The Huber Investigation of all things Hillary issues its report on the crimes of Hillary Clinton

and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.
Conservatives will be lying that Clinton is a ‘criminal.’

Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She just never got caught, but she will eventually.
I doubt she'll ever face justice

Maybe she'll just choke to death on a 5 pound sack of rotten AIDS and Hep C-infected dicks.

That would be a fitting end for that POS.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.
Conservatives will be lying that Clinton is a ‘criminal.’

Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She just never got caught, but she will eventually.
I doubt she'll ever face justice
When the rest of the public is ready to accept it as truth is when we’ll be told. More and more people are waking up everyday as the dems and the media expose themselves as the traitors they are. Once the administration feels as though they’ve reached a critical mass of people that will accept the truth without resorting to mass rioting and protesting, they’ll show us. I’m willing to be patient and wait for that so that the public can awaken peacefully without violence and panic laden bank runs and stock market crashes. Are you?
What a criminal she is.

The investigation found zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing and none in the way of corruption.

You're a liar who supports a liar who is a tool putin. 45 is traitor. So are you

Oh yeah, You just wait till the next investigation gets completed by, um by, ah whathisname. She's gonna get indicteded any day now, any day! </sarcasm>

Here is RePuBliKlan thinking on HRC.

Hillary Goddamn Clinton Is Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because she Goddamn Hillary Goddamn Clinton Goddammit.
What a criminal she is.

She's a perfect example of what happens when politics become so toxic truth is irrelevant. Jesus could come down and said she hasn't committed any crimes and you'd still be insisting she did.
ttps:// This is priceless.

Actually, the Trump administration did find something. They and others found out who the real hood rats were. This whole time while chanting lock her up, it was Trump and all his goons who got locked up, and are waiting to get locked up. :abgg2q.jpg:

It's amazing to see what these blood thirsty, evil, sour, sore losing, hateful ass, Republicans have been reduced to. Clinton quietly gave them their own fucking medicine. May they all rest in their own miserable shit stained prison cells. "Lock her up." :auiqs.jpg: You folks are pitiful.
Wait a minute, the Mueller investigation found nothing. The Clinton investigation didn't find enough for a criminal indictment.
I guess we should just forget about all those people who "committed suicide" rather than tell what they knew about the Clintons.
25 years of investigating and they still have nothing

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