The House has gone insane

Bill HR 5739
H.R.5739 -- No Social Security for Nazis Act
Bill Text - 113th Congress 2013-2014 - THOMAS Library of Congress :

What few if any at all are left who are now in their late 80's and 90's who paid into Social Security are now going to be denied the Social Security payments?
Not one Republican or Democrat voted against it.
I doubt if there any alive yet even if there are, REALLY!!!.
D.C. House Politicians are gone insane passing stupid shit like this. Yet they do it all the time. Then they wonder why their ratings are so low.

This should have been voted on over 25 or 30 years ago.
I just watched this on C-Span in disbelief on the House Floor. You would think that I would be used to this shit (which I am) but this one took the cake.
I guess we should all be happy that something was finally passed in a bipartisan manner. Pity it is something of no real consequence.
Yep, enough has been given to them. Too bad we can't recoup what was already given. They deserved nothing.
I understand your point and my point is somehow it was unfortunately never brought up to Congress in a timely measure before by those that would have been in the know- the accounting office. It needs to be corrected, for future reference. Let's hope nothing similar happens in many years to come, but now it shows, war criminals expelled are not allowed to receive benefits. We are talking precedence here.
House passes bill to end benefits for Nazis TheHill
Expelled Nazis paid millions in Social Security
Millions have been going to those that have been expelled by our country due to a loophole. Personally, anything that saves millions I am all for-

Passed 420-0, the bill was approved after an October Associated Press report found that dozens of suspected Nazi war criminals forced to leave the U.S. collected millions of dollars in federal benefits.

Bill HR 5739
H.R.5739 -- No Social Security for Nazis Act
Bill Text - 113th Congress 2013-2014 - THOMAS Library of Congress :

What few if any at all are left who are now in their late 80's and 90's who paid into Social Security are now going to be denied the Social Security payments?
Not one Republican or Democrat voted against it.
I doubt if there any alive yet even if there are, REALLY!!!.
D.C. House Politicians are gone insane passing stupid shit like this. Yet they do it all the time. Then they wonder why their ratings are so low.

This should have been voted on over 25 or 30 years ago.
I just watched this on C-Span in disbelief on the House Floor. You would think that I would be used to this shit (which I am) but this one took the cake.

The point was it should have been voted on 20 years ago. Not now, while they only have one or two years left.

Cutting off a 93 or 95 year olds only income for the few years they have left is just cruel. They can't get any assistance from the countries they moved to because they did not work there, they worked here. They paid into their Social Security wrong or right.
It's terrible, 95 and no more income and to old to work.
Yes they did terrible things but it is not right that they get the same treatment in their 90's.
They were Nazi war criminals. I'm not about to pity them.

This was brought about by an Oct article bring attention the the screw up years ago.
According to a CNN article, there are four people. Four. Why was this any kind of priority?
Go jump on Carolyn Maloney, if you don'-t like their having passed this bill in a lame duck session. She introduced it.
The fact they agreed on something in a nonpartisan manner makes me happy. And it makes me happy these criminals will no longer receive anything from us. And it keeps more money available for a few more legitimate ss recipients.
According to a CNN article, there are four people. Four. Why was this any kind of priority?

Exactly my point also.
If we really want to save millions of dollars we should stop the IRS who paid out millions in fraudulent IRS tax payments to people in prisons and make them pay back that money.
Cutting off payments to 4 people who paid into the program in January, with no food or shelter in their 90's is not going to do anything. Maybe save a few thousand of dollars.
It's senseless. political BS.

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