The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

Those damned unions. That must be what bankrupted the GOP, too.

Union Greed killed the Twinkie

So it had nothign to do with Hostess making shit?

A Hostess pie costs like $1.69.

This is what happens when you pay a guy $30 and hour to stock shelves.

The non-Union pies can be had 2 for a buck.

What malmart is paying $30 and hour to stock shelves? If your talking about the hostess employeee you clearly don;t know jack shit about what hostess was actually paying.
Maybe we can start buying Twinkies from China.

Thanks for collapsing another great American institution......

.....Type 2 Diabetes!!!!




So it had nothign to do with Hostess making shit?

A Hostess pie costs like $1.69.

This is what happens when you pay a guy $30 and hour to stock shelves.

The non-Union pies can be had 2 for a buck.

What malmart is paying $30 and hour to stock shelves? If your talking about the hostess employeee you clearly don;t know jack shit about what hostess was actually paying.

OK. Salary, benies, pensions are $29.37 per hour.
Union Greed killed the Twinkie

So it had nothign to do with Hostess making shit?

That's irrelavent. The real point is Hostess still had life in it but needed a deal with it's wokers. If they strike a deal then Hostess has a chance to succeed just like any other business. If they can't stike a deal, then 18,500 hit the unemployment line.

What would the better option have been?

That would depend on what side of the table you were sitting at.
So it had nothign to do with Hostess making shit?

That's irrelavent. The real point is Hostess still had life in it but needed a deal with it's wokers. If they strike a deal then Hostess has a chance to succeed just like any other business. If they can't stike a deal, then 18,500 hit the unemployment line.

What would the better option have been?

That would depend on what side of the table you were sitting at.

How so? 18,500 sounds like a lot to me.
That's irrelavent. The real point is Hostess still had life in it but needed a deal with it's wokers. If they strike a deal then Hostess has a chance to succeed just like any other business. If they can't stike a deal, then 18,500 hit the unemployment line.

What would the better option have been?

That would depend on what side of the table you were sitting at.

How so? 18,500 sounds like a lot to me.

Don't forget they have forty-eleven social programs waiting for them when they go on the dole!
Free market killed the twinkie . almost 2 dollars for a crappy tasting sponge log. If you want cheap crap they sell Little Debbies for 50 cents.


Ok, gotta admit, that shits pretty funny!!!

Discuss....ok. Considering Americans incredible epedimic of obesity, and just how many problems it's causing us like soaring healthcare, disease, lack of productivity, etc..........and just how rare terror attacks are in the US........Id say the twinkie was a bigger threat to any random American than a dirt farmer in a cave in Afghanistan.
That's irrelavent. The real point is Hostess still had life in it but needed a deal with it's wokers. If they strike a deal then Hostess has a chance to succeed just like any other business. If they can't stike a deal, then 18,500 hit the unemployment line.

What would the better option have been?

That would depend on what side of the table you were sitting at.

How so? 18,500 sounds like a lot to me.

Ahh but without those 18,500 how much money do the owners/operators stand to make by auctioning off things like the brand name and recipies for Twinkies, Ho-Hos, Snowballs etc? Without those 18.500 they could be walking away with a tidy sum of cash.
FUck Hostess. They have beenputting out an inferior product for years. Waxy chocolate and stale pies gets you no business. They cut corners and are paying the price. Isn;t that the way the system is supposed to work? I could have sworn you righties thought the market would settle all things.

Hostess dies and along comes someone else to pick up the pieces and succeeds where they failed.

Think GM is putting out a good product? Some held the same attitude as you regarding GM. Many of the elites that got behind the GM bailout would not be caught dead in a GM car. Government Motors.
FUck Hostess. They have beenputting out an inferior product for years. Waxy chocolate and stale pies gets you no business. They cut corners and are paying the price. Isn;t that the way the system is supposed to work? I could have sworn you righties thought the market would settle all things.

Hostess dies and along comes someone else to pick up the pieces and succeeds where they failed.

Think GM is putting out a good product? Some held the same attitude as you regarding GM. Many of the elites that got behind the GM bailout would not be caught dead in a GM car. Government Motors.

GM is making some decent cars. HAve they always? No but all car companies have their duds.

Think Ford Pinto.
In 2010, the percentage of workers belonging to a union in the United States (or total labor union "density") was 11.4%, compared to 18.6% in Germany, 27.5% in Canada, and 70% in Finland. Union membership in the private sector has fallen under 7% — levels not seen since 1932.

..... The percentage of workers belonging to a union (or "density") in the United States peaked in 1954 at almost 35% and the total number of union members peaked in 1979 at an estimated 21.0 million.

Labor unions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perhaps the OP would care to explain why Germany, Canada, Finland and virtually every other modern democracy in the world have a higher % of unionized workers than the US - and yet they continue to remain competative.

Perhaps the OP would also care to explain that despite the decline of unionized labor since the late 1970's, why the economic prospects of the average American worker have not improved.

If organized labor is the problem, and given that unionized labor in America has declined ftom 35% (1954) to under 7% (2010), then who has benefitted from the corresponding short and long term economic savings - certainly not the workers?

They do not remain competitive... Unions have been the downfall of numerous European private companies, who, like US private companies, have gone elsewhere...think made in China. In addition, these other nations rely on a strong US military to keep the world safe and allow them to have reduced military spending themselves thereby paying their "public union" costs-. That is changing with most countries facing their second recession since 2009- think more austerity measures-r-us.

- Given that less than 7% of American labor is currently unionized, its long past time for business to find another "scapegoat" to explain their failures.

- Many European nations are of the opinion that the American military establishment is more of a threat to threat to the safety of the world than a deterent. The Vietnam and Iraq Wars are 2 primary examples of totally unnecessary wars.

- If keeping the world safe was an American priority, where was this US military presence from 1939 to 1941 - before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Germans declared war?
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workers have rights even if you dont want them to have rights.

sell your hate of workers to the American people.

Im sure they love twinkies more than freedom.

Jesus you people just dont get it
Oh, no, we get it. Union members are now unemployed -- by their own choice.

Yeah, THAT'LL show the company!


The hedge fund that tried to loot the company is going to take a loss, too. So, yeah, that will show them. They have a bunch of facilities they can't sell easily. They can probalby sell the brand names off to other people, but frankly, their competitors already have their cheap copies.

The unions already made concessions, and the Hedge Fund just paid themselves bonuses instead of fixing what ailed the company...

I sincerely doubt the hedge fund that bought the company is going to take a loss. They've probably already made their money from it and any thing else is gravy. They are probably thrilled the employees went on strike. Now they don't have to pay unemployment or severance pay to them.
18,000 greedy union employees out of a job! I love it! And what a bonus that it occurred under Barack Obama's watch! More glaring evidence that their "share the wealth" mentality creates epic failure.

How long do you suppose it will take before the left will finally acknowledge it? I'm betting well over 100 years (they are pretty stupid).

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