The Hill: Was Loretta Lynch coordinating with James Comey in the Clinton investigation?

Who in the Hell uses a word like “Fuck Wit”?

The intelligence to repeatedly use that word ad nauseum is low & indicates an obsessive personality and a person who is easily manipulated and who often struggles with complex concepts and comprehension.

Typically people of this type such as yourself tend to have sexual dysfunctions and perversions which eventually drive them to commit criminal acts.

I can guarantee you and everyone here that you have a criminal record or are on your way to developing one and the only thing that will save society from being victimized by you is improsonment in a mental institution or corrections

You're obviously not too smucking fart. :)


Boring. Do you really think you're impressing anyone by calling me names?

Why can't you answer the question?
What name did I call you? lol


Every post you've made in this thread has been a personal attack on me, rather than an attempt to actually address the topic of this thread.

Did you not notice?
I noticed the fuckwit comment you seem to enjoy. :)


Yes, I do enjoy calling out fuckwits like yourself.

The difference between you and I is that along with my insults, I (at least strive to) make cogent arguments as well.

You, on the other hand, appear to be incapable of actually engaging - even to the extent of answering the very simple question of what law do you believe was broken - in a real conversation.
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Boring. Do you really think you're impressing anyone by calling me names?

Why can't you answer the question?

Do we have to make a law that you open a door open for a person?

Do we have to make a law that you help a helpless young girl crying on the road?

Do we make a damn law that you have to step in when someone is committing suicide?

How many laws do you want?

Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

So you are an atheist?

Government laws don't mean much to me but the 10 commandments do.

Do you think that you can go to jail for coveting your neighbor's wife?

Or worshiping another God?

I can't believe you even posted that, of course I try to get away with stuff..but what you suggest is pure anarchy.
You should ask Coyote for a few tips on how to be a good mod, theDoctorisIn. She's someone I can respect.

It's easy. I've found that too much chocolate can make posters cranky. Therefore, when I mod - I require that all chocolate products be forfeited ahead of posting. I make them sign a multi-page document with lots of tiny fine print. By then, they are in a low-chocolate daze, in need of a cocoa fix and I have them eating out of my paws.
It's been a while since I've had an opportunity to tell you how much you're loved. :)
Let's try to meander back on topic.......
I don't know the exact law of the FBI attempting to interfere in the national election of the President. What was that treason statute number again?

There is no "treason" statute. Treason is defined in the Constitution, not in the Code.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

[Emphasis mine]
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Attempting a coup against our Constitutional process in selecting our next POTUS. With Russia owning Hillary, this is looking really bad for all Democrats involved. Death penalty case.

Did you actually read you link? It says the exact same thing the Constitution says.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Are you trying to seriously argue that Hillary Clinton has "levied war" against the United States?
Attempting to subvert our election for a Russian pawn certainly qualifies.

Which law do you think attempting to manipulate the election of our President is?


No, it does not.

This is why "Treason" is very specifically defined in the Constitution - so no one can do what you're suggesting.
Stop dodging. What law prevents the FBI from manipulating our elections?

Boring. Do you really think you're impressing anyone by calling me names?

Why can't you answer the question?

Do we have to make a law that you open a door open for a person?

Do we have to make a law that you help a helpless young girl crying on the road?

Do we make a damn law that you have to step in when someone is committing suicide?

How many laws do you want?

Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

Once again you want the Nanny state to tell you what you can and not can do..

That's pathetic ...

Do you have a soul?


I'm going to try one more time, and if you don't get it then, I'm just going to give up, because you're too fucking stupid to live.

You are talking about feelings and morals - what you think people should do.

I am talking about the law. The law is not about what people should do. It's about what our society has decided people will be punished for doing.

What you should do, or not do, is a personal decision. Everyone is entitled to their own moral compass.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone. We don't, as a state, punish people in this country based on feelings. We punish people based on the law.

Now, if you think that a crime was committed during the "tarmac incident", it shouldn't be hard for you to tell me what law was broken.

If you don't think a crime was committed, but still feel that something morally wrong happened, that's fine. Just say so, and we'll move on.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone

Say what? We live in the United States of America idiot, every state's laws are different..
Do we have to make a law that you open a door open for a person?

Do we have to make a law that you help a helpless young girl crying on the road?

Do we make a damn law that you have to step in when someone is committing suicide?

How many laws do you want?

Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

So you are an atheist?

Government laws don't mean much to me but the 10 commandments do.

Do you think that you can go to jail for coveting your neighbor's wife?

Or worshiping another God?

I can't believe you even posted that, of course I try to get away with stuff..but what you suggest is pure anarchy.



How in the fuck do you get "pure anarchy" out of me defending our nation of laws?

Do you understand what anarchy means? It's the absence of a government or formal legal system. It's the opposite of what I'm arguing.
Do we have to make a law that you open a door open for a person?

Do we have to make a law that you help a helpless young girl crying on the road?

Do we make a damn law that you have to step in when someone is committing suicide?

How many laws do you want?

Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

Once again you want the Nanny state to tell you what you can and not can do..

That's pathetic ...

Do you have a soul?


I'm going to try one more time, and if you don't get it then, I'm just going to give up, because you're too fucking stupid to live.

You are talking about feelings and morals - what you think people should do.

I am talking about the law. The law is not about what people should do. It's about what our society has decided people will be punished for doing.

What you should do, or not do, is a personal decision. Everyone is entitled to their own moral compass.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone. We don't, as a state, punish people in this country based on feelings. We punish people based on the law.

Now, if you think that a crime was committed during the "tarmac incident", it shouldn't be hard for you to tell me what law was broken.

If you don't think a crime was committed, but still feel that something morally wrong happened, that's fine. Just say so, and we'll move on.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone

Say what? We live in the United States of America idiot, every state's laws are different..

WTF? How can you even post that that?
You can also ask the other mods for some advice, theDoctorisIn. They all seem smarter than you.

Doc is asking a good question...we have folks clamoring about laws being broken but no one can name any? :dunno:
I asked him what law prevents the FBI from manipulating our elections and he won't answer.

So stop being your usual partisan hack moderator and let's have him provide the answer.
Do we have to make a law that you open a door open for a person?

Do we have to make a law that you help a helpless young girl crying on the road?

Do we make a damn law that you have to step in when someone is committing suicide?

How many laws do you want?

Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

Once again you want the Nanny state to tell you what you can and not can do..

That's pathetic ...

Do you have a soul?


I'm going to try one more time, and if you don't get it then, I'm just going to give up, because you're too fucking stupid to live.

You are talking about feelings and morals - what you think people should do.

I am talking about the law. The law is not about what people should do. It's about what our society has decided people will be punished for doing.

What you should do, or not do, is a personal decision. Everyone is entitled to their own moral compass.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone. We don't, as a state, punish people in this country based on feelings. We punish people based on the law.

Now, if you think that a crime was committed during the "tarmac incident", it shouldn't be hard for you to tell me what law was broken.

If you don't think a crime was committed, but still feel that something morally wrong happened, that's fine. Just say so, and we'll move on.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone

Say what? We live in the United States of America idiot, every state's laws are different..

Again, you're missing the point. The law is the same for everyone under its jurisdiction.
Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

So you are an atheist?

Government laws don't mean much to me but the 10 commandments do.

Do you think that you can go to jail for coveting your neighbor's wife?

Or worshiping another God?

I can't believe you even posted that, of course I try to get away with stuff..but what you suggest is pure anarchy.



How in the fuck do you get "pure anarchy" out of me defending our nation of laws?

Do you understand what anarchy means? It's the absence of a government or formal legal system. It's the opposite of what I'm arguing.

You are arguing with anything goes ..

You can't figure it out are you in prison?
You can also ask the other mods for some advice, theDoctorisIn. They all seem smarter than you.

Doc is asking a good question...we have folks clamoring about laws being broken but no one can name any? :dunno:
I asked him what law prevents the FBI from manipulating our elections and he won't answer.

So stop being your usual partisan hack moderator and let's have him provide the answer.


Aww. Weatherboy is upset.

You'd have to be a little more specific. In your hypothetical, how is the FBI "manipulating our elections"?
Your logic is if it's not against the law you can do it..

That's scary..

No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

Once again you want the Nanny state to tell you what you can and not can do..

That's pathetic ...

Do you have a soul?


I'm going to try one more time, and if you don't get it then, I'm just going to give up, because you're too fucking stupid to live.

You are talking about feelings and morals - what you think people should do.

I am talking about the law. The law is not about what people should do. It's about what our society has decided people will be punished for doing.

What you should do, or not do, is a personal decision. Everyone is entitled to their own moral compass.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone. We don't, as a state, punish people in this country based on feelings. We punish people based on the law.

Now, if you think that a crime was committed during the "tarmac incident", it shouldn't be hard for you to tell me what law was broken.

If you don't think a crime was committed, but still feel that something morally wrong happened, that's fine. Just say so, and we'll move on.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone

Say what? We live in the United States of America idiot, every state's laws are different..

Again, you're missing the point. The law is the same for everyone under its jurisdiction.

No it's not have you ever left New York state?

It's obvious you have not
No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

So you are an atheist?

Government laws don't mean much to me but the 10 commandments do.

Do you think that you can go to jail for coveting your neighbor's wife?

Or worshiping another God?

I can't believe you even posted that, of course I try to get away with stuff..but what you suggest is pure anarchy.



How in the fuck do you get "pure anarchy" out of me defending our nation of laws?

Do you understand what anarchy means? It's the absence of a government or formal legal system. It's the opposite of what I'm arguing.

You are arguing with anything goes ..

You can't figure it out are you in prison?


No, that's not what I'm arguing.

I can't believe that you're not getting this.
You can also ask the other mods for some advice, theDoctorisIn. They all seem smarter than you.

Doc is asking a good question...we have folks clamoring about laws being broken but no one can name any? :dunno:
I asked him what law prevents the FBI from manipulating our elections and he won't answer.

So stop being your usual partisan hack moderator and let's have him provide the answer.


Aww. Weatherboy is upset.

You'd have to be a little more specific. In your hypothetical, how is the FBI "manipulating our elections"?

So now you are parroting me?
No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if it's not against the law, it's not a fucking crime.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you this retarded in real life?

Once again you want the Nanny state to tell you what you can and not can do..

That's pathetic ...

Do you have a soul?


I'm going to try one more time, and if you don't get it then, I'm just going to give up, because you're too fucking stupid to live.

You are talking about feelings and morals - what you think people should do.

I am talking about the law. The law is not about what people should do. It's about what our society has decided people will be punished for doing.

What you should do, or not do, is a personal decision. Everyone is entitled to their own moral compass.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone. We don't, as a state, punish people in this country based on feelings. We punish people based on the law.

Now, if you think that a crime was committed during the "tarmac incident", it shouldn't be hard for you to tell me what law was broken.

If you don't think a crime was committed, but still feel that something morally wrong happened, that's fine. Just say so, and we'll move on.

What the law says is not a personal decision. It's written down, in very specific ways, and it's the same for everyone

Say what? We live in the United States of America idiot, every state's laws are different..

Again, you're missing the point. The law is the same for everyone under its jurisdiction.

No it's not have you ever left New York state?

It's obvious you have not


I haven't lived in New York in more than a decade.
You can also ask the other mods for some advice, theDoctorisIn. They all seem smarter than you.

Doc is asking a good question...we have folks clamoring about laws being broken but no one can name any? :dunno:
I asked him what law prevents the FBI from manipulating our elections and he won't answer.

So stop being your usual partisan hack moderator and let's have him provide the answer.


Aww. Weatherboy is upset.

You'd have to be a little more specific. In your hypothetical, how is the FBI "manipulating our elections"?

So now you are parroting me?


All I'm asking for is the law that you think someone broke.

The question should neither be difficult, nor unexpected, since you seem so convinced that a crime was committed.

The 3 U.S. Criminal Laws Hillary Broke with Her Email


While that is a delightfully retarded blog you've managed to come up with, I'd much prefer if you tried to use your own words, rather than vomit up something you googled.
Takes a real dufus to think people can take home top secret Intel.

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