The Homosexual Dilemma

Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.

You're right, you have no way of knowing if it is true or not...but you do have your fantasies. Fantasize away!

tell the truth, wytch. you are a lesbian because no male ever showed any interest in you. Face it, the truth will set you free.
Ah yes...the "lesbians are women who were rejected by men" schtick. Because it's a male-centric world out there. Men are so irresistable. So are their dicks. :lol:
If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.


Get you Damn Propaganda out of our schools , entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children, our neighbors and our neighbors children. .

Get your Damn propaganda out of our schools, entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children our neighbors and our neighbors children.

Oh wait- we have mostly done that- and you haters hate that you are no longer able to spew your bile in our schools, and in our movies, and to your neighbors- all that are still the victims of your hate are your own family.

Nothing we can do to help them other than be here when they get away.

Get your Damn propaganda out of our schools,

Parents, as well as the general public are generally unaware of the fact that there is a well organized mob, well oiled machine like activist groups vigorously seeking to indoctrinate and promote homosexuality to societies youngest members. .....

Bullying has been around as long as human beings have, and probably longer. It's basic human nature , part of the 'hardening' process of growing up. It's part of establishing a pecking order amongst a litter of puppies, and there's little difference in a juvenile social order. Gay agenda groups have seized the opportunity to promote homosexuality and push for acceptance of sexual perversion and promotion of degenerate behavior among adolescents and children. Lessons in homosexuality and homosexual glorification are being force fed to children as young as Kindergarten under the cloak of "anti-bullying programs" "tolerance" and "safe school initiatives" .

Kevin Jennings, masterminded a scheme of gay infiltration into the classroom using "tolerance" and anti-bullying programs as a perfect path to classroom indoctrination. In 1995 Jennings made a speech to a Gay Group in which he somewhat outlined the agendas strategy

If the radical right can succeed in portraying us as preying on children, we will lose. Their language .... is laced with subtle and not-so-subtle innuendo that we are after their kids, - He then went on to propose a strategy of how they could get at our kids. - K. Jennings

In 2009, Obama nominated homosexual propagandist Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education he was in charge of overseeing the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program. Now the drug education programs I personally have no problem with, but the lefts manipulation of the term safe is where the flakiness comes in. Jennings was in charge of making public schools safe for leftists and homosexuals and to disseminate pro-homosexual propaganda and indoctrination to Americas school children.

Jennings was appointed during the first Obama administration ,52 members of Congress, wrote to President Obama requesting that he rescind the appointment because Jennings had for more than 20 years, almost exclusively focused on promoting the homosexual agenda. The Obama regime refused to do so. Jennings only lasted two years before he resigned, but in that 2 years he did possibly irreparable damage.

An important aspect of the Jennings strategy involves linking the Gay Agenda to universal values that all members of society share. Basically to latch onto tolerance, diversity, safety, and peaceful coexistence amongst children of many variations - which is a good thing. It's a tactic referred to as Framing. From this simple dirt path, they seek to build a super-highway into the minds of our youth. Anybody who objected to the Gay Agendas planned indoctrination would be heretofore be labeled a heartless bully, a homophobic demon with a complete disregard for children and students.

This framing short-circuited their arguments [heterosexuals] and left them back-pedaling from day one, .... [N]o one could speak up against our frame and say, Why, yes, I do think students should kill themselves , This allowed us to set the terms for debate. - Kevin Jennings


''Pederasts, [Pedophiles] gender-benders, sadomasochists and other minorities in the homosexual community with more extreme peculiarities would keep a low profile until homosexuality is in the tent. Only strong and favorable images of homosexuals should be displayed.

Selling Homosexuality Gay Rights Activists use of rhetoric media DIJG


Explicit Gay Sex Education

Gorham Middle School

At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine. This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.

Teaching The art of Fist F*cking

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fistinga homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

A New Jersey school district has apologized to parents after requiring high school students to read books that include graphic depictions of lesbian sex and a homosexual orgy. Lesbian Sex Featured on School Reading List Todd Starnes

Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, recently assigned the pornographic book Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes
to students 14 and up as required reading. There is an episode where a gay man in the midst of humping another gay man finds that ha has a broken condom. The humpee screams Keep it going. Infect me. I dont care. I dont care. { The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that four percent of the male population is homosexual or bisexual yet they account for 78 percent of new HIV infections }

In another excerpt suck my dick, Mother Teresa can also be found among the sticky pages.a gay man states that his nose is a sex organ and reaches for another mans pants to offer a demonstration.

entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children our neighbors and our neighbors children.

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools

Judge Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school News LifeSite

School children to be taught about homosexuality to celebrate gay community Daily Mail Online

Fired teacher denies trying to turn them gay

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class NOM Blog

Rios Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing Now Just Promote Homosexuality Right Wing Watch

Judge orders 8216 gay 8217 agenda taught to Christian children

Oh wait- we have mostly done that

Yup - you've done it allright !
Genesis 19:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

Genesis was written by Moses, who was slow of speech and tongue, 2000 years after Adam and Eve. How did he know Lot was morally depraved; i.e., he would rather hand off his two daughters to a mob of men, young and old, rather than hand over two stranger. Really?

I guess they would be safe in a mob of supposed homosexual men? GreenBean and St.Mike have no explained that bit yet.

Is it possible for your to explain how Moses knew the story first-hand since he wrote about it 2000 years later?
Spent a lot of time on Mt. Sinai, so much so that the Israelites felt he abandoned them and forged for themselves a golden calf.

The reason that Moses is considered the most likely candidate for writing the Pentatuch is because there weren't many candidates for this. In a culture where nearly everyone was illiterate you had Moses, Prince of Egypt, who had a world class education in the most prestigious university on earth. That narrows the field to....just him.

Since the advent of modern biblical scholarship, and its merger with computer science and logistics - academic researchers now believed the text was written by a number of different authors whose work could be identified by seemingly different ideological agendas and linguistic styles .....

Today, scholars generally split the text into two main strands. One is believed to have been written by a figure or group known as the "priestly" author, because of apparent connections to the temple priests in Jerusalem. The rest is "non-priestly." Scholars have meticulously gone over the text to ascertain which parts belong to which strand.

When the new software was run on the Pentateuch, it found the same division, separating the "priestly" and "non-priestly."

Tech tools tackle Biblical scholarship -
There is no homosexual dilemma. Either you put another man's unit in your mouth or you don't. Case closed. If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.

Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.
$10 ... you really think she's worth that much ??
There is no homosexual dilemma. Either you put another man's unit in your mouth or you don't. Case closed. If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.

Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.
$10 ... you really think she's worth that much ??
She might be but you sure as hell aren't. Hey GB, the faggots won. Now you know.
....and in our movies

James Komack was the producer of many top Television programs of the 60s and 70s Welcome Back Kotter, Chico and the man, Love American Style and others. In **The homosexual revolution: End time abomination
** by David A Noebel , he is credited with the following statement. "Do you know the most powerful lobby in the entertainment business? Bigger than blacks or women's lib or any nationalist or racist group. It's the gays. If you don't have the approval of the Gay Media Task Force, you don't go on the air."

Chronology of Gay Activism and Terrorism

1970 New York Post columnist Pete Hamill refers to gays as slim-waisted freakcreeps Gay activists picketed the Post and demanded Hamill be fired. The editor apologized, but defended the editorial freedom of his writers.

1970 Gay activists occupied the offices of Harpers Magazine after the magazine ran a cover story “Homo/Hetero: The Struggle for Sexual Identity.” that described homosexuality as "an affront to our rationality living evidence of our despair of ever finding a sensible, an explainable design to the world."

1972 - The Gay Media Task Force is created by the National Gay Task Force to be an organization to manipulate and control network television programming, theoretically as it addressed gay issues.

1972 ..... the networks tilted against the guardians of morality. They began to send scripts to gay Gay consultants routinely. "Anything that crops up in a script that is even remotely gay" said the writer Allan Burns , "They get it and they really make themselves heard" **Inside Prime Time
** by Todd Gitlin

1972 Gay activist, turned journalist Mark Segal feigns disdain that he couldn’t dance with a gay partner on a dance show, infiltrates an ABC affiliate in Philadelphia and interrupts the news broadcast. He later pulled similar charades against the Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show when he stormed out of the Audience during a live show, on the Mike Douglas show and Today shows. Variety claimed that the activities of Segal alone, not to mention other gay activities had cost the entertainment industry $750,000 in costs including lost advertising revenue.

1973 - Gay propagandist/activist invades CBS News with Walter Cronkite.

1974 A popular and long-running medical drama on ABC - Marcus Welby MD tells the story of a teen boy who is sexually molested by his gay science teacher. The episode, “The Outrage” aired October 8, 1974. Gays squawked immediately - a campaign against the network ensued, gays bombarded over 200 organizations with hate mail and lobbied vigorously. Many major sponsors pulled out ,17 affiliates dropped the program. Some of the affiliates dropping the program were coerced by threats of reprisal if they failed to pull it from their stations . ...Like other media activists Loretta Lotman already had established ties with the management of ... local ABC Affiliate.... she warned that if something were not done about the program they would be hit with protests the likes of which thaye had never seen before.. **Target: Prime Time: Advocacy Groups and the Struggle Over Entertainment Television (Communication and Society)

1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted.

**The Anita Bryant Story

Anita Bryant assaulted - YouTube

Like Satan, Anita Bryant keeps coming back. 2009

Uma Thurman to Play Notorious Anti-Gay Activist in ‘Anita’ 2013

1978 - A Question of Love, ABC TV movie airs based on a lesbian mother and her struggle for custody of her children. Part of manipulated trend to positive TV images of gays , acknowledged as a result of gay activists.

1980 - CBS Reports Episode “Gay Power, Gay Politics” draws strong criticism for what the gay camp referred to as malicious inaccuracies and slanting of the news. The program did heavily focus on the sexual practices of gay males , in particular sadomasochism. The National News Council, stated that CBS had violated journalistic standards through misrepresentation as well as through deceptive editing. I find it curious that the National News Council never says anything when CBS manipulates in favor of the Left leaning liberals and democrats which it has consistently for decades. **See Dan Rather**

1983 NY Times did not cover a fundraiser for Gay Men’s Health Crisis in Madison Square Garden - leads to protests and eventual apology from the Times for not helping in promoting the Gay Agenda

1985 "....You can handle homosexuality - as long as you handle it a lovely, tolerant fashion that will not upset the gay liberation lobby" - Earnest Kinov writer, screenwriter and playwright.

1987 Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill wrote a strategy series of articles entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America" which appeared in Guide Magazine. They wrote ... "In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere! "

1987 A study by The Center for Media and Public Affairs reported that only 9% of the characters depicted on TV with AIDS are identified as homosexual ,while in actuality, over 70 percent of such persons have AIDS or HIV. This is in accordance with the unwritten homosexual lobby's demand to define AIDS as non-gay disease.

1988, a conference of 175 gay activist leaders convened near Washington, D.C. to establish an agenda. After that meeting, Harvard-trained social scientists and homosexual activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen wrote the Gay manifesto After The Ball

1988 episode of NBC's "Midnight Caller" originally portrayed a homosexual as an AIDS carrier who deliberately infects straight woman, a gaggle of gays gathered and more rapidly flocked to NBC Studios and vigorously protested loudly outside the set. The script was changed to appease the pervs, and the program executives humbly kissed their royal infected derrieres while apologizing profusely.

1988, Cosmopolitan magazine published an article "Reassuring News About AIDS: A Doctor Tells Why You May Not Be At Risk." which attempted to inform the public that in unprotected vaginal sex between a man and a woman , the risk of HIV transmission was basically nonexistant, even if the man was infected. This did not fit within the narrow confines of the warped reality that the Homosexual agenda was attempting to ram down societies throat. When lobbying and coercion against the Author and Cosmopolitan failed, the gay agendaites decided they "had to shut down Cosmo." They produced a video entitled, "Doctor, Liars, and Women: AIDS Activists Say No To Cosmo." Activists protested vigorously at the Hearst building (parent company of Cosmopolitan) chanting "Say no to Cosmo!"

1989 Andy Rooney states on air that the year had brought recognition “of the fact that many of the ills which kill us are self-induced: too much alcohol, too much food, drugs, homosexual unions, cigarettes. They’re all known to lead quite often to premature death.” shortly thereafter Rooney made a racial comment “I’ve believed all along that most people are born with equal intelligence, but blacks have watered down their genes because the less intelligent ones are the ones that have the most children. They drop out of school early, do drugs, and get pregnant.” he is suspended for the racial comment , a Gay uproar follows because he was not disciplined for the Gay comment.

1990 The Sacramento Union publishes several editorials against pro-homosexual activities. Vandals quickly destroyed over a hundred of the newspaper's vending machines. The vandalized machines were plastered with stickers from the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power / ACT UP .

1990 The Wall Street Journal editorialized that it seems to be entirely permissible to discuss homosexuality.....only if you maintain "the approved point of view."

1991 During the height of Operation Desert Storm, ACT UP activist John Weir and two other activists entered the studio of the CBS Evening News at the beginning of the broadcast. They shouted "AIDS is news. Fight AIDS, not Arabs!" Even anchorman Dan Rather, that befuddled bastion of left wing lunacy was not immune to the Gay onslaught. . The same night ACT UP demonstrated at the studios of the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour. The next day activists displayed banners in Grand Central Terminal that said "Money for AIDS, not for war" and "One AIDS death every 8 minutes." One of the banners was handheld and displayed across the train timetable and the other attached to bundles of balloons that lifted it up to the ceiling of the station's enormous main room. These actions were part of a coordinated protest called "Day of Desperation."[Wikipedia]

1992 Marketing reports indicate that gays have more expendable income than normal people, mainstream advertisers began pouring money into gay publications. Some advertising revenues nearly double.

1994 Roseanne TV episode features a kiss between two females.

1997 Lesbian Television personality Ellen Degenerate .... uh I mean Degeneres, has her TV character also come out, ratings climb.

1996 Los Angeles magazine cover story by gay journalist David Ehrenstein,, argued that gay material was more persuasive than the average viewer might have thought. "You may not have noticed, but your favorite sitcoms are written by gays and lesbians." informed readers with a tongue in cheek nod to the idea of a gay sitcom writer mafia." {Gay TV and Straight America
Pg. 163}

2012 DC Comics relaunches its Green Lantern character as Gay, the original character was a married father of two who first appeared in 1940

2011 - Gallup poll shows that U.S. adults estimate that 25% of Americans are gay or lesbian.

52% of American Adults estimate that at least one in five Americans are gay or lesbian

35% estimate that more than one in four are.

Few put the figure at less than 15%.

The actual number ??? .... drum roll .... envelope please ..... and the answer is ....... LESS THAN 4% are Gay !!!!!

That's correct only 1 - 4% of the U.S. population is Gay or Lesbian. Why in Gods name would so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so very many of their countrymen are homosexuals ? .... drum roll ..... the answer is ....Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} as well as News coverage.

Almost any show currently airing on television features at least one homosexual. Daytime talk shows, Soaps, and comedies are rampant with out of closet card carrying homosexual characters. In addition, all these characters are not permitted to display character flaws, they are either wealthy, educated, and happy OR depressed and oppressed by perceived mistreatment from normal people.

2013 FemTechNet - A feminist internet group is organizing a program entitled "Storming Wikipedia," and are calling for women to edit the site and add feminist stories . Now I see nothing wrong with giving equal representation to the contributions of Women to science , history, the arts and so on, the problem lies in the adverse and perverted agenda which the controlling agents for this organization espouse. A warped world view, generally completely out of context is what they envision and will attempt to implant within the pages of the most trafficked reference site available.

Yale University, Brown University, Pennsylvania State University and many others will offer college credits to students who help to impose the feminist view on wikipedia readers. ‘Storming Wikipedia’: Colleges offer credit to students who enter ‘feminist thinking’ into Wikipedia

2014 A Religious group known as Focus on the Family is trying to release a movie in theaters entitled “Irreplaceable” which presents their views of the value of the traditional family, and dares to suggest the importance of fathers being involved in the lives of their children. I can't comment reliably on the entertainment value or worthiness of the film , as I haven't seen it, and if the Gay Mafia has their way I will never have the opportunity - nor will you.

LGBT advocates, pawns of the Gay Mafia, have launched an intensive campaign to discredit the movie online. The Campaign to shut the Movie Down are being coordinated on Facebook, Twitter and a petition begun by a gay teacher from California. They have petitioned against it and are working vigorously to ensure that “Irreplaceable” is never seen in local theaters. The President of Focus on Family, Jim Daly reported that some of the more than 700 theaters nationwide scheduled to show the film are backing out under pressure from the Gay Mafia. [See Gay mafia' attacks Focus on the Family movie]

Where was all the righteous indignation when the gay propaganda film broke back mountain came out, Or when pedophile Bryan Singer and his co-conspirators blasted his self admitted subliminal gay propaganda at kids via XMen ? [See : Comic Books and the Gay Agenda]
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I have watched "a well organized mob, well oiled machine [far right reactionary Christian] activist groups vigorously seeking to indoctrinate and promote [reactionary far right Christianity] to societies youngest members." They have failed.
Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.
$10 ... you really think she's worth that much ??
She might be but you sure as hell aren't. Hey GB, the faggots won. Now you know.

:lol; Thanks...and I'd think my lack of a gag reflex alone is worth at least that much no matter what I look like. ;)
Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.Because Kenyans and Americans have such similar thought processes.
SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC - But you are aware that our "de-Facto" President was born in Kenya

Well that makes as much sense as your claim of the Atomic War in Ancient a surprise that a bigot is a Birther.
If you do...please keep it to yourself, don't carry a sign and march in the street that you put another guy's tool in your mug and how proud you are of it.


Get you Damn Propaganda out of our schools , entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children, our neighbors and our neighbors children. .

Get your Damn propaganda out of our schools, entertainment outlets, away from our families, our children our neighbors and our neighbors children.

Oh wait- we have mostly done that- and you haters hate that you are no longer able to spew your bile in our schools, and in our movies, and to your neighbors- all that are still the victims of your hate are your own family.

Nothing we can do to help them other than be here when they get away.

Get your Damn propaganda out of our schools,

Parents, as well as the general public are generally unaware of the fact that there is a well organized mob,

Yup - you've done it allright !

Yup- America has progressed- bigots like you are seen for the backward hate mongering conspiracy theory hacks that you are.

Children now look at bigots like you like we looked at bigots yelling 'Kill the n*ggers' 20 years ago- with revulsion.
Nobody carries signs that say that.

I've never put a man's unit in my mouth...but I have marched in a Pride Parade.

You want gays living their lives in secret. Ain't gonna happen. We have lives and families and we don't have to keep them quiet. We aren't ashamed.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.

You're right, you have no way of knowing if it is true or not...but you do have your fantasies. Fantasize away!

tell the truth, wytch. you are a lesbian because no male ever showed any interest in you. Face it, the truth will set you free.

Does that explain why you have never had sex with anyone other than your right hand?
So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?
Homosexual movement? There are just as many homosexuals now as there were centuries ago. Society has become more comfortable discussing sexuality.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.
Gay agenda? Working to increase tolerance should be on everyone's agenda.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism.
So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.
Clearly, no one has won over your heart/mind. Judicial reform is the ultimate goal for most "movements", right? Uh oh, the homosexuals are winning!

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?
Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, hilarious! Christians, Jews they have significant TV time too. Not nearly as entertaining.

They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement.
Are you sure? I feel anti-gay sentiment is more frowned upon now than ever. Thanks to the "gay movement".

Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.
Because Kenyans and Americans have such similar thought processes.

well said, tolerance and acceptance cannot be mandated or coerced.

But we can- and are evolving.

A mere 20 years ago most Americans opposed mixed race marriages. In a little over 50 years, opinion went from 4% approval to 87% approval.


Now let us compare this to American's views on 'gay marriage'

Gay marriage now is about where Mixed Race marriage was (in terms of Acceptance by Americans) in 1996.

Change can't be forced but it can be encouraged- and the trends show that encouragement is working.
Because your a dyke?

Yes, that would be why I've never had a man's unit in my mouth. You're quick.
We have no way of knowing that to be true. You could be lying. You might be a $10 trick in Las Vegas for all we know.

You're right, you have no way of knowing if it is true or not...but you do have your fantasies. Fantasize away!

tell the truth, wytch. you are a lesbian because no male ever showed any interest in you. Face it, the truth will set you free.

Does that explain why you have never had sex with anyone other than your right hand?

That's called Jerking Off
Just as having "Sex" with another mans ass is called sodomy

The only true "sex" is with a penis and vegina
So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?
Homosexual movement? There are just as many homosexuals now as there were centuries ago. Society has become more comfortable discussing sexuality.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.
Gay agenda? Working to increase tolerance should be on everyone's agenda.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism.
So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.
Clearly, no one has won over your heart/mind. Judicial reform is the ultimate goal for most "movements", right? Uh oh, the homosexuals are winning!

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?
Watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, hilarious! Christians, Jews they have significant TV time too. Not nearly as entertaining.

They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement.
Are you sure? I feel anti-gay sentiment is more frowned upon now than ever. Thanks to the "gay movement".

Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.
Because Kenyans and Americans have such similar thought processes.

well said, tolerance and acceptance cannot be mandated or coerced.

But we can- and are evolving.

A mere 20 years ago most Americans opposed mixed race marriages. In a little over 50 years, opinion went from 4% approval to 87% approval.


Now let us compare this to American's views on 'gay marriage'

Gay marriage now is about where Mixed Race marriage was (in terms of Acceptance by Americans) in 1996.

Change can't be forced but it can be encouraged- and the trends show that encouragement is working.

Once again you silly little turd burglar trying to Frame the enabling of perverts as a Civil Rights movement is one of the most laughable facets of your agenda . Instead of Gay "Rights" lets just call a spade a spade and label it Degenerate Dignification .
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