The Homeless People Of Texas

Soooo, if poor Americans that lost their jobs and home is a joke, Try camping on the street . All poor Americans want is a better life. But we feel so much more pity for illegal aliens that want a better life, so we allow them to displace our underclass based on hollow premise to salve our rich white elitist consciousness because poor Americans are trash and disposable. They deserve their fate...But Mexicans, they need saving...Excuse me?
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
Hmmmm. Failed Republican economics? Well, unemployment is down to 3.8 percent, even the staunchly Democratic New York Times considers our economy fantastic.
The homeless consist of the following:
1. Drug/alcohol addicts.
2. Mentally-ill to the point where they cannot hold a solid job for any length of time.
3. Criminals that would be arrested if they took a job whereby they had to give their social security number for taxation purposes.
4. Ex-cons that because of their arrest record, companies prefer not to hire.
4. Hobos/nomads that prefer the lifestyle of being "off-the-grid" and moving about. Interviews with these type of individuals have shown it is, for them, a preferred life.
5. Some individuals who have had a negative turn of events in their lives, no fault of their own (these represent the smallest amount).
Leftist/Socialism/Marxism economics: Nobody gets rich, everybody becomes poor (excluding the higher proletariat comrades), everyone, excluding those higher proletariat comrades, lives in cramped apartments that they share with others that aren't even family, thus eliminating private property. There will be no unemployed homeless as all will either work by contributing to the state, or be sent to so-called re-education camps and if deemed unemployable, will conveniently disappear, never to be seen again.
California, Oregon, and Washington are deep blue states, and all have a "homeless" population that has just exploded in the last few years especially.

The OP is trying to imply that red states are where the real homeless problem is, but he's fucking nuts. It's bad everywhere.

Remember the "homeless are one or more of the following:

Mentally ill
Drug addicts
That's what ya get for going Army........ In the Navy we were like; "what's a tent"?

You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
My career Army father talked me into the Navy.........

You know, not having to camp out was appealing as hell, but when he started talking about all the travel he'd done, I decided that was the service for me.

One of the cool things I enjoyed doing was when I came home, going to the AF base club in uniform. Know what happened? Damn near every chick in the place came by to check me out. Some even bought me a beer.

Yep, another good thing about the Navy is the universal recognition of the uniform. A woman sees a Sailor, they generally get interested.

Unfortunately the same thing happens when a sailor sees a sailor...

Exit, stage left :scared1:

Hey, you leave me an opening that wide, I'll drive a truck through it...
Let me guess, the Village People talked you into the Navy.......... :eusa_whistle:
Something about going down to the dock and getting seafood.
You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
My career Army father talked me into the Navy.........

You know, not having to camp out was appealing as hell, but when he started talking about all the travel he'd done, I decided that was the service for me.

One of the cool things I enjoyed doing was when I came home, going to the AF base club in uniform. Know what happened? Damn near every chick in the place came by to check me out. Some even bought me a beer.

Yep, another good thing about the Navy is the universal recognition of the uniform. A woman sees a Sailor, they generally get interested.

Unfortunately the same thing happens when a sailor sees a sailor...

Exit, stage left :scared1:

Hey, you leave me an opening that wide, I'll drive a truck through it...
Let me guess, the Village People talked you into the Navy.......... :eusa_whistle:
Something about going down to the dock and getting seafood.
Kinda sorta like that.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?

The OP is about Texas, any comment on the Texas homeless problem? There are other threads, countless as I'm sure you know about California, perhaps you could find one of those I have commented in some of them.
Very few people are homeless because they have tried diligently and can't find a job. The Trump phenomenon, like it or not, demonstrates that even if political leadership is flawed, if business perceives that it is valued, it will create jobs.

How can anyone look around the U.S., see the cities dominated by Leftist "machines," that are uniformly shitholes, and seriously say that the homeless problem is a Republican thing?

You gotta be a fucking idiot.

Homelessness is a huge problem in all red states as well. Doesn't matter if you don't like to hear or SEE it, that is the reality.
The US is 33rd in rates of homelessness (0.17%), way behind the Brits and Canadians, who are at 22nd (0.46%) and 21st (0.5%) respectively.

List of countries by homeless population - Wikipedia

There are about 15,000 homeless people in Texas. Out of 28 million people that would be a low rate of 0.05%
Homelessness in the United States by state - Wikipedia

In Texas people h ave the right to live without an address if they so choose and some do.

Hell, right after I got out of the army I lived in a garage of a lady I knew from church. No one has to go without shelter if they dont want to.

In case anybody missed the hard numbers here....
Soooo, if poor Americans that lost their jobs and home is a joke, Try camping on the street . All poor Americans want is a better life. But we feel so much more pity for illegal aliens that want a better life, so we allow them to displace our underclass based on hollow premise to salve our rich white elitist consciousness because poor Americans are trash and disposable. They deserve their fate...But Mexicans, they need saving...Excuse me?

You are stuck on immigration, try one of the immigation threads. Any thoughts on homelessness in Texas?
Soooo, if poor Americans that lost their jobs and home is a joke, Try camping on the street . All poor Americans want is a better life. But we feel so much more pity for illegal aliens that want a better life, so we allow them to displace our underclass based on hollow premise to salve our rich white elitist consciousness because poor Americans are trash and disposable. They deserve their fate...But Mexicans, they need saving...Excuse me?

You are stuck on immigration, try one of the immigation threads. Any thoughts on homelessness in Texas?

It is one tenth that of Canada and Britain.

Whats the point?
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Homelessness is a problem caused by many areas of society.

If you put kids through education, and don't give students the skills to live life as adults, then this is the first problem you might have.

The second is the boom and bust economy that fucks people over, I mean fucks POOR PEOPLE over, while the rich get richer.
There may be other reasons why the numbers of homeless went up in Texas. Bad weather getting more hobos to hop a rail to warmer climes is my guess. "Goin' where the weather suit my clothes". That seems more likely than improving employment causing a spike in homelessness.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Homelessness is a problem caused by many areas of society.

If you put kids through education, and don't give students the skills to live life as adults, then this is the first problem you might have.

The second is the boom and bust economy that fucks people over, I mean fucks POOR PEOPLE over, while the rich get richer.
The break down of the traditional American family, is the root cause of America’s problems...
California, Oregon, and Washington are deep blue states, and all have a "homeless" population that has just exploded in the last few years especially.

The OP is trying to imply that red states are where the real homeless problem is, but he's fucking nuts. It's bad everywhere.

Remember the "homeless are one or more of the following:

Mentally ill
Drug addicts
Newly released from prison
Here illegally
In the army one guy carried half the canvass pup tent and the other guy carried the other half...If one guy got killed you were screwed when it came to pitching a tent.

My Ol' Man was in General Patton's 3rd Army going into the Battle of the Bulge. No tents, precious little food for weeks.
Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.

Try studying the Holy Bible before you try and teach others what it says. It will be an enlightening experience for you.

Holy Bible / New Testament / Thessalonians / 3

3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

3:4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.

3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

3:7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

3:8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

3:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

3:14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

3:17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.

3:18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?

The OP is about Texas, any comment on the Texas homeless problem? There are other threads, countless as I'm sure you know about California, perhaps you could find one of those I have commented in some of them.
How can we talk about homelessness in the US without talking about CA, or illegals, or idiots for that matter.
If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.

While I realize that the philosophy of our failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was to LEAD FROM BEHIND, I don't share that philosophy. My goal has always been to emulate WINNER!

Why then should we encourage losers, failures to chose our leaders?
What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?

Simple, they offer massive benefits to the homeless, have great mild weather, strongly encourage people to do drugs making them worthless to employers.

What could go wrong?
Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.

Try studying the Holy Bible before you try and teach others what it says. It will be an enlightening experience for you.

Holy Bible / New Testament / Thessalonians / 3

3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

3:4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.

3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

3:7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

3:8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

3:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

3:14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

3:17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.

3:18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Right because you fancy yourself the all-knowing guru of 'bible'. Save it, one of the most glaring things that condemns the bible is it contradicts itself throughout.

"What you do unto these my brothers you do also to me" "Judge not lest ye in kind be judged"

You aren't a Christian, like most who claim that title but never attempt to live as Christ you just like to believe you are because it makes you feel good. You ignore Christ's teachings when it suits your already fixed in concrete view of the world which is dog eat dog.

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