The Horns of the GOP Dilemna


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Demographic changes in America dictate that the GOP can't win the minority/young/female vote unless they run a minority candidate AND compete with the Democrats in offering all of them something. Which the republicans cannot do unless they abandon their position on lower taxes, less spending, and reducing debt/deficits. It's pretty amazing that the democrats have managed to secure those voters without really doing a damn thing to earn it, but they you are. The repubs will actually have to do something to get competitive, but how do they do that and still maintain some semblance of fiscal responsibility?

I guess the only alternative is wait for the democrats to royally fuck up, worse than they already have the past 4 years, and ride a wave of voter dissatisfaction into office similar to what Obama did in 2008. One wonders though what has to happen to get the voters dissatisfied that much. If they aren't dissatisfied enough now, which they ain't, just how bad is it going to have to get?
The GOP damned near gave us the Second Great Republican Depression 4 years ago. Do you really think that we believe that they are fiscally responsible? Two wars, and a reduction in taxes?

When are you fellows going to stop talking out of both sides of your mouth? Fiscally, your people have done this nation more harm than any Democrat ever has.
Demographic changes in America dictate that the GOP can't win the minority/young/female vote unless they run a minority candidate AND compete with the Democrats in offering all of them something. Which the republicans cannot do unless they abandon their position on lower taxes, less spending, and reducing debt/deficits. It's pretty amazing that the democrats have managed to secure those voters without really doing a damn thing to earn it, but they you are. The repubs will actually have to do something to get competitive, but how do they do that and still maintain some semblance of fiscal responsibility?

I guess the only alternative is wait for the democrats to royally fuck up, worse than they already have the past 4 years, and ride a wave of voter dissatisfaction into office similar to what Obama did in 2008. One wonders though what has to happen to get the voters dissatisfied that much. If they aren't dissatisfied enough now, which they ain't, just how bad is it going to have to get?

That, or the same people begin to realize that America just won't work as long as they permit the Left to divide us along lines of race, ethnicity and now - sex.
"Running a minority candidate" has jack to do with it. Republicans seem incapable of understanding that, with Democrats, it's not about skin color, ethnicity or gender.
"Running a minority candidate" has jack to do with it. Republicans seem incapable of understanding that, with Democrats, it's not about skin color, ethnicity or gender.

If Obama was a white guy, he would not have been re-elected.
"Running a minority candidate" has jack to do with it. Republicans seem incapable of understanding that, with Democrats, it's not about skin color, ethnicity or gender.

yeah sure, so democrats DONT support affirmative action? Did I miss this change?
"Running a minority candidate" has jack to do with it. Republicans seem incapable of understanding that, with Democrats, it's not about skin color, ethnicity or gender.

If Obama was a white guy, he would not have been re-elected.

If Obama was a white guy, he would never have been elected in the first place. An honest liberal would admit that.
Demographic changes in America dictate that the GOP can't win the minority/young/female vote unless they run a minority candidate AND compete with the Democrats in offering all of them something. Which the republicans cannot do unless they abandon their position on lower taxes, less spending, and reducing debt/deficits. It's pretty amazing that the democrats have managed to secure those voters without really doing a damn thing to earn it, but they you are. The repubs will actually have to do something to get competitive, but how do they do that and still maintain some semblance of fiscal responsibility?

I guess the only alternative is wait for the democrats to royally fuck up, worse than they already have the past 4 years, and ride a wave of voter dissatisfaction into office similar to what Obama did in 2008. One wonders though what has to happen to get the voters dissatisfied that much. If they aren't dissatisfied enough now, which they ain't, just how bad is it going to have to get?

Since when is the GOP about less spending? When they had the House, the Senate, and the White House, they spent like drunken sailors.

The GOP lost because it has become a party of hate. They treat immigrants like a bunch of rapists, illegals, and job stealers when they are in actuality natural born Republicans. Hardworking, deeply religious, and family oriented. The GOP is fucking itself up the ass when it comes to attracting immigrants.

You say the GOP has to give up its principles to win? And you said that with a straight face?

The GOP long ago gave up its principles. It has become a party of lies, hate, and hypocrisy, overrun with parroting mindless morons.

It's a suicide cult.

"Running a minority candidate" has jack to do with it. Republicans seem incapable of understanding that, with Democrats, it's not about skin color, ethnicity or gender.

If Obama was a white guy, he would not have been re-elected.

If Obama was a white guy, he would never have been elected in the first place. An honest liberal would admit that.

Not sure about that, there was a lot of anti-republican sentiment 4 years ago. And McCain did run a really poor campaign, so if the dem nominee was a white guy he still mighta won. I'm pretty sure if Hillary had been the nominee she woulda beat McCain too.
Demographic changes in America dictate that the GOP can't win the minority/young/female vote unless they run a minority candidate AND compete with the Democrats in offering all of them something. Which the republicans cannot do unless they abandon their position on lower taxes, less spending, and reducing debt/deficits. It's pretty amazing that the democrats have managed to secure those voters without really doing a damn thing to earn it, but they you are. The repubs will actually have to do something to get competitive, but how do they do that and still maintain some semblance of fiscal responsibility?

I guess the only alternative is wait for the democrats to royally fuck up, worse than they already have the past 4 years, and ride a wave of voter dissatisfaction into office similar to what Obama did in 2008. One wonders though what has to happen to get the voters dissatisfied that much. If they aren't dissatisfied enough now, which they ain't, just how bad is it going to have to get?

Since when is the GOP about less spending? When they had the House, the Senate, and the White House, they spent like drunken sailors.

The GOP lost because it has become a party of hate. They treat immigrants like a bunch of rapists, illegals, and job stealers when they are in actuality natural born Republicans. Hardworking, deeply religious, and family oriented. The GOP is fucking itself up the ass when it comes to attracting immigrants.

You say the GOP has to give up its principles to win? And you said that with a straight face?

The GOP long ago gave up its principles. It has become a party of lies, hate, and hypocrisy, overrun with parroting mindless morons.

It's a suicide cult.


What utter bullshit. Why don't you point out the principle of allowing some people to break the law while making others follow it, because that's what allowing illegal immigration does. What laws do you think should be enforced? Should we have borders at all?
If Obama was a white guy, he would not have been re-elected.

If Obama was a white guy, he would never have been elected in the first place. An honest liberal would admit that.

Not sure about that, there was a lot of anti-republican sentiment 4 years ago. And McCain did run a really poor campaign, so if the dem nominee was a white guy he still mighta won. I'm pretty sure if Hillary had been the nominee she woulda beat McCain too.

If Obama had been white he would not have been the nominee. Hillary would have been and even though I don't like her, I think she would have been a better choice.
So what you on the left are saying is it's ok to reward people that broke our laws?

That's exactly what they're saying. Somehow they think that the U.S. taxpayers should be able to afford to take care of anyone in the world that wants to come here, just because they want to come here. Pile another few million on the wagon.
You guys think your racist antics were such a hoot.

Har Har - Self deport.

Hee hee - Born in Kenya.

Ho ho ho - Work as a Janitor in your high school.

Guffaw - Food stamp president.

Chuckle - Free stuff.

You think its so a hoot now?

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