi5h HIllary because I talk about her.....but she won’t go away.

She is like the smell of fish in the office when someone cooks leftovers.

She was pretty in her younger days.
Yes, and I'd like to have all the money you stole, be 20 again, and know the other words...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Former DemonRAT presidential nominee Hillary ROTTEN Clinton during an event over the weekend left the door open to a possible 2020 run, saying that even though she doesn't want to run, "I'd like to be president."

Clinton's comments come as speculation has increased over whether she will launch another bid after the midterm elections.

"Do you want to run again?" Recode’s Kara Swisher asked during a Friday night Q&A with Clinton.

"No," Clinton replied quickly, sparking laughter from the audience. But when Swisher pressed her further, she added: "I’d like to be president."

Clinton went on to say that "there’s going to be so much work to be done" after a DemooRAT "hopefully" wins the next presidential election.

"The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been in the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department," she said, listing off the qualifications that she often touted during her previous run.

She added that she's not going to think about a possible run until after the upcoming midterm elections.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


She's TOXIC to the Dems now. How is this going to happen?

What a mess. She should do it though, she should DEFINITELY do it.


She lost the last election all on her own. She believed the polls, the pundants and talking heads who told her she was the next POTUS.

She ran one of the worst campaigns I've ever seen.

I hope she runs again and wins the nomination thought I doubt it. She's toxic and I doubt the DNC will back her again.

If she does get the nomination I'd love to see Trump kick her ass all over the map.
I do not want her to be my candidate. To know what I want you`ll need an IQ higher than room temperature and you`ll need to give up your Deplorable membership.
Oh, I already know what your commie ass wants.

It's funny that you mention the "Deplorable" comment by Hillary. That's not divisive or anything.
Yes, and I'd like to have all the money you stole, be 20 again, and know the other words...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Former DemonRAT presidential nominee Hillary ROTTEN Clinton during an event over the weekend left the door open to a possible 2020 run, saying that even though she doesn't want to run, "I'd like to be president."

Clinton's comments come as speculation has increased over whether she will launch another bid after the midterm elections.

"Do you want to run again?" Recode’s Kara Swisher asked during a Friday night Q&A with Clinton.

"No," Clinton replied quickly, sparking laughter from the audience. But when Swisher pressed her further, she added: "I’d like to be president."

Clinton went on to say that "there’s going to be so much work to be done" after a DemooRAT "hopefully" wins the next presidential election.

"The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been in the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department," she said, listing off the qualifications that she often touted during her previous run.

She added that she's not going to think about a possible run until after the upcoming midterm elections.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


She's TOXIC to the Dems now. How is this going to happen?

What a mess. She should do it though, she should DEFINITELY do it.
She`s so toxic that she had 3 million more votes than Mango Mussolini who called the neo Nazis in Charlottesville "fine people".

The three million more votes was because of her four million more votes in California.

California is the lone reason she won the popular vote while she lost the Electoral College because Trump won more States.
Doubtful. Democrats and independents are picky about candidates like Hillary. Republicans on the other hand are very cult like and will vote for anyone with an R, even porn star fucking reality show stars or creepy guys that picked up underage girls at the mall.

You voted for Bill Clinton twice even after knowing he cheated on his wife, and remember Anthony Weiner and how about Barney Frank?
A phony Indian liar, the world's dumbest politicians and pedophile Biden, Spartacus an admitted sexual abuser. An ancient Communist, a female socialist with a Harvard degree in economics, who has no idea how she would pay for anything, a female California Obama wannabe who slept with Willie Brown to get a leg up on her climbing the DemonRAT ladder, another Kennedy with half the IQ of his uncle Jack.....anyone else?

If I were advising the DNC, I'd tell them to recruit John Kasich to switch parties and be their standard bearer in 2020.

Gov. Kasich's Trumpophobic credentials are impeccable, the hatred of President Trump that he oozes out of every pore could be an inspiration to the entire Democrat Party. Kasich could also help bring the party back on the Sanity level as he is truthfully a lot more skeptical of extremism than other possibilities. A ticket of Kasich-Manning could have a really respectable showing, matching the Ohio governor up with the Maryland veteran who would be the historic first Tranny to serve as VP.
Yes, and I'd like to have all the money you stole, be 20 again, and know the other words...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Former DemonRAT presidential nominee Hillary ROTTEN Clinton during an event over the weekend left the door open to a possible 2020 run, saying that even though she doesn't want to run, "I'd like to be president."

Clinton's comments come as speculation has increased over whether she will launch another bid after the midterm elections.

"Do you want to run again?" Recode’s Kara Swisher asked during a Friday night Q&A with Clinton.

"No," Clinton replied quickly, sparking laughter from the audience. But when Swisher pressed her further, she added: "I’d like to be president."

Clinton went on to say that "there’s going to be so much work to be done" after a DemooRAT "hopefully" wins the next presidential election.

"The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been in the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department," she said, listing off the qualifications that she often touted during her previous run.

She added that she's not going to think about a possible run until after the upcoming midterm elections.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Well she has the DNC nomination locked up, and from what I hear she is 50 points ahead of Trump in the polls just like last time.
Newsflash....Clinton isn't running.

You have to find another bogeyman.

And unfortunately for you it won't be one you have been setting up for ten years
WTF, she doesn't want to run but she wants to be president? Isn't that a rerun of 2016?

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