The history of the Jews and God---

As were Romans, Greeks, Byzantine, Druze, Turks and quite probably a few Druids

Arabs didn't settle the region in any significant numbers until the 7th Century CE and certainly didn't build a culture there.

Jewish culture in Palestine dates to the 3rd Millennium BCE.
The Akkadians originated in the Arabian peninsula. Look at the date s of the Akkadian empire. Arabs began migrating North in waves over 10,000 years ago as the Arabian peninsula became more arid. It was once a savanna. The Jews emerged from the north coast Canaanites. How do you account for the shared DNA markers of Jews and Palestinians?
The Akkadians originated in the Arabian peninsula. Look at the date s of the Akkadian empire. Arabs began migrating North in waves over 10,000 years ago as the Arabian peninsula became more arid. It was once a savanna. The Jews emerged from the north coast Canaanites. How do you account for the shared DNA markers of Jews and Palestinians?
Arabs raping Jewish women.
The Akkadians originated in the Arabian peninsula. Look at the date s of the Akkadian empire. Arabs began migrating North in waves over 10,000 years ago as the Arabian peninsula became more arid. It was once a savanna. The Jews emerged from the north coast Canaanites. How do you account for the shared DNA markers of Jews and Palestinians?
Bible chronology has man at 6047 years old.
I know, however the Israeli archeologists have a found 40,000 year old civilization in China.

Scientists stand in opposition to many things about God. Mortal scientists misuse science and math. They do not have a clue. They are helping destroy life for mankind.
She is nothing new in an authoritarian supremist
militant society-----to put it very bluntly, there are
always people who prosper VERY WELL----by
acquiescing to the prevailing filth

Satan is the god of this system of things. 99% are mislead.
Scientists stand in opposition to many things about God. Mortal scientists misuse science and math. They do not have a clue. They are helping destroy life for mankind.
There's also cave drawings in France that are 30,000 years old. The origin myths borrowed from Sumer were learned by the Jews during the Babylonian exile or perhaps earlier from the north coast Canaanites. They are explanations for a bronze age people.
There's also cave drawings in France that are 30,000 years old. The origin myths borrowed from Sumer were learned by the Jews during the Babylonian exile or perhaps earlier from the north coast Canaanites. They are explanations for a bronze age people.
So say scientists. Bible chronology says they do not know what they are talking about.
So say scientists. Bible chronology says they do not know what they are talking about.
Of course they know what they are talking about. There's a number of ways they date this stuff. In Pennsylvania about 1916 Protestants had a conference out of reaction to science and modernity. This was the the beginning of fundamentalism. Cyrus Scofield published his Bible promoting Christian Zionism about the same time. He founded the Dallas theological seminary.. and later you got Hal Lindsey.

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