The Horror- Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session after Conservative Speech


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO- Talking about tin foil hats. Our Universities and Colleges are a cess pool of wimpy liberals. They attended a speech that so traumatized them, they needed therapy.


Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.
According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit - Breitbart
LMAO- Talking about tin foil hats. Our Universities and Colleges are a cess pool of wimpy liberals. They attended a speech that so traumatized them, they needed therapy.


Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.
According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

Rutgers Students Hold Group Therapy Session After Milo Yiannopoulos Visit - Breitbart

One has to hope that most college students are not like this, that we are dealing with a vocal, meek, wussified minority.
I'm afraid its more of a rule than exception. UCI has a special place on campus out by the dumpsters where students have to go to practice free speech. Unreal

They are helping in bringing up a bunch of paranoid wusses who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Most of the little commie camps of today should be charged for child abuse
One has to hope that most college students are not like this, that we are dealing with a vocal, meek, wussified minority.

I agree, if these bed wetters are the leaders of the next generation, we may as well invite the Chinese in now rather than wait for the invasion.
Students and community members participated by sharing their personal experiences from the event and by looking for resolutions. Questions regarding the legal aspects of holding a protest and what actions the administration would take were asked.

Students described feeling scared, hurt and discriminated against following Yiannopoulos’s visit.



One has to hope that most college students are not like this, that we are dealing with a vocal, meek, wussified minority.

I agree, if these bed wetters are the leaders of the next generation, we may as well invite the Chinese in now rather than wait for the invasion.

Or we can hope this is just a phase, and when the cold splash of reality hits them when they try to find work, they "wake up".

someone needs to tell them "You are not a special little snowflake, getting your feelings hurt is not an attack, and the world does not give out participation trophies".
Oh my. Traumatized after listening to someone talk. What'll they do when they are in the real world and encounter more than just talk?
another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.”

Whatever happened to the singular, laser-like focus on chasing tail and drinking beer?

Or we can hope this is just a phase, and when the cold splash of reality hits them when they try to find work, they "wake up".

someone needs to tell them "You are not a special little snowflake, getting your feelings hurt is not an attack, and the world does not give out participation trophies".

When they finally grasp that reality they may just commit suicide and stop wasting our oxygen.


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