The Homeless People Of Texas

If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.

While I realize that the philosophy of our failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was to LEAD FROM BEHIND, I don't share that philosophy. My goal has always been to emulate WINNER!

Why then should we encourage losers, failures to chose our leaders?

You support an orange turd that is one of the most immoral human beings alive. Kid yourself that is what you are good at, you are no Christian.

The Homeless people in Texas are forsaken, not by Christ, but by those who falsely claim they follow him.
Massive criminal illegal immigration, fast rising home prices, lots of churches and food banks running out of money and donations dwindling. Ironic how the so-called 'progressives' support criminal illegal immigration, hate Da Evul Xians and want to put them in ovens, have never done squat about the 'homeless', and passed 'Super-Delegate Rules' to get rid of unions and populists, bu then run around claiming 'its the GOP!!!' like nobody knows what a bunch of frauds and liars the scum are, and how much the DNC loves them some Red Chinese and 'globalist' labor racketeers, and Goldman Sachs. They do have an incredibly stupid core base of racists and assorted deviants, though, so they don't need no stinking platforms.

Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?
If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.

While I realize that the philosophy of our failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was to LEAD FROM BEHIND, I don't share that philosophy. My goal has always been to emulate WINNER!

Why then should we encourage losers, failures to chose our leaders?

You support an orange turd that is one of the most immoral human beings alive. Kid yourself that is what you are good at, you are no Christian.

The Homeless people in Texas are forsaken, not by Christ, but by those who falsely claim they follow him.

Pipe down, you fake loser; you 'new atheist' sexual deviants and 'progressives' don't do shit for anybody, so you got nothing to say that has any credibility.
If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.

While I realize that the philosophy of our failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was to LEAD FROM BEHIND, I don't share that philosophy. My goal has always been to emulate WINNER!

Why then should we encourage losers, failures to chose our leaders?

You support an orange turd that is one of the most immoral human beings alive. Kid yourself that is what you are good at, you are no Christian.

The Homeless people in Texas are forsaken, not by Christ, but by those who falsely claim they follow him.

Typical, a childish attack but dodging the question.

Thanks for being so agonizingly predictable.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

I have another thread where they are arguing that the entire world population can fit into Texas with plenty of room to spare, so over-population is just a myth. So tell those Texans to move over! The fact that they can't find jobs is all in their minds.
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Homelessness is a problem in every large city. I remember when I lived in Houston...Westheimer near Shepherd used to be panhandler central. When I moved out to the suburbs, I would go exercising out at Archer Park out by the the velodrome.... you'd see several tents in the surrounding woods. Not much different than other major cities.
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.

Doesn't change the fact that there was nothing 'successful' about welfare reform. The fact is too many people for too few jobs, and it doesn't matter whether or not ideologues can dream up excuses, a lot of people are going to be out of work, disabled, and unemployed, and then there is the mental illness problem, another great idea the Democrats had, dumping the mentally ill on the streets, something Republicans didn't mind either, as long as they could rely on cops to pay special attention to keep them all out of their neighborhoods.

Criminalizing poverty is just stupid, period, they got to sleep and hang out somewhere, and public property is the place they're going to do it in. Laissez faire types should be the last people screaming for criminalization of poverty, since it's a key outcome of endorsing failure in their economic beliefs. They should be happy at the tent cities and their visibility. It's a natural result of policies of keep cheap labor around.

Obama is a symptom, not a result; he didn't invent tent cities, and he didn't invent off-shoring and 'globalism', he just cashes their checks, like the rest of the hacks do, including GOP 'conservatives'.
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Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.
Now this is funny.....white people dominate the disabilty claims...dominate it!!

Yaw can thank Obama later!!
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Dallas and especially Houston are run by Dems. Houston also gets the bottom-feeders from New Orleans.
And Republicans seek even more punitive policies against the homeless, the unemployed, and low income Americans.
What punitive policies?

Homelessness is primarily a Democrat problem. Look at Democrat srtongholds New York, Hawaii and California, fer crissakes.

You want to talk about punitive policies against low income Americans? "Cash for Clunkers" is just one example of how the Democrats love to stick it to the poor. They destroyed hundreds of thousands of good used vehicles. Simple law of supply and demand dictates that this type of idiotic destruction of material wealth puts inflationary pressure on the price of used vehicles.

Many poor folks depend on used cars for transportation. Being without reliable transportation dramatically limits their job opportunities. A used car, or especially a pickup truck, could be the difference between earning a living wage and being stuck in poverty.

Another example is Obama's cap&trade program that they tried to ramrod through congress. Obama himself said the policy would make electricity prices skyrocket. For many poor people, that price difference could be the difference between having shelter and being homeless.

And then there is oppression by the police in Democrat controlled cities. That primarily effects to poor.
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Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.
Now this is funny.....white people dominate the disabilty claims...dominate it!!

Yaw can thank Obama later!!

Your determination to avoid facts and dodge the issue is not at all surprising.

What you try to pull again is that of course, white people dominate the disability claims. 85% of our population is white with 13% black. Now be honest, what is the percentage of each group or admit you are just lying.

Keep up your struggles.
And Republicans seek even more punitive policies against the homeless, the unemployed, and low income Americans.
What punitive policies?

Homelessness is primarily a Democrat problem. Look at Democrat srtongholds New York, Hawaii and California, fer crissakes.

You want to talk about punitive policies against low income Americans? "Cash for Clunkers" is just one example of how the Democrats love to stick it to the poor. They destroyed hundreds of thousands of good used vehicles. Simple law of supply and demand dictates that this type of idiotic destruction of material wealth puts inflationary pressure on the price of used vehicles.

Many poor folks depend on used cars for transportation. Being without reliable transportation dramatically limits their job opportunities. A used car, or especially a pickup truck, could be the difference between earning a living wage and being stuck in poverty.

Another example is Obama's cap&trade program that they tried to ramrod through congress. Obama himself said the policy would make electricity prices skyrocket. For many poor people, that price difference could be the difference between having shelter and being homeless.

And then there is oppression by the police in Democrat controlled cities. That primarily effects to poor.

Democrat Dallas, nearly all black City council, orders cops to 'clean up' the tent cities' regularly, using gestapo tactics, and they toss these people's belongings in trash trucks they bring in especially to deprive them of their personal stuff. they are so corrupt they can't go a year without some scam or bribe coming to light involving one or several Council members. These are the types who wear those stupid 'African pillbox hats', the ugly ass robes, and run around yelling all the time, like fat hod rat crack whores, some sort of 'cultural thing' wildly popular in black 'communities' everywhere, and this fat white kid posting under the handle 'tigerred59' here tries to emulate.
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
The OP is about Texas, any comment on the Texas homeless problem? There are other threads, countless as I'm sure you know about California, perhaps you could find one of those I have commented in some of them.

So in other words, California likes to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Democratic overlords don't cause this problem, but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across many blue states.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
Every State has this problem. Not just Texas, or California, or New York.

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