The Homosexual Dilemma

The repeated question that you refuse to answer is,

do you only engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of reproduction?

OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?

Wrong. The sex drive is deeply ingrained in us, even today. It is so powerful that we do it a lot. The way nature intended to propagate the species. You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it.

Why do you think young girls get knocked up by young boys? Because the "fun" of having sex does what it was intended to do.


"You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it."


Horse hockey.

Nature doesn't? As a man, I can tell you that the longer I go without sex, the greater the urge is to have sex. That is nature telling me it is time to try to reproduce, because nature doesn't give a fuck whether I enjoy it or not.


Nothing "requires" man to have sex.

How much do you usually spend to have sex?

Oh... So natural principle is subject to antiquation?

You cannot make this crap up folks. AGAIN!: In greater nature, these idiots are what is OKA: FOOD!

Sex is used for a variety of purposes pubes. Surely you are aware of this? Most of us grasp this fundemental principle in our teens.

I'll thank you to cease these sexual references. They're not welcome.

Now with regard to your 'feeings' of the uses of sex... none of that has any relevance to he PURPOSE of such.

One could use their forehead to drive nails... that in no way would mean that such was designed or even appropriate for such, despite your 'feeling' otherwise.

Again... you couldn't had no way to know that, because this is a discussion best suited for grown ups.

Like I said pubes (not a sexual reference) - check out the bonobos. Nature is nothing if not a recycler and a multi-tasker. Sex may have started out for procreation but evolved in some species to be more than that. Humans are the best example. Bonobos another easy example. Now, I don't base that on "feelings" hon, but science. Try it some time.

Does anyone know the procedure for reporting sexual abuse by a moderator? This 'contributor' is a moderator and as such I am unable to ignore them, so when a Moderator is found to be abusive, what is the procedure for reporting them?

If no one knows... I'll happily open a thread. But I'd appreciate the info if someone has it.

Coyote is good people even though we don't agree on this issue...not a troll. Since it's against the rules to discuss moderators let's not proceed any further down this path. Just PM her about any issue you have and you'll find she's very reasonable to talk to.

I'll be honest. For the most part, this has been a very good debate, with everyone making good points.



Oh... So natural principle is subject to antiquation?

You cannot make this crap up folks. AGAIN!: In greater nature, these idiots are what is OKA: FOOD!

Sex is used for a variety of purposes pubes. Surely you are aware of this? Most of us grasp this fundemental principle in our teens.

I'll thank you to cease these sexual references. They're not welcome.

Now with regard to your 'feeings' of the uses of sex... none of that has any relevance to he PURPOSE of such.

One could use their forehead to drive nails... that in no way would mean that such was designed or even appropriate for such, despite your 'feeling' otherwise.

Again... you couldn't had no way to know that, because this is a discussion best suited for grown ups.

Like I said pubes (not a sexual reference) - check out the bonobos. Nature is nothing if not a recycler and a multi-tasker. Sex may have started out for procreation but evolved in some species to be more than that. Humans are the best example. Bonobos another easy example. Now, I don't base that on "feelings" hon, but science. Try it some time.

Does anyone know the procedure for reporting sexual abuse by a moderator? This 'contributor' is a moderator and as such I am unable to ignore them, so when a Moderator is found to be abusive, what is the procedure for reporting them?

If no one knows... I'll happily open a thread. But I'd appreciate the info if someone has it.

Coyote is good people even though we don't agree on this issue...not a troll. Since it's against the rules to discuss moderators let's not proceed any further down this path. Just PM her about any issue you have and you'll find she's very reasonable to talk to.

I'll have no more communication with a sexual predator. I will report her to the ownership of this board. And if such continues, I'll report such to the authorities.

I'm a 54 year old man... and if she will so blatantly abuse me sexually, one can only imagine what she would do to a child who may happen in here.
OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?

Wrong. The sex drive is deeply ingrained in us, even today. It is so powerful that we do it a lot. The way nature intended to propagate the species. You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it.

Why do you think young girls get knocked up by young boys? Because the "fun" of having sex does what it was intended to do.


"You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it."


Horse hockey.

Nature doesn't? As a man, I can tell you that the longer I go without sex, the greater the urge is to have sex. That is nature telling me it is time to try to reproduce, because nature doesn't give a fuck whether I enjoy it or not.


Nothing "requires" man to have sex.

How much do you usually spend to have sex?

What do you mean by "sex"?

ROFLMNAO! And we have ANOTHER of the "Sex is Pleasurable... therefore Sex was designed to give pleasure" idiots.

Folks, you cannot make this crap UP!

And that is how we can "KNOW" that the would-be 'People', are truly, what in greater nature is that which is known as: FOOD!

The repeated question that you refuse to answer is,

do you only engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of reproduction?

OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?

Wrong. The sex drive is deeply ingrained in us, even today. It is so powerful that we do it a lot. The way nature intended to propagate the species. You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it.

Why do you think young girls get knocked up by young boys? Because the "fun" of having sex does what it was intended to do.


Not wrong.

Procreation may be the main component of the drive but that does not mean it is SOLEY procreative anymore. Look at the Bonobos. There is a social construct to sexual behavior that goes beyondmere procreation which does not have to be and isn't in many species.

So let me ask you, without the "urge" would you want to have sex for fun?

No. Normal is the standard which is established, in the case of human sexuality, by the human physiological design.

That standard, like all legitimate standard rests upon objectivity... favoring only the purpose of the exercise.

Abnormal is that which deviates from that standard of normality. We call this 'deviation' and those who present such: Deviants.

But again, you would have no way to know that... as these are things that people of sound mind would understand.

Congratulations, you have an opinion.

That and $4 will get you a tasty beverage at Starbuck$ :thup:
1. The homos are damn sure demanding the rest of us not just acknowledge their choice but that we agree with it and don't say anything other than you agree with it.

Really now? No one is saying you have to agree with it or even acknowledge it. Hyperbole much?

2. You have to watch every word in order that those freaks don't get their panties in a wad.

No. You can say what you want. However there is such a thing as manners. You may lack them.

3. It would be for the freak of nature that thought HE was a girl and approached my daughter.

Seriously dude - if a transgender person felt he was a female he's hardly likely to approach your daughter.

4. Teebowing happens when someone actually accomplishes something.

Like what?

5. You think being a freak is normal. When daily new stories put those abnormal freaks on the screen, you don't have to look.

I don't care about what's normal or abnormal - a lot of that is cultural. Inside it are real people with feelings. And they aren't hurting you any. So if you can't stomach it - change the channel. I get nauseous at the overflow of hate from fundamentalists. So I change the channel. UInless you're a quadroplegic..I suggest you do the same.

You don't care about normal or abnormal? Then, you are OK with pedophilia?


As long as they don't act on it, I could care less.

So then, you do care.

So noted.

Well in fairness... you are also the ones that 'believe' that things which are ABNORMAL are normal... that paying people to NOT WORK will encourage them to seek employment and that there is a RIGHT to MURDER THE MOST INNOCENT of human beings, EVEN WHILE THEY'RE STILL IN THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB!

So... LOL! That means that you're crazy; which is to say that you suffer a perverse form of human reasoning; meaning that you're insane... and healthy people, like healthy cultures... disregard the 'feelings' of the insane.

Normal and abnormal are matters of opinion.

This is why a dynamic Civil Law MUST trump all Religious Law whenever the two come in to conflict.

If you want to raise your kids under Sharia Law or other, similar nonsense based on ancient Arab stories you knock yourself out. Just remember that this is America and all I and mine have to comply with is the Civil Laws of whatever jurisdiction we find ourselves behaving and voting in.

Tell that to all the atheists who think gay marriage is a bad idea, including Charles Darwin...well he's dead, but you get my point. There's very practical reasons for promoting the values of marriage and family that don't necessarily involve religion.
Sex is used for a variety of purposes pubes. Surely you are aware of this? Most of us grasp this fundemental principle in our teens.

I'll thank you to cease these sexual references. They're not welcome.

Now with regard to your 'feeings' of the uses of sex... none of that has any relevance to he PURPOSE of such.

One could use their forehead to drive nails... that in no way would mean that such was designed or even appropriate for such, despite your 'feeling' otherwise.

Again... you couldn't had no way to know that, because this is a discussion best suited for grown ups.

Like I said pubes (not a sexual reference) - check out the bonobos. Nature is nothing if not a recycler and a multi-tasker. Sex may have started out for procreation but evolved in some species to be more than that. Humans are the best example. Bonobos another easy example. Now, I don't base that on "feelings" hon, but science. Try it some time.

Does anyone know the procedure for reporting sexual abuse by a moderator? This 'contributor' is a moderator and as such I am unable to ignore them, so when a Moderator is found to be abusive, what is the procedure for reporting them?

If no one knows... I'll happily open a thread. But I'd appreciate the info if someone has it.

Coyote is good people even though we don't agree on this issue...not a troll. Since it's against the rules to discuss moderators let's not proceed any further down this path. Just PM her about any issue you have and you'll find she's very reasonable to talk to.

I'll have no more communication with a sexual predator. I will report her to the ownership of this board. And if such continues, I'll report such to the authorities.

I'm a 54 year old man... and if she will so blatantly abuse me sexually, one can only imagine what she would do to a child who may happen in here.

No one is sexually abusing you drama queen.
OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?

Wrong. The sex drive is deeply ingrained in us, even today. It is so powerful that we do it a lot. The way nature intended to propagate the species. You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it.

Why do you think young girls get knocked up by young boys? Because the "fun" of having sex does what it was intended to do.


"You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it."


Horse hockey.

Nature doesn't? As a man, I can tell you that the longer I go without sex, the greater the urge is to have sex. That is nature telling me it is time to try to reproduce, because nature doesn't give a fuck whether I enjoy it or not.


Nothing "requires" man to have sex.

How much do you usually spend to have sex?

Semantics IS fun... isn't it?

"Requires" is precisely what nature does for the species, OKA: Mankind... .

The design of the species requires that the body/brain being respond as designed. Each is provided with the means to reason, with some being superior to others and others inferior to some within the scope of their respective intellectual means.

You're use of the word "Requires' implies 'force', which nature doesn't do... requires, in the sense of 'promote the likelihood of as a means to propagate the species'... is what nature does.
What facts did he deny? Like me, he acknowledges "natural" law, but also stated that because of the humans ability to reason, things change.


He denies that humans might reason that gay sexual relations are natural.

Licking your own ass is natural as well. It does not mean it should be acceptable.


So now you're throwing all that's natural under the bus as irrelevant?


Not any more than you are. Pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia are also natural. Are you for allowing these activities as well?


Are these things you practice?

Either you want to debate logically...or not.

Your choice.

Pubes, hon....nature is remarkably creative. Sex may have at one time been designed soley for procreation way back when we were primative amphibious slimewads - but it is not just procreative anymore. Ever read about Bonobos?

Wrong. The sex drive is deeply ingrained in us, even today. It is so powerful that we do it a lot. The way nature intended to propagate the species. You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it.

Why do you think young girls get knocked up by young boys? Because the "fun" of having sex does what it was intended to do.


"You have fun doing it because nature requires you to do it."


Horse hockey.

Nature doesn't? As a man, I can tell you that the longer I go without sex, the greater the urge is to have sex. That is nature telling me it is time to try to reproduce, because nature doesn't give a fuck whether I enjoy it or not.


Nothing "requires" man to have sex.

How much do you usually spend to have sex?

What do you mean by "sex"?

What is the definition of "is"?

He denies that humans might reason that gay sexual relations are natural.

Licking your own ass is natural as well. It does not mean it should be acceptable.


So now you're throwing all that's natural under the bus as irrelevant?


Not any more than you are. Pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia are also natural. Are you for allowing these activities as well?


Are these things you practice?

Either you want to debate logically...or not.

Your choice.


You brought those things up son........
This one. It's human history.

Proof? Are you really claiming that the shunning of children before marriage had nothing to do with those children?
It had to do with fucking, which people, wrongly, believed was a sin outside of marriage, usually. It's interesting to note that the lower classes of Victorian times, and many people of other times, were fine with fucking after you were engaged. Testing the waters so to speak.

And why did they condemn sex before marriage? Could it be that they wanted a stable couple to raise that child?

These old beliefs are easy to understand when taken in the context of the times they were in. They simply understood that a family was needed to bring up a child.


Remember... in Victorian times women were owned by their fathers until sold in to the bondage of holy matrimony.

Perspective counts.



Licking your own ass is natural as well. It does not mean it should be acceptable.


So now you're throwing all that's natural under the bus as irrelevant?


Not any more than you are. Pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia are also natural. Are you for allowing these activities as well?


Are these things you practice?

Either you want to debate logically...or not.

Your choice.


You brought those things up son........

Yes... he brought them up, because they represent deviant behavior... which is harmful to the individual who suffers the respective disorder and those around them.

He further asked if you intend to support the normalization of THOSE DEVIANCIES?

If so, why?

If not, how do you intend to argue that they should NOT be normalized, despite your advocacy to normalize the homosexual deviancy?
First, I didn't say that...

But since ya brought it up:

Children are the natural consequence of coitus.... it's what such was designed for.

Did you want to contest that?



You're one of those who 'feel' that because coitus is pleasurable, that such was designed to provide pleasure?


Before ya answer... you should know, that sexual intercourse is purposed for conception... part and parcel of promoting the likelihood of such, the human body is designed to trigger specific hormonal responses when the brain recognizes the potential for such, the genitals are designed around a phalanx of sensors which induce a sense of pleasure, which ... AGAIN ... sets a pattern of pleasure, so as to promote the likelihood of recurrence, thus increasing the potential for procreation, toward the biological imperative OKA: The Propagation of the Species.

A process which rests deep within the base instincts of the mammal... thus is animalistic... and which, provides very real 'danger' to the individual human female, as it sharply reduces her means to sustain herself thus REDUCING the likelihood of procreation, which is balanced through MARRIAGE, wherein the male provides for the safety and sustenance of the female and subsequent progeny... which requires nearly two decades of constant nurturing and training before it is a viable individual.

Now... having been educated on the issue.

Go ahead and tell the board what you feel 'sex' is for... .

Don't be shy now... go ahead.

Then the natural age for females to begin to have intercourse is when they've become sexually mature? Capable of reproducing?

In a "natural" world, absolutely. Why do you think they were designed that way?


Tell that to the idiot who's trying to song and dance the facts.

What facts did he deny? Like me, he acknowledges "natural" law, but also stated that because of the humans ability to reason, things change.


He denies that humans might reason that gay sexual relations are natural.

What's natural about shoving a cock up an asshole? Natural is the rectum being exit-only. And before you ask, no I don't and never have had anal sex with a woman. Even that is unnatural and wrong...not to mention forbidden by the Catholic Church.
Licking your own ass is natural as well. It does not mean it should be acceptable.


So now you're throwing all that's natural under the bus as irrelevant?


Not any more than you are. Pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia are also natural. Are you for allowing these activities as well?


Are these things you practice?

Either you want to debate logically...or not.

Your choice.


You brought those things up son........

And? You accused me of throwing "nature" under a bus. I asked you if you are OK with the sexual deviancies I listed. If you are not, you are also throwing nature under the bus.

First, I didn't say that...

But since ya brought it up:

Children are the natural consequence of coitus.... it's what such was designed for.

Did you want to contest that?



You're one of those who 'feel' that because coitus is pleasurable, that such was designed to provide pleasure?


Before ya answer... you should know, that sexual intercourse is purposed for conception... part and parcel of promoting the likelihood of such, the human body is designed to trigger specific hormonal responses when the brain recognizes the potential for such, the genitals are designed around a phalanx of sensors which induce a sense of pleasure, which ... AGAIN ... sets a pattern of pleasure, so as to promote the likelihood of recurrence, thus increasing the potential for procreation, toward the biological imperative OKA: The Propagation of the Species.

A process which rests deep within the base instincts of the mammal... thus is animalistic... and which, provides very real 'danger' to the individual human female, as it sharply reduces her means to sustain herself thus REDUCING the likelihood of procreation, which is balanced through MARRIAGE, wherein the male provides for the safety and sustenance of the female and subsequent progeny... which requires nearly two decades of constant nurturing and training before it is a viable individual.

Now... having been educated on the issue.

Go ahead and tell the board what you feel 'sex' is for... .

Don't be shy now... go ahead.

State for the record and swear on the lives of your loved ones that you have never engaged in sexual intercourse for any other reason than reproduction.

ROFLMNAO! And we have ANOTHER of the "Sex is Pleasurable... therefore Sex was designed to give pleasure" idiots.

Folks, you cannot make this crap UP!

And that is how we can "KNOW" that the would-be 'People', are truly, what in greater nature is that which is known as: FOOD!

The repeated question that you refuse to answer is,

do you only engage in sexual intercourse for the purpose of reproduction?

OH! You 'feel' your little query wasn't answered... LOL! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Here's a clue scamp... "Why" one engages in sex, has no bearing on "WHAT NATURE DESIGNED SEX FOR".

But it DOES, however, demonstrate the efficacy of nature's design.

Nature made human females receptive to sex at any time, in stark contrast to almost every other species.

Why was that?

You're not married, are you? Many women shut down the sex right after the first child. The men get frustrated with their needs being unmet and masturbate to porn or have an affair....and yet somehow they're the asshole when they get caught. And A LOT of women do this, neglect their husbands then get mad when he has an affair.
Not any more than you are. Pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia are also natural. Are you for allowing these activities as well?


Are these things you practice?

Either you want to debate logically...or not.

Your choice.


You brought those things up son........

Yes... he brought them up, because they represent deviant behavior... which is harmful to the individual who suffers the respective disorder and those around them.

He further asked if you intend to support the normalization of THOSE DEVIANCIES?

If so, why?

If not, how do you intend to argue that they should NOT be normalized, despite your advocacy to normalize the homosexual deviancy?

Son if you feel the need to stick your dick in a dog go ahead....
There are people who advocate marriage between humans and the lesser animals. I knew it.

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