The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

I am not linking you to my company dude...sorry. It's of no consequence if you do not believe me as at some future point it will be public knowledge.

Numerous wholesale distributors are already geared up to begin distribution in December. If Hostess liquidates due to this recent development with Bakers? Then Hostess may have to face a hiatus until it is purchased, but purchased it will be and back out on the market it will go.

Those great brand names aren't going to vanish, that is for sure.

Union guys paid $30 and hour to stock shelves? Not. So. Much.

So, the age old question"Which will last survive longer, the twinkie or the cockroah?" has finally been answered!
So, the age old question"Which will last survive longer, the twinkie or the cockroah?" has finally been answered!

What are you talking about? cockroach's will be pigging out on Twinkies long after man is gone. :badgrin:
little debbie can make it work.

why couldnt hostess?

They didn't have to deal with the same fucking union goons.

YOU are just about the stupidest asshole on this forum.

The unions should have taken a different approach. Striking is not a smart move, especially if your job can be exported. I don't know if a fresh pastries business can actually go far if at all. These brand names are way to popular to die out. They will sell to competition or restructure again. Unfortunately the union pension fund was raided & corporate distributed all the cash to themselves & shareholders. I still don't know how we allow corporate bonus & dividend payments continue to be paid out before pensions are funded as promised.

It's just like MF Global. Customer accounts are supposed to be protected. But now it is legal for the executives to lose your deposits & they still get paid millions & never go to jail.

This country is screwed unless rules are imposed & enforced on Wallstreet. The OWS will grow & burn Wallstreet to the ground one of these days.

what company in their right mind offers defined-benefits pensions anymore.....? those are dinosaur plans from the 1050s heydays....the unions were too stupid and stuck in their old ways to bend enough to save the company....and their jobs......

and as far as the Wallstreet hedge funds are concerned......without their investments Hostess would have crashed and burned years ago....
In 2010, the percentage of workers belonging to a union in the United States (or total labor union "density") was 11.4%, compared to 18.6% in Germany, 27.5% in Canada, and 70% in Finland. Union membership in the private sector has fallen under 7% — levels not seen since 1932.

..... The percentage of workers belonging to a union (or "density") in the United States peaked in 1954 at almost 35% and the total number of union members peaked in 1979 at an estimated 21.0 million.

Labor unions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perhaps the OP would care to explain why Germany, Canada, Finland and virtually every other modern democracy in the world have a higher % of unionized workers than the US - and yet they continue to remain competative.

Perhaps the OP would also care to explain that despite the decline of unionized labor since the late 1970's, why the economic prospects of the average American worker have not improved.

If organized labor is the problem, and given that unionized labor in America has declined ftom 35% (1954) to under 7% (2010), then who has benefitted from the corresponding short and long term economic savings - certainly not the workers?

They do not remain competitive... Unions have been the downfall of numerous European private companies, who, like US private companies, have gone elsewhere...think made in China. In addition, these other nations rely on a strong US military to keep the world safe and allow them to have reduced military spending themselves thereby paying their "public union" costs-. That is changing with most countries facing their second recession since 2009- think more austerity measures-r-us.
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Boy, those Hostess union bozos sure showed management who's boss, huh? Oh, well...enjoy your first Christmas as unemployed along with your union brothers and sisters. Jingle bells, jingle bells.....
FUck Hostess. They have beenputting out an inferior product for years. Waxy chocolate and stale pies gets you no business. They cut corners and are paying the price. Isn;t that the way the system is supposed to work? I could have sworn you righties thought the market would settle all things.

Hostess dies and along comes someone else to pick up the pieces and succeeds where they failed.
Union Greed killed the Twinkie

So it had nothign to do with Hostess making shit?

That's irrelavent. The real point is Hostess still had life in it but needed a deal with it's wokers. If they strike a deal then Hostess has a chance to succeed just like any other business. If they can't stike a deal, then 18,500 hit the unemployment line.

What would the better option have been?

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