The House is voting on universal background checks tomorrow

When those stupid Moon Bats elected the filthy ass Democrats to Congress we all knew our liberties were going to be eroded and today was a great example.

Shame on the Democrats and those handful of weak minded RINOs! Shame, shame shame!

Hopefully it won't even come up for a vote to the Senate and if it does hopefully it won't pass.

If it does Trump said he would veto it and that is a great thing.

Universal background checks are wrong for three main reasons:

1. They don't work. Passing a background check is no guarantee that you won't use the firearm for a future crime. Several of the recent high profile shooting like that Democrat asshole that shot up the Congressmen passed a background check. Since most gun grimes are committed by thugs with stolen or already illegal weapons a UBC will do absolutely nothing to stop crime.

2. It is an assumption of guilt where you have to prove you are innocent. Very un-American. Against one of our core principles.

3. The worst problem is that it requires that an American must permission form the filthy ass government before being able to enjoy a right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and that is a terrible lost of liberty. If we have to get permission from the filthy ass government to have a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the paper it is written on.
It will change nothing.

People who should not have guns, people who are legally barred from having guns, will still get guns.
Never pass the Senate as it is unconstitutional.

Is it though? I am vehemently against the idea, but not sure what part of the Constitution it would violate.

Not the 2nd, but maybe the 5th
It would require registration of all firearms a direct violation of the 2nd amendment. Further it is pointless since the Courts have already ruled that CRIMINALS are exempt from those laws as a violation of the 5th amendment.

Your whole statement is just BS from start to finish. No one other than you gunnutters are buying what you are selling.
The House voted to make background checks universal, meaning they will cover all gun sales in the country, whether they happen in a gun store or online. It’s a measure that research tells us will save tens of thousands of lives.

This is groundbreaking. It’s been since the Assault Weapons ban of 1994 that Congress passed anything like this to tighten our nation’s gun laws. And it’s a sign of the maturity of the anti-gun-violence movement. This measure failed in 2013, in the wake of Sandy Hook. And this year it passed with a big bipartisan majority. It’s a sign that it’s not a question of whether universal background checks are going to become law. Now it’s just a question of when.

At the same time, a couple Thursdays ago, there were 12 people shot in Baltimore. That’s more people than were shot in Japan in all of 2017. So we still have a long way to go.
The House voted to make background checks universal, meaning they will cover all gun sales in the country, whether they happen in a gun store or online. It’s a measure that research tells us will save tens of thousands of lives.

This is groundbreaking. It’s been since the Assault Weapons ban of 1994 that Congress passed anything like this to tighten our nation’s gun laws. And it’s a sign of the maturity of the anti-gun-violence movement. This measure failed in 2013, in the wake of Sandy Hook. And this year it passed with a big bipartisan majority. It’s a sign that it’s not a question of whether universal background checks are going to become law. Now it’s just a question of when.

At the same time, a couple Thursdays ago, there were 12 people shot in Baltimore. That’s more people than were shot in Japan in all of 2017. So we still have a long way to go.
And in the house it will die. Means nothing to us Americans

The House voted to make background checks universal, meaning they will cover all gun sales in the country, whether they happen in a gun store or online. It’s a measure that research tells us will save tens of thousands of lives.

This is groundbreaking. It’s been since the Assault Weapons ban of 1994 that Congress passed anything like this to tighten our nation’s gun laws. And it’s a sign of the maturity of the anti-gun-violence movement. This measure failed in 2013, in the wake of Sandy Hook. And this year it passed with a big bipartisan majority. It’s a sign that it’s not a question of whether universal background checks are going to become law. Now it’s just a question of when.

At the same time, a couple Thursdays ago, there were 12 people shot in Baltimore. That’s more people than were shot in Japan in all of 2017. So we still have a long way to go.
And in the house it will die. Means nothing to us Americans


Let me check my IDs. First my State Drivers license. Yuppers, I am a registered voter for my state. Now, let me check my Federal ID. Guess a federal ID means I am a US Citizen. And a US Citizen is automatically an American regardless of color, creed, religion, etc.. I guess you have a different definition of an American or a US Citizen.
Right now, if the FBI can't complete a background check within 3 days, the sale goes through and the buyer gets the gun. That loophole allowed the shooter in Charleston, SC to buy a weapon, even though he shouldn't have been allowed. New data shows this "Charleston loophole" affects hundreds of thousands of sales every year.
The House voted to make background checks universal, meaning they will cover all gun sales in the country, whether they happen in a gun store or online. It’s a measure that research tells us will save tens of thousands of lives.

This is groundbreaking. It’s been since the Assault Weapons ban of 1994 that Congress passed anything like this to tighten our nation’s gun laws. And it’s a sign of the maturity of the anti-gun-violence movement. This measure failed in 2013, in the wake of Sandy Hook. And this year it passed with a big bipartisan majority. It’s a sign that it’s not a question of whether universal background checks are going to become law. Now it’s just a question of when.

At the same time, a couple Thursdays ago, there were 12 people shot in Baltimore. That’s more people than were shot in Japan in all of 2017. So we still have a long way to go.
And in the house it will die. Means nothing to us Americans


Let me check my IDs. First my State Drivers license. Yuppers, I am a registered voter for my state. Now, let me check my Federal ID. Guess a federal ID means I am a US Citizen. And a US Citizen is automatically an American regardless of color, creed, religion, etc.. I guess you have a different definition of an American or a US Citizen.
And I do

Right now, if the FBI can't complete a background check within 3 days, the sale goes through and the buyer gets the gun.
The dealer has no legal obligation to transfer the gun to the buyer. So your statement above is, not surprising, incorrect


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