The Homosexual Dilemma

Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
How sad it is for him, that sex is ONLY about procreation.

It's an understandable confusion when your life is ruled by a book that emphasizes begatting.
Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
You think he's saying people have no urge to have sex?


This was what I was responding to:

The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child
Yeah, the natural age. A grown woman may never be sufficiently emotionally mature enough to raise a child. Not that I see that being reason to kill it.
No one is sexually abusing you drama queen.

Well, in fairness... you're an advocate that sexual abnormality is normal.

So as cute is it is for you to offer an opinion, your opinions are unworthy for consideration by reasonable people.

Now, perhaps you can use this as a 'educational' opportunity and recognize the downside to standing upon foolish public advocacies.

I hope it works out for ya.

You think it is reasonable to claim you are being sexually abused in this thread. Whatever you say drama queen.

So... you couldn't find the courage to learn?

Whatta shame.

Oh well... it's not like it's unexpected. I guess I just allowed myself to hope... despite the chances of it being so slim.

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.

One more post on this unwelcomed subject and you'll be ignored.

Please understand it doesn't matter to me... you rarely add anything to a discussion, beyond the usual ego stroke that comes with being palpably superior to another person, but that is the natural result of a discussion with any Leftist... so that means that such is second only to typing, on any political message board.

SOooo... do ya see where we stand, here?

I can see why you would want us to forget your absurd allegations of being sexually abused in this thread. You're overly dramatic and insufferably arrogant. I can assure you I won't lose any sleep if you put me on ignore. Bye Felicia!
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
How sad it is for him, that sex is ONLY about procreation.

It's an understandable confusion when your life is ruled by a book that emphasizes begatting.

Didn't make it past the first half of Genesis, huh? Short attention span, a symptom of Leftist dumbing down and lowering of standards

I read the Bible from cover to cover before I was 10 just to show it can be done even by a child.
Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity.

True. Emotional maturity comes only through the means to reason soundly.

Therein rests the necessity for religion, which relates responsibility to children, in terms which they can understand; encouraging them to abstain from sex until they're married... thus until they're minds are more capable of the means to reason objectively.

Religion therefore provides the objectivity essential to a viable human existence... and it is objectivity which separates humanity from the sub-species.

Thus demonstrating that Ideological Leftists can never be sufficient to be allowed to engage in sexual behavior. As they lack the means to reason soundly.

And it is no more complex than that.
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Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...


You don't seem to understand the difference between what is natural and what we, as humans with free will, choose to culturally accept.

Nature has no mushy emotional feelings. What is is. And it's natural. Like it or not.

It's us as humans that bring in right or wrong, morality.

I don't understand? It wasn't me using animal actions to justify human actions. I was the one refuting it.

Well, in fairness... you're an advocate that sexual abnormality is normal.

So as cute is it is for you to offer an opinion, your opinions are unworthy for consideration by reasonable people.

Now, perhaps you can use this as a 'educational' opportunity and recognize the downside to standing upon foolish public advocacies.

I hope it works out for ya.

You think it is reasonable to claim you are being sexually abused in this thread. Whatever you say drama queen.

So... you couldn't find the courage to learn?

Whatta shame.

Oh well... it's not like it's unexpected. I guess I just allowed myself to hope... despite the chances of it being so slim.

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.

One more post on this unwelcomed subject and you'll be ignored.

Please understand it doesn't matter to me... you rarely add anything to a discussion, beyond the usual ego stroke that comes with being palpably superior to another person, but that is the natural result of a discussion with any Leftist... so that means that such is second only to typing, on any political message board.

SOooo... do ya see where we stand, here?

I can see why you would want us to forget your absurd allegations of being sexually abused in this thread. You're overly dramatic and insufferably arrogant. I can assure you I won't lose any sleep if you put me on ignore. Bye Felicia!

Buh Bye!
Tell that to all the atheists who think gay marriage is a bad idea, including Charles Darwin...well he's dead, but you get my point. There's very practical reasons for promoting the values of marriage and family that don't necessarily involve religion.

Screw religion - I seek policy that considers reality.
Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
Birth defects happen throughout the animal kingdom, and the species survives not because of it, but in spite of it. And as I said earlier, WE ARE NOT ANIMALS to be taking our cues from animal behavior. Part of your problem is you don't realize you've been created in the image of God and made a little lower than the angels, that you are the crown of creation and not just another animal. That's the reason we have moral standards that animals don't have, that we adopt children that animals would leave out in the cold, that we protect the weak that animals would allow to die off, and that we conduct ourselves according to a higher plane of being than animals.

And that is the reason why, when we see injustice done, rights being denied to people for no other reason then that who they are "offends" us - we act to for equality not discrimmination.
You think it is reasonable to claim you are being sexually abused in this thread. Whatever you say drama queen.

So... you couldn't find the courage to learn?

Whatta shame.

Oh well... it's not like it's unexpected. I guess I just allowed myself to hope... despite the chances of it being so slim.

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.

One more post on this unwelcomed subject and you'll be ignored.

Please understand it doesn't matter to me... you rarely add anything to a discussion, beyond the usual ego stroke that comes with being palpably superior to another person, but that is the natural result of a discussion with any Leftist... so that means that such is second only to typing, on any political message board.

SOooo... do ya see where we stand, here?

I can see why you would want us to forget your absurd allegations of being sexually abused in this thread. You're overly dramatic and insufferably arrogant. I can assure you I won't lose any sleep if you put me on ignore. Bye Felicia!

Buh Bye!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. lol
No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...


You don't seem to understand the difference between what is natural and what we, as humans with free will, choose to culturally accept.

Nature has no mushy emotional feelings. What is is. And it's natural. Like it or not.

It's us as humans that bring in right or wrong, morality.

I don't understand? It wasn't me using animal actions to justify human actions. I was the one refuting it.


I'm kind of confused too :dunno:

I wasn't using animal actions to justify anything.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...


You don't seem to understand the difference between what is natural and what we, as humans with free will, choose to culturally accept.

Nature has no mushy emotional feelings. What is is. And it's natural. Like it or not.

It's us as humans that bring in right or wrong, morality.

I don't understand? It wasn't me using animal actions to justify human actions. I was the one refuting it.


I'm kind of confused too :dunno:

I wasn't using animal actions to justify anything.
Well, somebody was.


Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
How sad it is for him, that sex is ONLY about procreation.

It's an understandable confusion when your life is ruled by a book that emphasizes begatting.

Didn't make it past the first half of Genesis, huh? Short attention span, a symptom of Leftist dumbing down and lowering of standards

I read the Bible from cover to cover before I was 10 just to show it can be done even by a child.

My Bible reading was done in childhood. Lots of begatting. Lots of smiting. Lots of irrational anger and killing of non believers....of course that was mostly the OT with a pissy diety. I always had a thumbs up for Jesus though: love your neighbor as you would yourself and love God with all your heart.
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...

Oh dear....another poster who cannot tell the difference between that which does not harm others......and that which does. It concerns me how many like you can't see the plain difference.

Since that was not the question, you have given the wrong answer.

You use an example of something found in nature that harms others as if it makes sense as a comparison. That shows a fundamental lack, on your part, of discerning that which does no harm and that which does harm others. That is disturbing....even a little sociopathic.
Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...


You don't seem to understand the difference between what is natural and what we, as humans with free will, choose to culturally accept.

Nature has no mushy emotional feelings. What is is. And it's natural. Like it or not.

It's us as humans that bring in right or wrong, morality.

I don't understand? It wasn't me using animal actions to justify human actions. I was the one refuting it.


I'm kind of confused too :dunno:

I wasn't using animal actions to justify anything.
Well, somebody was.



To justify something? No. Only to correct a misconception that the urge to procreate or sexual maturity has any relationship with emotional maturity. If it did, we wouldn't be seeing pregnant 12 year olds.
Tell that to all the atheists who think gay marriage is a bad idea, including Charles Darwin...well he's dead, but you get my point. There's very practical reasons for promoting the values of marriage and family that don't necessarily involve religion.

Screw religion - I seek policy that considers reality.

Screw the objective laws of nature?


Well... I can certainly understand the sentiment, as I too was a child once. But sadly, for you the purveyors of such foolishness. THAT is a river that only flows in one direction and here's the REALLY BAD NEWS... you're not the river... you're the one that is UP 'it' and yes... you have no paddles.
Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
Birth defects happen throughout the animal kingdom, and the species survives not because of it, but in spite of it. And as I said earlier, WE ARE NOT ANIMALS to be taking our cues from animal behavior. Part of your problem is you don't realize you've been created in the image of God and made a little lower than the angels, that you are the crown of creation and not just another animal. That's the reason we have moral standards that animals don't have, that we adopt children that animals would leave out in the cold, that we protect the weak that animals would allow to die off, and that we conduct ourselves according to a higher plane of being than animals.
God looks like me? Or maybe more like Charlize Theron? That would be hot.
Tell that to all the atheists who think gay marriage is a bad idea, including Charles Darwin...well he's dead, but you get my point. There's very practical reasons for promoting the values of marriage and family that don't necessarily involve religion.

Screw religion - I seek policy that considers reality.

Screw the objective laws of nature?


Well... I can certainly understand the sentiment, as I too was a child once. But sadly, for you the purveyors of such foolishness. THAT is a river that only flows in one direction and here's the REALLY BAD NEWS... you're not the river... you're the one that is UP 'it' and yes... you have no paddles.

Good thing Joe's the one standing on the bridge over that river watching all you bungee jumpers then :lol:
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.
Nothing relevant about any of this stuff.

Same-sex couples marrying is neither 'evil' nor 'deviancy.'
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...

Oh dear....another poster who cannot tell the difference between that which does not harm others......and that which does. It concerns me how many like you can't see the plain difference.

Since that was not the question, you have given the wrong answer.

You use an example of something found in nature that harms others as if it makes sense as a comparison. That shows a fundamental lack, on your part, of discerning that which does no harm and that which does harm others. That is disturbing....even a little sociopathic.
When people talk about redefining marriage, that's exactly what they mean. They want to define it as something other than what it was. So you can define marriage as between gays, or multiple partners, or any other things you like. It has been redefined to mean something else.

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