The Homosexual Dilemma

You said "Children are part of what a marriage is. At least a real marriage.".

I asked about states that required different-sex couples to show they are INFERTILE prior to being allowed to marry.

Are such Civil Marriages not "real marriages"?

Seems pretty easy to follow the question based on what you said.


First, I didn't say that...

But since ya brought it up:

Children are the natural consequence of coitus.... it's what such was designed for.

Did you want to contest that?



You're one of those who 'feel' that because coitus is pleasurable, that such was designed to provide pleasure?


Before ya answer... you should know, that sexual intercourse is purposed for conception... part and parcel of promoting the likelihood of such, the human body is designed to trigger specific hormonal responses when the brain recognizes the potential for such, the genitals are designed around a phalanx of sensors which induce a sense of pleasure, which ... AGAIN ... sets a pattern of pleasure, so as to promote the likelihood of recurrence, thus increasing the potential for procreation, toward the biological imperative OKA: The Propagation of the Species.

A process which rests deep within the base instincts of the mammal... thus is animalistic... and which, provides very real 'danger' to the individual human female, as it sharply reduces her means to sustain herself thus REDUCING the likelihood of procreation, which is balanced through MARRIAGE, wherein the male provides for the safety and sustenance of the female and subsequent progeny... which requires nearly two decades of constant nurturing and training before it is a viable individual.

Now... having been educated on the issue.

Go ahead and tell the board what you feel 'sex' is for... .

Don't be shy now... go ahead.

Then the natural age for females to begin to have intercourse is when they've become sexually mature? Capable of reproducing?

Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
ROFLMNAO! And we have ANOTHER of the "Sex is Pleasurable... therefore Sex was designed to give pleasure" idiots.

Folks, you cannot make this crap UP!

And that is how we can "KNOW" that the would-be 'People', are truly, what in greater nature is that which is known as: FOOD!

The repeated question that you refuse to answer is,

do you only engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of reproduction?

OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?
See that's just it, you undoubtedly believe everything that you read...LOL

Ever read the Bible, undoubtedly not or you would refer that book to us also, but you wouldn't believe that one so you wouldn't refer that one to us now would you ? I'll be your professor for a day, and I'll refer the Bible to you...Now Happy Reading!
Which translation/version?
That will be the King James version of course, but you can pick anyone that you like, just as long as it doesn't deviate to far from the basic truths that are found within the one that we all relate to most.
State for the record and swear on the lives of your loved ones that you have never engaged in sexual intercourse for any other reason than reproduction.

ROFLMNAO! And we have ANOTHER of the "Sex is Pleasurable... therefore Sex was designed to give pleasure" idiots.

Folks, you cannot make this crap UP!

And that is how we can "KNOW" that the would-be 'People', are truly, what in greater nature is that which is known as: FOOD!

The repeated question that you refuse to answer is,

do you only engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of reproduction?

OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?
See that's just it, you undoubtedly believe everything that you read...LOL

Ever read the Bible, undoubtedly not or you would refer that book to us also, but you wouldn't believe that one so you wouldn't refer that one to us now would you ? I'll be your professor for a day, and I'll refer the Bible to you...Now Happy Reading!

That Bible is obsessed with begatting. Let's leave that aside for now.

Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.
I'll have no more communication with a sexual predator. I will report her to the ownership of this board. And if such continues, I'll report such to the authorities.

I'm a 54 year old man... and if she will so blatantly abuse me sexually, one can only imagine what she would do to a child who may happen in here.

No one is sexually abusing you drama queen.

Well, in fairness... you're an advocate that sexual abnormality is normal.

So as cute is it is for you to offer an opinion, your opinions are unworthy for consideration by reasonable people.

Now, perhaps you can use this as a 'educational' opportunity and recognize the downside to standing upon foolish public advocacies.

I hope it works out for ya.

You think it is reasonable to claim you are being sexually abused in this thread. Whatever you say drama queen.

So... you couldn't find the courage to learn?

Whatta shame.

Oh well... it's not like it's unexpected. I guess I just allowed myself to hope... despite the chances of it being so slim.

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.

One more post on this unwelcomed subject and you'll be ignored.

Please understand it doesn't matter to me... you rarely add anything to a discussion, beyond the usual ego stroke that comes with being palpably superior to another person, but that is the natural result of a discussion with any Leftist... so that means that such is second only to typing, on any political message board.

SOooo... do ya see where we stand, here?
First, I didn't say that...

But since ya brought it up:

Children are the natural consequence of coitus.... it's what such was designed for.

Did you want to contest that?



You're one of those who 'feel' that because coitus is pleasurable, that such was designed to provide pleasure?


Before ya answer... you should know, that sexual intercourse is purposed for conception... part and parcel of promoting the likelihood of such, the human body is designed to trigger specific hormonal responses when the brain recognizes the potential for such, the genitals are designed around a phalanx of sensors which induce a sense of pleasure, which ... AGAIN ... sets a pattern of pleasure, so as to promote the likelihood of recurrence, thus increasing the potential for procreation, toward the biological imperative OKA: The Propagation of the Species.

A process which rests deep within the base instincts of the mammal... thus is animalistic... and which, provides very real 'danger' to the individual human female, as it sharply reduces her means to sustain herself thus REDUCING the likelihood of procreation, which is balanced through MARRIAGE, wherein the male provides for the safety and sustenance of the female and subsequent progeny... which requires nearly two decades of constant nurturing and training before it is a viable individual.

Now... having been educated on the issue.

Go ahead and tell the board what you feel 'sex' is for... .

Don't be shy now... go ahead.

Then the natural age for females to begin to have intercourse is when they've become sexually mature? Capable of reproducing?

Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?
I'll have no more communication with a sexual predator. I will report her to the ownership of this board. And if such continues, I'll report such to the authorities.

I'm a 54 year old man... and if she will so blatantly abuse me sexually, one can only imagine what she would do to a child who may happen in here.

No one is sexually abusing you drama queen.

Well, in fairness... you're an advocate that sexual abnormality is normal.

So as cute is it is for you to offer an opinion, your opinions are unworthy for consideration by reasonable people.

Now, perhaps you can use this as a 'educational' opportunity and recognize the downside to standing upon foolish public advocacies.

I hope it works out for ya.

You think it is reasonable to claim you are being sexually abused in this thread. Whatever you say drama queen.

So... you couldn't find the courage to learn?

Whatta shame.

Oh well... it's not like it's unexpected. I guess I just allowed myself to hope... despite the chances of it being so slim.

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.
The poor boy.
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.
No one is sexually abusing you drama queen.

Well, in fairness... you're an advocate that sexual abnormality is normal.

So as cute is it is for you to offer an opinion, your opinions are unworthy for consideration by reasonable people.

Now, perhaps you can use this as a 'educational' opportunity and recognize the downside to standing upon foolish public advocacies.

I hope it works out for ya.

You think it is reasonable to claim you are being sexually abused in this thread. Whatever you say drama queen.

So... you couldn't find the courage to learn?

Whatta shame.

Oh well... it's not like it's unexpected. I guess I just allowed myself to hope... despite the chances of it being so slim.

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.

One more post on this unwelcomed subject and you'll be ignored.

Please understand it doesn't matter to me... you rarely add anything to a discussion, beyond the usual ego stroke that comes with being palpably superior to another person, but that is the natural result of a discussion with any Leftist... so that means that such is second only to typing, on any political message board.

SOooo... do ya see where we stand, here?
Yes. mdk 1, Where_r_my_keys 0.
Then the natural age for females to begin to have intercourse is when they've become sexually mature? Capable of reproducing?

Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...

The repeated question that you refuse to answer is,

do you only engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of reproduction?

OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?
See that's just it, you undoubtedly believe everything that you read...LOL

Ever read the Bible, undoubtedly not or you would refer that book to us also, but you wouldn't believe that one so you wouldn't refer that one to us now would you ? I'll be your professor for a day, and I'll refer the Bible to you...Now Happy Reading!
Which translation/version?
That will be the King James version of course, but you can pick anyone that you like, just as long as it doesn't deviate to far from the basic truths that are found within the one that we all relate to most.
Why just the King James version? Wouldn't it be better to go right to the source and read the source documents in their original languages.? You know how inaccurate translations can be, let alone what translations of translations of translations can be like.
Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
You think he's saying people have no urge to have sex?
Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...

Oh dear....another poster who cannot tell the difference between that which does not harm others......and that which does. It concerns me how many like you can't see the plain difference.
First, I didn't say that...

But since ya brought it up:

Children are the natural consequence of coitus.... it's what such was designed for.

Did you want to contest that?



You're one of those who 'feel' that because coitus is pleasurable, that such was designed to provide pleasure?


Before ya answer... you should know, that sexual intercourse is purposed for conception... part and parcel of promoting the likelihood of such, the human body is designed to trigger specific hormonal responses when the brain recognizes the potential for such, the genitals are designed around a phalanx of sensors which induce a sense of pleasure, which ... AGAIN ... sets a pattern of pleasure, so as to promote the likelihood of recurrence, thus increasing the potential for procreation, toward the biological imperative OKA: The Propagation of the Species.

A process which rests deep within the base instincts of the mammal... thus is animalistic... and which, provides very real 'danger' to the individual human female, as it sharply reduces her means to sustain herself thus REDUCING the likelihood of procreation, which is balanced through MARRIAGE, wherein the male provides for the safety and sustenance of the female and subsequent progeny... which requires nearly two decades of constant nurturing and training before it is a viable individual.

Now... having been educated on the issue.

Go ahead and tell the board what you feel 'sex' is for... .

Don't be shy now... go ahead.

Then the natural age for females to begin to have intercourse is when they've become sexually mature? Capable of reproducing?

Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.

You must be defining sexual maturity different than I am because 12 is too young to consent to sex....and that is the LEGAL definition of sexual maturity. In fact, a child's lack of experience, inability to process what's happening to them in an adult manner, and to anticipate the full consequences of what they're doing is precisely why, according to law, they cannot consent to sex. And this isn't just an "overlay of the culture" it's a fact. Children must be protected from adult sexual predators who look at them as soft, easy targets because of their impressionability, their trust, and their inability to see through their bullshit like adults can.
Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
You think he's saying people have no urge to have sex?


This was what I was responding to:

The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child
Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...

Oh dear....another poster who cannot tell the difference between that which does not harm others......and that which does. It concerns me how many like you can't see the plain difference.

Since that was not the question, you have given the wrong answer.

Sex is not just about begatting anymore and unbegattable seniors are getting married everyday.

Sex is about nothing else, but begatting.

The principles of nature never change... cultures simply devolve, due to the nature of evil, it induces deviancy.

Nothing complex about any of this stuff.

Have you informed those 75 year olds having sex that begatting is out of the question?
How sad it is for him, that sex is ONLY about procreation.
Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)

Dogs eating their puppies is natural as well, you are not suggesting...


You don't seem to understand the difference between what is natural and what we, as humans with free will, choose to culturally accept.

Nature has no mushy emotional feelings. What is is. And it's natural. Like it or not.

It's us as humans that bring in right or wrong, morality.
Is it?

Based upon what? The natural age for reproduction is the age wherein the female is sufficiently emotionally mature to nurture and raise her child; which would, of course, reqire that she be sufficiently mature to have secured a husband, to sustain her through gestation and the years where caring for her child requires nearly constant attention.

This is all FUNDAMENTAL STUFF... yet it appears that you're absolutely ignorant of ALL OF IT!

How old are you?

Lord do you need some tutoring here. Sweetcheeks - reproduction is strictly biology. As soon as a female reaches puberty (in humans)...estrus in other species - she is ready and able to be impregnated. Emotional maturity has zip to do with it. All that is the overlay of culture.

That is FUNDAMENTAL STUFF dude :eek:

Then you're saying there's no reason to have an age of consent?

No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Biology is one thing. Our ability to control it in beneficial ways is another. Fact: the natural urge to reproduce has zip to do with emotional maturity. True brain maturity - that includes the regions of the brain responsible for understanding of consequences and impulse control - doesn't really occur until 25. Sexual maturity can occur as young as....?12?.
What does this have to do with having sex, or even wanting to?

Damned if I know. Ask Keys, he brought it up :)
Birth defects happen throughout the animal kingdom, and the species survives not because of it, but in spite of it. And as I said earlier, WE ARE NOT ANIMALS to be taking our cues from animal behavior. Part of your problem is you don't realize you've been created in the image of God and made a little lower than the angels, that you are the crown of creation and not just another animal. That's the reason we have moral standards that animals don't have, that we adopt children that animals would leave out in the cold, that we protect the weak that animals would allow to die off, and that we conduct ourselves according to a higher plane of being than animals.

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