The Homosexual Dilemma

Because marriage, by its very nature, is for reproduction. Now, we understand that people can marry without having children, but that it is the exception to the basis for the existence of marriage. That is doesn't happen every time doesn't change that fact.
That is entirely untrue, and it if were true, and it isn't, millions upon millions of people could not get married, and they can, as long as they are male and female, the only contract on the books that requires such a thing.

No its not untrue. It is the logical building block of society. And "marriage" happened long before societies developed.
No, it didn't. You believe lies, plain and simple. Start here: 13 Facts on the History of Marriage

And answer the damn question, how long are you going to keep beating your head against the wall while the rest of your society waves goodbye?

Lol. I can show you links which state that America wasn't founded as a Christian nation, Or that the framers intended firearm ownership to be a militia, or that there is no such thing as race. Only an idiot would believe it because some "expert" happened to write it down.

Or, are you one who believes that because its on the internet, it must be true?

The faggots, and logic, won. Exactly how long are you little homophobes going to beat this issue, forever?

Probably. Since you and yours beat it forever and worn down Americans finally gave in. So tell me, why didn't you just give up when most Americans didn't agree with you?

Why didn't the Patriots give up in 1777? Why didn't the blacks give up in 1955? Why didn't women give up in 1979 when the ERA failed?

Thanks for making my point. Why should I give up?

It's your head versus my wall. Knock yourself out, literally.

I'm pretty sure that 20 years ago, people thought you were knocking your head against a wall as well. Why didn't you give up?

I have news for you little faggot haters, children are not part of this discussion over rights. I don't give a fuck if it is worse for the children, we don't do what is best for the child in this country because if we did we wouldn't let so many biological but unfit parents raise them. This is about rights and equality. Take your concerns for the children and start doing something about the homes where they are being bounced off the walls and fucked like whores.

You are correct. Nobody cares about the kids. Our lenient divorce laws are proof of that.
So stop using them as part of your argument since they don't fucking matter in this case.

Well, since I do care about the kids, I suppose it is a valid part of my argument. So...
No, it isn't since the debate is about Marriage Equality not what's best for children.

I'll make you a deal. You can discuss marriage in the context that is important to you, and I can do it as well. Children are part of what a marriage is. At least a real marriage.
I'll be sure to let the infertile, or those who choose not to have children, that their marriages aren't real. My wife will tell you otherwise, and should she ever hire a divorce attorney I suspect they would be even more emphatic but you just go right along on your happy way, while the courts and anyone with common calls you a damn fool.
If marriage can be defined by a minority, why can't it be defined by ANY minority? Why can't a man marry any number of women who are willing to marry him? Why can't a woman marry any number of men or women she wants?
Because we can limit the number of partners a Monkey can have at any one time and that's not discriminatory.

As long as the rule applies to all marriages and all Monkeys the same, limiting the political benefits of a marriage relationship to couples only is not discriminatory.
Why can we limit the number of partners? Why can't the rule apply to as many partners as love each other and want to marry? All equally, of course.
Marriage doesn't even need sex to exist, there's no reason to limit it to two people. That's old fashioned thinking. If ten men want to marry each other they can use your argument.
Except when you add more than two...the property rights and child custody issues get more complicated....instead of A to B....we now have choice...A to B or C.....B to A or C, etc.
Wrong. A women can fuck many men but the paternal father has to pay. Property is divided up every day. Never heard of guys knocking each other up though.
Yes, but you would need something above and beyond a marriage license for BOTH of those scenerios.....which complicates things more than what legal marriage contracts provide. There is your difference. Unsurmountable? No....but not doable with the current marriage license while there is no need to change marriage contracts with gay marriage.....just remove the legal restrictions (as many states have now done).
Why do you want to deny the rights of 250 people who want to marry each other? It's so bigoted and hateful.
Why do you put words in my mouth....who says I want to deny them rights?
The right to marry is guaranteed to everyone. Why do you hate America?
If marriage can be defined by a minority, why can't it be defined by ANY minority? Why can't a man marry any number of women who are willing to marry him? Why can't a woman marry any number of men or women she wants?
Because we can limit the number of partners a Monkey can have at any one time and that's not discriminatory.

As long as the rule applies to all marriages and all Monkeys the same, limiting the political benefits of a marriage relationship to couples only is not discriminatory.
And we can use that exact argument towards not allowing gay marriage. So, you have no point.

I'll make you a deal. You can discuss marriage in the context that is important to you, and I can do it as well. Children are part of what a marriage is. At least a real marriage.


So State laws that require that a couple be assumed infertile or provide proof of infertility between a man and a woman are not "real marriages"?

The Jewish God made the rules.
"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh."

It's in Genesis.

Problem: Some of us believe that The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran, is fictitious and the ancient Arab stories that lay out the rules of The Jewish God are no more binding than the suggestions proposed in "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".

Now what? :dunno:
Nature needs egg and sperm...but marriage does not need procreation....just like procreation doesn't need marriage. They are mutually exclusive.
Marriage doesn't even need sex to exist, there's no reason to limit it to two people. That's old fashioned thinking. If ten men want to marry each other they can use your argument.
Except when you add more than two...the property rights and child custody issues get more complicated....instead of A to B....we now have choice...A to B or C.....B to A or C, etc.
Wrong. A women can fuck many men but the paternal father has to pay. Property is divided up every day. Never heard of guys knocking each other up though.
If marriage can be defined by a minority, why can't it be defined by ANY minority? Why can't a man marry any number of women who are willing to marry him? Why can't a woman marry any number of men or women she wants?
Because we can limit the number of partners a Monkey can have at any one time and that's not discriminatory.

As long as the rule applies to all marriages and all Monkeys the same, limiting the political benefits of a marriage relationship to couples only is not discriminatory.

ROFLMNAO! THAT is the absolutely most pathetic example of a 'human being' trying to reason that has ever been witnessed in the interwebz. CONGRATS DUMBASS!
The Jewish God made the rules.
"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh."

It's in Genesis.

Problem: Some of us believe that The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran, is fictitious and the ancient Arab stories that lay out the rules of The Jewish God are no more binding than the suggestions proposed in "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".

Now what? :dunno:
Now we allow as many people to marry each other as they like. :)
That is entirely untrue, and it if were true, and it isn't, millions upon millions of people could not get married, and they can, as long as they are male and female, the only contract on the books that requires such a thing.

No its not untrue. It is the logical building block of society. And "marriage" happened long before societies developed.
No, it didn't. You believe lies, plain and simple. Start here: 13 Facts on the History of Marriage

And answer the damn question, how long are you going to keep beating your head against the wall while the rest of your society waves goodbye?

Lol. I can show you links which state that America wasn't founded as a Christian nation, Or that the framers intended firearm ownership to be a militia, or that there is no such thing as race. Only an idiot would believe it because some "expert" happened to write it down.

Or, are you one who believes that because its on the internet, it must be true?

The faggots, and logic, won. Exactly how long are you little homophobes going to beat this issue, forever?

Probably. Since you and yours beat it forever and worn down Americans finally gave in. So tell me, why didn't you just give up when most Americans didn't agree with you?

Why didn't the Patriots give up in 1777? Why didn't the blacks give up in 1955? Why didn't women give up in 1979 when the ERA failed?

Thanks for making my point. Why should I give up?

It's your head versus my wall. Knock yourself out, literally.

I'm pretty sure that 20 years ago, people thought you were knocking your head against a wall as well. Why didn't you give up?
Because I wasn't, I just had to wait for society to grow the fuck and realize the obvious. In America that is a slow process but this has gone a lot faster than I expected. It's over and done with now.
But I will, because it's pertinent.

Marriage today is for many things and reproduction is not the only thing and insisting on that would deprive many of marriage.
Sex isn't even for reproduction, usually, but somehow marriage is? Morons here, total fucking morons.

In the context of our society, your damn right it is. It is the reason why childbirth outside of marriage was shunned.
That's because fucking outside of marriage was shunned dumbass. It had nothing to do with marriage. And it was also shunned if you were married but fucking someone other than your spouse, along with fucking animals, children, and your same sex. It was the fucking that mattered, the out-of-wedlock child was just the evidence that you were a slut who couldn't keep her legs crossed and so were the other bastards men produced on the side.

Lol. You are getting it. Yep, fucking outside of marriage was socially unacceptable because this was before birth control and abortion, and the child wouldn't be brought up in a two parent household.
God you dumb as a box of fucking hammers. Who raised the child was of no concern, who you fucked to get it was.
Who raised the child was of no concern? In which universe?

Sex isn't even for reproduction, usually, but somehow marriage is? Morons here, total fucking morons.

In the context of our society, your damn right it is. It is the reason why childbirth outside of marriage was shunned.
That's because fucking outside of marriage was shunned dumbass. It had nothing to do with marriage. And it was also shunned if you were married but fucking someone other than your spouse, along with fucking animals, children, and your same sex. It was the fucking that mattered, the out-of-wedlock child was just the evidence that you were a slut who couldn't keep her legs crossed and so were the other bastards men produced on the side.

Lol. You are getting it. Yep, fucking outside of marriage was socially unacceptable because this was before birth control and abortion, and the child wouldn't be brought up in a two parent household.
God you dumb as a box of fucking hammers. Who raised the child was of no concern, who you fucked to get it was.
Who raised the child was of no concern? In which universe?
This one. It's human history.
No its not untrue. It is the logical building block of society. And "marriage" happened long before societies developed.
No, it didn't. You believe lies, plain and simple. Start here: 13 Facts on the History of Marriage

And answer the damn question, how long are you going to keep beating your head against the wall while the rest of your society waves goodbye?

Lol. I can show you links which state that America wasn't founded as a Christian nation, Or that the framers intended firearm ownership to be a militia, or that there is no such thing as race. Only an idiot would believe it because some "expert" happened to write it down.

Or, are you one who believes that because its on the internet, it must be true?

Probably. Since you and yours beat it forever and worn down Americans finally gave in. So tell me, why didn't you just give up when most Americans didn't agree with you?

Why didn't the Patriots give up in 1777? Why didn't the blacks give up in 1955? Why didn't women give up in 1979 when the ERA failed?

Thanks for making my point. Why should I give up?

It's your head versus my wall. Knock yourself out, literally.

I'm pretty sure that 20 years ago, people thought you were knocking your head against a wall as well. Why didn't you give up?
Because I wasn't, I just had to wait for society to grow the fuck and realize the obvious. In America that is a slow process but this has gone a lot faster than I expected. It's over and done with now.

No, its not. It will never "be over". Just like abortion.

No, it didn't. You believe lies, plain and simple. Start here: 13 Facts on the History of Marriage

And answer the damn question, how long are you going to keep beating your head against the wall while the rest of your society waves goodbye?

Lol. I can show you links which state that America wasn't founded as a Christian nation, Or that the framers intended firearm ownership to be a militia, or that there is no such thing as race. Only an idiot would believe it because some "expert" happened to write it down.

Or, are you one who believes that because its on the internet, it must be true?

Why didn't the Patriots give up in 1777? Why didn't the blacks give up in 1955? Why didn't women give up in 1979 when the ERA failed?

Thanks for making my point. Why should I give up?

It's your head versus my wall. Knock yourself out, literally.

I'm pretty sure that 20 years ago, people thought you were knocking your head against a wall as well. Why didn't you give up?
Because I wasn't, I just had to wait for society to grow the fuck and realize the obvious. In America that is a slow process but this has gone a lot faster than I expected. It's over and done with now.

No, its not. It will never "be over". Just like abortion.
Oh but it is. No one but the little faggot-haters like give a damn. The rest are well aware of which side won.
In the context of our society, your damn right it is. It is the reason why childbirth outside of marriage was shunned.
That's because fucking outside of marriage was shunned dumbass. It had nothing to do with marriage. And it was also shunned if you were married but fucking someone other than your spouse, along with fucking animals, children, and your same sex. It was the fucking that mattered, the out-of-wedlock child was just the evidence that you were a slut who couldn't keep her legs crossed and so were the other bastards men produced on the side.

Lol. You are getting it. Yep, fucking outside of marriage was socially unacceptable because this was before birth control and abortion, and the child wouldn't be brought up in a two parent household.
God you dumb as a box of fucking hammers. Who raised the child was of no concern, who you fucked to get it was.
Who raised the child was of no concern? In which universe?
This one. It's human history.

Proof? Are you really claiming that the shunning of children before marriage had nothing to do with those children?


The Jewish God made the rules.
"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh."

It's in Genesis.

Problem: Some of us believe that The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran, is fictitious and the ancient Arab stories that lay out the rules of The Jewish God are no more binding than the suggestions proposed in "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".

Now what? :dunno:

Well in fairness... you are also the ones that 'believe' that things which are ABNORMAL are normal... that paying people to NOT WORK will encourage them to seek employment and that there is a RIGHT to MURDER THE MOST INNOCENT of human beings, EVEN WHILE THEY'RE STILL IN THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB!

So... LOL! That means that you're crazy; which is to say that you suffer a perverse form of human reasoning; meaning that you're insane... and healthy people, like healthy cultures... disregard the 'feelings' of the insane.
That's because fucking outside of marriage was shunned dumbass. It had nothing to do with marriage. And it was also shunned if you were married but fucking someone other than your spouse, along with fucking animals, children, and your same sex. It was the fucking that mattered, the out-of-wedlock child was just the evidence that you were a slut who couldn't keep her legs crossed and so were the other bastards men produced on the side.

Lol. You are getting it. Yep, fucking outside of marriage was socially unacceptable because this was before birth control and abortion, and the child wouldn't be brought up in a two parent household.
God you dumb as a box of fucking hammers. Who raised the child was of no concern, who you fucked to get it was.
Who raised the child was of no concern? In which universe?
This one. It's human history.

Proof? Are you really claiming that the shunning of children before marriage had nothing to do with those children?


It's not our fault that people like you called children "bastards" and held it against them.
Lol. I can show you links which state that America wasn't founded as a Christian nation, Or that the framers intended firearm ownership to be a militia, or that there is no such thing as race. Only an idiot would believe it because some "expert" happened to write it down.

Or, are you one who believes that because its on the internet, it must be true?

Thanks for making my point. Why should I give up?

It's your head versus my wall. Knock yourself out, literally.

I'm pretty sure that 20 years ago, people thought you were knocking your head against a wall as well. Why didn't you give up?
Because I wasn't, I just had to wait for society to grow the fuck and realize the obvious. In America that is a slow process but this has gone a lot faster than I expected. It's over and done with now.

No, its not. It will never "be over". Just like abortion.
Oh but it is. No one but the little faggot-haters like give a damn. The rest are well aware of which side won.

Said the people who thought the abortion question was over.


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