The Hostess-Twinkie who did what to kill it/them thread

Indeed. People who spend so much energy being jealous of others who are better of than themselves wish to drag everyone down to the same level...of beggars.

Cuz they're easier to please...and control.

I hear you

Plus, their "theory" is flawed as their approach on taxes
In 2011 budget terms
Take every penny from families making over $250,000 a year
This is Papa Obama's and the Left definition of rich now

...and that pays for another 141 days of our government budget

The US has a spending problem not a taxing problem
Giving it more money is like giving a crack addict one more fix

I link to myself. Ahem:

Iowahawk is brilliant.
The union workers already accepted a major pay cut in the previous bankruptcy. Management went right back into bankruptcy and asked for further cuts.

How low a salary is a worker supposed to accept to sustain a failing business?

minimum wage?

Depends. Does he want to keep working or not?

There you go. No pride. Just beg.
Anyone who advocates the nanny state has no business criticizing others about pride.

And by voting Democrat, you advocate the nanny state.
Indeed. People who spend so much energy being jealous of others who are better of than themselves wish to drag everyone down to the same level...of beggars.

Cuz they're easier to please...and control.

So nobody is allowed to question the compensation of those who are "better than us"?
Indeed. People who spend so much energy being jealous of others who are better of than themselves wish to drag everyone down to the same level...of beggars.

Cuz they're easier to please...and control.

I hear you

Plus, their "theory" is flawed as their approach on taxes
In 2011 budget terms
Take every penny from families making over $250,000 a year
This is Papa Obama's and the Left definition of rich now

...and that pays for another 141 days of our government budget

The US has a spending problem not a taxing problem
Giving it more money is like giving a crack addict one more fix

I link to myself. Ahem:

Iowahawk is brilliant.

The tool has now expanded his spam with a graph from EPI....

the left saying,,,

"but, but, but..."
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Indeed. People who spend so much energy being jealous of others who are better of than themselves wish to drag everyone down to the same level...of beggars.

Cuz they're easier to please...and control.

So nobody is allowed to question the compensation of those who are "better than us"?

as most normal people do, in a healthy way
How do I get there?
How do I get that successful

Not the Left's unhealthy and divisive
to divide people for cheap political gain,,,,
They got theirs so I want mine

Man up and take responsibly for your own life
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I hear you

Plus, their "theory" is flawed as their approach on taxes
In 2011 budget terms
Take every penny from families making over $250,000 a year
This is Papa Obama's and the Left definition of rich now

...and that pays for another 141 days of our government budget

The US has a spending problem not a taxing problem
Giving it more money is like giving a crack addict one more fix

I link to myself. Ahem:

Iowahawk is brilliant.

The tool has now expanded his spam with a graph from EPI....

the left saying,,,

"but, but, but..."

I love it! If the blind assed Republicans don't get the message they are toast:

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Indeed. People who spend so much energy being jealous of others who are better of than themselves wish to drag everyone down to the same level...of beggars.

Cuz they're easier to please...and control.

So nobody is allowed to question the compensation of those who are "better than us"?

as most normal people do, in a healthy way
How do I get there?
How do I get that successful

Not the Left's unhealthy and divisive
to divide people for cheap political gain,,,,
They got theirs so I want mine

Man up and take responsibly for your own life

Do you really think that is what Americans want? To be CEOs?

Americans want to be able to earn a salary in which they can support a family, maybe afford a home, take care of their loved ones when they are sick, hopefully someday retire

When it becomes increasingly difficult to do so, and management tells you that you have to make due with less, it is only natural to question why I have to make more sacrifices while the CEO is tripling his own pay.

That is not class warfare, it is a reasonable question
Does that include the Union boss salaries?

What was that directed to?

A union CEO gets paid maybe 10 times what his average member makes, while a CEO gets paid 100 times what a average worker makes.

Economically, a union needs to restrict employment to keep wages high
Sorry, that is just the way it is...

And yet, if our government protected it's workers and sent the illegals home and limited immigration, that would all sort itself out without unions. Americans average birthrate is less than replacement value while immigrants legal and illegal, 1st and 2nd generation, have an average of 7 and 1/2 kids per family.

Remember in the 70's when we were taught about over population, limited resources and how we should all limit our families to no more than 2 children? We've been rewarded with more immigration than ever before in history. Taking our jobs and keeping our wages artificially low all while using up our limited resources we were trying to protect by limiting our number of children.
BCTGM members are well aware that as the company was preparing to file for bankruptcy earlier this year, the then CEO of Hostess was awarded a 300 percent raise (from approximately $750,000 to $2,550,000) and at least nine other top executives of the company received massive pay raises. One such executive received a pay increase from $500,000 to $900,000 and another received one taking his salary from $375,000 to $656,256.
Certainly, the company agreed to an out-sized pension debt, but the decision to pay executives more while scorning employee contracts during a bankruptcy reflects a lack of good managerial judgement.

It's just another example of how little the 1% care about the rest of us. They just wanted to get as much money out of the company as quickly as they could before it went broke. They looted that company and that's what they do. It certainly not conducive to a good economy.
Maybe we can start buying Twinkies from China.

Thanks for collapsing another great American institution, Union filth.
Although I hate seeing American jobs lost, for whatever reason, Twinkies are poisonous and should never be consumed by anybody.

Wanna' ruin yer health? Just keep eating all that Hostess garbage.

I'd still rather give my kids a Twinkie than pack them into a Smart car and take them for a drive. At least Twinkies would kill you slowly and only if you kept eating them.

A lot of things are bad for you, but if they are legal and keep people working, all the better. If people can't practice moderation, they are doomed anyway.
America doesn't have a drug problem -- it has a calorie problem which is responsible for infinitely more illness and death per annum than all recreational drugs consumed in any ten year period. And some of the most common and significantly active contributing elements to this problem are products popularly distributed by the Hostess Corporation.

While those individuals whose metabolisms are able to process the effects of the calorie bombardment available from an occasional Twinkie, many are not. So it stands to reason that recent public nutrition information programs would impact Hostess' Bottom line, prompting its executive board members to grab what they can, abandon the sinking ship, and blame it on the unions.

So let's not blame the Bakers Union for what appears on the surface to be precipitous action until we hear from both sides and learn all the facts. These union leaders are neither stupid nor suicidal.
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Dumbfuck....things change. Just because you bought a car in January doesn't mean your life doesn't change in June to where the car is too expensive now.

The greedy union didn't want to take a 4% cut in wages with goodies like part ownership of the company and 2 seats on the BOG.

In an economy where people want jobs, the union showed they are greedy like you.

This should forever be known as the Twinkie Model....where 1 greedy union gets their jobs, another union's jobs and non-union jobs all destroyed in one move.

If management wanted unions to accept further wage cuts......why did the CEO triple his own salary?

What good does part ownership of a bankrupt company do anybody?
Something to be learned here, if a company's earnings fail to exceed depreciation expense and pension liabilities it will go bankrupt. The union was well aware that the company was stretched to the limit and didn't give a fuck about their workers. As for the union workers, I guess it's a fact, shoot oneself in the foot and it will hurt, but no fear the government will take care of you.
Something to be learned here, if a company's earnings fail to exceed depreciation expense and pension liabilities it will go bankrupt. The union was well aware that the company was stretched to the limit and didn't give a fuck about their workers. As for the union workers, I guess it's a fact, shoot oneself in the foot and it will hurt, but no fear the government will take care of you.

Giving their CEO a 300% pay increase while they were in trouble certainly helped the situation, didn't it?

Only in America can a guy running a failing company get rewarded for destroying the company.
Something to be learned here, if a company's earnings fail to exceed depreciation expense and pension liabilities it will go bankrupt. The union was well aware that the company was stretched to the limit and didn't give a fuck about their workers. As for the union workers, I guess it's a fact, shoot oneself in the foot and it will hurt, but no fear the government will take care of you.

Giving their CEO a 300% pay increase while they were in trouble certainly helped the situation, didn't it?

Only in America can a guy running a failing company get rewarded for destroying the company.

Just like Papa Obama
expect in this case, the whole country


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