The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Some time ago I was asked how the global environmental crisis affected me, personally. This was my reply:

A Voice from the Black Hole of Calcutta

The main effect on me is that for nearly fifty years I have had to endure the proximity of insane, self-centered hominids who have refused to understand that they are living through the greatest crisis for life on this planet since the extinction of the dinosaurs.

All through this period of time, every major aspect of this crisis has been understood by the small minority of hominids capable of rational thought. For decades they have been explaining these matters, in great detail, to the feeble-minded apes who constitute the human species. Most so-called humans, especially those with wealth and power, have been quite determined to ignore the Cassandras in their midst, and have done everything in their power to make matters worse. All the while that they have been orchestrating their gay dance of death, human numbers have more than doubled.

All my life, I have felt like a high-caste brahmin crowded cheek-by-jowl with the lowest untouchables in the Black Hole of Calcutta.

Mercifully, I shall soon either be precipitated into oblivion as my fellow anthropoids complete their complicated ritual of mass suicide, or, in the unlikely event that I survive their ecological madness, I shall live in a world which has been cleared of a large mass of very foolish people.

Either way, it will be like a fifty-year old toothache finally being cured.

You could cure it today, fuckwad.
Yeah, but demanding that we change our "evil ways" in North America aren`t you barking up the wrong tree?
You enviro-activists are in all the wrong countries...the relatively under populated western...countries
Well, Polar Bear, you creature threatened with imminent extinction, congratulations for having the brains to see that over-population (especially in poor countries) is a problem.

However, only someone as dumb as a post would not realize that over-exploitation and over-consumption by the rich is as great a problem -- or worse!

Almost everyone in the world could live far better lives and still consume less and have less of a harmful impact on the world.

The basic problem is that most humans can work hard, but they cannot work smart!

What should we do ?..promote free for all abortions in North America, Siberia and Australia ?
No, you silly, illogical man, we should be promoting free abortions EVERYWHERE!!

It would be good to mitigate the stupendous suffering which will soon overwhelm us. One of the best and quickest ways to diminish suffering is to reduce, as quickly as possible, the number of humans, in order to bring it in line with the future reduced carrying-capacity of the planet.

We should provide robust economic benefits to people who have no children, and corresponding economic hardships to those who have more than two children.

Also, providing economic and educational benefits (a new type of "affirmative action") to females in third world countries would help to give them greater control over their own lives, and they would have fewer children.

Once we change our focus from averting catastrophe to minimising it, there is much that we can do.
Well check your facts again this time consult Environment Canada and not an enviro blog.
Churchill Manitoba is called the worlds` polar bear capitol .
I got lots of (human) relatives in Churchill and visit often. Every spring there are enviro paparazzies from all over the world to film "starving polar bears".
They reported that the entire Hudson bay bear population is down to 900 and falling. Last year`s aerial survey showed that there are more than 2500 (very healthy) polar bears just in the East Foxe basin of the bay.
All the while local Inuit have been allowed to kill 400 bears each season.
And in Churchill there are more polar bears than tourists,dogs, cats and rats
Do I need to post sources ?

No, you silly, illogical man, we should be promoting free abortions EVERYWHERE!!
Yeah and after you do that will you be around to answer for the consequences:
China`s one child policy made good sense when it was implemented. But now it`s a ticking time bomb.
Why do you think that all the countries that made "family planning" a political center piece already have an inverted pyramid where there aren`t enough
young people entering the workforce to support the top (retired) of their population pyramid.
So far these countries try avert the consequences with increased immigration.
That`s not sustainable in the long run either and won`t avoid a real fiscal cliff...which is already in progress in Europe.
Free abortions as a method to stem overpopulation in Asia and Africa.
Get serious. Try that out in a Muslim dominated does`n even have to be Muslim extremists.
The W.H.O. can`t even convince people in Africa to use FREE condoms and you figure you could go there and abort babies...?
How many heavily armed U.N. "peace keeprs" you figure the U.N. would give you to carry out "your mission"..??
For a while I thought you had some brains
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Woo is me, we are all DOOMED, DOOMED I say. And now we have one of the ghouls wishing for it to happen even faster then his supposed science claims it will.

He openly calls for the death of 90 percent of the population and claims even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots. And of course when these deaths occur our genius will somehow be one of the survivors cause well he is special.
Corrections, sarge:

It is people like you who are ghouls, since your denialism can lead only to more people suffering and dying.

I do not call for such death, I simply predict that terrible suffering and death will result from the course present foolish human societies are pursuing.
Again, it is denialists like you who could easily be the cause of a massive human die-off.

...even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots.
About that at least, you are all too likely to be correct.

I certainly do not expect to survive the catastrophes which are coming, since those who make it through will need to meet three conditions: they will need to be young, intelligent and lucky.

I meet only the second criterion.
Corrections, sarge:

It is people like you who are ghouls, since your denialism can lead only to more people suffering and dying.

I do not call for such death, I simply predict that terrible suffering and death will result from the course present foolish human societies are pursuing.
Again, it is denialists like you who could easily be the cause of a massive human die-off.

Numan, if you could press a button and kill 4 billion people; would press it before or after lunch?
Corrections, sarge:

It is people like you who are ghouls, since your denialism can lead only to more people suffering and dying.

I do not call for such death, I simply predict that terrible suffering and death will result from the course present foolish human societies are pursuing.
Again, it is denialists like you who could easily be the cause of a massive human die-off.

Numan, if you could press a button and kill 4 billion people; would press it before or after lunch?

4 billion isn't enough according to our local ghoul and doom sayer, he wants over 6 billion dead.
Woo is me, we are all DOOMED, DOOMED I say. And now we have one of the ghouls wishing for it to happen even faster then his supposed science claims it will.

He openly calls for the death of 90 percent of the population and claims even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots. And of course when these deaths occur our genius will somehow be one of the survivors cause well he is special.
Corrections, sarge:

It is people like you who are ghouls, since your denialism can lead only to more people suffering and dying.

I do not call for such death, I simply predict that terrible suffering and death will result from the course present foolish human societies are pursuing.
Again, it is denialists like you who could easily be the cause of a massive human die-off.

...even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots.
About that at least, you are all too likely to be correct.

I certainly do not expect to survive the catastrophes which are coming, since those who make it through will need to meet three conditions: they will need to be young, intelligent and lucky.

I meet only the second criterion.
Not so already skipped over this problem:
No, you silly, illogical man, we should be promoting free abortions EVERYWHERE!!

Yeah and after you do that will you be around to answer for the consequences:
CHINA: Moving Population Pyramid

China`s one child policy made good sense when it was implemented. But now it`s a ticking time bomb.
Why do you think that all the countries that made "family planning" a political center piece already have an inverted pyramid where there aren`t enough
young people entering the workforce to support the top (retired) of their population pyramid.
So far these countries try avert the consequences with increased immigration.
That`s not sustainable in the long run either and won`t avoid a real fiscal cliff...which is already in progress in Europe.
Free abortions as a method to stem overpopulation in Asia and Africa.
Get serious. Try that out in a Muslim dominated does`n even have to be Muslim extremists.
The W.H.O. can`t even convince people in Africa to use FREE condoms and you figure you could go there and abort babies...?
How many heavily armed U.N. "peace keepers" you figure the U.N. would give you to carry out "your mission"..??
For a while I thought you had some brains
Numan, if you could press a button and kill 4 billion people; would press it before or after lunch?

Numans don`t press any buttons nor do they do anything for the environment or anybody else...the expect us to do it for them.
The "Numans" are only there to take the credit, but never the blame.
Victory has many fathers, but defeat is an orphan.
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Woo is me, we are all DOOMED, DOOMED I say. And now we have one of the ghouls wishing for it to happen even faster then his supposed science claims it will.

He openly calls for the death of 90 percent of the population and claims even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots. And of course when these deaths occur our genius will somehow be one of the survivors cause well he is special.
Cut an envirowack and watch a eugenicist bleed.
Humans like to think that "it won't be so bad." They fight like hell to avoid considering that it may be even worse than the "worst case scenario."

Arctic Permafrost CO2 ‘Underestimated,’ Poses Threat

Arctic permafrost, the frozen soil beneath polar snow and ice, contains twice as much carbon as previously estimated and may spark a further increase in temperatures should global warming continue....

There is as much as 950 billion tons of carbon stored in Arctic organic matter, most of it long-dead vegetation, the United Nations Environment Programme says. The Arctic region already accounts for as much as a third of the world’s emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, of 150 million tons to 250 million tons annually....

Yes, the whole climate change issue (however it is caused) may be much worse than we currently imagine. Of course it is likely that the brunt of the impact will fall most heavily on the poor people of the world.
Don't count on that, poor little Bloomberg rich kids. They don't have as far to fall. It is a basic law of thermodynamics that complicated systems are normally harder to maintain than simple systems.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

But, at least it seems more and more likely that we will leave a legacy for which we will be remembered.
Yeah --- remembered with hatred and disgust.

Hitler and Göring and Stalin will be remembered as minor juvenile delinquents compared to us.

You socks are all alike. Who cares how much CO2 there is in the permafrost. It has been in the wind before. You guys are all just mindless tape recorders spewing out the same shit as before in an effort to rejuvinate your failed religion.

You've had 30 years of telling us the world was coming to an end. Every one of your predictions of the impending population disaster, the hunger disaster, the disaster this, the disaster that......have all proven false.

You are the "little boy who cried wolf" only this time your whole tale is BS...and the world knows it.
Yeah, but demanding that we change our "evil ways" in North America aren`t you barking up the wrong tree?
You enviro-activists are in all the wrong countries...the relatively under populated western...countries
Well, Polar Bear, you creature threatened with imminent extinction, congratulations for having the brains to see that over-population (especially in poor countries) is a problem.

However, only someone as dumb as a post would not realize that over-exploitation and over-consumption by the rich is as great a problem -- or worse!

Almost everyone in the world could live far better lives and still consume less and have less of a harmful impact on the world.

The basic problem is that most humans can work hard, but they cannot work smart!

What should we do ?..promote free for all abortions in North America, Siberia and Australia ?
No, you silly, illogical man, we should be promoting free abortions EVERYWHERE!!

It would be good to mitigate the stupendous suffering which will soon overwhelm us. One of the best and quickest ways to diminish suffering is to reduce, as quickly as possible, the number of humans, in order to bring it in line with the future reduced carrying-capacity of the planet.

We should provide robust economic benefits to people who have no children, and corresponding economic hardships to those who have more than two children.

Also, providing economic and educational benefits (a new type of "affirmative action") to females in third world countries would help to give them greater control over their own lives, and they would have fewer children.

Once we change our focus from averting catastrophe to minimising it, there is much that we can do.

Polar bears havn't been as safe as a species as they are now for hundreds of years. Do try and come up with at least ONE fact that is correct.
Woo is me, we are all DOOMED, DOOMED I say. And now we have one of the ghouls wishing for it to happen even faster then his supposed science claims it will.

He openly calls for the death of 90 percent of the population and claims even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots. And of course when these deaths occur our genius will somehow be one of the survivors cause well he is special.
Corrections, sarge:

It is people like you who are ghouls, since your denialism can lead only to more people suffering and dying.

I do not call for such death, I simply predict that terrible suffering and death will result from the course present foolish human societies are pursuing.
Again, it is denialists like you who could easily be the cause of a massive human die-off.

...even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots.
About that at least, you are all too likely to be correct.

I certainly do not expect to survive the catastrophes which are coming, since those who make it through will need to meet three conditions: they will need to be young, intelligent and lucky.

I meet only the second criterion.

We're not the ones who want to murder billions of people like you do asshole. You're the ghoul. And a fucking retarded one at that.
Woo is me, we are all DOOMED, DOOMED I say. And now we have one of the ghouls wishing for it to happen even faster then his supposed science claims it will.

He openly calls for the death of 90 percent of the population and claims even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots. And of course when these deaths occur our genius will somehow be one of the survivors cause well he is special.
Cut an envirowack and watch a eugenicist bleed.

Maybe we should just cut all medicare and all our social programs.
Survival of the fittest. Might work to get rid of the "Numans" too.

Worked out pretty good for the polar bears that were supposed to be down near extinction due to AGW.
I doubt very much that the "Numans" would be able to survive unless they can suck back their entitlements that are financed by the non-Numans
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Woo is me, we are all DOOMED, DOOMED I say. And now we have one of the ghouls wishing for it to happen even faster then his supposed science claims it will.

He openly calls for the death of 90 percent of the population and claims even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots. And of course when these deaths occur our genius will somehow be one of the survivors cause well he is special.
Corrections, sarge:

It is people like you who are ghouls, since your denialism can lead only to more people suffering and dying.

I do not call for such death, I simply predict that terrible suffering and death will result from the course present foolish human societies are pursuing.
Again, it is denialists like you who could easily be the cause of a massive human die-off.

...even at that rate he will still be surrounded by idiots.
About that at least, you are all too likely to be correct.

I certainly do not expect to survive the catastrophes which are coming, since those who make it through will need to meet three conditions: they will need to be young, intelligent and lucky.

I meet only the second criterion.

We're not the ones who want to murder billions of people like you do asshole. You're the ghoul. And a fucking retarded one at that.
Ooops...I misspoke

Cut an envirowhack and watch a misanthropic eugenicist bleed.

I stand corrected. ;)
4 billion isn't enough according to our local ghoul and doom sayer, he wants over 6 billion dead.
I wonder why you are writing these deliberate lies?

I suppose it is because you can not meet my points with reason and logic.
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens
, since those who make it through will need to meet three conditions: they will need to be young, intelligent and lucky.

I meet only the second criterion.
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens
So Herr "Numan" bist Du einer der Götter der seine Sachen selber macht ?
Are you one of those "zero impact" people or did the stuff you have come on trucks and trains...I wonder how much of your stuff is made in China and rode in double stacked containers on a 6 mile long train with 3 engines in the front 2 more in each 1/3 rd sections and 3 more pushing in the back like that train I seen on my way home today.
You might not be able to read the markings, but almost all containers are Asian shipping propriety truck-piggy-back-containers.
China is already consuming more than 2/5 th of all the world`s Copper, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Steel, Coal and Oil production..tendency climbing, RAPIDLY
[ame=""]Manitoba April 8 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

And check out the "above average temperature" in Manitoba.
We are Okay with that, but Minnesota and the Dakotas are getting another "Manitoba Mauler" instead of Spring

Survival of the fittest is by far more "fair play" than killing defenseless babies...and you would not survive, that`s for sure:

For you it would be a "catastrophe" if you can`t suck like a parasite on the people you despise so much.
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4 billion isn't enough according to our local ghoul and doom sayer, he wants over 6 billion dead.
I wonder why you are writing these deliberate lies?

I suppose it is because you can not meet my points with reason and logic.

You DENY you said you want 90 percent of the earths human population to die? Did you go back and edit it out? Or shall I page back and quote it for you?
4 billion isn't enough according to our local ghoul and doom sayer, he wants over 6 billion dead.
I wonder why you are writing these deliberate lies?

I suppose it is because you can not meet my points with reason and logic.

You DENY you said you want 90 percent of the earths human population to die? Did you go back and edit it out? Or shall I page back and quote it for you?

I would not doubt it...the "Siamese Mammoth " cat in the hat pulled the same stunt on me.
But this "Numan" jerk :
I suppose it is because you can not meet my points with reason and logic.
has nothing to say when you confront him with logic:
CHINA: Moving Population Pyramid
"Saigon" the fake journalist from Finland, "mammoth" the fake "I used to run nuclear power plants" and all the rest of these doomsday Nostradamus cultists ever answer any questions unless they can copy&paste some crap from a enviro-blog FAQ section

He has no idea what`s in store for China
That pompous asshole would not last for more than 3 moves in a chess game with any one of my grand-kids or more than 3 days if you would cut his hydro.
I bet he was the only kid in his class who pulled out a pocket calculator when the teacher asked what is 100*99*98*... and so on, all the way down to zero.
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So Herr "Numan" bist Du einer der Götter der seine Sachen selber macht ?

The pronoun "du" is not capitalised, it should be followed by the reflexive "dich" and then the simple numeral "ein" (at least you got the genitive plural right!).

The rest of the sentence is such a jumble I can't make out what you mean (do you mean "Sein" with a capital "s"? With what other word have you confused "Sache"?)

Don't bother to thank me for the grammar lesson. I am just naturally helpful and kind-hearted -- even with those who are undeserving.

The pronoun "du" is not capitalised, it should be followed by the reflexive "dich" and then the simple numeral "ein" (at least you got the genitive plural right!).

The rest of the sentence is such a jumble I can't make out what you mean (do you mean "Sein" with a capital "s"? With what other word have you confused "Sache"?)

Don't bother to thank me for the grammar lesson. I am just naturally helpful and kind-hearted -- even with those who are undeserving.

So numan, other than your desire to murder 6 billion people, what hobbies and interests do you have?

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