The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Hominid Apes and Their Godzilla-like Path Through History

Natural carbon dioxide vents on the sea floor are showing scientists how carbon emissions will affect marine life. Dissolved CO2 makes water more acidic, and around the vents, researchers saw a fall in species numbers, and snails with their shells disintegrating. Writing in the journal Nature, the UK scientists suggest these impacts are likely to be seen across the world as CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere.

Some of the extra CO2 emitted enters the oceans, acidifying waters globally. Studies show that the seas have become more acidic since the industrial revolution.

Research leader Jason Hall-Spencer from the University of Plymouth said that atmospheric CO2 concentrations were now so high that even a sharp fall in emissions would not prevent some further acidification. "It's clear that marine food webs as we know them are going to alter, and biodiversity will decrease," he told BBC News."Those impacts are inevitable because acidification is inevitable - we've started it, and we can't stop it.".....

Corals construct their external skeletons by extracting dissolved calcium carbonate from seawater and using it to form two minerals, calcite and aragonite. Molluscs use the same process to make their shells. As water becomes more acidic, the concentration of calcium carbonate falls. Eventually there is so little that shells or skeletons cannot form......

"Add CO2 to seawater and you get carbonic acid; it's simple chemistry, and therefore certain.

"This means that the only way of reducing the future impact of ocean acidification is the urgent, substantial reduction in CO2 emissions."
[emphasis added]

I asked a question of you. I see you can not answer it. So much for the genius part.
Explain why for the last 10 years there has been no rise in World Wide temperatures.
I asked a question of you. I see you can not answer it. So much for the genius part.
If you cannot even pay attention to the results recorded at the Mauna Loa Observatory, I don't see that you deserve any consideration from me.

Here they are again, for those who still have some vision left :



NASA Earth Observatory
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The lowdown on topsoil: It's disappearing
Disappearing dirt rivals global warming as an environmental threat

The planet is getting skinned.

While many worry about the potential consequences of atmospheric warming, a few experts are trying to call attention to another global crisis quietly taking place under our feet.

Call it the thin brown line. Dirt. On average, the planet is covered with little more than 3 feet of topsoil -- the shallow skin of nutrient-rich matter that sustains most of our food and appears to play a critical role in supporting life on Earth.

"We're losing more and more of it every day," said David Montgomery, a geologist at the University of Washington. "The estimate is that we are now losing about 1 percent of our topsoil every year to erosion, most of this caused by agriculture."....

"Globally, it's clear we are eroding soils at a rate much faster than they can form,"....

The National Academy of Sciences has determined that cropland in the U.S. is being eroded at least 10 times faster than the time it takes for lost soil to be replaced.

The United Nations has warned of worldwide soil degradation -- especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where soil loss has contributed to the rapidly increasing number of malnourished people.
Science is clear on the subject. CO2 FOLLOWS rising temperatures.

I repeat provide us with an experiment that can be replicated that shows different. An experiment that explains why for 10 years there has been no rise in temperature.

Then explain again how computer models can predict what they do not have the capacity to predict. I repeat, we can not use a computer model to replicate KNOWN past temperature, weather or weather patterns, how in the hell can we program for the future when we can not even use computers to repeat what we KNOW happened?
the human footprint is not small or harmless


the total biomass of planet earth (the total mass of all plants and animals and other organisms all over the world, on land and in the seas) is about 75 billion tonnes.

The total biomass of the human species is about 250 million tonnes, or about one part in 300 of the total biomass.

If the total biomass of 75 billion tonnes were to be spread evenly over the 500 million square kilometres of the surface of the earth, it would form a film approximately one-tenth of a millimetre thick.

quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems

in any one year, humans utilize, alter or consume between one-tenth to one-twentieth of the total biomass of the earth, depending on how you analyze the figures




Holy geez.......I cant believe people sit around and think about this shit. And so......what? If I take another dump today, will it tip the balance?:coffee:

How is it that somehow, every k00k from the nethersphere of the internet finds their way into this forum?
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Holy geez.......I cant believe people sit around and think about this shit. And so......what? If I take another dump today, will it tip the balance?
That probably depends on whether you or your droppings go down the toilet.

Oh, by the way --- your score :

ad hominem : 1

ignorantio elenchi : 1

Clever you.
the human footprint is not small or harmless


the total biomass of planet earth (the total mass of all plants and animals and other organisms all over the world, on land and in the seas) is about 75 billion tonnes.

The total biomass of the human species is about 250 million tonnes, or about one part in 300 of the total biomass.

If the total biomass of 75 billion tonnes were to be spread evenly over the 500 million square kilometres of the surface of the earth, it would form a film approximately one-tenth of a millimetre thick.

quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems

in any one year, humans utilize, alter or consume between one-tenth to one-twentieth of the total biomass of the earth, depending on how you analyze the figures




Holy geez.......I cant believe people sit around and think about this shit. And so......what? If I take another dump today, will it tip the balance?:coffee:

How is it that somehow, every k00k from the nethersphere of the internet finds their way into this forum?

See, they got these magic time machines that allow them to take our current technology back in time so they can calibrate the temperature equipment from those long away days so that the crap they spew today MUST be true

Unless they did that, all they got is ONE HUGE FAIRY TALE

Somebody's watched Back to the future way too many times.
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The total biomass of planet Earth (the total mass of all plants and animals and other organisms all over the world, on land and in the seas) is about 75 billion tonnes.

The total biomass of the human species is about 250 million tonnes, or about one part in 300 of the total biomass.

If the total biomass of 75 billion tonnes were to be spread evenly over the 500 million square kilometres of the surface of the Earth, it would form a film approximately one-tenth of a millimetre thick.

Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems

In any one year, humans utilize, alter or consume between one-tenth to one-twentieth of the total biomass of the Earth, depending on how you analyze the figures.

So in 10-20 years, we'll have consumed all the biomass......we're doomed!
Humans use a little over 5x10^20 [5 with twenty zeros after it] Joules of energy per year.

World Energy Resources and Consumption

This figure includes energy from: petroleum, coal, natural gas, hydroelectric, nuclear and renewable sources. "Renewable" sources comprise: geothermal, wind, wood, waste and solar energy. Direct solar heating of buildings and the solar energy used in growing foodstuffs and animal feeds are not included in these figures.

The Earth intercepts about 2x10^17 Joules of energy per second from the sun. That is equivalent to 50 megatonnes of TNT exploding every second. So the yearly human energy budget is equivalent to 2000 seconds of sunlight [a little over thirty minutes] for the entire Earth, or a hundred thousand megatonnes of TNT [5 million Hiroshima-sized atom-bombs ---one atom-bomb going off every six seconds for a year].

A hundred-Watt light bulb consumes 100 Joules of energy every second. There are a little more than 6 billion humans on this planet. A year contains about 31.5 million seconds. Therefore our yearly energy consumption as a species represents every man, woman and child on this planet burning 21 hundred-Watt light bulbs continuously for a year.

Let us compare this with food energy. A food-Calorie is equivalent to 4,000 Joules. A daily intake of 2,000 Calories represents 8,000,000 Joules. This is the energy released in the explosion of 2 kilograms of TNT. Luckily, these 8 million Joules are released slowly over the 86,400 seconds of a 24-hour day, rather than in the fraction of a second of a TNT explosion. Each of us is the energy-equivalent of a 100-Watt light bulb burning continuously.

Just by living, the human race as a whole consumes 2x10^19 Joules of energy as food in a year; this is one-twentieth of the 5x10^20 Joules produced each year as power, but is not included within that figure. The metabolic energy of the human race as a whole is equivalent to a Hiroshima-bomb exploding every two minutes.

Just by living, the human race as a whole consumes 2x10^19 Joules of energy as food in a year

Sounds like a good use of energy.
Just by living, the human race as a whole consumes 2x10^19 Joules of energy as food in a year

Sounds like a good use of energy.
If only they would leave it at that !!

Life could be so pleasant, if only people were as sensible as I am!! · ·

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Just by living, the human race as a whole consumes 2x10^19 Joules of energy as food in a year

Sounds like a good use of energy.
If only they would leave it at that !!

Life could be so pleasant, if only people were as sensible as I am!! · ·
If only they would leave it at that !!

How far would you go, to make them?
I am very much a Daoist. I do not approve of bustling about trying to change the world. Humans are remarkably ineffectual creatures, but often with ridiculously grandiose pretensions. What they strive for, they usually fail to accomplish, and the more their striving, usually the more spectacular their failure.

Moreover, it is clear to me that present human society is doomed: the inertia of human folly is so great that it will not happen that humanity will avoid hurtling over the precipice into the abyss.

The Dark Side of Climate Change: It's Already Too Late, Cap and Trade Is a Scam, and Only the Few Will Survive

Yes, Lovelock is essentially correct. It is too late to avert catastrophic global heating -- and all the other social ills and environmental catastrophes which will sweep down upon an unprepared humanity during the course of this century. Humans, as usual, have been about as idiotic as they possibly can be, and now it is time to face the consequences. Now is the time to be thinking about triage.

I look with contempt on all attempts to prevent the disaster -- they are simply wasted effort. I feel no human fellowship with most of my fellow hominids: I regard them as garbage apes. They are determined to commit suicide, and I wish them all success. I am only interested in that small minority which can understand their situation, and who are willing to make changes in their lives to deal with it. Any plans I have for future social amelioration center around dealing with the aftermath of the approaching disaster.

Once we change our focus from averting catastrophe to minimising it, there is much that we can do.

The real saviours of the future world will be those who are skilled in triage.
I am very much a Daoist. I do not approve of bustling about trying to change the world. Humans are remarkably ineffectual creatures, but often with ridiculously grandiose pretensions. What they strive for, they usually fail to accomplish, and the more their striving, usually the more spectacular their failure.

Moreover, it is clear to me that present human society is doomed: the inertia of human folly is so great that it will not happen that humanity will avoid hurtling over the precipice into the abyss.

The Dark Side of Climate Change: It's Already Too Late, Cap and Trade Is a Scam, and Only the Few Will Survive

Yes, Lovelock is essentially correct. It is too late to avert catastrophic global heating -- and all the other social ills and environmental catastrophes which will sweep down upon an unprepared humanity during the course of this century. Humans, as usual, have been about as idiotic as they possibly can be, and now it is time to face the consequences. Now is the time to be thinking about triage.

I look with contempt on all attempts to prevent the disaster -- they are simply wasted effort. I feel no human fellowship with most of my fellow hominids: I regard them as garbage apes. They are determined to commit suicide, and I wish them all success. I am only interested in that small minority which can understand their situation, and who are willing to make changes in their lives to deal with it. Any plans I have for future social amelioration center around dealing with the aftermath of the approaching disaster.

Once we change our focus from averting catastrophe to minimising it, there is much that we can do.

The real saviours of the future world will be those who are skilled in triage.

LOL! :lol: And you claim to be "very much a daoist"? :lol:
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Ahh a Genius amongst pygmies ehh? So Genius, since you are so sure you are right...

Provide a redoable experiment that proves A) that CO2 CAUSES increased heat and not as the proven science shows it follows rising heat

B) Explain why for the last 10 years there has been no rise in World Wide temperatures.

C) Explain how a computer model that can not even recreate what we KNOW has happened in the past in regards weather, temperatures and weather patterns can now with out the proper inputs determine what WILL happen in the future.

When you have done all 3 of those things then provide the evidence man caused the short 15 year spike in Temperature that lead to this claim of doom and gloom.

A. The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

B. The rise is superimposed over natural variation. So it is not an even rise, but a series of curves, sometime up, sometimes down in the short run, but allways up longterm.

How Earth?s Temperature is Changing ? Past 150 Years History | Environmental Issues

C. So how come you post this nonsense without any research into how the modelers are actually doing? Perhaps you don't want to know the truth? In fact, the primary problem with the present models is that they underestimate the sensitivity of the environment to the warming. The Arctic Cap is now where it was predicted to be in 2080.

Computer modelling past climates | Climate change | British Geological Survey (BGS)

Modelling the Pliocene

The Pliocene is an important epoch to study, as it is largely the same as the present, but with relatively small changes that produce a significant global mean temperature increase.

The reconstructions of the mid-Pliocene Warm Period from the USGS PRISM Group allow high quality climate model simulations to be produced and much has already been learnt about this warm past climate. Previous modelling studies show the global mean temperatures to be similar to those predicted for 2100AD. However, much remains to be fully understood, with many of the mechanisms for warming remaining poorly known, poorly resolved or poorly modelled.

To get a full picture of the Pliocene a number of techniques will be required including data acquisition, data synthesis and climate modelling. The BGS Climate Change team in collaboration with the Sellwood Group for Palaeoclimatology at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, will model Pliocene and possible future climate change in order to contribute to the understanding of these warmer than modern climates and access their potential similarities.
Science is clear on the subject. CO2 FOLLOWS rising temperatures.

I repeat provide us with an experiment that can be replicated that shows different. An experiment that explains why for 10 years there has been no rise in temperature.

Then explain again how computer models can predict what they do not have the capacity to predict. I repeat, we can not use a computer model to replicate KNOWN past temperature, weather or weather patterns, how in the hell can we program for the future when we can not even use computers to repeat what we KNOW happened?

OK, RGT, link to some sites that say that is the case, without the Milankovic cylces. Sites by real scientists, not known frauds.

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