The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless


I have often fantasized about genetically engineering a disease that would not be fatal, but which would sterilize 99% of the human population..

Why would you want to do that? Do you fantasize about being the villain in some bad movie?

Like I said, he's a Theater Major, or more likely, a wannabe.

He is an elitist snob that thinks he is smarter and better then mere humans. If he isn't rich he probably thinks those dummies kept him down.
Translation: you are full of self-loathing.
I thought I made it quite clear that it is not I whom I loathe. · ·


Actually, you did. People who like themselves don't hate everyone else.
Global Warming Is Not a Catastrophe!

True to their devotion to idiocy, human beings have dawdled while their numbers have doubled and global warming moved closer and closer to a point of crisis. Most humans, individually, are moronic, and the human race, collectively, has about as much intelligence as a beetle.

In Siberia and the Canadian North, the permafrost is melting and releasing carbon dioxide and methane. This will likely set up a feed-back loop which will lead to run-away global warming, leaving the Web of Life in tatters and humanity either extinct or reduced to a pitiful remnant. But to call this situation a "catastrophe" is simply scare-tactics and panic-mongering. Life on this planet has survived worse collapses than this one (now the mass extinctions at the end of the Permian Period, that was a catastrophe!).

However, the future of the human race is sufficiently uncertain that I think it would be prudent to begin preparing for all eventualities. If we go extinct, we really should leave some records for the next clever, technologically competent species to inhabit this planet. This would perhaps allow them to avoid the mistakes which we are making and smooth their path to becoming the first intelligent species to arise on planet Earth.

Therefore, I propose that we use the entire gold supply of the planet to make thin gold plates on which are inscribed the history, arts and science of our species. They could just as well serve as a standard of wealth for our economies in this form as in the form of featureless gold ingots. They could then be placed in a geographical or geological situation sufficiently inaccessible that they would only be discovered by a species at a level of culture just a little less "advanced" than our own.

If it be objected that these johnny-come-latelies might melt the plates for currency or jewelry without deciphering them, then we might consider using engraved slabs of granite, somewhat like tombstones (rather appropriate, don't you think, considering the situation?).

At least then, it might be said that our lives had some meaning!
It's bad form not to attribute copying and pasting to a source.

Just sayin'.
Global Warming Is Not a Catastrophe!

True to their devotion to idiocy, human beings have dawdled while their numbers have doubled and global warming moved closer and closer to a point of crisis. Most humans, individually, are moronic, and the human race, collectively, has about as much intelligence as a beetle.

In Siberia and the Canadian North, the permafrost is melting and releasing carbon dioxide and methane. This will likely set up a feed-back loop which will lead to run-away global warming, leaving the Web of Life in tatters and humanity either extinct or reduced to a pitiful remnant. But to call this situation a "catastrophe" is simply scare-tactics and panic-mongering. Life on this planet has survived worse collapses than this one (now the mass extinctions at the end of the Permian Period, that was a catastrophe!).

However, the future of the human race is sufficiently uncertain that I think it would be prudent to begin preparing for all eventualities. If we go extinct, we really should leave some records for the next clever, technologically competent species to inhabit this planet. This would perhaps allow them to avoid the mistakes which we are making and smooth their path to becoming the first intelligent species to arise on planet Earth.

Therefore, I propose that we use the entire gold supply of the planet to make thin gold plates on which are inscribed the history, arts and science of our species. They could just as well serve as a standard of wealth for our economies in this form as in the form of featureless gold ingots. They could then be placed in a geographical or geological situation sufficiently inaccessible that they would only be discovered by a species at a level of culture just a little less "advanced" than our own.

If it be objected that these johnny-come-latelies might melt the plates for currency or jewelry without deciphering them, then we might consider using engraved slabs of granite, somewhat like tombstones (rather appropriate, don't you think, considering the situation?).

At least then, it might be said that our lives had some meaning!

For being a genius you sure are stupid. Gold is a soft malleable metal it would not last with printing in any kind of none regulated environment. As for granite, well cold, water and heat all break Granite rather well. So it to would be useless to preserve our heritage in any none controlled environment.

Wanna try again?
I would like to see human numbers brought down to, say, one percent of their present level, before humans completely destroy the natural world which future generations will inherit...

There most certainly are NOT 'too many' humans, and we are NOT going to "completely destroy the natural world." You need to be medicated to get your hysteria under control.
numan seems to think that humans are not also a species of the earth, that they must have flown in from Mars.
Global Warming Is Not a Catastrophe!

True to their devotion to idiocy, human beings have dawdled while their numbers have doubled and global warming moved closer and closer to a point of crisis. Most humans, individually, are moronic, and the human race, collectively, has about as much intelligence as a beetle.

In Siberia and the Canadian North, the permafrost is melting and releasing carbon dioxide and methane. This will likely set up a feed-back loop which will lead to run-away global warming, leaving the Web of Life in tatters and humanity either extinct or reduced to a pitiful remnant. But to call this situation a "catastrophe" is simply scare-tactics and panic-mongering. Life on this planet has survived worse collapses than this one (now the mass extinctions at the end of the Permian Period, that was a catastrophe!).

However, the future of the human race is sufficiently uncertain that I think it would be prudent to begin preparing for all eventualities. If we go extinct, we really should leave some records for the next clever, technologically competent species to inhabit this planet. This would perhaps allow them to avoid the mistakes which we are making and smooth their path to becoming the first intelligent species to arise on planet Earth.

Therefore, I propose that we use the entire gold supply of the planet to make thin gold plates on which are inscribed the history, arts and science of our species. They could just as well serve as a standard of wealth for our economies in this form as in the form of featureless gold ingots. They could then be placed in a geographical or geological situation sufficiently inaccessible that they would only be discovered by a species at a level of culture just a little less "advanced" than our own.

If it be objected that these johnny-come-latelies might melt the plates for currency or jewelry without deciphering them, then we might consider using engraved slabs of granite, somewhat like tombstones (rather appropriate, don't you think, considering the situation?).

At least then, it might be said that our lives had some meaning!

Sorry, just seemed appropriate:

[ame=]Lighten Up Francis - YouTube[/ame]

Just sayin:eusa_whistle:
Most humans, individually, are moronic, and the human race, collectively, has about as much intelligence as a beetle.!

And then there's you, at the very bottom of the barrel.
There most certainly are NOT 'too many' humans, and we are NOT going to "completely destroy the natural world."
.....not too many humans...FOR WHAT?

And how can you be so certain that our actions will not destroy us?

Anyone who has the slightest tincture of understanding the scientific method knows that no sensible question can possibly be asked, and certainly no answer gained, until boundary conditions are established.
Global Warming Is Not a Catastrophe!

True to their devotion to idiocy, human beings have dawdled while their numbers have doubled and global warming moved closer and closer to a point of crisis. Most humans, individually, are moronic, and the human race, collectively, has about as much intelligence as a beetle.

In Siberia and the Canadian North, the permafrost is melting and releasing carbon dioxide and methane. This will likely set up a feed-back loop which will lead to run-away global warming, leaving the Web of Life in tatters and humanity either extinct or reduced to a pitiful remnant. But to call this situation a "catastrophe" is simply scare-tactics and panic-mongering. Life on this planet has survived worse collapses than this one (now the mass extinctions at the end of the Permian Period, that was a catastrophe!).

However, the future of the human race is sufficiently uncertain that I think it would be prudent to begin preparing for all eventualities. If we go extinct, we really should leave some records for the next clever, technologically competent species to inhabit this planet. This would perhaps allow them to avoid the mistakes which we are making and smooth their path to becoming the first intelligent species to arise on planet Earth.

Therefore, I propose that we use the entire gold supply of the planet to make thin gold plates on which are inscribed the history, arts and science of our species. They could just as well serve as a standard of wealth for our economies in this form as in the form of featureless gold ingots. They could then be placed in a geographical or geological situation sufficiently inaccessible that they would only be discovered by a species at a level of culture just a little less "advanced" than our own.

If it be objected that these johnny-come-latelies might melt the plates for currency or jewelry without deciphering them, then we might consider using engraved slabs of granite, somewhat like tombstones (rather appropriate, don't you think, considering the situation?).

At least then, it might be said that our lives had some meaning!

I hope there is something more interesting to this troll act. If this is the whole show, it's already getting old.
There most certainly are NOT 'too many' humans, and we are NOT going to "completely destroy the natural world."
.....not too many humans...FOR WHAT?

And how can you be so certain that our actions will not destroy us?

Anyone who has the slightest tincture of understanding the scientific method knows that no sensible question can possibly be asked, and certainly no answer gained, until boundary conditions are established.

How on earth do you live? Everytime you take a sip of water, you might be taking an action That Destroys Us?

I have often fantasized about genetically engineering a disease that would not be fatal, but which would sterilize 99% of the human population..

Why would you want to do that? Do you fantasize about being the villain in some bad movie?

Like I said, he's a Theater Major, or more likely, a wannabe.

He's a troll, and he's already running out of material.
I hope there is something more interesting to this troll act. If this is the whole show, it's already getting old.
Well, unlike you, when I repeat something at least it is not a slight variation on a single sentence.

But then, your screen name could, in Japanese, mean someone who goes round and round in circles.

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