The Homeless People Of Texas

Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
Willow brain, listen, every single time we allow trickle down tax cuts for the rich to go into effect, this country suffers you can either keep your head up your ass and get high sniffin your bullshit or you can get real with facts.....and time after time its the working class of this nation that not only pays the price for these failed policies, but its the working class that eventually FOOTS THE FUCKIN BILL, you stupid mf'!!
GFY, you morons on the fucking left would tax the wealthy right out of existence then you’d start bitching about the middle class. You are just gimme gimme people who suck the government tit.
When poor people understand, that regardless of thier plight in life, that voting is the best way to solve their issues, this country will change for the better...When young thug black dudes get out and vote, when poor white trash....when the least of our society get off their ass and vote...this country and lives will change

If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.

California has a massive Homeless problem, so why are you ignoring their issues while focusing on Texas?

Also did you know Houston, Texas has been Democrat for many years and was the first Major City to have a Lesbian Mayor?

Also Dallas and San Antonio are Democratic strongholds...

What is my point?

Democrats get elected and Houston even send Congressional members for the Democratic Party, so your " vote " suppression nonsense, well is nonsense when you look at the real facts!

You just believe everyone should for Democrat or stay home...

Derpy. Go start your own thread on whatever topic you want, otherwise address the topic of this thread.

The Homeless People of Texas.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...

Of course it is a nation-wide issue. That is the point of the OP, to call attention to this nation-wide epidemic of homelessness, Texas being one of the states where it's a real problem.

Texas is below the national average.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?

The OP is about Texas, any comment on the Texas homeless problem? There are other threads, countless as I'm sure you know about California, perhaps you could find one of those I have commented in some of them.

Seems kinda silly to bring up a state that has a below average homeless population.

The only thing that fits?
Extreme ButtHurt.
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Soooo, if poor Americans that lost their jobs and home is a joke, Try camping on the street . All poor Americans want is a better life. But we feel so much more pity for illegal aliens that want a better life, so we allow them to displace our underclass based on hollow premise to salve our rich white elitist consciousness because poor Americans are trash and disposable. They deserve their fate...But Mexicans, they need saving...Excuse me?

You are stuck on immigration, try one of the immigation threads. Any thoughts on homelessness in Texas?'s below the national average.
Unlike Calipornia and N.Y.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?

The OP is about Texas, any comment on the Texas homeless problem? There are other threads, countless as I'm sure you know about California, perhaps you could find one of those I have commented in some of them.

Seems kinda silly to bring up a state that has below a average homeless population.

The only thing that fits?
Extreme ButtHurt.


Texas has a huge homeless problem, like all states do. Live with it.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?

The OP is about Texas, any comment on the Texas homeless problem? There are other threads, countless as I'm sure you know about California, perhaps you could find one of those I have commented in some of them.

Seems kinda silly to bring up a state that has below a average homeless population.

The only thing that fits?
Extreme ButtHurt.

View attachment 196761

Texas has a huge homeless problem, like all states do. Live with it.

Still below average.
Now if ya wanna see some serious homeless problems head to Calipornia.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

I have another thread where they are arguing that the entire world population can fit into Texas with plenty of room to spare, so over-population is just a myth. So tell those Texans to move over! The fact that they can't find jobs is all in their minds.

If you're not working in Texas it's because you dont want a job.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Homelessness is a problem in every large city. I remember when I lived in Houston...Westheimer near Shepherd used to be panhandler central. When I moved out to the suburbs, I would go exercising out at Archer Park out by the the velodrome.... you'd see several tents in the surrounding woods. Not much different than other major cities.

The Alkek velodrome is in Cullen Park.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Homelessness is a problem in every large city. I remember when I lived in Houston...Westheimer near Shepherd used to be panhandler central. When I moved out to the suburbs, I would go exercising out at Archer Park out by the the velodrome.... you'd see several tents in the surrounding woods. Not much different than other major cities.

The Alkek velodrome is in Cullen Park.

Archer Park is like one or two exits from the velodrome—hence “by the velodrome”
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
All major cities have a big homeless problem.
Because Democrats run them.
If you say so. :dunno:
Ironically Houston and Dallas are two pretty liberal cities in the state especially Houston.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
All major cities have a big homeless problem.
Because Democrats run them.
If you say so. :dunno:
Oh and since you're making it political here's some more ammo for you to bash others over the head with, as opposed to looking for real solutions.........

Bussed out: how America moves thousands of homeless people around the country
You're a koolaid slurper. You don't use reason just your daily memes. Off to ignore, buh bye.

Koolaid from the Holy Bible. That's a new one but not surprising coming from a Progressive.

But, you wish to run and hide. So impressive!
Hopefully Texas will put some work and money into helping all these homeless people on the streets of Texas. It's a huge problem as in other places and they need to get a handle on it. One idea I've seen in various places is cities paying homeless people to clean up the streets. Puts them to work so they feel productive, they clean up the trash, and improve their own environment as well as for everyone else. At the least let's see politicians go out to these people and say here are some jobs we'd like to help you get moving again.

You know, just be human. Not too far fetched for Texas is it? Or is it?
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
Willow brain, listen, every single time we allow trickle down tax cuts for the rich to go into effect, this country suffers you can either keep your head up your ass and get high sniffin your bullshit or you can get real with facts.....and time after time its the working class of this nation that not only pays the price for these failed policies, but its the working class that eventually FOOTS THE FUCKIN BILL, you stupid mf'!!
GFY, you morons on the fucking left would tax the wealthy right out of existence then you’d start bitching about the middle class. You are just gimme gimme people who suck the government tit.
We're the homeless folks in Texas
Ain't got no place to go
The homeless folks in Texas
Should go back to Mexico.

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