The Homosexual Dilemma

You of understand, Mark, the Family Research Council and those who are associated with it are deviants? America is for everybody, not just you.

Really? Then if America is for everybody, you really won't mind if pedophilia is legalized. After all, they are also part of everybody.


And what kind of friggin Homophobic bastard would refuse his kid to a poor oppressed Pedophile - I mean kids should have a balanced view of life - it should be a law that all children must experience "Inter generational Intimacy" before they reach puberty and its too late - what are we raising a bunch of Homophobes !!!
So with a mere choice you could find a man's hairy ass as sexually attractive as a woman's shapely backside?

Then Sy's right. You're probably bi already. For most of us, its not a choice. Its just an attribute.

If its not a choice, then how come some are choosing it...or not:

Some Gays Can Go Straight Study Says - ABC News

Of course, gay groups are fighting this study, because if homosexuality was a choice, there can be no discrimination.

Since I personally know gays that have went straight, I have to ask why the appeal of a "big hairy ass" left them and was replaced by a vagina.


You really should have researched further...

Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure'

And? My point was that some people have converted. Are you going to deny that? As for your link, if homosexuality is "ingrained", then I contend that every sexual deviancy is and that treatment should stop on all of them.

Homosexuality is not "special".


If only one changes, the argument that someone is born that way is invalid.

Heh. I know a woman who was straight, then gay, then straight again.

Lesbians especially have a high rate of "recovery".

Sounds like a pretty screwed up in the head chick to me - her name didn't happen to be "SeaWytch" did it ?
You of understand, Mark, the Family Research Council and those who are associated with it are deviants? America is for everybody, not just you.

Really? Then if America is for everybody, you really won't mind if pedophilia is legalized. After all, they are also part of everybody.


And what kind of friggin Homophobic bastard would refuse his kid to a poor oppressed Pedophile!

Conservatives- once again showing that they cannot tell the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Homophobes- once again showing that they only pretend to care about child molestation when they are talking about homosexuals.
So if I don't serve gays and ignore whatever government does to force me to, then they won't come with guns? Seriously? You are an infant. You're the one who has to grow up.

Nope. The government will fine you. As you've violated the civil law and are subject to financial penalties. And since the States have exclusive jurisdiction over intra state commerce, they have every authority to establish minimum standards of conduct when doing business. Such as....treating your customers fairly and equally.

And I don't go to court and I don't pay the fine, now what?

Then they'll be collected as levies and liens. Bank accounts will be ceased. Wages garnished. Titles to property forfeit. Like any tax.

As you well know.

And what if I ignore those and continue to operate? Will I see guns?
If its not a choice, then how come some are choosing it...or not:

Some Gays Can Go Straight Study Says - ABC News

Of course, gay groups are fighting this study, because if homosexuality was a choice, there can be no discrimination.

Since I personally know gays that have went straight, I have to ask why the appeal of a "big hairy ass" left them and was replaced by a vagina.


You really should have researched further...

Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure'

And? My point was that some people have converted. Are you going to deny that? As for your link, if homosexuality is "ingrained", then I contend that every sexual deviancy is and that treatment should stop on all of them.

Homosexuality is not "special".


If only one changes, the argument that someone is born that way is invalid.

Heh. I know a woman who was straight, then gay, then straight again.

Lesbians especially have a high rate of "recovery".

Sounds like a pretty screwed up in the head chick to me - her name didn't happen to be "SeaWytch" did it ?
But Seawytch will tell you that someone is born gay.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

Actually, the legalization of abortion had probably less public support than the legalization of gay marriage. Besides the fact that marriage equality is supported by 50% of the population now, most people just realize this issue has no effect on their lives.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

Well, no, not really. Frankly, most gay folks I work with, the issue really doesn't come up. I had a boss I worked with for a year and a half and didn't know she was gay. It wasn't anyone's business. She was probably the only boss I've had who wasn't a total asshole.

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

Probably most teenage girls find sharing a bathroom with a trannie less gross than sharing one with her Dad and teenage brothers.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

Since when is being a bible thumping idiot whose mother didn't have an abortion an accomplishment? BUt you guys kept pushing Tebow down our throats.

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?

Are you trying to tell me that there aren't a bunch of Christians and Jews in the media, right now?

But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

I think a lot of you guys would hate even if gays weren't asking for the same things you enjoy. Of course, you homophobes are becoming an ever shrinking minority, only being able to mutter your hate in your own house because you'll get the stink-eye anywhere else.

Actually, the legalization of abortion had probably less public support than the legalization of gay marriage.

Possibly - LINK PLEASE - as i know you like to talk through your ass

Probably most teenage girls find sharing a bathroom with a trannie less gross than sharing one with her Dad and teenage brothers.

Possibly - LINK PLEASE - as i know you like to talk through your ass
LOL, liberals go to such gyrations to try to repeat back to us what you hear. Free markets are tyrrany of the majority, the majority voting to force everyone to do their will is not. Gotcha.

Obviously you have no business experience at all. It's hard to get customers. Only idiots turn them away for stupid reasons like that they are gay. There's a good reason Jim Crow laws were enacted, businesses weren't interested in turning away customers, so government had to force them to do it. Read this last paragraph about 10 times and see if you can figure out how clearly it shows how free markets cure tyranny of the majority using government force. It's obvious, you won't get it.

Laughing...and not a single mention of gays, but your cookie cutter anti-goverment screed. Gee, how did I know that was coming.

First off, the majority already supports gay marriage:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

So why would the public oppose recognition of gay marriage?

And second, look at interracial marriage. When the USSC overturned interracial marriage bans in 1967, the public overwhelmingly supported such bans. And what happened in response?

Nothing. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Rights are not a commodity. They aren't bought and sold. They aren't traded. And they aren't subject to a vote. You don't understand what rights are, nor can you possibly explain how rights are best protected through the 'free market'. You're literally arguing for the tyranny of the majority. Where the rights of any person are subject to a 50% plus 1 vote.

And that's not our system. Nor was it ever meant to be.
Then you are probably bisexual.

As a heterosexual I can say with great certainty- I do not find men sexually attractive- and cannot chose to find them sexually attractive.

I like Jennifer Anniston and Holly Hunter and Jessica Alba- not Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

If you think you could chose to be turned on by a photo of Clooney in a bathing suit- then you are probably bisexual.

I could choose to be a criminal. Does that make me one?

I don't find men sexually attractive either because I choose not to.

So with a mere choice you could find a man's hairy ass as sexually attractive as a woman's shapely backside?

Then Sy's right. You're probably bi already. For most of us, its not a choice. Its just an attribute.

If its not a choice, then how come some are choosing it...or not:

Some Gays Can Go Straight Study Says - ABC News

Of course, gay groups are fighting this study, because if homosexuality was a choice, there can be no discrimination.

Since I personally know gays that have went straight, I have to ask why the appeal of a "big hairy ass" left them and was replaced by a vagina.


You really should have researched further...

Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure'

And? My point was that some people have converted. Are you going to deny that? As for your link, if homosexuality is "ingrained", then I contend that every sexual deviancy is and that treatment should stop on all of them.

Homosexuality is not "special".


People can choose who to have sex with.

There is no evidence that people chose who to be attracted to.

Homosexuality is not 'special'- it is humans attracted to the same gender instead of the opposite gender.

No need to treat homosexuals special at all- just treat them without discrimination.
You really should have researched further...

Psychiatry Giant Sorry for Backing Gay 'Cure'

And? My point was that some people have converted. Are you going to deny that? As for your link, if homosexuality is "ingrained", then I contend that every sexual deviancy is and that treatment should stop on all of them.

Homosexuality is not "special".


If only one changes, the argument that someone is born that way is invalid.

Heh. I know a woman who was straight, then gay, then straight again.

Lesbians especially have a high rate of "recovery".

Sounds like a pretty screwed up in the head chick to me - her name didn't happen to be "SeaWytch" did it ?
But Seawytch will tell you that someone is born gay.

And who would know better on how SeaWitch was born? You....or her?

I take it you don't understand the rise of laughter when some anonymous conservative starts dictating to individuals their own sexuality. And I doubt you ever will.
But the experts don't agree with the far right on this Board.

Amazing. The weirds start taking same sex attraction and these voyeurs start gabbling excitingly about bestiality, group sex, and other behavior that fascinates them. No connection at all but they do get excited.

Bullshit. The APA is discussing classifying pedophilia in the same way they do homosexuality. If you all were truthful, you would understand that any sexual proclivity can(and should be if applied fairly) be classified exactly as homosexuality is. One sexual deviancy is really no different than another.


So you think anything other than male female penis in vagina is sexual deviancy- and that they are all the same as pedophilia?

Foreplay and masturbation are integral parts of sex. It is what makes it "fun", and that leads to pro creation.

So, let me turn your question around. Is there anything you consider a deviancy?


Unless you come. And I know plenty of guys that like them blowjobs to completion. So....abnormal and illogical?

How about masterbation? Old people having sex? The celibate? All 'abnormal and illogical' too?

Do you read what I write? Why do I have to answer this yet again?


Could you direct me to that answer then. Because I've never seen it.

I've seen you run from my question. I've seen you dodge it. I've never actually seen you answer it.
You of understand, Mark, the Family Research Council and those who are associated with it are deviants? America is for everybody, not just you.

Really? Then if America is for everybody, you really won't mind if pedophilia is legalized. After all, they are also part of everybody.


And what kind of friggin Homophobic bastard would refuse his kid to a poor oppressed Pedophile!

Conservatives- once again showing that they cannot tell the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Homophobes- once again showing that they only pretend to care about child molestation when they are talking about homosexuals.

Conservatives- once again showing that they cannot tell the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Oh I see - you believe "Inter Generational Intimacy" is consensual; sex because the kid willingly bent over - yes I get it .

Or are you referring to the Bill Clinton type of scenario "Define Sex" - why don't you "Have a cigar" and think about the stupidity you post douchebag.
And there is no question that homosexuality is replicated in every generation. It is part of Nature and has never threatened the continuation of mankind.

And? In every species, natures way is reproduction. If a body does not reproduce, it kills off its lineage. That is why, in nature, homosexuality has to be considered abnormal.


Nature is a complex and wondrous thing. Did you know that some species are a-sexual? Did you know some could change their gender? How about when animals intentionally sterilize themselves due to over population?

Since Homosexuality exists in over a thousand animals species and has existed in the human animal since the beginning of recorded history, it's pretty safe to assume that we're supposed to be here. Rest easy, scientists have some theories.

The evolutionary puzzle of homosexuality

The genes that code for homosexuality do other things too

The allele - or group of genes - that sometimes codes for homosexual orientation may at other times have a strong reproductive benefit. This would compensate for gay people's lack of reproduction and ensure the continuation of the trait, as non-gay carriers of the gene pass it down.

Gay people were 'helpers in the nest'
Paul Vasey's research in Samoa has focused on a theory called kin selection or the "helper in the nest" hypothesis. The idea is that gay people compensate for their lack of children by promoting the reproductive fitness of brothers or sisters, contributing money or performing other uncle-like activities such as babysitting or tutoring. Some of the gay person's genetic code is shared with nieces and nephews and so, the theory goes, the genes which code for sexual orientation still get passed down.[...]

Gay people do have children
In the US, around 37% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people have a child, about 60% of which are biological. According to the Williams Institute, gay couples that have children have an average of two.

These figures may not be high enough to sustain genetic traits specific to this group, but the evolutionary biologist Jeremy Yoder points out in a blog post that for much of modern history gay people haven't been living openly gay lives. Compelled by society to enter marriages and have children, their reproduction rates may have been higher than they are now.

It's not all in the DNA
Qazi Rahman says that alleles coding for same sex attraction only explain some of the variety in human sexuality. Other, naturally varying biological factors come into play, with about one in seven gay men, he says, owing their sexuality to the "big brother effect".

This has nothing to do with George Orwell, but describes the observation that boys with older brothers are significantly more likely to become gay - with every older brother the chance of homosexuality increases by about a third. No-one knows why this is, but one theory is that with each male pregnancy, a woman's body forms an immune reaction to proteins that have a role in the development of the male brain. Since this only comes into play after several siblings have been born - most of whom are heterosexual and go on to have children - this pre-natal quirk hasn't been selected away by evolution.

And, after all of this, my statement still stands:

In every species, natures way is reproduction. If a body does not reproduce, it kills off its lineage. That is why, in nature, homosexuality has to be considered abnormal.

Humans are born with many types of problems. While these conditions are natural, they most assuredly are abnormal.


Lots of things are 'abnormal'- oral sex is abnormal by your definition- yet the majority of Americans experience it at some time in their life- some of us more than others.

Abnormal doesn't mean bad.

Except in the case of homophobes- homosexuals=abnormal-= bad.
These are a product of the State's power to regulate intra-state commerce. A power you recognize. And within that authority its perfectly reasonable to set minimum standards of business conduct, where customers are treated fairly and equally.

Equally? Bull, you have no right to be treated equally by a business to their other customers. They are in business to make money. If you are a bigger customer or more in line with their target clientele, you probably will get better service. If not, you won't. I sure don't treat my customers the same in my business.

And again, government has no legitimate power to compel it's citizens to do business with each other and it is immoral and unethical for them to attempt to do so. Again, you people are authoritarian leftists, there is nothing liberal about you, nothing at all.
So if I don't serve gays and ignore whatever government does to force me to, then they won't come with guns? Seriously? You are an infant. You're the one who has to grow up.

Nope. The government will fine you. As you've violated the civil law and are subject to financial penalties. And since the States have exclusive jurisdiction over intra state commerce, they have every authority to establish minimum standards of conduct when doing business. Such as....treating your customers fairly and equally.

And I don't go to court and I don't pay the fine, now what?

Then they'll be collected as levies and liens. Bank accounts will be ceased. Wages garnished. Titles to property forfeit. Like any tax.

As you well know.

And what if I ignore those and continue to operate? Will I see guns?

If you don't pay your taxes? Ask Ed and Elaine Brown.

However, in public business, you have to interact with the public. And liens can be taken from any proceeds with other members of the public.

If you were to auction off cattle for'd never see the money. It would go to pay your lien.
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LOL, liberals go to such gyrations to try to repeat back to us what you hear. Free markets are tyrrany of the majority, the majority voting to force everyone to do their will is not. Gotcha.

Obviously you have no business experience at all. It's hard to get customers. Only idiots turn them away for stupid reasons like that they are gay. There's a good reason Jim Crow laws were enacted, businesses weren't interested in turning away customers, so government had to force them to do it. Read this last paragraph about 10 times and see if you can figure out how clearly it shows how free markets cure tyranny of the majority using government force. It's obvious, you won't get it.

Laughing...and not a single mention of gays, but your cookie cutter anti-goverment screed. Gee, how did I know that was coming.

First off, the majority already supports gay marriage:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

So why would the public oppose recognition of gay marriage?

And second, look at interracial marriage. When the USSC overturned interracial marriage bans in 1967, the public overwhelmingly supported such bans. And what happened in response?

Nothing. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Rights are not a commodity. They aren't bought and sold. They aren't traded. And they aren't subject to a vote. You don't understand what rights are, nor can you possibly explain how rights are best protected through the 'free market'. You're literally arguing for the tyranny of the majority. Where the rights of any person are subject to a 50% plus 1 vote.

And that's not our system. Nor was it ever meant to be.

First off, the majority already supports gay marriage:

Government remains a necessary component of society, and that Kaz does not like it means. . . nothing to the universe.

Kaz's world would very likely revert to the mad men like Where R My Keys taking over and killing all homosexuals.

Yes, moron, I'm anarchist. Got it.

Let's hope not. Your philosophic content does not prevent the opportunity for local elites taking over and punishing those they don't like.

Yes, moron, I'm an anarchist. Got it.
You of understand, Mark, the Family Research Council and those who are associated with it are deviants? America is for everybody, not just you.

Really? Then if America is for everybody, you really won't mind if pedophilia is legalized. After all, they are also part of everybody.


And what kind of friggin Homophobic bastard would refuse his kid to a poor oppressed Pedophile!

Conservatives- once again showing that they cannot tell the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Homophobes- once again showing that they only pretend to care about child molestation when they are talking about homosexuals.

Conservatives- once again showing that they cannot tell the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Oh I see - you believe "Inter Generational Intimacy" is consensual; sex because the kid willingly bent over - yes I get it .

Or are you referring to the Bill Clinton type of scenario "Define Sex" - why don't you "Have a cigar" and think about the stupidity you post douchebag.

No I am saying very clearly that you think that child rape is the same thing as consensual sex between adults.

I am saying to your a man taking a 3 year old girl and raping her is exactly the same as two 30 year old men having consensual oral sex in their bedroom.

Because your bigotry and hatred towards homosexuals makes you see the world that way.

And that endangers children.
These are a product of the State's power to regulate intra-state commerce. A power you recognize. And within that authority its perfectly reasonable to set minimum standards of business conduct, where customers are treated fairly and equally.

Equally? Bull, you have no right to be treated equally by a business to their other customers. They are in business to make money. If you are a bigger customer or more in line with their target clientele, you probably will get better service. If not, you won't. I sure don't treat my customers the same in my business.

Again, you're confusing rights and powers. The public accommodation laws are part of the State's POWER to regulate intrastate commerce. The State requires that those who conducting public business do so in accordanc with minimum codes of conduct. Specifically, that they treat their customers fairly and equally.

So all your babble about 'rights' is just another profound misunderstanding on your part. Public accommodation laws by the State are an issue of powers. Powers you recognize the State possesses.

And again, government has no legitimate power to compel it's citizens to do business with each other and it is immoral and unethical for them to attempt to do so. Again, you people are authoritarian leftists, there is nothing liberal about you, nothing at all.

Sure it does. The States are clearly granted exclusive authority over intrastate commerce by the 10th amendment. Which all public business falls under. And treating your customers fairly and equally is both reasonable and ethical.

And the bakers being fined for refusing to serve gays are violating these reasonable, legal, and ethical civil laws.
So if I don't serve gays and ignore whatever government does to force me to, then they won't come with guns? Seriously? You are an infant. You're the one who has to grow up.

Nope. The government will fine you. As you've violated the civil law and are subject to financial penalties. And since the States have exclusive jurisdiction over intra state commerce, they have every authority to establish minimum standards of conduct when doing business. Such as....treating your customers fairly and equally.

And I don't go to court and I don't pay the fine, now what?

Then they'll be collected as levies and liens. Bank accounts will be ceased. Wages garnished. Titles to property forfeit. Like any tax.

As you well know.

And what if I ignore those and continue to operate? Will I see guns?

If you don't pay your taxes? Ask Ed and Elaine Brown.
I choose not to be attracted to men.

I find a lot of things repugnant. Does that mean it isn't a choice on those either?

Then you are probably bisexual.

As a heterosexual I can say with great certainty- I do not find men sexually attractive- and cannot chose to find them sexually attractive.

I like Jennifer Anniston and Holly Hunter and Jessica Alba- not Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

If you think you could chose to be turned on by a photo of Clooney in a bathing suit- then you are probably bisexual.

I could choose to be a criminal. Does that make me one?

I don't find men sexually attractive either because I choose not to.

You can't choose your attraction, only whether to act on them or not. If you are not attracted to men, you can't make yourself attracted to men, trust me on this. (It's why reparative "therapy" has such a high failure rate)

It would be interesting to know what other psychiatric problems have a "high failure rate" and if we simply gave up because of it.

Did you ever stop to think that this "high failure rate" is because we haven't been been trying reparative therapy that long?

I mean fuck, we have been trying to cure cancer, diabetes, and heart disease forever.

Maybe you think we should stop trying?

Reparative therapy has a high failure rate, Mark. Your suggestion from that fact is useless, meaningless.

Not True - it has a success rate comparable to substance abuse treatment but is subject to 100X more scrutiny - sometimes the patients relapse which can be said of any psych. treatment
I'd prefer to just skip the entire schtick, and stick with the topic of gay rights and the imaginary 'homosexual dillema'.

So why don't you address my point if that's what you keep saying you want? Free markets are the best protection for gay rights.

Save that they aren't. Protecting and preserving rights are the best protection for gay rights.

Rights aren't a matter of sale. They aren't a commodity to be purchased, or traded. Which renders them unquantifiable to someone who looks at the world in terms of economics. Which is why we don't use economic measures as the metric of rights.

And you will protect rights with your socialist ideology no matter how many rights you have to crush to do it.

And you're back to your libertarian schtick. No one gives a fuck about your little obsession with 'socialists'. This is a thread about gays, homoseuxality, gay rights, gays in society, etc.

Government has no legitimate authority to use force to compel any of it's citizens to do business with another citizen.

States have jurisdiction over intra state commerce. Its completely within their authority to regulate commerce. And completely reasonable for the States to set basic minimum standards for conducting business: that you treat your customers fairly and equally.

Legally and ethically, the States are on firm footing.

And since rights aren't commodities, the entire concept of allowing the 'free market' to decide it is just ludicrous. And certainly not a belief expressed or practiced by the founders. What you're describing is the tyranny of the majority. And the founders despised the concept. As would any rational person.

Again with the socialism obsession. You say "rights" aren't commodities. You have negative rights, the right to be left alone to live your own life. The positive rights you assert, the right to force someone to do business with you is an entirely socialist construct and yes, it's completely morally and ethically wrong. If someone doesn't want to do business with me for being a blond haired blue eyed white guy, that's their choice. My money is greed. Your money is green. Gay's money is green. Green is the only color most of us in business care about. As for legally, yes, in our system the States do have that power though. The Federal government does not by the 10th amendment.

Then your argument is with the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment- and all such subsequent public accomodation laws.

Best get busy on that- I think that should be the platform for the RNC- repeal the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

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