Hilary will get elected. She'll appoint Liberal justices to SCOTUS who will undo some of the damage that Guido Scalia did to civil liberties in this country.
Typical racist progressives...

Hey, this is a guy who said that innocence shouldn't set aside a guilty verdict. I hope he's burning in hell right now.
As always that is progressive propaganda. What Scalia stated (accurately) was that the U.S. Constitution gives no such mechanism (i.e. automatically "set aside" a guilty verdict). See, unlike you, Scalia had respect for the rule of law and for the U.S. Constitution. And what he, Thomas, and Rehnquist stated was that it was the states (specifically the governors) who had the power to overturn the conviction.

I know....I know....that pisses you off. You desperately desire all power concentrated in Washington D.C. and then all power into one man in Washington D.C. You want the U.S. to be Nazi, Germany and the President to have the unlimited powers of Adolf Hilter. And you get really pissed whenever you can't have it.

This is directly from a left-wing site so you can't cry about the source:

Writing for the majority, Chief Justice William Rehnquist said that Herrera’s constitutional argument had “elemental appeal” but declined to endorse it because federal courts were not supposed to “relitigate state trials.” Herrera’s true remedy, Rehnquist said, rested with the president or the governor of his state, whose power to grant clemency was the “fail safe in our criminal justice system.” Entertaining actual innocence claims brought years after the fact were simply too “disruptive” and unfair to the state, which needed to have things settled once and for all. Rehnquist mused that even if one assumed, hypothetically, that an innocence claim could be brought, the bar for the prisoner to clear “would necessarily be extraordinarily high.”

Concurring in judgment, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas would have gone even farther. Taking issue with the majority’s mere hypothetical entertainment of an innocence claim, Scalia wrote: “There is no basis, tradition, or even in contemporary practice for finding that in the Constitution the right to demand judicial consideration of newly discovered evidence of innocence brought forward after a conviction.” He concluded, “With any luck, we shall avoid ever having to face this embarrassing question again.”

The Scandal of Our Criminal Justice System: Innocence Is No Reason to Get Out of Prison
As always that is progressive propaganda. What Scalia stated (accurately) was that the U.S. Constitution gives no such mechanism (i.e. automatically "set aside" a guilty verdict). See, unlike you, Scalia had respect for the rule of law and for the U.S. Constitution. And what he, Thomas, and Rehnquist stated was that it was the states (specifically the governors) who had the power to overturn the conviction.

Guy, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

This is the problem with constitutional fetishists like yourself. You seem to think that if the Founding Slave Rapists didn't write something down, the rest of us should never practice common sense.

I know....I know....that pisses you off. You desperately desire all power concentrated in Washington D.C. and then all power into one man in Washington D.C. You want the U.S. to be Nazi, Germany and the President to have the unlimited powers of Adolf Hilter. And you get really pissed whenever you can't have it.

Yawn, guy, your side is the one who nominated a guy who keeps a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand (according to Ex-Wife #1).

The reason why we need to get power away from the states is because frankly, the states are corrupt as shit. We don't pay attention to these people, and they get away with all sorts of nonsense because most of us are living our lives.

Now, such l ocalized government might have been a good idea back in the oldy days when we didn't have internet and roads and indoor plumbing and it took weeks for information to get to Washington.

But the idea that a corrupt state court could goof up a verdict and the Federal Courts couldn't do anything about it is just plain nuts, which is why Guido Scalia, Uncle Tom and the guy who wore piping on his robe were in the minority.
As always that is progressive propaganda. What Scalia stated (accurately) was that the U.S. Constitution gives no such mechanism (i.e. automatically "set aside" a guilty verdict). See, unlike you, Scalia had respect for the rule of law and for the U.S. Constitution. And what he, Thomas, and Rehnquist stated was that it was the states (specifically the governors) who had the power to overturn the conviction.

Guy, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

This is the problem with constitutional fetishists like yourself. You seem to think that if the Founding Slave Rapists didn't write something down, the rest of us should never practice common sense.

I know....I know....that pisses you off. You desperately desire all power concentrated in Washington D.C. and then all power into one man in Washington D.C. You want the U.S. to be Nazi, Germany and the President to have the unlimited powers of Adolf Hilter. And you get really pissed whenever you can't have it.

Yawn, guy, your side is the one who nominated a guy who keeps a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand (according to Ex-Wife #1).

The reason why we need to get power away from the states is because frankly, the states are corrupt as shit. We don't pay attention to these people, and they get away with all sorts of nonsense because most of us are living our lives.

Now, such l ocalized government might have been a good idea back in the oldy days when we didn't have internet and roads and indoor plumbing and it took weeks for information to get to Washington.

But the idea that a corrupt state court could goof up a verdict and the Federal Courts couldn't do anything about it is just plain nuts, which is why Guido Scalia, Uncle Tom and the guy who wore piping on his robe were in the minority.
Wow...a real life fascist...right here on USMB.....
Guy, the Constitution is not a suicide pact. This is the problem with constitutional fetishists like yourself. You seem to think that if the Founding Slave Rapists didn't write something down, the rest of us should never practice common sense.
The U.S. Constitution is the law you nitwit. You don't get to arbitrarily decide for yourself when the law applies and when you think "common sense" does. Justice Scalia rightfully decided that it was a state issue. That's the separation of powers we need to protect us from little dictator wannabes like yourself. Deal with it.
The reason why we need to get power away from the states is because frankly, the states are corrupt as shit.
That is so idiotic, even your ignorant ass doesn't believe that. If you added up all of the corruption of all of the states through out U.S. history it wouldn't even equal 1% of the federal government corruption under the Obama Administration alone.

There is no "we" here. There is just you bat-shit crazy progressives losing your tiny little fucking minds that you can't force your bat-shit crazy views on society. And then there is the rest of America. Deal with it buttercup.
The U.S. Constitution is the law you nitwit. You don't get to arbitrarily decide for yourself when the law applies and when you think "common sense" does. Justice Scalia rightfully decided that it was a state issue. That's the separation of powers we need to protect us from little dictator wannabes like yourself. Deal with it.

Scalia and Uncle Tom were in the minority on that ruling.

That is so idiotic, even your ignorant ass doesn't believe that. If you added up all of the corruption of all of the states through out U.S. history it wouldn't even equal 1% of the federal government corruption under the Obama Administration alone.

Yeah, so, um, how is it all this corruption goes on, and no one goes to jail? In IL, we've sent five governors to jail in my lifetime.

Now, I think you need to learn the difference between corruption and things you don't like.

There is no "we" here. There is just you bat-shit crazy progressives losing your tiny little fucking minds that you can't force your bat-shit crazy views on society. And then there is the rest of America. Deal with it buttercup.

The rest of America agrees with us. Your batshit libertarian crap is what always loses.
Yeah, so, um, how is it all this corruption goes on, and no one goes to jail?
That's exactly the point. Thanks for proving it for me. Do you really think the director of the F.B.I. is going to arrest his own boss? Do you really think the AG is going to indict and prosecute the person who appointed them?!? That's part of the reason why there is so much corruption at the federal level. They are untouchable and they know it.

Here's the bottom line my intellectually challenged friend - absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more you concentrate power in Washington, the more corruption you will. The more you spread it out among many tiers and many branches, the less corruption there can be.

Since I constantly have to explain such basic concepts to you, I have to believe you're around 19 or so.
In IL, we've sent five governors to jail in my lifetime.
Yeah...well that's what you get with Dumbocrats. Corruption. They are money hungry, power hungry, unethical dirt-bags. And you keep voting for them.
Hitlery Clinton is a pathological liar. Anyone who supports her or attempts to defend her lying is an unethical and evil person.

It must just totally suck for you there is someone else who lies even more than Hillary. Have you ever stopped to wonder why the GOP selected the WORST possible person to go up against her? I mean, talk about self-sabotage! Any other candidate would have wiped the floor with her!

In today's marathon, we have a wheelchair bound epileptic with one arm. The other team has decided the best way to defeat her is to brush aside the 16 Olympic champions and go with a headless torso connected by a shorted cable to a dead car battery.

On your marks!
Hillary, are you a big time liar??

It must just totally suck for you there is someone else who lies even more than Hillary.
LOL! Nobody lies more than Hitlery. Not even Bill. I think Barack might be tied with her though.
Have you ever stopped to wonder why the GOP selected the WORST possible person to go up against her? I mean, talk about self-sabotage! Any other candidate would have wiped the floor with her! Tissue?
Have you ever wondered why literally nobody takes you seriously on this board? The GOP didn't select Trump. In fact, the GOP vehemently opposes Trump. It was a bunch of independents, some registered Republicans, and progressives trying to sabotage the presidential election by voting in Republican primaries that voted for Trump. And the best part about that? As much as I hate Donald Trump, the idea of him coming back to bite Dumbocrats in the ass after they tried to rig the Republican primaries is priceless. It alone is enough to make me want to vote for him.

Professor with excellent prediction record says Donald Trump will defeat Clinton

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