The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Your cult is in near full retreat, Gomer.

The anthropogenic Goebbels warming gig us up.

The Warmist conspiracy has reached a critical point, with doubters in the establishment speaking out. One of Sweden's top climatologists now admit global temperatures have barely changed (translated from Swedish): "The Earth appears to have cooling properties that exceeds the previous thought ones, and that computer models are inadequate to try to foretell a chaotic object like the climate, where actual observation is the only way to go."

In March, a scientific study "Orbital forcing of tree-ring data" found that global warming is caused by that big yellow thing in the sky. Earth's orbit varies over the centuries. Changing distance to the sun affects temperature. Furthermore, Russian scientists have determined that the global temperature will cool by 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. (Reported in German in Bild.)

The conspirators had banked on panic to help expand government control over the world's economies. But momentum in public opinion has swung against the doomsayers. As an example of the depth of opposition to the Warmists, consider some of the well-informed commenters on American Thinker who have made valuable points of their own commenting on three recent articles.

Read more: Articles: The Warmist Crisis
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Maybe we should just cut all medicare and all our social programs.
Survival of the fittest. Might work to get rid of the "Numans" too.

Worked out pretty good for the polar bears that were supposed to be down near extinction due to AGW.
I doubt very much that the "Numans" would be able to survive unless they can suck back their entitlements that are financed by the non-Numans

Survival of the fittest does not govern nature. Charles Darwin did not ever state that it did. That phrase was coined by a plutocrat who hated people who were not rich & elite like him.

Plants Share Water With Their Neighbors - Sharing has been found to be a preferred alternative for some plants. They do not simply take in water through their roots and evaporate it via their leaves. In fact, ecologists have found that some plants draw deep groundwater up through their long roots during the day, and at night annually lose large amounts of the water through their shallow roots to surrounding soil, rather than saving the water to pass through their leaves the next day. This phenomenon is termed hydraulic lift.

Todd E. Dawson, formerly an associate professor at Cornell, discovered not only that hydraulic lift occurs in sugar maples (Acer saccharum) but that neighboring plants take advantage of the "free" water supply during drought periods. These plants are actually healthier than their counterparts found growing further away from the sugar maple trees. According to Dr. Dawson, "This discovery may toss the theory of competition on its ear, because we have always thought that growing next to something that uses the same resources was bad. Instead, we've found that herbaceous plants growing near a tree really benefit."

Plants not only just share water but also share work, energy, sugar & many other nutrients. The same goes for animals & humans. John Forbes Nash was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his discovery of this mutual benefit governing life. Cooperation between the un-fittest will overcome even the fittest among them.
I have often fantasized about genetically engineering a disease that would not be fatal, but which would sterilize 99% of the human population. If I were younger, I would be tempted to go into genetic engineering.

:cuckoo: You are an idiot & a terrorist. :cuckoo: Fortunately you are to stupid to create any such disease & the ones that have been produced are kept away from idiots like you. Epicyte already modified & grows corn to sterilize humans.


The total biomass of planet Earth (the total mass of all plants and animals and other organisms all over the world, on land and in the seas) is about 75 billion tonnes.

The total biomass of the human species is about 250 million tonnes, or about one part in 300 of the total biomass.

If the total biomass of 75 billion tonnes were to be spread evenly over the 500 million square kilometres of the surface of the Earth, it would form a film approximately one-tenth of a millimetre thick.

Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems

In any one year, humans utilize, alter or consume between one-tenth to one-twentieth of the total biomass of the Earth, depending on how you analyze the figures.
thread =Wf [ 1+Hf ] +Wb[ 1+ Hb ] +Wm [ 1 +Hm ] :eusa_eh:
You are an idiot & so is the retard who wrote this article. My farm gains top soil plant matter every year.
Ad hominem fallacy

Ignoratio elenchi fallacy

Falllacy of composition

And all in just two sentences! Congratulations!!

ohhhh,the poor sock got his little feelings hurt... Poor thing. Well, don't expect cogent argument from a sock.
You are an idiot & so is the retard who wrote this article. My farm gains top soil plant matter every year.
Ad hominem fallacy

Ignoratio elenchi fallacy

Falllacy of composition

And all in just two sentences! Congratulations!!

It is observed fact vs your fantasy. Idiots like you have been repeatedly destroyed for hundreds of years.

I have been no tilling my 1,000 acre farm for over 20 years. It is already elivated feet above neighboring farms who plow their soil. My yield & profit per acre is also higher. There are oil & gas pipelines running across the farms out there. The neighboring farms that plow their field & erode soil have lost so much soil that the pipeline that was burried 6 foot deep 50 years ago was now exposed on the surface. Where the pipline crossed my property it was of suffecient depth. My farm went from eroding soil to adding 3" plus every 10 years.

By the way a plumber named Leonard Susskind destroyed your hero pictured in your avatar. Susskind's string theory obliterated your hero's theory.
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I doubt very much that the "Numans" would be able to survive unless they can suck back their entitlements that are financed by the non-Numans
I consider it right and proper to exploit the non-humans to the maximum extent possible -- consonant, of course, with my tender-hearted regard for the sufferings of mindless animals.

Most hominids are simply debits in the account books of Life. On their merry path to disaster and extinction, they might as well serve some useful function on the way by supporting my needs to the greatest extent possible.

I am quite as willing to exploit my non-fellows as any corporate CEO villain -- I just won't be a hypocrite and lie about it.

Of course, toward that small percentage of the population who have some culture, education and reasoning ability, I am all good-fellowship, kindness, altruism and helpfulness.

After all, the sane need to stick together, surrounded as we are by the vulgar mass of mindless, hominid apes.
I doubt very much that the "Numans" would be able to survive unless they can suck back their entitlements that are financed by the non-Numans
I consider it right and proper to exploit the non-humans to the maximum extent possible -- consonant, of course, with my tender-hearted regard for the sufferings of mindless animals.

Most hominids are simply debits in the account books of Life. On their merry path to disaster and extinction, they might as well serve some useful function on the way by supporting my needs to the greatest extent possible.

I am quite as willing to exploit my non-fellows as any corporate CEO villain -- I just won't be a hypocrite and lie about it.

Of course, toward that small percentage of the population who have some culture, education and reasoning ability, I am all good-fellowship, kindness, altruism and helpfulness.

After all, the sane need to stick together, surrounded as we are by the vulgar mass of mindless, hominid apes.

I've gotta post something nasty for fear of dropping from the top Ten!

Not quite sure what that should be, either something about inbreeding or yo Momma....

Gonna have ta thin on that a spell......
I consider it right and proper to exploit the non-humans to the maximum extent possible -- consonant, of course, with my tender-hearted regard for the sufferings of mindless animals.

Most hominids are simply debits in the account books of Life. On their merry path to disaster and extinction, they might as well serve some useful function on the way by supporting my needs to the greatest extent possible.

I am quite as willing to exploit my non-fellows as any corporate CEO villain -- I just won't be a hypocrite and lie about it.

Of course, toward that small percentage of the population who have some culture, education and reasoning ability, I am all good-fellowship, kindness, altruism and helpfulness.

After all, the sane need to stick together, surrounded as we are by the vulgar mass of mindless, hominid apes.

So then, really you're just a troll, going for shock value.

Got it. Not that I was taking your seriously in the first place; due to your suffering intellectual dwarfism.
So then, really you're just a troll, going for shock value.
Well, now, there's chutzpah -- after you, and trolls like you, have done everything you could to prevent a rational discussion of the serious and important questions centering about the topic of this thread. · ·
Pardon, but wouldn't repeatedly shouting "red-herring"by one person in reference to others behavior, be in itself a "red-herring"?

Looks like you need to correct your list now.. Add one to the appropriate side, for every time the thread is distracted by a post dedicated to pointing out "red-herrings"...
I doubt very much that the "Numans" would be able to survive unless they can suck back their entitlements that are financed by the non-Numans
I consider it right and proper to exploit the non-humans to the maximum extent possible -- consonant, of course, with my tender-hearted regard for the sufferings of mindless animals.

Most hominids are simply debits in the account books of Life. On their merry path to disaster and extinction, they might as well serve some useful function on the way by supporting my needs to the greatest extent possible.

I am quite as willing to exploit my non-fellows as any corporate CEO villain -- I just won't be a hypocrite and lie about it.

Of course, toward that small percentage of the population who have some culture, education and reasoning ability, I am all good-fellowship, kindness, altruism and helpfulness.

After all, the sane need to stick together, surrounded as we are by the vulgar mass of mindless, hominid apes.

:lol::lol::lol: My aren't we full of ourselves. Too bad you're nothing more than a bottom feeder sucking the life out of the producers like any other slimey lamprey.
So then, really you're just a troll, going for shock value.
Well, now, there's chutzpah -- after you, and trolls like you, have done everything you could to prevent a rational discussion of the serious and important questions centering about the topic of this thread. · ·

:lol::lol::lol: No the chutzpah is all from you, who think you have the ability to post in a forum with men and women. Run along's time for your beddy bye...
Why not man up and call the problem what it is?

Stop Bull shytting, and screaming "climate change" and just say what the problem really is..The problem is there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet here. And the UN and all their scientists and "experts" don't have a clue what to do about it.

They know we got too dam many of us, they say it all the time. They "say" it in nuanced language and placating manner, but that's the problem. They can't come out and say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done because there will be riots in the streets and chaos.

Fact is,YOU are the problem. You, me, everybody, we all are the problem. The damage we cause, the mess we make, the cost of maintaining our existence, the resources we use, even the simple impossibility of keeping track of us all. That 6 billion people claim? It's a best guess. They don't really have a clue, they couldn't. Africa, India, China, they haven't a clue how many they have not really. They guess using math and surveys, but thats all it is, an educated guess based on what they know. Other countries or regions may have a closer estimate but even they can't be sure. If they claim its 6 billion, better plan on there being about 7-8. People in poor conditions tend to avoid people asking questions regarding their lives. It's human nature to do so. So again bet on more ..

They can't come out and say, "stop breeding", they know it would pizz you off. So they come up with scary scenarios to scare you into adopting all kinds of regulations limiting your lives. Climate-change legislation gets people to agree to cut back back on fossil fuel use in advanced countries like the US. In less advanced countries it is a death sentence. African countries who cannot use their own fossil fuels because UN loan agreements prohibit it. This leads to poor living standards, and worse. This way the UN and their cast of "experts" can sleep well at night. After all they didn't "kill" them, they can give them loans they can't possibly pay back to pay for just enough fossil fuels to make the process seem more humane, but in the end their populations will be kept to a certain level.

I say they need to "man-up" because their BS has been outed...

To keep it as short as possible I highlighted all the stuff that is spot on green and in red where I think you were (slightly) off..
Like the mess we make, should be the mess we made...and I would qualify the "we". "We" as in North America and Western Europe have been cleaning up our industrial processes since the late 1970`s. You should have seen the mess we West Germans had to clean up when the "Wall" came down.
It was just as bad as China today. Not only did we West Germans have to exchange the worthless communist German "Democratic-R (GDR) money for hard currency West German Marks, give them the same pension plans and other social benefits + decent housing and infra structure but they all became instant citizens of the Republic of Germany with voting rights. That`s when the trouble started in Germany and now or population pyramid already looks as lob-sided as China`s ticking time bomb:
CHINA: Moving Population Pyramid

The EU already has street riots all over the place, because retirement pensions and unemployment benefits are being axed while taxes are skyrocketing.
As far as the countries are concerned that do indeed have an unsustainable population growth it`s not quite as simple as willy-nilly throttling it like China did abruptly in 1979 which leaves them later in a situation with a top heavy pop. pyramid and the kind of explosive scenario that leads to ever escalating street riots and another very bloody "cultural revolution".
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
1979 BSO People's Republic of China Tour


Seiji Ozawa conducting in Peking's Capital Stadium a joint concert of the BSO and Peking Central Philharmonic Orchestra, 1979.

Harold Wright (BSO principal clarinet, 1970-1993) gives master class .
And anyone who visited a communist country should have realized how their "guided" tours work...they are hilarious.

And now we have clarinet players like "Numan" who are impressed by what they have seen in a backward communist regime lecturing us on "social engineering" and climate "science".
We should not let clarinet and fiddle players lecture us what we should copy that China does we should be copying what CONSERVATIVE Liechtenstein and Switzerland do:
Debt Free Zone: How Liechtenstein Manages to Live Within Its Means
Switzerland`s fiscal situation is not quite the same as Liechtenstein`s but there are other quite unique things from which lessons can be learned, concerning the conservation of personal freedom, the role of a citizen and the role of Government.
For example...each Swiss army vet has to take his assault rifle + ammunition home and keep it in a ready to use condition.
Yet you never hear of any incidents.
Both Liechtenstein and Switzerland have not banned religion from their school system and left it with a moral vacuum, but atheists are quite welcome as well and not a single child is obligated to attend any classes if a parent objects.
I know Liechtenstein quite well, mother is from there. Both Liechtenstein and Switzerland are just a short drive from my home town in Bavaria and when I grew up I spent a lot of time in both countries.
I would not go to China if you paid me
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Well, now, there's chutzpah -- after you, and trolls like you, have done everything you could to prevent a rational discussion of the serious and important questions centering about the topic of this thread. · ·

Rational discussion was impossible the moment you entered the thread.

I'll clue you in on something; when you advocate genocide, "rational" is off the table. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Herr "Numan" the fiddle and clarinet player is collecting red herrings;
Here is another red herring he can add to his collection:
Iran steigert trotz Sanktionen seine Öl-Exporte - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Gestiegene Exporte: Iran umgeht Öl-Embargo

Es ist ein erstaunliches Plus: Irans Ausfuhren von Heizöl sind gegenüber dem Vorquartal um gut zwölf Prozent gestiegen - trotz des Embargos. Die Sanktionen der Uno umgeht das Regime nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters offenbar mit kreativen Lösungen.

Despite U.N sanctions Iran`s oil exports have grown by 12.5 % during the last quarter.
Take a wild guess "Herr Numan" who is buying that oil
The planet has nearly 7,000,000,000 people who use the resources of this world and who by doing so also cause pollution, Anyone claiming they believe that can have no effect on the planets ecology is either honest, but dumb as a post, or lying for political reasons.

No sceptic has EVER claimed that. However, when you look at the effect that JUST insects have on the planet...and put mans impact in context you realise that EVERYTHING has an impact on this planet.

True but in the case of man, versus other species its a matter of degrees.

Now, if mankind wasn't depending on technology to thrive, your point would make sense.

In my lifetime the human population has doubled.

Some good some bad. Wind and rain erode mountains down from thousands of feet high to nothing, insects destroy vast swaths of plant ecology, herbivores eat huge quantities of plant material and man does tremendous amounts of damage to his local area....but sometimes he fixes what he has destroyed (and he should certainly do more of that)...and even sometimes makes it better than it was...

Funny how that never gets mentioned....ever....

I guess I'd have mentioned it if

1. I didn't think it was apparent and

2. it was germane to the discussion.
Despite U.N sanctions Iran`s oil exports have grown by 12.5 % during the last quarter.
Take a wild guess "Herr Numan" who is buying that oil
Here is a hint..

And now they don`t just practically own the cheapest oil and mineral resources resources, but own whole countries that sold out and owe huge debt$ to China.
Who do you think is buying up all the US treasury notes that have to be sold so that Obama can print paper money as if it were toilet paper ?
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If 7,000,000,000 people are too many (which is actually false, but let's suppose for a moment that it's accurate)...then we should colonize space as quickly as possible.

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