The Holocaust reasoning of Critical Race Theory.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (
Race only matters when it comes to two things, the medical field and politics. For the medical field, knowing genetic background is helpful in predicting future issues, but in politics it is a fabulous way to divide and conquer. For you see, politics is the art of dividing the conquering the people. That way you develop cult like groups a belief that their political group will fight for them in some way while the other will not. They then turn a blind eye to, not only all the evils that group the support inflicts on society, but also seem to live in denial about that group not living up to their promises regarding helping them.

In the US, for example, early in history it behooved politicians to create a race war between dark and light skinned people because the white skinned people outnumbered the darker skinned people, and the light skinned people wanted their land. Knowing that the light skinned people could overpower the other groups easily and take their land, was the key for creating those race wars.

Today, however, the dark skinned people outnumber the light skinned people, so eventually the dark skinned people will take over the land of the lighter skinned people. It is only a matter of time so why not attain political power as a result by pushing these race wars?

It's just that simple. Unfortunately, politicians will always be race baiting scum in order to obtain power.
The hard part about the Jewish persecution was distinguishing them from the rest of society because they appeared to look the same. That is why they were told to wear a star of David to help them know who to oppress.

But with dark and light skin no particular garb is necessary for politicians to demand.
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (

Critical Race Theory is one evil staring us down these days, but I would argue it isn't the most Satanic—or immediately dangerous. The global (and American) Left have resurrected Eugenics from the Nazi Holocaust book of genocide and they're all hot and heavy over its potential on Twitter and CNN. Seems the modern Left also believes children such as those born with genetic problems such as Down's syndrome should be erased. Of course, then there's legalized abortion which, since 1973, has directly murdered approximately 60 million American infants and erased BILLIONS of would be Americans from the cosmos; those who would have been born to the aborted millions over the last 47 years. So, choose your evil . . .
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (
History was taught by old white Americans as the concentric goodness of the nation.
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (

Critical Race Theory is one evil staring us down these days, but I would argue it isn't the most Satanic—or immediately dangerous. The global (and American) Left have resurrected Eugenics from the Nazi Holocaust book of genocide and they're all hot and heavy over its potential on Twitter and CNN. Seems the modern Left also believes children such as those born with genetic problems such as Down's syndrome should be erased. Of course, then there's legalized abortion which, since 1973, has directly murdered approximately 60 million American infants and erased BILLIONS of would be Americans from the cosmos; those who would have been born to the aborted billions over the last 47 years. So, choose your evil . . .
Just what makes it Satanic?
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

It was King James I & VI of England who deported the Jews in England to a sand bar about ten miles off the English coast ... when the tide came in, all the Jews drowned ... the problem was all the dead bodies washing up on the shores making a stinking mess ...

It wasn't until the early 20th Century that we had the technology to not only kill the Jews in Europe, but also dispose of the bodies ... the Holocaust of WW2 was just the natural outcome of several centuries of persecution ... it's not that the Nazis kept this secret, Europeans in general approved of the practice ... it wasn't an issue until the Americans showed up and saw what was going on ...

Here in the United States, we don't kill white people because of religion ...
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (
The actual problem is neo nazis and white supremacists. Or did you not understand what “Jews will not replace us” was about?
The hard part about the Jewish persecution was distinguishing them from the rest of society because they appeared to look the same. That is why they were told to wear a star of David to help them know who to oppress.

But with dark and light skin no particular garb is necessary for politicians to demand.

right on----you have just CITED a point which you may or may not know is something HIGHLY resented by,
of all peoples. critical race theory, antisemite thug
blacks. Way back in the 1960s when the idiot critical
race theory seeds were being sown -----and I was young, I read stuff like this from the poison pens of what are now lauded as BRILLIANT BLACK SCHOLARS
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (
The actual problem is neo nazis and white supremacists. Or did you not understand what “Jews will not replace us” was about?

I did not understand to what the slogan
"jews will not replace us" refers. I am
so glad that you can explain it to me.
Please let me know WHO USES this
Slogan and What does it mean. ----thanks,
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

It was King James I & VI of England who deported the Jews in England to a sand bar about ten miles off the English coast ... when the tide came in, all the Jews drowned ... the problem was all the dead bodies washing up on the shores making a stinking mess ...

It wasn't until the early 20th Century that we had the technology to not only kill the Jews in Europe, but also dispose of the bodies ... the Holocaust of WW2 was just the natural outcome of several centuries of persecution ... it's not that the Nazis kept this secret, Europeans in general approved of the practice ... it wasn't an issue until the Americans showed up and saw what was going on ...

Here in the United States, we don't kill white people because of religion ...
they want to kill white people:
they want to kill white people:

No ... we want to kill white people because they're filthy sub-rodents ... has nothing to do with religion ...
but the blacks are worse than than the whites
blacks commit at much higher rates:
hate crimes
graduate at lower rates!!!
they want to kill white people:

No ... we want to kill white people because they're filthy sub-rodents ... has nothing to do with religion ...

So, is your stance that killing white people is a good thing and worthy of your approval?
but the blacks are worse than than the whites
blacks commit at much higher rates:
hate crimes
graduate at lower rates!!!

Pffffft ... just how clueless are you in the "kill whitie" rhetoric ...

God wants white people dead ... and all their creations ground into the dust from which they came ... the evil spawn of SATAN ...

Black people are quick to agree to the first part ... but God knows they will not comply with that second part ...

Black man sins ...

It's a crying shame the tax-payers short changed your public education so badly ... black man enslaved black man, for the riches white man brought ...
So, is your stance that killing white people is a good thing and worthy of your approval?

Sure ... doesn't everybody? ... don't the Irish have good bloody clause to slaughter off the English? ... [shrugs shoulders] ...

There's a lot to be said killing all the 59-year-old white men in the world ... have Greta-girl sneer at the 60- and 58-year-olds ... it would be a better world for the rest of ya ...
So, is your stance that killing white people is a good thing and worthy of your approval?

Sure ... doesn't everybody? ... don't the Irish have good bloody clause to slaughter off the English? ... [shrugs shoulders] ...

There's a lot to be said killing all the 59-year-old white men in the world ... have Greta-girl sneer at the 60- and 58-year-olds ... it would be a better world for the rest of ya ...

Just trying to figure out how much ammo to tell my daughter she needs...
There is only one thing more dangerous than being born white these days and that is being white and being a fool. Older Americans were taught actual history, so they were aware of the plight of the Jews in the 1930’s. When Adolph Hitler’s scapegoating book, “Mein Kompf”, was penned during his imprisonment in the 1920’s, his book essentially blamed a group of humans, the Jews, for being irredeemably evil, unfixable and responsible for the ills of society. The Holocaust that followed was an ugly chapter in human history stamping a black mark on humanity itself.

Never again? Perhaps we should take a look at a petri dish growing cultured evil on the campuses of American colleges and universities called “Critical Race Theory”. Critical Race Theory is a resurgence of holocaust methodology supplanting Jews with white Americans and laying the miseries of the world at their feet. Televised news reports of contemporary Brown Shirts torching businesses and defacing monuments are stark reminders that another Holocaust is always just a generation away.

As usual, it is the intelligentsia that incites the indoctrinated mobs; they do it for power. The United States has always been a country that flies in face of central planning and its history bears that out all the way back to the Bill of Rights. But central planning is the fuel of totalitarian government, so education and media are captured and converted to propaganda mechanisms to protect aristocratic planners and empower the government.

America’s educational elite are fully aware that they are fed from the trough of government so it is to their benefit to kindle violence against a convenient scapegoated group, this time not based on religion but on skin color. Setting fire to businesses owned and operated by average citizens acting in their own best interests and harming no one is part and parcel to holocaust methodology designed to intimidate the masses. Destroying livelihoods is a time-honored tradition of authoritarian systems even if those livelihoods are operated by those outside the scapegoated group; they are just branded as collaborators.

People are encouraged to use their heads and not be fooled by a holocaust scheme disguised as a solution to improve society. There is nothing new under the Sun, and Critical Race Theory is as old as scapegoating itself. Watch out for those “good” white people coming after “bad” white people like you. Remember the Jews, study history.

Critical race theory - Wikipedia

How the explosion in critical race theory is poisoning America (
History was taught by old white Americans as the concentric goodness of the nation.
We were a nation in which men took chances. Boundless growth and optimism prevailed. Group after group came here to make their way. Then Progs slowly took over. As government became larger and larger the Progs power increased as their shills occupied every level of government. Now government supersedes men of greatness with bloviating tin pot dictators both elected and unelected. Politicians open for sale as state secrets leave here as fast we invent them. With little incrimination of the perps involved. You live off of that greatness. And you think you will rewrite more chapters of it. We are in decline. And it won't change until we change back into some sort of nation in which our spines are restored.
Just trying to figure out how much ammo to tell my daughter she needs...

Not to worry ... obviously God hasn't found a People worthy to bear the Ark of the Covenent before them to do His will ... and knowing human nature, it's highly unlikely He ever will ... just think of all the steel white people have made, sent of the bottom of the ocean ... [sigh] ... we'll just have to endure the English ...

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