At this point it would be easier to tell us when she is telling the truth that way their would be less threads started on the subject.
One hell of a bombshell for all of those fact-averse reality deniers that blindly support Hitlery Clinton...

So it’s best to tread lightly when approaching news that Paul Combetta, a technician with Hillary Clinton’s IT provider, Platte River Networks, left behind a few incriminating crumbs on the internet, ironically when asking about how to cover someone else’s tracks.

Let’s just say for now that U.S. News and World Report has taken an interest, as has Major Garrett of CBS News. U.S. News staff writer Steven Nelson notes that “the requests match neatly with publicly known dates related to Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.”



Hillary's IT guy Paul Combetta wouldn't chat with Congress, but is this suspicious Reddit post talking?
There's an Ironic Twist in the Way Hillary Clinton Dealt With Bill's Many Women...

The woman who made a PSA declaring: “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard; you have a right to be believed. We are with you.”

has spent her life attempting to silence and destroy the women who were the victims of Bill Clinton's sexual assaults....

Hillary Clinton Part III: Bill’s Many Women
It's probably sitting in the "Clinton Foundation" and/or the Clinton's offshore bank account. If only we had someone with integrity running the executive branch to launch a proper and transparent investigation. If nothing else, this clearly illustrates how woefully unqualified Hitlery is to be in charge of anything - much less to be President of the United States:

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a "significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department's contract actions," according to the report.

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton
An incredible read when you read the entire article...

STU: Because that’s one of the interesting things that’s come out of the Podesta emails coming out, is that Hillary behind closed doors seems to be much better than she is in public. In that, she is saying things that are pro-free trade. She is saying things that are pro-fracking. She’s saying these things. And my instinct is, she’s saying them because she thinks the audience at that private speech thinks that, so she’s playing to that. Is it just a —

GLENN: Which one is she? Is she the private one that is pro-business, pro-fracking if you pay, or is she the radical that wants to shut everything down because she believes in global warming?

DINESH: Well, she’s neither. She gains on both fronts. So, for example, let’s take a Hillary meeting with Goldman Sachs. Here’s what Hillary says to Goldman Sachs. She says, “Listen, out there, I’ve got to denounce you guys. Right? So I’m doing it because I have something to gain, which is political. I have to make you look bad because you’re the enemy that’s going to help rally people to my side. I’ve got to fool those people into thinking that I’m conspiring with them against you.” Right? And then she tells the Goldman Sachs, “But in reality, I’m conspiring with you against them. In other words, I’ve got all kinds of deals with you, if you’re willing to give me money to the Clinton Foundation and to my causes. I can do business with you.” So she’s benefiting at both ends, and that’s the common denominator. And she’s letting the Goldman Sachs people know, because they’re sophisticated enough, that I have to do this.

GLENN: So the only thing she cares about is money?

DINESH: And power. And power. And power is the way the Clintons get money.

Dinesh D’Souza: Progressives Shift the Blame, Present Themselves as the Remedy
Hitlery Clinton is a pathological liar. Anyone who supports her or attempts to defend her lying is an unethical and evil person.

Why is it that Trump and his supporters try to accuse Hillary of everything he's guilty of? It's called projection. Funny...

It's all on video, stupid. You can't deny it no matter how hard you try. It just makes you look like an idiot.

What, more doctored videos like with Planned Parenthood? No thanks...

Parts is parts.....
The reason I find Tomi so fascinating is because she’s also extremely confusing. Tomi is a very angry girl who is tone-deaf about social issues, yet speaks to a large national platform of extreme conservatives, who I assume agree with her considering the following that she’s developed after going viral for her visceral critiques on Obama, Beyoncé, and#BlackLivesMatter.

Most of those who call her out dismiss her as a bigot, but after analyzing a number of her videos, I honestly don’t think she is.

She is, however, extremely angry about issues that she isn’t very well-versed on.

And why is that?

Why Is Tomi Lahren So Angry? | Huffington Post
The reason I find Tomi so fascinating is because she’s also extremely confusing. Tomi is a very angry girl who is tone-deaf about social issues, yet speaks to a large national platform of extreme conservatives, who I assume agree with her considering the following that she’s developed after going viral for her visceral critiques on Obama, Beyoncé, and#BlackLivesMatter.

Most of those who call her out dismiss her as a bigot, but after analyzing a number of her videos, I honestly don’t think she is.

She is, however, extremely angry about issues that she isn’t very well-versed on.

And why is that?

Why Is Tomi Lahren So Angry? | Huffington Post
It used to be that when a conservative owned a progressive with facts the progressive would falsely accuse that person of being "racist". Now that everyone has grown tired of that and it falls on deaf ears, I guess the new tactic is proclaim the person "angry".

Tomi's not "angry". She's just informed (unlike progressives).
The reason I find Tomi so fascinating is because she’s also extremely confusing. Tomi is a very angry girl who is tone-deaf about social issues, yet speaks to a large national platform of extreme conservatives, who I assume agree with her considering the following that she’s developed after going viral for her visceral critiques on Obama, Beyoncé, and#BlackLivesMatter.

Most of those who call her out dismiss her as a bigot, but after analyzing a number of her videos, I honestly don’t think she is.

She is, however, extremely angry about issues that she isn’t very well-versed on.

And why is that?

Why Is Tomi Lahren So Angry? | Huffington Post
It used to be that when a conservative owned a progressive with facts the progressive would falsely accuse that person of being "racist". Now that everyone has grown tired of that and it falls on deaf ears, I guess the new tactic is proclaim the person "angry".

Tomi's not "angry". She's just informed (unlike progressives).

Reading is fun.

Tomi Lahren is an outspoken anti-feminist. On her Instagram, she holds up a sign saying “feminists, you don’t speak for me and you never will.”

But does she really want that? Without feminism, she wouldn’t be able to have a political talk show at all. In fact, feminism is one of the major differences between democracy and Sharia law, between the freedom-based political ideology of the United States (which she loves) and the ideology of most of the Middle East (which she has called “the desert“ and “the sandbox“).
Reading is fun.

Tomi Lahren is an outspoken anti-feminist. On her Instagram, she holds up a sign saying “feminists, you don’t speak for me and you never will.”

But does she really want that? Without feminism, she wouldn’t be able to have a political talk show at all. In fact, feminism is one of the major differences between democracy and Sharia law, between the freedom-based political ideology of the United States (which she loves) and the ideology of most of the Middle East (which she has called “the desert“ and “the sandbox“).
Too bad all you read is progressive propaganda. Feminism didn't get Tomi her talk show genius. Liberty and her talent did. Tomi - like all rational Americans - realizes that progressivism seeks to oppress rather than liberate.

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