So Hitlery Clinton not only surrenders a limited and extremely valuable resource necessary for creating nuclear weapons, but she sold it to our enemies for her own financial gain.

Here’s the high-level summary. There are more details below.

• Canadian company Uranium One owned uranium mines in the US and Kazakhstan.

• Uranium One's mines account for 20% of the uranium mined in the US. Uranium is used for nuclear weapons, and it's considered a strategic asset to the US.

• Russia’s state-owned atomic agency, Rosatom, bought a 17% stake in Uranium One in June 2009.

• The Russian atomic agency decided it wanted to own 51% of Uranium One in June 2010. To take a majority stake in Uranium One, it needed approval from a special committee that included the State Department, which Hillary Clinton led at the time.

• Investors in Uranium One gave money to the Clinton Foundation starting in 2005 and through 2011. On June 29, 2010, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to speak in Russia by an investment bank with ties to Russia's government that had a buy rating on Uranium One’s stock.

• In January 2013, despite assurances to the contrary, a subsidiary of Rosatom took over 100% of the company and delisted it from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

• Clinton was required to disclose all of her foundation's contributors before she became secretary of state, but the Clintons did not disclose millions of dollars donated by the chairman of Uranium One while the review of the deal was ongoing.

The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits
Using Glenn Freakin' Beck as a source?
For it to be perjury, Clinton would have had to deny any communications.

You people are just too freaking stupid.
Using Glenn Freakin' Beck as a source?
Yep. I'm sorry the truth pisses you off but I'm not going to stop discussing it because your fragile psyche can't handle it.
For it to be perjury, Clinton would have had to deny any communications. You people are just too freaking stupid.
You poor little nitwit. RealDave being real stupid again. Perjury is lying before a grand jury or congressional hearing you nitwit. She doesn't have to deny communications to lie. Idiot. :eusa_doh:
Using Glenn Freakin' Beck as a source?
Yep. I'm sorry the truth pisses you off but I'm not going to stop discussing it because your fragile psyche can't handle it.
For it to be perjury, Clinton would have had to deny any communications. You people are just too freaking stupid.
You poor little nitwit. RealDave being real stupid again. Perjury is lying before a grand jury or congressional hearing you nitwit. She doesn't have to deny communications to lie. Idiot. :eusa_doh:
Using Glenn Freakin' Beck as a source?
Yep. I'm sorry the truth pisses you off but I'm not going to stop discussing it because your fragile psyche can't handle it.
For it to be perjury, Clinton would have had to deny any communications. You people are just too freaking stupid.
You poor little nitwit. RealDave being real stupid again. Perjury is lying before a grand jury or congressional hearing you nitwit. She doesn't have to deny communications to lie. Idiot. :eusa_doh:
Your ignorance doesn't piss me off at all. It makes me laugh.

You, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck & Breitbart cab have your circle jerks all you want. And I can make fun of you for being so duped.
In post #63, RealDumb makes a completely blank post. In post #64, RealDumb responds to himself and states "your ignorance doesn't piss me off at all".

No wonder he doesn't understand issues when he can't figure out how to post to a website :eusa_doh:
Hitlery Clinton is a pathological liar. Anyone who supports her or attempts to defend her lying is an unethical and evil person.

Grow up, Poodle. All politicians lie to us. Mostly because we don't reward them for telling the truth.

Last politician who was honest with us was Walter Mondale, who told us taxes would have to go up to pay down the deficit. He lost 49 states. Then Ronald Reagan raised taxes after the election.

(You see, you were probably too young to remember this because much like giving amnesty to 3 million illegals, Hate Radio likes to pretend this never happened.)

Hillary does have the problem of being slick in her answers? So what? She's not a crazy person like Trump.

Now, if your side had nominated a sensible person. then we could have a discussion about whether or not this is an issue.

When you nominated the crazy person who goes on 3 AM Twitter rants about his hurt feelings, the discussion kind of ended.
Grow up, Poodle. All politicians lie to us. Mostly because we don't reward them for telling the truth.
It's sad that you're ok with that. You're proof of your own statement. Hitlery is by far and away the most unethical politician to ever run for office and yet you get yourself in a frothy tizzy over the thought of her winning.
Last politician who was honest with us was Walter Mondale, who told us taxes would have to go up to pay down the deficit. He lost 49 states. Then Ronald Reagan raised taxes after the election.
There is a huge difference between "ready my new taxes" (which was not Reagan junior) and being a pathological liar like Hitlery (who lies about stuff that it doesn't even make sense to lie about like "I landed under sniper fire").
Hillary does have the problem of being slick in her answers? So what? She's not a crazy person like Trump.
Yeah...uh...that bitch is three shades of crazy. She's insanely power-hungry. She sold uranium to Russia because she's money-hungry. And yes, unlike you, I do realize that Trump is just as bad. He is a megalomaniac.
Now, if your side had nominated a sensible person. then we could have a discussion about whether or not this is an issue. When you nominated the crazy person who goes on 3 AM Twitter rants about his hurt feelings, the discussion kind of ended.
I wouldn't exactly call it "my side". Trump is a life-long progressive and the Republican Party has been exclusively Kennedy-era liberal for the past 20 years. I only cast votes for actual conservatives with actual integrity.
It's going to be fun watching Poodle melt down when Hillary wins by the largest electoral margin since her Husband in 1996.
I've got news for you chief - I melted down a long time ago when I realized that we would either have Hitlery Clinton in the White House or the male Hitlery Clinton in the White House. There are no winners here. You're just not bright enough to realize it.
It's sad that you're ok with that. You're proof of your own statement. Hitlery is by far and away the most unethical politician to ever run for office and yet you get yourself in a frothy tizzy over the thought of her winning.

Naw, I think Bush Jr. was far more unethical. He lied us into a war to make Dick Cheney Rich.

There is a huge difference between "ready my new taxes" (which was not Reagan junior)

Uh, guy, this is where you just outed yourself as a 20 something. The reason WHY Bush -41 said "No new Taxes" is becaue Ronnie Reagan raised them in 1986. If you lived through that time, you'd know this.

The Grover Norquist wing wanted assurances that fiscal sanity wasn't going to break out on Bush-41's watch.

and being a pathological liar like Hitlery (who lies about stuff that it doesn't even make sense to lie about like "I landed under sniper fire").

And tell me, how did Hillary embellishing her visit to Bosnia effect your life in any way? Reagan's lies about taxes had an effect on our lives... we all ended up payingfor the tax breaks he gave to the rich. Bush-43's lies about WMDS" killed thousands of people.

Yeah...uh...that bitch is three shades of crazy. She's insanely power-hungry. She sold uranium to Russia because she's money-hungry. And yes, unlike you, I do realize that Trump is just as bad. He is a megalomaniac.

Guy, I've been listening to wingnuts sing this song since you were in Short pants. Hillary killed Vince Foster. She personally burned down Waco! She kidnapped the Lindbergh baby.
I've got news for you chief - I melted down a long time ago when I realized that we would either have Hitlery Clinton in the White House or the male Hitlery Clinton in the White House. There are no winners here. You're just not bright enough to realize it.

No, I just don't drink the koolaid like you do. Do you think when Rush Limbaugh tells you this shit every day, he really beleives any of it when he's on his way out to screw the Dominican Rent Boy?
and being a pathological liar like Hitlery (who lies about stuff that it doesn't even make sense to lie about like "I landed under sniper fire").
And tell me, how did Hillary embellishing her visit to Bosnia effect your life in any way? Reagan's lies about taxes had an effect on our lives... we all ended up payingfor the tax breaks he gave to the rich. Bush-43's lies about WMDS" killed thousands of people.
Interesting false narrative. I give an accurate example of how Hitlery is such a pathological liar, she will lie about things that it doesn't even make sense to lie about and then you attempt to use that as her worst lie and line it up again other things that weren't even lies.

For instance - Reagan never lied about taxes. They were significantly lower when he left office than when he took office. But early on he cut them so deep that it created top large of a gap while trying to rebuild a military decimated by the Jimmy Carter administration. In addition, unlike Obama who is an ideologue, Reagan was a pragmatist who had to reach across the aisle to a House run by Dumbocrats and Tip O'Neill. That meant compromising on some things (a concept lost on Obama).

Hitlery has been caught in the WikiLeaks engaging in all kinds of serious criminal and unethical behaviors. She set up a personal email server to avoid Congressional (and thus public) oversight. Then she used it to send classified information and failed to secure it properly, resulting in national security secrets being stolen by foreign states and enemies.

She arranged "play to play" as Secretary of State - ensuring that foreign States of getting any favor they desired in exchange for large and lucrative donations to the Clinton Foundation. That resulted in uranium mines being turned over to our greatest enemy (Russia) strengthening their nuclear arsenal while weakening ours.

The list goes on and on. But you're too disingenuous to have an honest discussion about it.
Hillary does have the problem of being slick in her answers? So what? She's not a crazy person like Trump.
Hitlery Clinton is three shades of crazy. She's a power-hungry maniac who will even attack the victims of sexual assault so she can remain in power and advance her personal desires. It's pretty bad when even the hard core left-wing New York Times is calling her out for such disgusting attacks on victims.

How Hillary Clinton Grappled With Bill Clinton’s Infidelity, and His Accusers
Interesting false narrative. I give an accurate example of how Hitlery is such a pathological liar, she will lie about things that it doesn't even make sense to lie about and then you attempt to use that as her worst lie and line it up again other things that weren't even lies.

For instance - Reagan never lied about taxes. They were significantly lower when he left office than when he took office. But early on he cut them so deep that it created top large of a gap while trying to rebuild a military decimated by the Jimmy Carter administration. In addition, unlike Obama who is an ideologue, Reagan was a pragmatist who had to reach across the aisle to a House run by Dumbocrats and Tip O'Neill. That meant compromising on some things (a concept lost on Obama).

Again, this is a fine example of how you weren't around then, and only have the Hate Radio version.

Here's what happened. Reagan sold the "Supply Side Snake Oil" that we were going to cut taxes on Rich People, spend Billions on weapons we really didn't need, and reduce the deficit through economic growth. What actually happened was that the deficit doubled, and economic growth during his first term was kind of limp. But Walter Mondale actually told the truth and say, "Guys, taxes need to go up."

Reagan said they didn't. At least not until AFTER the election.

Then he jacked them up massively, mostly on the working class.

And Conservatives were soo pissed at him for doing it, Bush had to issue his "Read My Lips" pledge.

Hitlery has been caught in the WikiLeaks engaging in all kinds of serious criminal and unethical behaviors.

So this is your argument. "Hillary is Unethical, the Russians told me so!"
Hitlery Clinton is three shades of crazy. She's a power-hungry maniac who will even attack the victims of sexual assault so she can remain in power and advance her personal desires. It's pretty bad when even the hard core left-wing New York Times is calling her out for such disgusting attacks on victims.

YOu mean calling gold diggers and liars what they are is an attack? RIght.
Again, this is a fine example of how you weren't around then, and only have the Hate Radio version. Here's what happened. Reagan sold the "Supply Side Snake Oil" that we were going to cut taxes on Rich People, spend Billions on weapons we really didn't need, and reduce the deficit through economic growth. What actually happened was that the deficit doubled, and economic growth during his first term was kind of limp. But Walter Mondale actually told the truth and say, "Guys, taxes need to go up." Reagan said they didn't. At least not until AFTER the election.

Then he jacked them up massively, mostly on the working class.

And Conservatives were soo pissed at him for doing it, Bush had to issue his "Read My Lips" pledge.
Again....more of your made up false narratives. Raising taxes did not improve the economy. Why the fuck would it?!? How does putting less money in the pockets of the people, giving them less money to purchase goods and service, improve an economy?

There was no "snake oil". You have to lie 24x7 because the facts (which I posted in another thread) all show that Reagan's plan was an astounding success. From the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression and far worse than the one Obama inherited) to one of the most successful economies in U.S. history.

You're just pissed that other people are more successful than you. We've talked about this a million times. You're mad that Reagan didn't punish the wealthy (to the detriment of of the U.S.) just so you can feel better.
Hitlery Clinton is three shades of crazy. She's a power-hungry maniac who will even attack the victims of sexual assault so she can remain in power and advance her personal desires. It's pretty bad when even the hard core left-wing New York Times is calling her out for such disgusting attacks on victims.

YOu mean calling gold diggers and liars what they are is an attack? RIght.
Ladies & Gentlemen....the true colors of the modern day progressive. Continuing their horrific War on Women.

What happened to the progressive narrative that ALL victims deserve to be heard and believed? Oops. Asshole.
Again....more of your made up false narratives. Raising taxes did not improve the economy. Why the fuck would it?!? How does putting less money in the pockets of the people, giving them less money to purchase goods and service, improve an economy?

Of course it does... Clinton raised Taxes on the wealthy, and the economy boomed.

You see, when you tax the rich and spend the money creating jobs building infrastructure and providing services, that infuses money back into the economy.

In fact, we have never gotten out of a recession without a spurt of government spending. Reagan might have taxed like a Supply Sider, but that senile old cocksucker spent like a Keynesian.

There was no "snake oil". You have to lie 24x7 because the facts (which I posted in another thread) all show that Reagan's plan was an astounding success. From the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression and far worse than the one Obama inherited) to one of the most successful economies in U.S. history.

Actually, what you leave out is how much Reagan increased government spending, mostly on worthless military crap, but it was still an increase in spending. It's why he tripled the national debt in 8 years.

It should also be pointed out that a lot of the pain of the 1980-1983 recession was because of policies Reagan encouraged. YOu see, if you were old enough to remember, the biggest concern at the time was not unemployment, it was double digit inflation, and the federal reserve kept interest rates high with the intention of encouraging unemployment to bring down wages.

The reality is, Reagan's terms SUCKED for working people.


You see, this is what you don't get, Short Pants. the economy has to work for everyone, not just for the rich.
Ladies & Gentlemen....the true colors of the modern day progressive. Continuing their horrific War on Women.

What happened to the progressive narrative that ALL victims deserve to be heard and believed? Oops. Asshole.

I think they should have qualified that with, "Until a fair investigation is conducted".

Hey, you know what, we heard the Duke Lacrosse case person. Until we investigated her claims and found out she was full of shit.

The thing was, Ken Starr spent SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS investigating Clinton's sex life. And he was unable to prove a thing, and actually disproved a lot of these claims.

Juanita Brodderick is a liar.
Kathleen Willey is a liar.
Paula Jones is a liar.

Oh, yeah. And Bill Clinton isn't running.

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