The Holy Spirit: If you don't have It, you can never understand It.


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2014
For all those, who are not Christian, and those who claim to be Christian, yet are not, this is very simple.

If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows. You are like the disciples of Jesus, who walked with Him every day, yet did not understand anything He was teaching until their eyes were opened, by the Holy Spirit.

So please, continue to tell me what you don't know, because I don't believe you are wrong, I know it. I've had that mustard seed before, and I hope to have it again.(look it up).
If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows

David Berkowitz (former Son of Sam) could say the same thing about his communications with his neighbor's dog 'Sam'

No disrespect intended, but when you have a secret communication others cannot understand or enter into unless they share a particular belief...
My Pentecostal friends would say that.

I always offered to do a laying on of hands to help them, but they said "no" every time. :lol:
Could you explain to the unenlightened the essence of a Christian Holy Spirit.
If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows

David Berkowitz (former Son of Sam) could say the same thing about his communications with his neighbor's dog 'Sam'

No disrespect intended, but when you have a secret communication others cannot understand or enter into unless they share a particular belief...

It is not about Communication.
Regeneration is the Holy Spirit's work. Regeneration is the impartation of life, spiritual life, to the one "dead in trespasses and sins." It is the Holy Spirit who imparts this life.
Ephesians 2:1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Satan), the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
When you are Baptized you receive the Holy Spirit and sin no longer controls you.
Romans 8:9 You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.
Your arrogance is duly noted.
I'm not conceited, I'm convinced!

OK, so what is relationship between your soul and the holy spirit?
Who said I believe in a soul? Please show me in the Bible where it says only your soul will be resurrected.

If you look at how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, he brought back the whole man, not just his soul, and when Jesus was resurrected, His body was changed, but it never mentions His soul.

Thus, I believe all of me, without the imperfection of sin, will be resurrected. It says in the Bible, that the dead in Christ will rise first, not their souls. And anyone who doubts that God could do this, surely doubts that He could create everything to start with. For nothing is impossible with God.

I could be wrong on that part of my faith, as I am sure I am probably wrong on other parts, that is why I continue to look, and don't just say, my belief is right and yours is wrong, because, when you become set in the notion, that your belief is totally correct, that is when you are most vulnerable to the enemy.

My relationship with the Holy Spirit, is not as good as it has been in the past, but, it's not as strained as it has been at times in my life either. I'm going in the right direction, but the progress is slow.

It's like a nascar race, if you start in the back, then the first couple of spots are easy, but as you pass more and more cars, they get harder and harder to pass, as you work your way to the front.
For all those, who are not Christian, and those who claim to be Christian, yet are not, this is very simple.

If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows. You are like the disciples of Jesus, who walked with Him every day, yet did not understand anything He was teaching until their eyes were opened, by the Holy Spirit.

So please, continue to tell me what you don't know, because I don't believe you are wrong, I know it. I've had that mustard seed before, and I hope to have it again.(look it up).

Who died and made you chief?
Could you explain to the unenlightened the essence of a Christian Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a piece of God, without sin, and perfect, I don't understand how It could be part of the Trinity, and of the same level as God, but I'm convinced that understanding that has nothing to do with one's salvation.

It gives humans the power to tell a mountain to move, and the mountain will move, if you have just the faith of a mustard seed. It helps us to understand Scripture, and see things in a broader perspective, than we might see things on our own. It's that guiding force that gives us hope, even in hopeless times.

It is the part of God, that we show others, instead of just talking it, we have to walk it. That piece that helps us get out of bed on Thanksgiving morning at 5 am, and go cook for the hungry, deliver food until the sun goes down, and be grateful that we have the chance to help.

It has the power to change people, from the worst of human kind, to one who is a great blessing to others. When you have It, you know it, but if you have never had It, you would not know It, until you have It, then you would never want to give It up.
For all those, who are not Christian, and those who claim to be Christian, yet are not, this is very simple.

If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows. You are like the disciples of Jesus, who walked with Him every day, yet did not understand anything He was teaching until their eyes were opened, by the Holy Spirit.

So please, continue to tell me what you don't know, because I don't believe you are wrong, I know it. I've had that mustard seed before, and I hope to have it again.(look it up).

Who died and made you chief?

And He appoints many chiefs. But, alas, I am just a brave, and don't have the courage, yet, to be a chief. you see, chiefs are held to a higher standard than mere braves are held too.
For all those, who are not Christian, and those who claim to be Christian, yet are not, this is very simple.

If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows. You are like the disciples of Jesus, who walked with Him every day, yet did not understand anything He was teaching until their eyes were opened, by the Holy Spirit.

So please, continue to tell me what you don't know, because I don't believe you are wrong, I know it. I've had that mustard seed before, and I hope to have it again.(look it up).

Who died and made you chief?

And He appoints many chiefs. But, alas, I am just a brave, and don't have the courage, yet, to be a chief. you see, chiefs are held to a higher standard than mere braves are held too.

Oh, lookey, It's Jan D'arc in the flesh
Who said I believe in a soul? Please show me in the Bible where it says only your soul will be resurrected.
If you look at how Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, he brought back the whole man, not just his soul, and when Jesus was resurrected, His body was changed, but it never mentions His soul.

So do you believe that we have souls or not? I am not trying to bait you; I am just trying to understand your theology. The Bible says Jesus ascended to Heaven. If his physical body went there, then it must be a physical place. If so, where is it? It seems more likely that his spirit or soul went there, in which case the reconstruction of our physical bodies here on Earth seems incongruous at best.

Many people say they "believe," but can't seem to describe exactly what it is that they believe. It seems that without knowledge, this type of belief is an empty vessel.
For all those, who are not Christian, and those who claim to be Christian, yet are not, this is very simple.

If you don't have The Holy Spirit living inside of you, then there is no way at all, that you can understand or know what a true Christian understands and knows. You are like the disciples of Jesus, who walked with Him every day, yet did not understand anything He was teaching until their eyes were opened, by the Holy Spirit.

So please, continue to tell me what you don't know, because I don't believe you are wrong, I know it. I've had that mustard seed before, and I hope to have it again.(look it up).

Who died and made you chief?
his man god, baby yeshu

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