That's exactly the point. Thanks for proving it for me. Do you really think the director of the F.B.I. is going to arrest his own boss? Do you really think the AG is going to indict and prosecute the person who appointed them?!? That's part of the reason why there is so much corruption at the federal level. They are untouchable and they know it.

Well, no, we have a process. The process is called "impeachment". That's what your beloved "Founding Slave Rapists" came up with for abuse by federal officials. Of course, you guys turned it into a farce in the 1990's when you used it to play Sex Police.

We also had a law called the "Independent Counsel" statue. Oh, wait, you guys fucked that one up, too, by playing Sex Police.

so what you guys did was discredit the valid tools you had, and then complain when they don't hang themselves over whatever HORSESHIT charges you come up with and provide no evidence for.

Here's the bottom line my intellectually challenged friend - absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more you concentrate power in Washington, the more corruption you will. The more you spread it out among many tiers and many branches, the less corruption there can be.

Are you FUCKING RETARDED? The more you spread it out, the harder it is to keep track of it. Especially when most people have no idea who is running for state legislature because it gets so much attention.

Now, here's the thing. There's been a big old spotlight on Washington. Nobody gives a shit about Bribery at the Illinois Secretary of State's office, which went on FOR YEARS until someone died, and it took another decade before anyone went to jail for it. Or you can have someone like Rolando Cruz, who was convicted twice of a crime someone else confessed to, but since no one pays that much attention to the mutants who run DuPage County, nothing was done about it for decades. The young man spent half his life in prison.

Yeah...well that's what you get with Dumbocrats. Corruption. They are money hungry, power hungry, unethical dirt-bags. And you keep voting for them.

Uh, actually, two of those guys were Republicans. The most key one was George Ryan, who was running the Sec. of State's office and all the bribery that went on there, which resulted in a family of six burning to death.
Here's the bottom line my intellectually challenged friend - absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more you concentrate power in Washington, the more corruption you will. The more you spread it out among many tiers and many branches, the less corruption there can be.
Are you FUCKING RETARDED? The more you spread it out, the harder it is to keep track of it. Especially when most people have no idea who is running for state legislature because it gets so much attention.
That one is so dumb, I'm half tempted to just let it hang out there for everyone to laugh at without a response. If one person was tracking it, you would be correct. But each district has their own mass group of voters to watch it and a local media to report on it. You're so desperate that your grasping at straws.

And here's the thing buttercup. Nobody gives a shit what you think. Our founders devised the most perfect system ever created and that's what we have. Nobody gives a shit that you want a dictatorship. And watching you cry about it just amuses rational people. Cuba has the exact system you're looking for and Fidel Castro would welcome your miserable 19 year old ass with open arms. I suggest you put your money where your mouth is and go there.
That one is so dumb, I'm half tempted to just let it hang out there for everyone to laugh at without a response. If one person was tracking it, you would be correct. But each district has their own mass group of voters to watch it and a local media to report on it. You're so desperate that your grasping at straws.

And here's the thing buttercup. Nobody gives a shit what you think. Our founders devised the most perfect system ever created and that's what we have. Nobody gives a shit that you want a dictatorship. And watching you cry about it just amuses rational people. Cuba has the exact system you're looking for and Fidel Castro would welcome your miserable 19 year old ass with open arms. I suggest you put your money where your mouth is and go there.

So you really don't have a response.

Tell me, why did Rolando Cruz get convicted twice of a murder he didn't commit?

Why did George Ryan kill the Willis Family?

Because no one pays attention to the local clowns.
That's exactly the point. Thanks for proving it for me. Do you really think the director of the F.B.I. is going to arrest his own boss? Do you really think the AG is going to indict and prosecute the person who appointed them?!? That's part of the reason why there is so much corruption at the federal level. They are untouchable and they know it.

Well, no, we have a process. The process is called "impeachment".
This is the problem with discussing issues with 19-year old high school dropouts who spend their days getting high and mooching off of society. You see, dillhole, the impeachment process requires votes. And no Dumbocrat will ever vote to impeach one of their own no matter how heinous the crime. And it's very unlikely that a Republican will vote to impeach one of their own. The system is predicated on integrity and decency - something our founders had and something that has been lost by unethical, morally bankrupt, Godless heathens such as yourself.
Bwahahahahaha! Then how do you explain the exact same motions for people that don't have disabilities - like Ted Cruz and the General? Idiot.

I don't have to, He mocked a disabled guy. and it isn't like Trump doesn't have a history.
Hahahahaha! So you know it. He mocked a disabled guy for being an idiot. He did not mock his disability.
That one is so dumb, I'm half tempted to just let it hang out there for everyone to laugh at without a response. If one person was tracking it, you would be correct. But each district has their own mass group of voters to watch it and a local media to report on it. You're so desperate that your grasping at straws.

And here's the thing buttercup. Nobody gives a shit what you think. Our founders devised the most perfect system ever created and that's what we have. Nobody gives a shit that you want a dictatorship. And watching you cry about it just amuses rational people. Cuba has the exact system you're looking for and Fidel Castro would welcome your miserable 19 year old ass with open arms. I suggest you put your money where your mouth is and go there.

So you really don't have a response. Tell me, why did Rolando Cruz get convicted twice of a murder he didn't commit? Why did George Ryan kill the Willis Family?Because no one pays attention to the local clowns.
Exacept that I just gave you a response. And it left you with nothing but your typical nonsense. Your 19 year old ass might not pay attention, but mature, informed, engages voters do.

And again - it doesn't matter what you think anyway. We were blessed with the most perfect system of government ever devised. The power was spread out not only among branches, but much more importantly, among tiers with the federal specifically designed to be the weakest and most limited. Deal with it. Fidel Castro is waiting for you with open arms. He needs ignorant minions like you.
Hitlery Clinton is a pathological liar. Anyone who supports her or attempts to defend her lying is an unethical and evil person.

Whitewater?!?! Really??? That would be the non-scandal that Republicans spent 6 years, and millions of tax payer dollars on investigating, and never found any criminal activity on the part of the Clintons. But, okay. By all means, let's relitigate that mess again. Hale's claims that the Clintons had anything to do with the loan was never corroborated; in fact the FBI specifically noted in their investigation that the 4 time felon never once mentioned the Clintons in his interrogations. "15 people were convicted in Whitewater" - and none of them were the Clinton's. 6 years of Congressional investigations, and no wrong-doing was found. Gee. Sounds like a dry run for Benghazi.

Then this stupid video glosses over her time as Senator. "She let down her constituents" so badly, they re-elected her to a second term! Yeah, boy they must have hated her!!!

That's about as far as I watched. Clearly this video was designed to do what all of the attacks against Hillary have done: tie innuendo, half-truths, rumour, and unfounded accusations into a narrative about Hillary's character. It's old, and it's tired.

And, unless you are devoting equal vitriol to Trashy Trump, then it is also hollow, and hypocritical. Congratulations. you are deplorable.
Hitlery Clinton is a pathological liar. Anyone who supports her or attempts to defend her lying is an unethical and evil person.

Why is it that Trump and his supporters try to accuse Hillary of everything he's guilty of? It's called projection. Funny...

It's all on video, stupid. You can't deny it no matter how hard you try. It just makes you look like an idiot.

What, more doctored videos like with Planned Parenthood? No thanks...

"Doctored" :lmao:

Libtards like Laky are so unhinged now that they attempt to deny indisputable video evidence. Nothing in these videos are "doctored" and nothing in the Planned Parenthood videos were "doctored" you immature, unethical libtard.

Why are you so afraid of losing your government funding? You might be a redneck hillbilly but you'll be ok. I promise. Working a job will not kill you Laky.

Actually, they were demonstrated in court to have been edited in order to present the staff at Planned Parenthood to appear to be saying things that they never actually said. That's kind of the textbook definition of "Doctored".
You see, dillhole, the impeachment process requires votes. And no Dumbocrat will ever vote to impeach one of their own no matter how heinous the crime. And it's very unlikely that a Republican will vote to impeach one of their own. The system is predicated on integrity and decency - something our founders had and something that has been lost by unethical, morally bankrupt, Godless heathens such as yourself.

You have enough votes now to file articles of impeachment. You'll lose in the senate and the voters will take it out on your hides like they did in 1998, but you can totally do it.

Hahahahaha! So you know it. He mocked a disabled guy for being an idiot. He did not mock his disability.

yes, he did.

I thought you didn't like Trump because he doesn't drink the Libertarian Koolaid... but I guess your racism and misogyny wil win out.
Whitewater?!?! Really??? That would be the non-scandal that Republicans

Whitewater?!?! Really??? That would be the non-scandal that Republicans spent 6 years, and millions of tax payer dollars on investigating, and never found any criminal activity on the part of the Clintons.


Every single partner in Whitewater went to prison... except Bill and Hillary because the others said in court they "knew nothing."

This is straight out of an Al Capone movie.
Exacept that I just gave you a response. And it left you with nothing but your typical nonsense. Your 19 year old ass might not pay attention, but mature, informed, engages voters do.

yeah, but it was a retarded response. Local governments aren't accountable because noone really knows who these people are. So unless we catch one of them with a dead hooker in his basement, they keep getting re-elected in sham votes.

Nope. Much better to have NATIONAL conversations. Let the local crooks screw up parks and naming streets.
I thought you didn't like Trump because he doesn't drink the Libertarian Koolaid...
I don't like Trump. I like the truth. And that's why my posts frustrate you so much. You prefer propaganda.

Oh...and I'm not a libertarian genius. You're so confused by basic political positions.

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