Again....more of your made up false narratives. Raising taxes did not improve the economy. Why the fuck would it?!? How does putting less money in the pockets of the people, giving them less money to purchase goods and service, improve an economy?

Of course it does... Clinton raised Taxes on the wealthy, and the economy boomed.

You see, when you tax the rich and spend the money creating jobs building infrastructure and providing services, that infuses money back into the economy.

In fact, we have never gotten out of a recession without a spurt of government spending. Reagan might have taxed like a Supply Sider, but that senile old cocksucker spent like a Keynesian.

There was no "snake oil". You have to lie 24x7 because the facts (which I posted in another thread) all show that Reagan's plan was an astounding success. From the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression and far worse than the one Obama inherited) to one of the most successful economies in U.S. history.

Actually, what you leave out is how much Reagan increased government spending, mostly on worthless military crap, but it was still an increase in spending. It's why he tripled the national debt in 8 years.

It should also be pointed out that a lot of the pain of the 1980-1983 recession was because of policies Reagan encouraged. YOu see, if you were old enough to remember, the biggest concern at the time was not unemployment, it was double digit inflation, and the federal reserve kept interest rates high with the intention of encouraging unemployment to bring down wages.

The reality is, Reagan's terms SUCKED for working people.


You see, this is what you don't get, Short Pants. the economy has to work for everyone, not just for the rich.
How poor is the person who employes you?
Ladies & Gentlemen....the true colors of the modern day progressive. Continuing their horrific War on Women.

What happened to the progressive narrative that ALL victims deserve to be heard and believed? Oops. Asshole.

I think they should have qualified that with, "Until a fair investigation is conducted".

Hey, you know what, we heard the Duke Lacrosse case person. Until we investigated her claims and found out she was full of shit.

The thing was, Ken Starr spent SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS investigating Clinton's sex life. And he was unable to prove a thing, and actually disproved a lot of these claims.

Juanita Brodderick is a liar.
Kathleen Willey is a liar.
Paula Jones is a liar.

Oh, yeah. And Bill Clinton isn't running.
Bill Clinton will run the economy since your hitlery said she is too incompetent to do
How poor is the person who employes you?

I work for an employee owned company. But you keep missing the point.

the rich don't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs. the rich just slice up the pie, they don't make the pie.

Bill Clinton will run the economy since your hitlery said she is too incompetent to do

she isn't My Hillary. She's the person Im stuck voting for because your party nominated a Nazi Game Show Host and thought that was a good idea.
Bill Clinton will run the economy since your hitlery said she is too incompetent to do

she isn't My Hillary. She's the person Im stuck voting for because your party nominated a Nazi Game Show Host and thought that was a good idea.
Sure she is. Had you not been such a hateful, greedy, envious little progressive and voted for a staunch conservative in the Republican Primary, we wouldn't have the Nazi game show host as a candidate. She is absolutely your Hitlery. People like you created that monster.
So to recap: Hitlery Clinton viciously attacks the credibility of any woman who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault if it affects her drive for power and money, she laughs about the brutal rape of little girls, and she pays women less than men in her own organization. So much of the false narrative that she supports "equality for women"...

WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011
Sure she is. Had you not been such a hateful, greedy, envious little progressive and voted for a staunch conservative in the Republican Primary, we wouldn't have the Nazi game show host as a candidate. She is absolutely your Hitlery. People like you created that monster.

Actually, I voted for a sensible Republican in the IL Primary, John Kasich.

Cruz is as big a buffoon and clown as Trump.

"Hey, you called my wife ugly and said my dad killed JFK, but I'm going to totally support you!!!:

Some "Staunch Conservative".

So to recap: Hitlery Clinton viciously attacks the credibility of any woman who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault if it affects her drive for power and money, she laughs about the brutal rape of little girls, and she pays women less than men in her own organization. So much of the false narrative that she supports "equality for women"...

So to recap, Poodle is going to be ranting like a little girl for hte next four years because his party nominated a Nazi Game Show Host.

The whining about you list of bullshit is getting a bit boring.

You expect someone to say nice things about women who made plays for her husband? Really?
You expect someone to say nice things about women who made plays for her husband? Really?
If you don't have anything nice to say - don't say anything at all. Besides, Hitlery herself said that ALL women deserve to be heard and believed. Oops.

You and I both know that those women were all credible and were in fact attacked by Bill Clinton. You and I both know that Hitlery tried to destroy them so she could keep in power and wealth. So stop pretending son.
Actually, I voted for a sensible Republican in the IL Primary, John Kasich. Cruz is as big a buffoon and clown as Trump. "Hey, you called my wife ugly and said my dad killed JFK, but I'm going to totally support you!!! Some "Staunch Conservative".
That's it? That's the best you have when proclaiming that Cruz is a "big buffoon" and a "clown" like Trump?!? Because he's trying to stop Hitlery Clinton from becoming president? I'd say that's about as conservative as it gets.
Sure she is. Had you not been such a hateful, greedy, envious little progressive and voted for a staunch conservative in the Republican Primary, we wouldn't have the Nazi game show host as a candidate. She is absolutely your Hitlery. People like you created that monster.

Actually, I voted for a sensible Republican in the IL Primary, John Kasich.

Cruz is as big a buffoon and clown as Trump.

"Hey, you called my wife ugly and said my dad killed JFK, but I'm going to totally support you!!!:

Some "Staunch Conservative".

So to recap: Hitlery Clinton viciously attacks the credibility of any woman who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault if it affects her drive for power and money, she laughs about the brutal rape of little girls, and she pays women less than men in her own organization. So much of the false narrative that she supports "equality for women"...

So to recap, Poodle is going to be ranting like a little girl for hte next four years because his party nominated a Nazi Game Show Host.

The whining about you list of bullshit is getting a bit boring.

You expect someone to say nice things about women who made plays for her husband? Really?

Perhaps one day someone close to you, friend...or whatever... will be sexually abused by Bill and your Bitchlery will shut her down like she did Bill's other victims.
So to recap, Poodle is going to be ranting like a little girl for hte next four years because his party nominated a Nazi Game Show Host.
Well that's odd. Do you somehow know what is going to be happening for the next four years? If so - would you be willing to share with the rest of us?
If you don't have anything nice to say - don't say anything at all. Besides, Hitlery herself said that ALL women deserve to be heard and believed. Oops.

You and I both know that those women were all credible and were in fact attacked by Bill Clinton. You and I both know that Hitlery tried to destroy them so she could keep in power and wealth. So stop pretending son.

Poodle, I don't know they are credible. Let's take the three best cases, the women who've made a living out of being Clinton Accusers.

Juanita Brodderick can't remember the date she was raped by Clinton.
She can't remember the month.
She continued to attend Clinton events
She accepted an appointment by Clinton
She swore out two affidavits saying Clinton never touched her.
Oh, yeah, and she waited 20 years to say anything

Clinton Rape Charge Can't Be Proved

No prosecutor would consider her credible.

And, no, there's no evidence Hillary tried to "Destroy" Juanita Brodderick. In fact, they've treated her with kids gloves, if anything.

Next Case.

Kathleen Willey- Claimed Clinton groped her.
Except that for months after the supposed Groping, she kept calling the White House begging for a job.
She asked her friend Julie Hyatt Steele to lie for her, which she refused to do even after Ken Starr prosecuted her.

Starr and Willey: The Untold Story

And in his final report, Charles Ray, who replaced Ken Starr, said that she lied.

Fox Scrapes The Bottom Of The Clinton Conspiracy Barrel

Ray's report found that "Willey's Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident," noting that Willey "said at her deposition ... that [Clinton] did not fondle her." Ray also pointed out that -- despite Willey's subsequent claims that she had been intimidated near her home shortly before giving her Jones deposition in 1998 -- in her Jones deposition, she "testified no one had tried to discourage her from testifying."

So, no, no one would find Kathleen Willey Credible, either.

Okay, final Professional Clinton Hater. Paula "Hundred Dollar Bill Through a Trailer Park" Jones...

Besides the fact her case was dismissed with prejudice by Judge Susan Weber Wright, there's a big problem with her testimony. She says that Clinton's male member has a "distinguishing characteristic" which has been contradicted by not only people who have seen Clinton's penis, but by his doctors as well.

Oh, yeah. And she appeared in Penthouse and admitted she was used by the Right Wing Conspriracy.

Paula Jones to Penthouse: The Right ‘Used Me’

So, um, no. No credibility there, either.
Perhaps one day someone close to you, friend...or whatever... will be sexually abused by Bill and your Bitchlery will shut her down like she did Bill's other victims.

Bill is 70 years old and has a heart condition.

somehow, I don't think he's going to be doing anything at this point.

Good for you, you can vote for the bitch with no worries.
Well that's odd. Do you somehow know what is going to be happening for the next four years? If so - would you be willing to share with the rest of us?


Hilary will get elected. She'll appoint Liberal justices to SCOTUS who will undo some of the damage that Guido Scalia did to civil liberties in this country. The GOP will probably do well in 2018, and delude themselves into thinking the country likes them again.

All the clowns who supported Trump will come back here and say he wasn't a "real conservative".

Then in 2020, they'll run some other mutant and Hillary will beat him, too.
Good for you, you can vote for the bitch with no worries.

Actually, I wouldn't have any worries anyway.

Unlke the Nazi Game Show Host your side nominated, who'd probably blow up the world if given a chance.

Your Hillary is going to accomplish this old man.
It's playing out for you right now, she will establish her "No Fly Zone" and shoot down a Russian Plane.
Nuclear War is coming Komrade.

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