The history of the Jews and God---

Read about the family.. Its a horrible story.
nothing all that notable. One of my brothers is a psychiatrist.
He has commented something like "behind the front door of every
house, there is an epic tragedy"
There are many other religions who don’t believe in the Virgin Birth. What “ Christians” forget is that both Religions believe in the “ Father” GOD

I must not know any of those Christians. There are many perceptions of God but there is only one God. Fighting over religion is stupid.

Yea, right. That’s why “ Christians” have been killing, defaming Jews for thousands of years

Preach on, sister. Just curious though.... what part of there are many perceptions of God but only one God did you not understand?

You sound like someone who wants to fight over religion to me. That's not a good look. Fighting over religion is stupid.
surada and ding bat tell us--------conflict over religion does not exist amongst
Preach on, sister. Just curious though.... what part of there are many perceptions of God but only one God did you not understand?

You sound like someone who wants to fight over religion to me. That's not a good look. Fighting over religion is stupid.
It seems to me that " ILOVE " was not contesting "there are many perceptions........." but your
claim that christians do not fight over religion
Preach on, sister. Just curious though.... what part of there are many perceptions of God but only one God did you not understand?

You sound like someone who wants to fight over religion to me. That's not a good look. Fighting over religion is stupid.
I agree. Tell the “ Christians” that
you don't see christians fighting this week?
Here? Sure. Just like Jews and Muslims. In the real world? No. Just the Jews and Muslims.

You people evangelize more than Jimmy Swaggert.
Here? Sure. Just like Jews and Muslims. In the real world? No. Just the Jews and Muslims.

You people evangelize more than Jimmy Swaggert.
who is "you people"? In my childhood town-----the catholics fought the protestants----
the protestants were the aggressors
Not in Haifa.. There hadn't been any trouble there. Both Jews and Arabs were employed at the refinery .. Remember the pipeline that fed the refinery?

Arafat's mother did have family in Palestine, but not the same family as the Mufti.
Do you have a problem digesting information once again Arafatsmother was a cousin of the Mufti making Arafat and the Mufti related as I showed you on the previous post try to keep up and not tell fibs either through ignorance or on purpose…
Jews in Morocco, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Morocco and elsewhere generally prospered and made a valued contribution to their communities. If not for European Zionism, they would still be there. Its a loss to the Arab word and has created so much conflict.
They were chased out and their lands and possessions confiscated .. It is conjecture on your part to blame this on European Zionism Jews were always treated as Dhimini in all the Muslim lands they lived in when Israel became a state it was a convenient excuse to get rid of them…

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