The Homeless people of California

As the liberals try to deny that they caused this..........they cannot deny that it is MASSIVE PROBLEM now.............The lucky ones making low middle income are escaping to families elsewhere..........others without the money are living in tents anywhere they can ....................Many are still working...........with no home anymore............the bills took them down...............

Libs here try to blame the GOP for California's problems..............say they are all drug addicts..........losers.........everything that shows their policies there caused this problem.............and they will continue to do so............They can't escape that this is going on there...............They can't hide it...............Can't claim that I'm using biased sources.....I've used more Dem leaning sites on this thread than not................

And so.................the people of California are experiencing WHY NO COUNTRY SHOULD GO SOCIALIST.............they as always destroy the middle Class.......leaving 2 classes of people.........and the left in politics in California need to be expunged...................

Keep your damn Socialism in California...............and if your Brexit types want to leave the Uniton............BYE.
Those are all crap you idiot no real newspaper or TV station has this story you are a brainwashed functional moron.

Deny, deny, deny....dumbass.
San Francisco Bay Area Experiences Mass Exodus Of Residents

Joint Venture Silicon Valley’s own study of the out-migration says workers are moving to Sacramento, Austin, and Portland due to a number of factors. But topping the list is the high cost of housing.

“You can’t even contemplate getting into the housing market here,” Hancock said. “And I don’t mean just service workers, I mean highly skilled professionals. The tech elite are having a hard time affording reasonable housing in Silicon Valley. So this is difficult, this makes it very difficult for employers trying to recruit.”

Operators of a San Jose U-Haul business say one of their biggest problems is getting its rental moving vans back because so many are on a one-way ticket out of town.

Dabak cites crowding, crime and politics as the reasons for her own exodus.

“We don’t like it here anymore. You know, we don’t like this sanctuary state status and just the politics here,” she said.

She plans to sell her home for about $1 million, buy a much larger place near Nashville for less than half that and retire closer to family and friends.

Nationwide, the cities with the highest inflows, according to Redfinare Phoenix, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and Nashville.
Now let's take a quick look at the Pot farms in California...................soo happy to legalize weed.............but every pot plant needs 5 gallons of water a day to grow properly...............and they are using the water by the 1000 of gallons a day while AVERAGE CALIFORNIANS have restricted water due to drought.

Again, can't argue biased information's Dan Rather...........hardly conservative. LOL

Take a look...........your on water hours...........and they get the water so you can get high..........

Now let's take a quick look at the Pot farms in California...................soo happy to legalize weed.............but every pot plant needs 5 gallons of water a day to grow properly...............and they are using the water by the 1000 of gallons a day while AVERAGE CALIFORNIANS have restricted water due to drought.

Again, can't argue biased information's Dan Rather...........hardly conservative. LOL

Take a look...........your on water hours...........and they get the water so you can get high..........

Whiners! Try the Empire State upstate, losers. LOL
DSC03391_original.jpg Something is definitely rotten in Denmark- uh- I mean California. Once upon a time, over 50 years ago- this was the dreamy state that everyone wanted to be in: Natives, Spanish, Hollywood, Surfers, Scientists, Artists, Vacationers, Farmers and Vintners, Farm workers, Musicians, Hikers, name it- Go West was it. TODAY: Cali is a nightmare and the drought is fierce. I disagree with Issa that there are "two types of Americans" as her comments are loaded with a contempt for the USA. And YET there are two types of homeless: a) lifestyle homeless aka Hobos, and b) circumstances to overcome homeless aka needing a hand up. To overcome the mess that is Cali, DO USE the FREE INTERNET available at the library and vision a new better, productive life. ...Maybe even somewhere in Cali, or, somewhere else, but, please if you have been in a rut for a long time, please think about getting at least a part time job if you are able bodied and sane-relatively together. You are a part of society, not above or below society. Grow up. images7GTOPK7W.jpg
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Something is definitely rotten in Denmark- uh- I mean California. Once upon a time, over 50 years ago- this was the dreamy state that everyone wanted to be in: Natives, Spanish, Hollywood, Surfers, Scientists, Artists, Vacationers, Farmers and Vintners, Farm workers, Musicians, Hikers, name it- Go West was it. TODAY: Cali is a nightmare and the drought is fierce. I disagree with Issa that there are "two types of Americans" as her comments are loaded with a contempt for the USA. And YET there are two types of homeless: a) lifestyle homeless aka Hobos, and b) circumstances to overcome homeless aka needing a hand up. To overcome the mess that is Cali, use the free internet at the library and vision a new better, productive life. Maybe even somewhere in Cali, but please think about getting a job if you are able bodied and sane-relatively together.

They're drowning in feces out there. Yet so many are still voting for Democrats. It's so sadly shocking.
Something is definitely rotten in Denmark- uh- I mean California. Once upon a time, over 50 years ago- this was the dreamy state that everyone wanted to be in: Natives, Spanish, Hollywood, Surfers, Scientists, Artists, Vacationers, Farmers and Vintners, Farm workers, Musicians, Hikers, name it- Go West was it. TODAY: Cali is a nightmare and the drought is fierce. I disagree with Issa that there are "two types of Americans" as her comments are loaded with a contempt for the USA. And YET there are two types of homeless: a) lifestyle homeless aka Hobos, and b) circumstances to overcome homeless aka needing a hand up. To overcome the mess that is Cali, use the free internet at the library and vision a new better, productive life. Maybe even somewhere in Cali, but please think about getting a job if you are able bodied and sane-relatively together.

They're drowning in feces out there. Yet so many are still voting for Democrats. It's so sadly shocking.

While living in their parents basement and their whole world exists on Fakebook, life is always great.
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I looked at some of the house costs in that video...............INSANE.............2 million for THAT...................YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME...........

The Kaden - Amelia Lake by D.R. Horton - Mobile, AL | Zillow

I can buy 8 of these for that price..............and the one they were looking at wasn't even new..........and it was a shit hole on a itty bitty lot.............

Yeah...........STUPIDITY REIGNS IN CALIFORNIA...............

In some states a million orders of the best damn BBQ comes out of a shack worth about $1.
California leads the nation in those homeless...
federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.
You, eagle, no doubt are biased against California. You seem to cherry~pick your posts to make that state look bad. Any positive things to say? My visits to California have been very positive overall, but of course there are bad as well as good experiences.

Does California not have the largest population among all states in USA? Then having the most homeless people, many who come there from other states, helps explain its statistics, no?
I am biased against the liberal policies of California..........Policies if they had their way would be forced on the rest on the rest of the country. I started this thread after getting tired of hearing the Save the Children of immigrants being detained threads out the Wazoo on this board and MSM. My point is very clear. While the Dems are ranting and raving for OPEN BORDERS....their own people are leaving and living on the streets of California. HYPOCRISY of a State that openly opposes the LAWS of this country on immigration.

California is the liberal experimental ground for Liberal policies. From attacks on Fossil Fuels to forcing Solar on the entire country. To ending the second Amendment and are completely against State Rights versus the Federal Gov't. Many times on this thread I said bring back the 10th and restore power to the States and reduce the size of the Federal Gov't. Then you can live the way you want to live in your State and we can as well. You of course will joke about that comment, but I simply don't care. Dem politicians attempt to force their views on States that don't want it. If Your side stops telling us what we have to do we'll stop telling you what to do..........It's that simple.

California follows the European Models of Social Safety nets. As a result they have the highest utility prices in the World. Highest taxes and less Freedom than we have here. Freedom ...........over there you can be thrown in jail for whatever you type on a internet board as a crime of Hate Speech. Dems have pushed for that there which I see as a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. Prime example is Berkley.........they RIOT and Burn just because a Conservative wants to speak there. THAT IS INSANITY.

Good things about California.......a place where I don't want to live.........Good weather.......low humidity......Good beaches.......Nice forests in the North of the State. Disney and other things. All states have their goods and bads. This thread is basically DON'T TREAD ON ME California with your liberal policies. I've pointed out the problems.........the people leaving...........the people living in tents...........the Cost of Living Index........and lack of water............I used left leaning articles to prove it.............and they can't deny that.

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