The Holocaust. The Fake History.

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And six million just Jews got lost? In the span of 6 years the majority of European Jews just vanished, perhaps we forgot to look under the bed. And why WAS Nazi Germany detaining and putting in camps Jews when they were NO threat to the Nazi war machine? For shits and giggles? And where did most of them go? The marshy ash pits behind these camps, or do some of you really believe they just disappeared into the aether?
So where are the 6 million bodies?

If you say they were cremated.

Then where are the huge ash heaps from the ovens? ...... :cool:
Too bad we can't harness bullshit historical revisionism as an alternative energy source.
And six million just Jews got lost? In the span of 6 years the majority of European Jews just vanished, perhaps we forgot to look under the bed. And why WAS Nazi Germany detaining and putting in camps Jews when they were NO threat to the Nazi war machine? For shits and giggles? And where did most of them go? The marshy ash pits behind these camps, or do some of you really believe they just disappeared into the aether?
So where are the 6 million bodies?

If you say they were cremated.

Then where are the huge ash heaps from the ovens? ...... :cool:
Well, For what reason did your friends, the National socialist, remove Jews from Germany? And, then, you don't answer, you differ to other defuse obfuscations. Where DID the majority of Jews GO after your friends, the NAZIS, detained them and created camps to put them in? WHAT did they do with THEM?
Well, For what reason did your friends, the National socialist, remove Jews from Germany? And, then, you don't answer, you differ to other defuse obfuscations. Where DID the majority of Jews GO after your friends, the NAZIS, detained them and created camps to put them in? WHAT did they do with THEM?
Answer my question first......and then I will answer yours. ...... :cool:
Well, For what reason did your friends, the National socialist, remove Jews from Germany? And, then, you don't answer, you differ to other defuse obfuscations. Where DID the majority of Jews GO after your friends, the NAZIS, detained them and created camps to put them in? WHAT did they do with THEM?
Answer my question first......and then I will answer yours. ...... :cool:
Answer what? Humor me. Were did all those missing 6 million Jews go after the National Socialist made them illegal, confiscated everything they had, put them in cattle cars and put them in camps that worked them to death and had massive ash pits full of human remains. YOU do the freekin' math, Einstein.
Answer what? Humor me. Were did all those missing 6 million Jews go after the National Socialist made them illegal, confiscated everything they had, put them in cattle cars and put them in camps that worked them to death and had massive ash pits full of human remains. YOU do the freekin' math, Einstein.
Again.......where are the alleged 6 million bodies?

If you say they were cremated.

Then where are the huge ash heaps? ........ :cool:
What is sad is that this message board allows this kind of trash to be debated. Anytime you stoop to the Supremacist level you detract from real discussion and allow discussion where racism flourishes. No one learns from this except how to be a better racist.
Answer what? Humor me. Were did all those missing 6 million Jews go after the National Socialist made them illegal, confiscated everything they had, put them in cattle cars and put them in camps that worked them to death and had massive ash pits full of human remains. YOU do the freekin' math, Einstein.
Again.......where are the alleged 6 million bodies?

If you say they were cremated.

Then where are the huge ash heaps? ........ :cool:
You are right, I made all this up to feed into your anti Semitism. It's a conspiracy by the elders of Zion. The truth is out there, and there isn't any conspiracy. Get over it. All the overwhelming facts VS the few fleeting pointless questions you ask. Love ya, kid, you need to look deeper.
What is sad is that this message board allows this kind of trash to be debated. Anytime you stoop to the Supremacist level you detract from real discussion and allow discussion where racism flourishes. No one learns from this except how to be a better racist.
I fail to see how debating an alleged historical event can be construed as racist? ...... :dunno:
What is sad is that this message board allows this kind of trash to be debated. Anytime you stoop to the Supremacist level you detract from real discussion and allow discussion where racism flourishes. No one learns from this except how to be a better racist.
I fail to see how debating an alleged historical event can be construed as racist? ...... :cool:

Historians have deliberated the historical fact for 75 years, there is no longer a discussion about the feasibility of an alternate history as pertains to the Holocaust. It is a fringe idea pushed by racists, it only exists in the minds of the confused.
I've been to Buchenwald....the Nazis were not baking cookies in those ovens
Actually, those ovens were for making bread to feed the inmate workers and prison guards. ...... :cool:

If they weren't just added after the war. Like the Auschwitz gas chamber was.

Look loon, I knew a survivor, I saw the tattoo, I listened to his stories...take your BS and sell it elsewhere

You knew somebody who said they were a survivor. You saw a tattoo that was nothing more than an identification that couldn't be faked. You heard "him" tell you LIES! Look at the fucking plaque! Read the fucking documents! Look at the faked Nazi atrocity photos! Believe your OWN fucking eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on you have more,your close to stroking out,fo us the favor keep going.

What a nut case.
The best evidence of the Holocaust is the Nazi records, they were fantastic record keepers
There has never been much serious question as to the holocaust given all the facts. But Anti Semites of all stripes, be they Iranians or Southern Americans, they LOVE to pretend this is an historical fabrication. Facts speak for them selves. They don't have filters or editors. Get over it.
Historians have deliberated the historical fact for 75 years, there is no longer a discussion about the feasibility of an alternate history as pertains to the Holocaust. It is a fringe idea pushed by racists, it only exists in the minds of the confused.
Historians still debate all aspects of the American Civil War, Columbus's voyages, the Peloponnesian War, .......basically everything that has ever happened.

So why should spirited debate about the so called Holocaust be exempted from historical examination and discussion? ...... :cool:
The only problem that I have with this thread, is that my grandfather who went in and helped liberate one of the camps, has actual photo's of the bodies stacked like cord wood, and black and white pictures of the bull dozer burying the bodies etc. Not sure why all the denial and such or what the reason is for trying to deny the history of such a thing as that, but whatever the reason it's dumb.
Historians have deliberated the historical fact for 75 years, there is no longer a discussion about the feasibility of an alternate history as pertains to the Holocaust. It is a fringe idea pushed by racists, it only exists in the minds of the confused.
Historians still debate all aspects of the American Civil War, Columbus's voyages, the Peloponnesian War, .......basically everything that has ever happened.

So why should spirited debate about the so called Holocaust be exempted from historical examination and discussion? ...... :cool:

None of those historical inquiries research if they ever existed.
Historians have deliberated the historical fact for 75 years, there is no longer a discussion about the feasibility of an alternate history as pertains to the Holocaust. It is a fringe idea pushed by racists, it only exists in the minds of the confused.
Historians still debate all aspects of the American Civil War, Columbus's voyages, the Peloponnesian War, .......basically everything that has ever happened.

So why should spirited debate about the so called Holocaust be exempted from historical examination and discussion? ...... :cool:
6 million Jews missing in Europe since the incidental pointless incarceration and mass lockup of Jews by Hitler in Europe. Where did they ALL GO? Why lock them up, why?
Wish we had an idiot button. I'd be mashing that sucker every time the OP opened his yapper.
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