The Homosexual Dilemma

Poor attempt at deflecting - Ancient warfare in India is a theory - you do understand the diff. between fact and theory do you not
So far as Homosexuality and Sodom & Gomorrah - No its not debatable - not so long as your using the source and not trying to slant facts to suit your Agenda
"No its not debatable"

LOL- I have already shown that it is regularly debated by scholars.

The entire Jewish tradition disagrees with you.
The Sin of Sodom and its Impact on Creation - My Jewish Learning
The Torah did not elaborate on the sin of Sodom, but the underpinnings are expressed later in the prophecy of Ezekiel: "Behold this was the sin of Sodom…She and her daughters had pride, excess bread, and peaceful serenity, but she did not strengthen the hand of the poor and the needy" (16:49).

An opinion in the Mishnah in Avot 5:10 further strengthens this picture of moral depravity when it defines the Sodomite as one who says, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours." The Mishnah decries a man who wishes to remove himself from the social responsibility of welfare by closing himself and his wealth from others, even if he makes the claim that he is not taking away from anyone else.

The Destruction of Sodom - Jewish History
The Sodomites were notorious for their wickedness. They had no consideration for the poor, nor for the passing stranger to whom they offered no hospitality; nor would they even sell him any food or water. Once they had found out that Plitith, Lot’s daughter, had secretly given food to a stranger who was near starvation, and they burned her in public. Another time, when they discovered that a young girl had fed a starving beggar, they smeared honey all over her and placed her upon the city wall, so that she died from the stings of the bees attracted by the honey.

These and many other similar hideous acts of cruelty by the Sodomites and their neighbors of Gomorrah, had aroused G-d’s anger, and He decided to destroy them completely.

Every time from now on that you claim that the issue is not even debatable you just show yourself to be a liar.

And really- 'Atomic Warfare in Ancient India'? LOL......

Genesis 19-5

"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

Genesis 19-5

"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

Genesis 19-5

"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

Genesis 19-5

"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
That's a direct translation? What is the Hebrew (Semetic) word for "have sex with them"?
The NIV tries to use the most common vernacular to accommodate people of your intelligence level. Other versions word it differently if you think you're up to the challenge.

Here's another passage

Leviticus 18:22
"'Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

Judges 19:22
While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him."

bring them out unto us, that we may know them;
not who they were, and from whence they came, and what their business was; nor did they pretend anything of this kind to hide and cover their design from Lot, but they were open and impudent, and declared their sin without shame and blushing, which is their character, ( Isaiah 3:9 ) ; their meaning was, that they might commit that unnatural sin with them, they were addicted to, and in common used, and which from them to this day bears the name of Sodomy. As lawful copulation with a man's wife is modestly expressed by knowing her, ( Genesis 4:1 Genesis 4:17 Genesis 4:25) ; so this unlawful and shocking copulation of man with man is expressed by this phrase; and that this was their meaning is plain from Lot's answer to them, ( Genesis 19:8 ) .

Genesis 19 5 Commentary - John Gill s Exposition of the Bible

You said that 'it isn't even debatable'- since I have proven that to be a lie- how do we know what else you are lying about- even your own motivation.

Once again:

Jeremiah 23
But now I see that the prophets of Jerusalem are even worse!

They commit adultery and love dishonesty.

They encourage those who are doing evil

so that no one turns away from their sins.

These prophets are as wicked

as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah once were.”

Hmmm that sounds like Greenbean.....

Your younger sister was Sodom, who lived with her daughters in the south.
47 But you have not merely sinned as they did. You quickly surpassed them in corruption.
48 As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, Sodom and her daughters were never as wicked as you and your daughters.
49 Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door.
50 She was proud and committed detestable sins, so I wiped her out, as you have seen.c
Hmmm that sounds like Greenbean too.

But Greenbean tells us there is no debating his conclusions. Because he is clearly an expert on all things Biblical and Atomic war in Ancient

GAYZ: We would like the exact same marriage benefits that straights get.

BIGOT: Gaaaaaggghhh! Stop thrusting your big, long, fat dick in my face!
"gay" and "marriage" are mutually exclusive terms.
In the same way people like you wanted "negro" and "free" to be.

There is no correlation between the civil rights of ethnic minorities and catering to and encouraging mental and sexual depravity that is harmful not only to depraved but society as a whole. [ Mind you - don't start salivating .... I wrote WHOLE with a W - not HOLE as in "You're an Asshole" ] - Got it ?

Bigotry is bigotry- the relationship is that bigots like you judge Americans by how you label them- rather than by their own actions.

To bigots like you a doctor who has saved millions of lives who also is a homosexual is just the same to you as a serial murderer.

Whether it is a bigot yelling 'die N*gger die' or a bigot yelling 'die F*ggot die'- you are both the same.
If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.


Get you Damn Propaganda out of our schools , entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children, our neighbors and our neighbors children. .

Get your Damn propaganda out of our schools, entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children our neighbors and our neighbors children.

Oh wait- we have mostly done that- and you haters hate that you are no longer able to spew your bile in our schools, and in our movies, and to your neighbors- all that are still the victims of your hate are your own family.

Nothing we can do to help them other than be here when they get away.
The millennials do not agree with you older far right Christians.

You are the past, they are the future.

The die has been cast.
Mrs. Smith, I believe the story you told to the women's luncheon about what you did to your husband for his birthday present makes you a homosexual.
If Mrs. Smith does it to her husband that's fine...if Mr. Smith does it to another guy...BARF!

Whoa! It's not the act you are bashing, it's the gender?
You got it baby.

Nobody puts baby in the corner. Why do you hate men?
I don't hate men. So long as they keep their tools out of each others mouths and back sides.

Wow- so you hate any Americans who don't have sex the way you approve of? Oh wait- only American men who don't have sex the way you approve of.....
There is no homosexual dilemma. Either you put another man's unit in your mouth or you don't. Case closed. If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.

Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.
You're a moron. Anyone who characterizes any disagreement as hate is not objective. That's not up for debate. Since bigots like you see hate everywhere, you're crippled in being able to perceive the real thing. It would be the same as a conspiracy kook trying to discern a real conspiracy from the random lunacy that occupies his head. That's the kind of logic that escapes people like you.

I am glad to hear you don't believe homosexuals live a harmful way of life or are a danger to children and that you believe they can be good parents to kids.

This is awesome news.
Two of my best friends are a lesbian couple that we trust to babysit our kids. They don't hurt anyone and are the most decent people you could know.

So yes, it's possible.
Genesis 19:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

Genesis was written by Moses, who was slow of speech and tongue, 2000 years after Adam and Eve. How did he know Lot was morally depraved; i.e., he would rather hand off his two daughters to a mob of men, young and old, rather than hand over two stranger. Really?

I guess they would be safe in a mob of supposed homosexual men? GreenBean and St.Mike have no explained that bit yet.

Is it possible for your to explain how Moses knew the story first-hand since he wrote about it 2000 years later?
Spent a lot of time on Mt. Sinai, so much so that the Israelites felt he abandoned them and forged for themselves a golden calf.

The reason that Moses is considered the most likely candidate for writing the Pentatuch is because there weren't many candidates for this. In a culture where nearly everyone was illiterate you had Moses, Prince of Egypt, who had a world class education in the most prestigious university on earth. That narrows the field to....just him.
If Mrs. Smith does it to her husband that's fine...if Mr. Smith does it to another guy...BARF!

Whoa! It's not the act you are bashing, it's the gender?
You got it baby.

Nobody puts baby in the corner. Why do you hate men?
I don't hate men. So long as they keep their tools out of each others mouths and back sides.

Wow- so you hate any Americans who don't have sex the way you approve of? Oh wait- only American men who don't have sex the way you approve of.....
Most conservatives don't care what consenting adults do in their own homes, but there are exceptions.
So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?
Homosexual movement? There are just as many homosexuals now as there were centuries ago. Society has become more comfortable discussing sexuality.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.
Gay agenda? Working to increase tolerance should be on everyone's agenda.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism.
So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.
Clearly, no one has won over your heart/mind. Judicial reform is the ultimate goal for most "movements", right? Uh oh, the homosexuals are winning!

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?
Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, hilarious! Christians, Jews they have significant TV time too. Not nearly as entertaining.

They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement.
Are you sure? I feel anti-gay sentiment is more frowned upon now than ever. Thanks to the "gay movement".

Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.
Because Kenyans and Americans have such similar thought processes.

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There is no homosexual dilemma. Either you put another man's unit in your mouth or you don't. Case closed. If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.

Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.

You're right, you have no way of knowing if it is true or not...but you do have your fantasies. Fantasize away!
Whoa! It's not the act you are bashing, it's the gender?
You got it baby.

Nobody puts baby in the corner. Why do you hate men?
I don't hate men. So long as they keep their tools out of each others mouths and back sides.

Wow- so you hate any Americans who don't have sex the way you approve of? Oh wait- only American men who don't have sex the way you approve of.....
Most conservatives don't care what consenting adults do in their own homes, but there are exceptions.

thats what the gay agenda is missing. The truth. No one cares what two consenting adults do in private. The objection comes when a small minority in society decide to force their views on the rest of us. No one wants gays to be punished or discriminated against. But we do not agree that a gay hook up is equal morally, socially, or ethically to a man/woman marriage.

Human biology and anatomy support our views, not theirs.
So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?
Homosexual movement? There are just as many homosexuals now as there were centuries ago. Society has become more comfortable discussing sexuality.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.
Gay agenda? Working to increase tolerance should be on everyone's agenda.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism.
So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.
Clearly, no one has won over your heart/mind. Judicial reform is the ultimate goal for most "movements", right? Uh oh, the homosexuals are winning!

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?
Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, hilarious! Christians, Jews they have significant TV time too. Not nearly as entertaining.

They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement.
Are you sure? I feel anti-gay sentiment is more frowned upon now than ever. Thanks to the "gay movement".

Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.
Because Kenyans and Americans have such similar thought processes.

well said, tolerance and acceptance cannot be mandated or coerced.
There is no homosexual dilemma. Either you put another man's unit in your mouth or you don't. Case closed. If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.

Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.

You're right, you have no way of knowing if it is true or not...but you do have your fantasies. Fantasize away!

tell the truth, wytch. you are a lesbian because no male ever showed any interest in you. Face it, the truth will set you free.
Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.

You're right, you have no way of knowing if it is true or not...but you do have your fantasies. Fantasize away!

tell the truth, wytch. you are a lesbian because no male ever showed any interest in you. Face it, the truth will set you free.

Fishy, if it makes you feel better about your life to think go right ahead. (It wouldn't be the truth, but you're not so much interested in that, just your fantasies)
Civil rights are not submitted to winning the hearts and minds of the mintory hetero-fascists.
You got it baby.

Nobody puts baby in the corner. Why do you hate men?
I don't hate men. So long as they keep their tools out of each others mouths and back sides.

Wow- so you hate any Americans who don't have sex the way you approve of? Oh wait- only American men who don't have sex the way you approve of.....
Most conservatives don't care what consenting adults do in their own homes, but there are exceptions.

thats what the gay agenda is missing. The truth. No one cares what two consenting adults do in private. The objection comes when a small minority in society decide to force their views on the rest of us. No one wants gays to be punished or discriminated against. But we do not agree that a gay hook up is equal morally, socially, or ethically to a man/woman marriage.

Human biology and anatomy support our views, not theirs.

And we don't care what your opinion is, the law disagrees with how you feel about it.
There is no "rise" in numbers of hetero-fascists, only the death throes of heterofascism are loud. Like pigs squealing.
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1, stmike is not the face of Christianity or its doctrines.

2. the anti-gay movement continues to lose traction.
You're a moron. Anyone who characterizes any disagreement as hate is not objective. That's not up for debate. Since bigots like you see hate everywhere, you're crippled in being able to perceive the real thing. It would be the same as a conspiracy kook trying to discern a real conspiracy from the random lunacy that occupies his head. That's the kind of logic that escapes people like you.

I am glad to hear you don't believe homosexuals live a harmful way of life or are a danger to children and that you believe they can be good parents to kids.

This is awesome news.
Two of my best friends are a lesbian couple that we trust to babysit our kids. They don't hurt anyone and are the most decent people you could know.

So yes, it's possible.
Some of my best friends are straights.

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