The Homeless People Of Texas

Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.

Try studying the Holy Bible before you try and teach others what it says. It will be an enlightening experience for you.

Holy Bible / New Testament / Thessalonians / 3

3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

3:4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.

3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

3:7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

3:8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

3:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

3:14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

3:17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.

3:18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Right because you fancy yourself the all-knowing guru of 'bible'. Save it, one of the most glaring things that condemns the bible is it contradicts itself throughout.

"What you do unto these my brothers you do also to me" "Judge not lest ye in kind be judged"

You aren't a Christian, like most who claim that title but never attempt to live as Christ you just like to believe you are because it makes you feel good. You ignore Christ's teachings when it suits your already fixed in concrete view of the world which is dog eat dog.

I'm not sorry I embarrassed you by exposing your ignorance of the Holy Bible. Maybe study the whole Bible rather than the bits and pieces fed to you by your Progressive mentors.

Perhaps I have convinced you that you need to do a bit more research before spewing out lies.

Do you believe Jesus wants us to be poor or successful?
Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.

And again, California has done all of those things, so why is their problem worse than Texas?

Furthermore, all you did was post a few memes without any reference to anything whatsoever. How do we know those pictures were even taken in Texas?

The city of Amarillo is suing a landowner who is letting homeless people camp out on his property.

In Rare Legal Move, the City of Amarillo Takes Landowner to Court Over Homeless Camp

I've seen similar in various states and cities. I mean you can't win. People seem to want homeless people to just disappear. It isn't going to happen. Jesus even a private citizen that is using his own property as he sees fit is singled out for helping these people.

Such a Christian nation.
The US is not a christian nation and never has been but homelessness has nothing to do with christianity one way or the other.
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.

Doesn't change the fact that there was nothing 'successful' about welfare reform. The fact is too many people for too few jobs, and it doesn't matter whether or not ideologues can dream up excuses, a lot of people are going to be out of work, disabled, and unemployed, and then there is the mental illness problem, another great idea the Democrats had, dumping the mentally ill on the streets, something Republicans didn't mind either, as long as they could rely on cops to pay special attention to keep them all out of their neighborhoods.

Criminalizing poverty is just stupid, period, they got to sleep and hang out somewhere, and public property is the place they're going to do it in. Laissez faire types should be the last people screaming for criminalization of poverty, since it's a key outcome of endorsing failure in their economic beliefs. They should be happy at the tent cities and their visibility. It's a natural result of policies of keep cheap labor around.

Obama is a symptom, not a result; he didn't invent tent cities, and he didn't invent off-shoring and 'globalism', he just cashes their checks, like the rest of the hacks do, including GOP 'conservatives'.
Whether forced on Clinton by Gingrich or not there is no doubt that the welfare reform or cap under clinton was massively successful.

It is no coincidence that shortly after this reform unemployment dropped and the economy boomed.
Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.

Try studying the Holy Bible before you try and teach others what it says. It will be an enlightening experience for you.

Holy Bible / New Testament / Thessalonians / 3

3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

3:2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

3:4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.

3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

3:7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

3:8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

3:9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

3:14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

3:15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

3:17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.

3:18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Right because you fancy yourself the all-knowing guru of 'bible'. Save it, one of the most glaring things that condemns the bible is it contradicts itself throughout.

"What you do unto these my brothers you do also to me" "Judge not lest ye in kind be judged"

You aren't a Christian, like most who claim that title but never attempt to live as Christ you just like to believe you are because it makes you feel good. You ignore Christ's teachings when it suits your already fixed in concrete view of the world which is dog eat dog.

I'm not sorry I embarrassed you by exposing your ignorance of the Holy Bible. Maybe study the whole Bible rather than the bits and pieces fed to you by your Progressive mentors.

Perhaps I have convinced you that you need to do a bit more research before spewing out lies.

Do you believe Jesus wants us to be poor or successful?

You're a koolaid slurper. You don't use reason just your daily memes. Off to ignore, buh bye.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Houston is a Democratic held City like Dallas, so what are the Mayors doing to fix this issue?

Oh, let me guess you believe the issue is only because of the Republicans and did you know this issue has been around even when Obama was President?

I know, but if you did not care then why do you care now?

Also if you checked all the information of the homeless population you would discover many of them are other parts of the nation that head to States like Texas and California because of warmer climates, bur hey let not get into facts when those like you prefer to just write about how Republicans have failed...

Oh, I live outside Houston and the issue has been a problem for decades and yet you just notice when the GOP are in control but if Democrats ran everything, well you would just blame the rich and say there is no real issue...
When poor people understand, that regardless of thier plight in life, that voting is the best way to solve their issues, this country will change for the better...When young thug black dudes get out and vote, when poor white trash....when the least of our society get off their ass and vote...this country and lives will change

If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.

California has a massive Homeless problem, so why are you ignoring their issues while focusing on Texas?

Also did you know Houston, Texas has been Democrat for many years and was the first Major City to have a Lesbian Mayor?

Also Dallas and San Antonio are Democratic strongholds...

What is my point?

Democrats get elected and Houston even send Congressional members for the Democratic Party, so your " vote " suppression nonsense, well is nonsense when you look at the real facts!

You just believe everyone should for Democrat or stay home...
So you find my responses funny?

Did the facts make you laugh?


Houston, Texas has been a stronghold for the Democratic party for many years now...

Jim McConn was the last Republican Mayor of Houston and left office in 1981...

It has been 39 years since Republicans won Houston, but hey it is their fault for the Homeless in Houston accordong to you...

According to you voter suppression keep Democrats out of power but yet a Republican can not win in Houston, so care to explain that?

Nah, you will just stay ignorant about reality because if you knew anything about Texas you would realize at the City level it is very blue and not as red as you believe...
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Houston is a Democratic held City like Dallas, so what are the Mayors doing to fix this issue?

Oh, let me guess you believe the issue is only because of the Republicans and did you know this issue has been around even when Obama was President?

I know, but if you did not care then why do you care now?

Also if you checked all the information of the homeless population you would discover many of them are other parts of the nation that head to States like Texas and California because of warmer climates, bur hey let not get into facts when those like you prefer to just write about how Republicans have failed...

Oh, I live outside Houston and the issue has been a problem for decades and yet you just notice when the GOP are in control but if Democrats ran everything, well you would just blame the rich and say there is no real issue...[/QUOT}

Only two things come from Texas, steers and queers and you ain't got no horns.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

Houston is a Democratic held City like Dallas, so what are the Mayors doing to fix this issue?

Oh, let me guess you believe the issue is only because of the Republicans and did you know this issue has been around even when Obama was President?

I know, but if you did not care then why do you care now?

Also if you checked all the information of the homeless population you would discover many of them are other parts of the nation that head to States like Texas and California because of warmer climates, bur hey let not get into facts when those like you prefer to just write about how Republicans have failed...

Oh, I live outside Houston and the issue has been a problem for decades and yet you just notice when the GOP are in control but if Democrats ran everything, well you would just blame the rich and say there is no real issue...[/QUOT

The Real Issue, only two things come from Texas, steers and queers and you ain't got no horns.

So you want to do homophobic nonsense when facts kick you in the head?

Democrats have held control of Houston for 39 years, so care to explain why they have failed?
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.
Now this is funny.....white people dominate the disabilty claims...dominate it!!

Yaw can thank Obama later!!

Your determination to avoid facts and dodge the issue is not at all surprising.

What you try to pull again is that of course, white people dominate the disability claims. 85% of our population is white with 13% black. Now be honest, what is the percentage of each group or admit you are just lying.

Keep up your struggles.

White people are less that 77% of this country and minorities are almost 40%....listen, facts have shown that blacks who are more than qualified to receive disability are often turned down and white people are granted on a first come first can have it basis.....I don't see an argument here nor do I see me not telling the facts.....
Only two things come from Texas, steers and queers and you ain't got no horns.
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
Willow brain, listen, every single time we allow trickle down tax cuts for the rich to go into effect, this country suffers you can either keep your head up your ass and get high sniffin your bullshit or you can get real with facts.....and time after time its the working class of this nation that not only pays the price for these failed policies, but its the working class that eventually FOOTS THE FUCKIN BILL, you stupid mf'!!
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
Willow brain, listen, every single time we allow trickle down tax cuts for the rich to go into effect, this country suffers you can either keep your head up your ass and get high sniffin your bullshit or you can get real with facts.....and time after time its the working class of this nation that not only pays the price for these failed policies, but its the working class that eventually FOOTS THE FUCKIN BILL, you stupid mf'!!

Sob sister rant and unworthy of your ability. Everyone is exactly where they want to be.
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
Willow brain, listen, every single time we allow trickle down tax cuts for the rich to go into effect, this country suffers you can either keep your head up your ass and get high sniffin your bullshit or you can get real with facts.....and time after time its the working class of this nation that not only pays the price for these failed policies, but its the working class that eventually FOOTS THE FUCKIN BILL, you stupid mf'!!

Sob sister rant and unworthy of your ability. Everyone is exactly where they want to be.
No everyone is not where they want to be and this Nov. we'll show you exactly where we're going to be...and that's on Trumps white ass!!
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.
Child, if anybody needs a education on civic and politics, its poor white trashies who vote the anti government GOP ticket while cashing a welfare check, living in a gov-subsidized trailer park, while cheering for a president that just gave a trillion dollars to the rich!!
He gave them a trillion dollars? Whose money was the trillion dollars. The poor dark trashiest better think more and swallow less. Where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave to the rich? Do you know?
Willow brain, listen, every single time we allow trickle down tax cuts for the rich to go into effect, this country suffers you can either keep your head up your ass and get high sniffin your bullshit or you can get real with facts.....and time after time its the working class of this nation that not only pays the price for these failed policies, but its the working class that eventually FOOTS THE FUCKIN BILL, you stupid mf'!!

Sob sister rant and unworthy of your ability. Everyone is exactly where they want to be.
No everyone is not where they want to be and this Nov. we'll show you exactly where we're going to be...and that's on Trumps white ass!!

Trump holds the Trump Cards and can pardon himself. The Democrats started the Trump mess.
Anybody else remember Bill Clinton's 'welfare reform' agenda?

Of course, it was huge success forced on him by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Former President Bill Clinton vetoed the bill twice before realizing if he vetoed the bill again, Congress had the votes to override his veto. So he signed.

It was very effective until failed former President Barack Hussein Obama voided it with his failed trillion dollar Stimulus Plan.

Actually all he did was quietly put a lot of minorities on Social Security disability by the millions, and reduced bennies to white people, and then pretended he 'reduced poverty and welfare'; the churches took up the slack, and now they're overwhelmed. I'm shuttling fewer and fewer trailers to the churches in the last couple of years, as even donations from the big national food wholesalers has dropped quite a bit. The only thing that will help is if Trump can get the movement of off-shored jobs back a lot faster, and wages rise to reflect inflation, and immigration, illegal and legal both, are reduced to zero.

'Conservatives' in the GOP aren't going to be any less of a roadblock than their left wing 'globalist' establishment buddies are re jobs and incomes; the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and others business and Wall Street lobbies are just as enthusiastic about criminal illegal aliens as the Democrats are; they all take money from both sides. Just blaming the left isn't going to work, either.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did much more damage than loudly encourage people to go on SS Disability. He did much more damage by having a provision in the play that if a state accepted any money from the package, they had to do away with vouchers for schools along with the requirement that people either work, be enrolled and taking classes for work or working on their GED. The Democrat base LOVED those provision.

Doesn't change the fact that there was nothing 'successful' about welfare reform. The fact is too many people for too few jobs, and it doesn't matter whether or not ideologues can dream up excuses, a lot of people are going to be out of work, disabled, and unemployed, and then there is the mental illness problem, another great idea the Democrats had, dumping the mentally ill on the streets, something Republicans didn't mind either, as long as they could rely on cops to pay special attention to keep them all out of their neighborhoods.

Criminalizing poverty is just stupid, period, they got to sleep and hang out somewhere, and public property is the place they're going to do it in. Laissez faire types should be the last people screaming for criminalization of poverty, since it's a key outcome of endorsing failure in their economic beliefs. They should be happy at the tent cities and their visibility. It's a natural result of policies of keep cheap labor around.

Obama is a symptom, not a result; he didn't invent tent cities, and he didn't invent off-shoring and 'globalism', he just cashes their checks, like the rest of the hacks do, including GOP 'conservatives'.
Whether forced on Clinton by Gingrich or not there is no doubt that the welfare reform or cap under clinton was massively successful.

It is no coincidence that shortly after this reform unemployment dropped and the economy boomed.

I don't count bubbles as 'booms', especially narrow bubbles like 'real estate', oil, or stock market silliness, mostly originating from Congress subsidizing them and assorted laws favoring certain industries, and the 'unemployment' numbers coming from govt. have always been jokes. So yes, it's no coincidence such wonderful, and doctored, numbers always magically appear in the press after such bullshit proclamations from whatever Party is in power telling us all what wonderful things the pols did for us n stuff. There hasn't been any improvement in the real economy since the 1960's.

Only the financial sector has benefited, via corruption, and it much prefers Red China as the new hegemon over the U.S. Wall Street is not pro-American, and right wing morons need to grow up and face that fact. They regularly sell this country out just as enthusiastically as any Clinton, Soros, or Obama does, and that's because the latter worked for them, not the U.S., and so does a majority of your Senators and Congressmen.
Last edited:
White people are less that 77% of this country and minorities are almost 40%....listen, facts have shown that blacks who are more than qualified to receive disability are often turned down and white people are granted on a first come first can have it basis.....I don't see an argument here nor do I see me not telling the facts.....

Of course, anybody who has ever been in any govt. office knows this post is a load of utter BS. These white Burb Brat kids posting this stuff on the innernetz are so easy to catch lying it's not any fun.
White people are less that 77% of this country and minorities are almost 40%....listen, facts have shown that blacks who are more than qualified to receive disability are often turned down and white people are granted on a first come first can have it basis.....I don't see an argument here nor do I see me not telling the facts.....

Of course, anybody who has ever been in any govt. office knows this post is a load of utter BS. These white Burb Brat kids posting this stuff on the innernetz are so easy to catch lying it's not any fun.

blacks. in my city, are AS FAR AS I HAVE OBSERVED ---are just as likely to be qualified
for SS disability as are whites-----HOWEVER ---
I have no idea what goes on in Texas. I do have
some limited experience in advocating for
disabled persons---in my city. I also have some
limited experience with TEXANS ---sheeesh---
damned rednecks
White people are less that 77% of this country and minorities are almost 40%....listen, facts have shown that blacks who are more than qualified to receive disability are often turned down and white people are granted on a first come first can have it basis.....I don't see an argument here nor do I see me not telling the facts.....

Of course, anybody who has ever been in any govt. office knows this post is a load of utter BS. These white Burb Brat kids posting this stuff on the innernetz are so easy to catch lying it's not any fun.

blacks. in my city, are AS FAR AS I HAVE OBSERVED ---are just as likely to be qualified
for SS disability as are whites-----HOWEVER ---
I have no idea what goes on in Texas. I do have
some limited experience in advocating for
disabled persons---in my city. I also have some
limited experience with TEXANS ---sheeesh---
damned rednecks

Why is it you can never speak to what is actually said? And you''re right, most of you NYC hicks up north have never been anywhere and don't know shit about anything west of the Hudson. You're dumber than those Appalachians you like to look down on all the time. Same for the Left Coast hicks. Appalachians are generally nice people, though, unlike Left and Right Coast gimps, who are mostly loud, stupid, and venal, which of course is why they're so stupid, neurotic sociopaths in the first place. No wonder they're still having race riots, over stuff like 'JOOS WID AMBULANCES!!!" and 'RODNEY KING!!!'
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
There are hobos in every state and mostly Democrat run cities.

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