The Holiday Mind: Avatars/Ornaments [American Discounts]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Are you a fan of holiday-season shopping/consumerism and ornamentation/masquerade?

What's your 'American perspective' on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas?

Do you like films like Halloweentown, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and A Christmas Story?


A comic book featuring a very odd villain such as Menace (Marvel Comics) might be what your kid wants this Christmas. You might think it odd until you realize that your other kid wants a Ouija-board for Christmas, which you can now find on eBay. Shopping has changed, since consumerism is much more pedestrianism-imaginative. So how do we keep pace?


We might appreciate the convenience of being able to download a popular Tom Hanks Christmas movie on Netflix right on our laptop, and connect the laptop to our HDTV with a handy-dandy HDMI cable. This is really what consumerism is all about --- lifestyle amenities. The aesthetics are important, and that's where society pundits have to 'dial in' to offer their wisdom regarding the 'heartbeat' of pedestrian chatter.


Of course, not all bizarre new age toys, video-games, dolls, and comic books are 'inexplicable' to adults who don't know too much about new age trends in entertainment and creativity. That's where parents are obligated to find ways to reach out to their kids with gifts/toys/books that they know their imaginative kids will find interesting but are not too 'alien' for them not to be able to relate to for parental-supervision talks. In fact, parental-control buttons/switches on new cable-TV boxes signal a modern social interest in 'active' lifestyle guidance.


Kids and adults alike appreciate the dazzle and ornamentation and masquerade of the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas 'circuit' which comes every year (October-November-December), a chance to reflect on your life and toast the glories of the entire year, now that an entirely new year approaches. The 'holiday mind' may require an appreciation of the right avatars/ornaments that make festive spirit feel more sane...and vivacious.


Heck, you might just want to encourage your kids to freely doodle their 'renditions' of their favorite/esoteric/eccentric avatars and comic book and video-game characters you never thought anyone would dream up --- e.g., Gray Goblin, Leatherface, Medusa, Kung-Lao, Plastic Man, Elektra, etc. This is the age of crayons after all, isn't it (e.g., Facebook, Highlights magazine for children, Sesame Street, MTV, etc., etc.)? What's wrong with a little 'home-made folklore' for family-values?


The most important thing is affordability. If it's not affordable, it's not practical to indulge in some gift/book simply for the sake of spending money or splurging. Even rich people should consider how to spend money 'wisely' so they actually appreciate/celebrate what they buy. Isn't this the real 'moral problem' with consumerism --- apathy?


TRUMP: I want Melania to dress as a pirate for Halloween!
CARTER: Are you a fan of the Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean films?
TRUMP: Yes, but I prefer the oldies/classics like Treasure Island.
CARTER: Do you think 9/11 was an attack on Santa Claus?
TRUMP: The destruction of the World Trade Center was an attack on commerce.
CARTER: Maybe Christmas-discounts can rejuvenate consumerism-festivity.
TRUMP: We want Americans to celebrate Medicare and Social Security!
CARTER: Yes, otherwise, there's less 'prestige' for the Home Shopping Network.
TRUMP: Exactly; this should be the era of consumer craftsmanship.
CARTER: Hail to!



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