The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

American capitalism will create another product just as tasty and healthy as Twinkies, and as long as Americans have Twinkie money there is no problem. The problem arrives when there is no Twinky money to demand Twinkies or its equally tasty and healthy replacement.
Maybe we can start buying Twinkies from China.

Thanks for collapsing another great American institution......

.....Type 2 Diabetes!!!!




Yesterday I saw a woman like the one in the middle, or bigger, wearing white tights. You could see every ripple of fat ... disgusting. No doubt she loves her Twinkies.
[The Teamsters decided that if they didn't get what they wanted from Hostess, they'd kill the company. Grabbing the big bucks was well worth the risk of having no job at all. You can rest assured the likewise morons at GM and Chrysler will think the same way, for after all didn't they rape and sodomize the company they originally worked for until the death rattle was heard night and day throughout its plants, offices, and dealerships until the Union friendly Democrat, Barack Obama, came in and said I'll rape and sodomize the taxpayers instead so you can still keep your jobs in return for your votes. Obama did it once, the Union knows its guaranteed he'll do it again. The sky's the limit on their wages only because they have the taxpayer at their mercy to subsidize them until they reach infinity. GM's new plan for its business success also includes selling a vehicle for $40,000 that costs GM $89,000 to produce. What a plan. The miraculous fruits of affirmative action at work at GM
Richard Trumka says he's going to send his union goons door to door to convince American businessmen to see the light regarding Obamanomics.]

"Back in September, following acceptance by the Teamsters. the bakers’ union (BCTGM) at bankrupt Hostess brands—makers of the iconic Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder brand breads—rejected a company proposal to help keep the company in business. By a voice vote of its members, the union opened the door to conduct a company-killing strike and potentially putting 18,500 Hostess workers onto the streets.

Well, on Friday, the bakers’ union called its members on strike nationwide. Now the job cuts begin.

On Monday, Hostess permanently closed three of its plants, thanks to the union’s strike:

Hostess Brands permanently closed three bakeries Monday, including a plant in St. Louis where 365 jobs were cut, in response to a bakers’ union strike that started Friday.

The bankrupt maker of Twinkies and Wonder bread said it’s trying to avert liquidating the entire company, and it shuttered three plants that were no longer able to produce and deliver products because of picket lines. The other plant closures are in Seattle and Cincinnati, where a combined 262 jobs were cut."

The Demise of Twinkies? Yes, It’s True. Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess) | RedState

Supporters of Mitt Romney should have no trouble with a company failing and having to sell off its assets. How do you think Mitt made his fortune?

Of course - Mitt lost -- so I doubt we'll find many of his supporters around.

This isn't the first time Hostess went bankrupt:

of course - the failure of a company couldn't possibly be due to poor management! Companies always fail for one of two reasons a) Obama or b) the workers refuse to work for what the management tells them to work for. Those fucking asshole workers! Who do they think they are?

I guess all the other manufacturers of plastic wrapped desert snacks must also be failing, right?
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Maybe we can start buying Twinkies from China.

Thanks for collapsing another great American institution, Union filth.

Because all the problems in the world are caused by workers not putting up with being pissed on.

I just did a simple search, the average job at hostess is $72,000.00 per year. Is that what you call being pissed on. You must be a 1%er.

Hostess Bakery Salaries | Simply Hired
That's averaging in CEOs who probably make huge salaries.
Maybe we can start buying Twinkies from China.

Thanks for collapsing another great American institution, Union filth.

Because all the problems in the world are caused by workers not putting up with being pissed on.

I just did a simple search, the average job at hostess is $72,000.00 per year. Is that what you call being pissed on. You must be a 1%er.

Hostess Bakery Salaries | Simply Hired

uhh, no its not. The average salary for all job listings with the search terms 'hostess' and 'bakery' in them is 72,000.

Did you read your own link?
This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "hostess bakery" anywhere in the job listing.

The first job that turns up is the job of hostess at Disney

Hostess Bakery Jobs | Simply Hired

You're a fucking idiot.
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Well, I'm going to miss the occasional Twinkie. Bought the last box left in my local supermarket today. I think I'll put them away in the freezer and treat myself to one every time some union thug gets hosed through his own stupidity and greed. I bet the look on their faces over at the Baker's Union was absolutely priceless when they realized they'd just put an entire workforce, 18,500 strong, on the unemployment line. I hope someone thought to videotape their expressions. >>>:eek:<<< I'd like to see that on YouTube.

This is a company which survived the Great Depression, but couldn't survive one term under Barack Obama. How fucking sad is that?
Cest la vie, I reckon. It's the beginning of the end, right? Another great American tradition bites the dust. Soon to be followed by many, many more, I'm sure.
Well, I'm going to miss the occasional Twinkie. Bought the last box left in my local supermarket today. I think I'll put them away in the freezer and treat myself to one every time some union thug gets hosed through his own stupidity and greed. I bet the look on their faces over at the Baker's Union was absolutely priceless when they realized they'd just put an entire workforce, 18,500 strong, on the unemployment line. I hope someone thought to videotape their expressions. >>>:eek:<<< I'd like to see that on YouTube.

There will still be Twinkies, they'll just be made by whatever company buys the rights to make them and call them "twinkies"

This is a company which survived the Great Depression, but couldn't survive one term under Barack Obama. How fucking sad is that?
Cest la vie, I reckon. It's the beginning of the end, right? Another great American tradition bites the dust. Soon to be followed by many, many more, I'm sure.

I didn't know that Obama was the CEO of Hostess. Wow, it must be tough for him to balance being President of the U.S. and CEO of a company at the same time.
Perhaps the OP would care to explain why Germany, Canada, Finland and virtually every other modern democracy in the world have a higher % of unionized workers than the US - and yet they continue to remain competative.


- Given that less than 7% of American labor is currently unionized, its long past time for business to find another "scapegoat" to explain their failures.

Corporate tax rates: Germany- 30.2, Canada- 29.5, Finland- 26.0, United States- 39.2

Corporation tax rates around the world. How much do companies pay? | News |

Capital gains plus corporate tax rates: Germany- 47.7, Canada- 43.9, Finland- 46.7, United States- 50.8

Capital Gains Rate By Country, 2011 (OECD) | Tax Foundation
Because all the problems in the world are caused by workers not putting up with being pissed on.

I just did a simple search, the average job at hostess is $72,000.00 per year. Is that what you call being pissed on. You must be a 1%er.

Hostess Bakery Salaries | Simply Hired

uhh, no its not. The average salary for all job listings with the search terms 'hostess' and 'bakery' in them is 72,000.

Did you read your own link?
This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "hostess bakery" anywhere in the job listing.

The first job that turns up is the job of hostess at Disney

Hostess Bakery Jobs | Simply Hired

You're a fucking idiot.

Yep I saw that, it also said salaries vairied by location, did you see it was a simple search that was just looking for an average? If your looking for perfection do your own fucking search. Dumb ass.
Well, I'm going to miss the occasional Twinkie. Bought the last box left in my local supermarket today. I think I'll put them away in the freezer and treat myself to one every time some union thug gets hosed through his own stupidity and greed. I bet the look on their faces over at the Baker's Union was absolutely priceless when they realized they'd just put an entire workforce, 18,500 strong, on the unemployment line. I hope someone thought to videotape their expressions. >>>:eek:<<< I'd like to see that on YouTube.

There will still be Twinkies, they'll just be made by whatever company buys the rights to make them and call them "twinkies"

This is a company which survived the Great Depression, but couldn't survive one term under Barack Obama. How fucking sad is that?
Cest la vie, I reckon. It's the beginning of the end, right? Another great American tradition bites the dust. Soon to be followed by many, many more, I'm sure.

I didn't know that Obama was the CEO of Hostess. Wow, it must be tough for him to balance being President of the U.S. and CEO of a company at the same time.

Dear God... I hope the new CEOs are Japanese, that they take production overseas, and then SHIP them in. It will be Just Desserts in more ways than one. Then the stupid, union fucksticks who caused this mess can walk by them in the International Foods section of their local supermarket, where if there's any justice left in this world they will be wrapped in the gaudiest trappings that the people who gave us Pokemon, Samarai Warrior, and vending-machine live crabs can come up with... and remember when.
Says a lot about you, you old fuckin gramps. I have a daughter in 1st grade.. I buy Hostess products all the time as do most mothers with children in school.

Wow, you feed your daughter garbage? That stuff is toxic. Maybe that's what happened to your brain.
I just did a simple search, the average job at hostess is $72,000.00 per year. Is that what you call being pissed on. You must be a 1%er.

Hostess Bakery Salaries | Simply Hired

uhh, no its not. The average salary for all job listings with the search terms 'hostess' and 'bakery' in them is 72,000.

Did you read your own link?
This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "hostess bakery" anywhere in the job listing.

The first job that turns up is the job of hostess at Disney

Hostess Bakery Jobs | Simply Hired

You're a fucking idiot.

Yep I saw that, it also said salaries vairied by location, did you see it was a simple search that was just looking for an average? If your looking for perfection do your own fucking search. Dumb ass.

What were you looking for an average of? If you were looking for an average salary of jobs with Hostess, you failed miserably.

workers have rights even if you dont want them to have rights.

sell your hate of workers to the American people.

Im sure they love twinkies more than freedom.

Jesus you people just dont get it

Laugh it up. 18000 people are out of work.

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