The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

The company cited increased wages, pensions, and cost of medical care for it's employees as the reason for going belly up. This is pure right winged propoganda I tell ya!! Everyone knows that Obamacare is affordable and good for the nation. In addition, the CEO's are greedy and only are in it for the money.

If I were Obama, I would buy the company up and save those 18,000 jobs. It's the America way and the right thing to do for the workers of America.

Workers unite!!!

What would be awsome is if those 18K workers started their own bakery and just made it happen themselves.

Fuck, they could pay themselves whatever they think they deserve!

Are you nuts? Do you really think those employees want to have to deal with the unions?
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.
I just can't wrap my head around workers who would rather put their employer and by extension, themselves, out of business, rather than work for less.

When a union does that it's because their leadership knows giving in will be the beginning of an incremental diminution of everything the union had fought for and achieved over the years. It's a matter of dying slowly on their knees or quickly on their feet. With very few exceptions union leaders are neither stupid nor suicidal. They carefully research a corporation's status before engaging in a hostile standoff.

One of the few times the leadership of a significant union took a foolish and unnecessary risk was when the Air Traffic Controllers Union mistakenly believed because Ronald Reagan was once a union president (the Screen Actors' Guild) he would be sympathetic to their very legitimate grievances. That was an understandable misjudgement of a man whose success in life was predicated on deception. He was the archetypal phony and he screwed a lot more than that union.
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.

You might be on to something. All I hear in the news are companies going belly up. It's like all the right wants to do is exploit these tragedies, if not create them, and try to blame them on government and the unions. If you ask me, it's a vast sick right winged conspiracy.
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.

Dude. A tragedy is getting run over by a bread truck.

The Union workers are jumping out of a perfectly good one at highway speed.

That is idiocy.

This is a metaphor.
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.

You might be on to something. All I hear in the news are companies going belly up. It's like all the right wants to do is exploit these tragedies, if not create them, and try to blame them on government and the unions. If you ask me, it's a vast sick right winged conspiracy.

I wonder just how many years of wage gains and basic labor rights we are going to have to go back before the plutocrats are satisfied? They cannot possibly be aiming for parity with China or Mexico but the more I see stuff like this the more it seems likely. How the hell do they expect people to afford their products when 20 years of stagnant wages are just not good enough, now we have to give them back more and massive tax cuts to boot.
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.

You might be on to something. All I hear in the news are companies going belly up. It's like all the right wants to do is exploit these tragedies, if not create them, and try to blame them on government and the unions. If you ask me, it's a vast sick right winged conspiracy.

I wonder just how many years of wage gains and basic labor rights we are going to have to go back before the plutocrats are satisfied? They cannot possibly be aiming for parity with China or Mexico but the more I see stuff like this the more it seems likely. How the hell do they expect people to afford their products when 20 years of stagnant wages are just not good enough, now we have to give them back more and massive tax cuts to boot.

Cry us a river.

Nobody can afford to pay a bread truck driver $100K.
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.

Dude. A tragedy is getting run over by a bread truck.

The Union workers are jumping out of a perfectly good one at highway speed.

That is idiocy.

This is a metaphor.

Shut the fuck up, if the suits want to cut all our wages to keep more for themselves that is just fucking fine in your book, if it was up to you we would all be working in sweatshops for a dollar a day. Good thing your government check is relatively safe ya mooch.
Unions have outlived their usefulness because it's a GLOBAL market.
You certainly are right about globalization. That is indeed where the problem lies. But the problem would not exist were it not for repeal of what had been a substantial exit tax and product import tariffs imposed on any American business which chose to move its operations overseas. And we have Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush to thank for that. They gradually and quietly removed all administrative impediments put in place to discourage American businesses from turning their backs on the Nation that gave birth to them and nourished their growth. And with few exceptions our Congress signed off on all of it.
You might be on to something. All I hear in the news are companies going belly up. It's like all the right wants to do is exploit these tragedies, if not create them, and try to blame them on government and the unions. If you ask me, it's a vast sick right winged conspiracy.

I wonder just how many years of wage gains and basic labor rights we are going to have to go back before the plutocrats are satisfied? They cannot possibly be aiming for parity with China or Mexico but the more I see stuff like this the more it seems likely. How the hell do they expect people to afford their products when 20 years of stagnant wages are just not good enough, now we have to give them back more and massive tax cuts to boot.

Cry us a river.

Nobody can afford to pay a bread truck driver $100K.

Seriously? They were making $100k?
Another tragedy the right wing is deliriously happy about, the more we find out the more they look like insane sadists.

Dude. A tragedy is getting run over by a bread truck.

The Union workers are jumping out of a perfectly good one at highway speed.

That is idiocy.

This is a metaphor.

Shut the fuck up, if the suits want to cut all our wages to keep more for themselves that is just fucking fine in your book, if it was up to you we would all be working in sweatshops for a dollar a day. Good thing your government check is relatively safe ya mooch.

Better yet, just let the government continue to print money and inflate your salary away. You seem to have no problem with that.

Face it, the powers that be are coming at us from both directions.
I wonder just how many years of wage gains and basic labor rights we are going to have to go back before the plutocrats are satisfied? They cannot possibly be aiming for parity with China or Mexico but the more I see stuff like this the more it seems likely. How the hell do they expect people to afford their products when 20 years of stagnant wages are just not good enough, now we have to give them back more and massive tax cuts to boot.

Cry us a river.

Nobody can afford to pay a bread truck driver $100K.

Seriously? They were making $100k?

Trajan's post a few up.

But I bet those were the A.J. Foyt's of the bunch!
The real truth is, unions, the Democrat Party and Obama are to blame for the demise of Hostess. This was a well planned effort to destroy Hostess and force them out of business. Well, guess what, a so called group "We The People" is petitioning Barack HUSSEIN Obama to NATIONALIZE Hostess. Yes, "We The People", a White House organization. So, drive Hostess out of business, then save it by nationalizing, then sell it to the unions. Communism at its best. Lenin and Stalin would be very proud of today's Democrat Party.
I wonder just how many years of wage gains and basic labor rights we are going to have to go back before the plutocrats are satisfied? They cannot possibly be aiming for parity with China or Mexico but the more I see stuff like this the more it seems likely. How the hell do they expect people to afford their products when 20 years of stagnant wages are just not good enough, now we have to give them back more and massive tax cuts to boot.

Cry us a river.

Nobody can afford to pay a bread truck driver $100K.

Seriously? They were making $100k?

I doubt it, but that's besides the point, whatever they were making last year is what they should be making this year, when large segments of the American workforce must take pay cuts just to keep profit margins where the owners can continue to increase their takehome well in excess of the rates of inflation we enter a spiral that will kill our prosperity faster than anything the government can accomplish in the worker hating conservative's worst nightmares.
Cry us a river.

Nobody can afford to pay a bread truck driver $100K.

Seriously? They were making $100k?

I doubt it, but that's besides the point, whatever they were making last year is what they should be making this year, when large segments of the American workforce must take pay cuts just to keep profit margins where the owners can continue to increase their takehome well in excess of the rates of inflation we enter a spiral that will kill our prosperity faster than anything the government can accomplish in the worker hating conservative's worst nightmares.


Out of control operating costs are 'besides the point. '
Regardless of whether there were bad players in the past, this was the LAST CHANCE for this business to be saved, and that fact was made clear to these unions. They chose instead to get a 100% decrease for their members, rather than take an 8% wage cut.
8% today. Another 8% tomorrow, and so on, then reduced vacation time, pension reductions, and on and on. That is what happens when a union gives in.

That company's executive board was looking to loot its holdings and bail out and the union leadership smelled it. Any reduction in wages or benefits would have added to the loot bag when they bailed.

I suspect the bad publicity about Twinkies, which is Hostess' flagship product, has affected the bottom line and the Board realized it's time to grab what they can and pull a Romney.
Unions have outlived their usefulness because it's a GLOBAL market.
You certainly are right about globalization. That is indeed where the problem lies. But the problem would not exist were it not for repeal of what had been a substantial exit tax and product import tariffs imposed on any American business which chose to move its operations overseas. And we have Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush to thank for that. They gradually and quietly removed all administrative impediments put in place to discourage American businesses from turning their backs on the Nation that gave birth to them and nourished their growth. And with few exceptions our Congress signed off on all of it.


Hostess went down because their nimble non-union competitors ate their lunch.
The real truth is, unions, the Democrat Party and Obama are to blame for the demise of Hostess. This was a well planned effort to destroy Hostess and force them out of business. Well, guess what, a so called group "We The People" is petitioning Barack HUSSEIN Obama to NATIONALIZE Hostess. Yes, "We The People", a White House organization. So, drive Hostess out of business, then save it by nationalizing, then sell it to the unions. Communism at its best. Lenin and Stalin would be very proud of today's Democrat Party.

what? shut up you twit.

Anyways i dont have an opinion on this really. Both camps are blaming the other side and the real losers are the people who will be out of a job. Sadly i see the rest of you are just playing along instead of demanding some sort of compromise and jobs saved before the holidays.
The real truth is, unions, the Democrat Party and Obama are to blame for the demise of Hostess. This was a well planned effort to destroy Hostess and force them out of business. Well, guess what, a so called group "We The People" is petitioning Barack HUSSEIN Obama to NATIONALIZE Hostess. Yes, "We The People", a White House organization. So, drive Hostess out of business, then save it by nationalizing, then sell it to the unions. Communism at its best. Lenin and Stalin would be very proud of today's Democrat Party.

what? shut up you twit.

Anyways i dont have an opinion on this really. Both camps are blaming the other side and the real losers are the people who will be out of a job. Sadly i see the rest of you are just playing along instead of demanding some sort of compromise and jobs saved before the holidays.

Liquidation is the ultimate 'compromise' for the business owner.

You must mean the business should consider just keeping the doors open and losing money just to be nice guys.
It could survive this ....


But, it couldn't survive this....


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