The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Mr. frozen bear-brain, that is excellent corroboration that you denialists are mentally challenged.

I wrote that I saw the Toronto Symphony in Beijing in 1978, and you triumphantly write as disproof that the Toronto Symphony was there in 1978!!

It is an excellent example of how narrow-minded you denialists are, and your inability to think outside the box of your mental prisons.

Your mistake was in assuming that I was a tourist there. In fact, I lived in China for two years. I had an academic appointment there sponsored by a university association from our own country.

I spent one winter in Beijing. The weather there was often similar to Alberta winters in your own country. In those days, foreigners received special privileges. I had the luxury of one hour of heat in the morning, and one hour in the evening. Most of the time, I wore so many layers of clothing that I waddled about looking like an Antarctic penguin.

It is pathetic the way that people like you jump to conclusions, but certainly not unexpected.
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numan said:
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

I would write "QED", but I am sure you will try to wriggle and squirm out of something even so obvious as this!
And yes, I allready pointed out the fact we could burn every carbon bearing rock on the planet and CO2 would STILL be a trace gas but that sailed right over your blissfully ignorant little head.
And so, after being shown the scientific facts reduced to the simplest mathematical terms, the wriggling and squirming denialist robot blatantly and directly denies them!!

I will say this for SSDD; after the same facts were demonstrated to him, he simply tried to change the subject -- but he didn't bluster that he was right anyway!

In Westwall's case, there is not even a shred of mental decency to cover the shame of his intellectual nakedness.

As usual, he simply blusters, insults, and denies, denies, DENIES!!
Dismissing dissension in a theory as "blithering denialists" shows how little you actually care about the science...

What is a denialist? ROFL.. It's a made-up word. Wouldn't "denier" work? Yeah, it would...
Your remarks might have some point if the denialists were capable of discussing the matter of global heating in a calm, rational manner, marshalling facts, and admitting what they know, and what they don't know.

But the blitherers scream and shout, insult and try every low blow in the book, quote junk science, and jump to crucify anyone who disagrees with them and who presents facts and rational analysis.

What they shriek cannot be taken seriously. Their irrationality, their emotional excesses, their faith that is blind to all that contradicts their dogmas, and especially their ignorance of science all mark them as victims of religious mania, of clinging to a set of dogmas which it would terrify them to question.

Their behavior goes beyond mere scepticism or rational denial. These fanatics are a religious cult, and that is why I call them "denialists."

Whether you, dear sir, deny global heating simply because you have not paid attention and are ignorant of the science, or whether you are a religious fanatic denialist, only time will tell.
numan said:
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

I would write "QED", but I am sure you will try to wriggle and squirm out of something even so obvious as this!
And yes, I allready pointed out the fact we could burn every carbon bearing rock on the planet and CO2 would STILL be a trace gas but that sailed right over your blissfully ignorant little head.
And so, after being shown the scientific facts reduced to the simplest mathematical terms, the wriggling and squirming denialist robot blatantly and directly denies them!!

I will say this for SSDD; after the same facts were demonstrated to him, he simply tried to change the subject -- but he didn't bluster that he was right anyway!

In Westwall's case, there is not even a shred of mental decency to cover the shame of his intellectual nakedness.

As usual, he simply blusters, insults, and denies, denies, DENIES!!

You didn't present crapola doofus. I pointed it out to you LOOOONG before you tried to rehab your 'tard image. CO2 is a trace will ALLWAYS be a trace gas. You're the moron who equates Earths atmosphere with that of Venus demonstrating that you are a scientific cripple, and will ALLWAYS be a scientific cripple.

Remove that avatar, he is a GREAT man. You are a basement bound twerp.
Dismissing dissension in a theory as "blithering denialists" shows how little you actually care about the science...

What is a denialist? ROFL.. It's a made-up word. Wouldn't "denier" work? Yeah, it would...
Your remarks might have some point if the denialists were capable of discussing the matter of global heating in a calm, rational manner, marshalling facts, and admitting what they know, and what they don't know.

But the blitherers scream and shout, insult and try every low blow in the book, quote junk science, and jump to crucify anyone who disagrees with them and who presents facts and rational analysis.

What they shriek cannot be taken seriously. Their irrationality, their emotional excesses, their faith that is blind to all that contradicts their dogmas, and especially their ignorance of science all mark them as victims of religious mania, of clinging to a set of dogmas which it would terrify them to question.

Their behavior goes beyond mere scepticism or rational denial. These fanatics are a religious cult, and that is why I call them "denialists."

Whether you, dear sir, deny global heating simply because you have not paid attention and are ignorant of the science, or whether you are a religious fanatic denialist, only time will tell.

You love to harp about facts but the facts you use are falsified. You harp about rational discussion when you have none. You are a cut and paste drone who hasn't a clue what you are reading. You are a religious fanatic revisionist who will lie, cheat, steal and murder to get your way.

It is YOU who advocate the deaths of billions asshat...and you claim you're the rational one?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


  • $Sieg_Heil_by_mjor.jpg
    89.7 KB · Views: 70
More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet.

Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming

We all knew Numan was not smart enough to comment on that Allan Savory video. The inferior Numan avoided it like the plague & reverted to ad hominem attacks.
numan said:
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

I would write "QED", but I am sure you will try to wriggle and squirm out of something even so obvious as this!
And yes, I allready pointed out the fact we could burn every carbon bearing rock on the planet and CO2 would STILL be a trace gas but that sailed right over your blissfully ignorant little head.
And so, after being shown the scientific facts reduced to the simplest mathematical terms, the wriggling and squirming denialist robot blatantly and directly denies them!!

I will say this for SSDD; after the same facts were demonstrated to him, he simply tried to change the subject -- but he didn't bluster that he was right anyway!

In Westwall's case, there is not even a shred of mental decency to cover the shame of his intellectual nakedness.

As usual, he simply blusters, insults, and denies, denies, DENIES!!
Specific facts: Venus is 26 million miles closer to the sun and has an atmospheric density more than 90 times that of Earth...The atmosphere could be made up of any given gas and it would be hotter than Earth, you blithering pinhead.
Mr. frozen bear-brain, that is excellent corroboration that you denialists are mentally challenged.

I wrote that I saw the Toronto Symphony in Beijing in 1978, and you triumphantly write as disproof that the Toronto Symphony was there in 1978!!

It is an excellent example of how narrow-minded you denialists are, and your inability to think outside the box of your mental prisons.

Your mistake was in assuming that I was a tourist there. In fact, I lived in China for two years. I had an academic appointment there sponsored by a university association from our own country.

I spent one winter in Beijing. The weather there was often similar to Alberta winters in your own country. In those days, foreigners received special privileges. I had the luxury of one hour of heat in the morning, and one hour in the evening. Most of the time, I wore so many layers of clothing that I waddled about looking like an Antarctic penguin.

It is pathetic the way that people like you jump to conclusions, but certainly not unexpected.

You keep changing your story.
First you said you were VISITING Chinese universities in 79 and seen a "large hardwired computer".
China wasn`t open to American tourists for guided or non guided tours, because there were no formal diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. at that time, thus no visa...except by invitation, such as the one the Boston symphony orchestra got.
Then you changed your story and said no, it was in 78 when the Toronto symphony orchestra was there...and they did in fact get a guided tour.
Now you say you were not just visiting Chinese Universities but were TEACHING in China and RESIDING there....and oh how dumb I must be for not guessing that. Why should I guess that somebody is dumb enough to leave the U.S. to stay in a country where they ration out the heat for an hour ?
So what were you teaching there ???
"Meow, (like the Siamese Cat) I used to run nuclear power plants and can show you how to heat buildings"?
What in your twisted little mind is a "large hardwired computer" anyway ?
I was not teaching there, I was doing research.

However, I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand that someone might be willing to endure a little discomfort in the pursuit of knowledge.
I was not teaching there, I was doing research.

However, I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand that someone might be willing to endure a little discomfort in the pursuit of knowledge.

Research... really ?
What kind of research?
Did you "research" physics and chemistry in China ?
Originally Posted by numan
Crustal carbonate rock [1] stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust,[2] that is no problem.
[1]"Crustal carbonate rock" is limestone as in Calcium Carbonate.
The Calcium has an oxidation potential of [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ca
Ca2+ + 2e- 2.87 and exists in limestone as Ca++
The Carbon in limestone also exists as the oxide C++++
So how would you get :
to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]

from limestone with oxygen as it is in the oxides of the earth`s crust ?
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust,[2] that is no problem
The Carbon in Calcium Oxide is already oxidized and needs no "equally massive oxygen atoms" to oxidize it to Carbon dioxide.
It would take an acid, (like sulfuric acid)...not more oxygen from your
oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust,[2] to get CO2 from "Crustal carbonate rock [1]"...which "stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
and boast:
I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand
So what exactly did you "study" in China ?
It sure as shit wasn`t any science.
Have an elementary school teacher explain it to you how the Calcium in the earth`s crust became to be limestone or how to get CO2 from it.
I don`t have the patience to teach "special needs" retards like you.
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Dismissing dissension in a theory as "blithering denialists" shows how little you actually care about the science...

What is a denialist? ROFL.. It's a made-up word. Wouldn't "denier" work? Yeah, it would...
Your remarks might have some point if the denialists were capable of discussing the matter of global heating in a calm, rational manner, marshalling facts, and admitting what they know, and what they don't know.

But the blitherers scream and shout, insult and try every low blow in the book, quote junk science, and jump to crucify anyone who disagrees with them and who presents facts and rational analysis.

What they shriek cannot be taken seriously. Their irrationality, their emotional excesses, their faith that is blind to all that contradicts their dogmas, and especially their ignorance of science all mark them as victims of religious mania, of clinging to a set of dogmas which it would terrify them to question.

Their behavior goes beyond mere scepticism or rational denial. These fanatics are a religious cult, and that is why I call them "denialists."

Whether you, dear sir, deny global heating simply because you have not paid attention and are ignorant of the science, or whether you are a religious fanatic denialist, only time will tell.


Yes, yes, but you're supposed to be so much smarter and more educated then all of us poor ignorant fools...


Dude, It's obvious you're an internet elitist. That's what I call someone like you, who has to try and pretend some form of higher power, education, or knowledge over everyone else in a debate. Your type's all over in every forum, you're not new, not even original.

No body with half the education you have been implying to have would use the word "denialist".. It's just ignorant, especially when there already is a word for it "denier". It's shorter, make sense, and an actual word...

You know what the killer of this whole charade is? Rather than admit your error, you keep right on using the word like a moron.. Repeating stupidity doesn't make it less stupid, just shows the stupidity of its originator..

You see what I mean, gslack? · ·


I'd refrain from trying to badger me if I were you "denailist".. I'm not as nice to obvious BS artists as these other guys. I tend to make internet elitists cry..

You see what I mean, gslack? · ·


I'd refrain from trying to badger me if I were you "denailist".. I'm not as nice to obvious BS artists as these other guys. I tend to make internet elitists cry..

Did you notice how he went out of his way to write "devotés" fake an education better than our`s.
I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand
He does not have "l'accent aigu é" on his standard North American keyboard but went to all that trouble to fake it with a word that does not even exist in french...
French Dictionary (Dictionnaire français-anglais)
Le mot devotés n'a pas été trouvé.
Can`t find the word devotés
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You see what I mean, gslack? · ·


I'd refrain from trying to badger me if I were you "denailist".. I'm not as nice to obvious BS artists as these other guys. I tend to make internet elitists cry..

Did you notice how he went out of his way to write "devotés" fake an education better than our`s.
I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand
He does not have "l'accent aigu é" on his standard North American keyboard but went to all that trouble to fake it with a word that does not even exist in french...sure a shit not as a plural of an adjective:
French Dictionary (Dictionnaire français-anglais)
Le mot devotés n'a pas été trouvé.
Can`t find the word devotés

The correct word is "dévots". His use of an "é" at the end is Franglais.
I'd refrain from trying to badger me if I were you "denailist".. I'm not as nice to obvious BS artists as these other guys. I tend to make internet elitists cry..

Did you notice how he went out of his way to write "devotés" fake an education better than our`s.
He does not have "l'accent aigu é" on his standard North American keyboard but went to all that trouble to fake it with a word that does not even exist in french...sure a shit not as a plural of an adjective:
French Dictionary (Dictionnaire français-anglais)
Le mot devotés n'a pas été trouvé.
Can`t find the word devotés

The correct word is "dévots". His use of an "é" at the end is Franglais.
I know and so do you, but I`m sure he did not make a casual 'typo" because he does not have that key and had to either carefully paste in the é or go out of his way to fetch it with system32\charmap.exe...unless he lives in Montreal PQ, where I lived for 7 years...which might explain what he was REALLY doing in China.
I knew some communist nut-cases in Montreal, we called them "useful idiots" that denounced us and went to China, Cuba , East Germany & the USSR to tell how evil we are. In return the communist propaganda Apparatchiks gave them the "celebrity" status they craved.
He fits the profile perfectly
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You see what I mean, gslack? · ·


I'd refrain from trying to badger me if I were you "denailist".. I'm not as nice to obvious BS artists as these other guys. I tend to make internet elitists cry..

Did you notice how he went out of his way to write "devotés" fake an education better than our`s.
I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand
He does not have "l'accent aigu é" on his standard North American keyboard but went to all that trouble to fake it with a word that does not even exist in french...sure a shit not as a plural of an adjective:
French Dictionary (Dictionnaire français-anglais)
Le mot devotés n'a pas été trouvé.
Can`t find the word devotés

I see his BS all too often. Used to courier from Norfolk to Fort Meade between the engineers and number chrunchers, daily. Easy work but both groups thought they were the smartest men alive. Have to wait on something to finish and you will get a dissertation on the worlds problems and how they could cure it if they were allowed..

Probably wasn't an IQ below 150 at either place, but the level of common sense and social experience was almost non-existent. None of those guys hung out places like this. They would be bored by our most technologically advanced discussions, and completely lost on interacting socially here. They would never know when they were being made fun of sarcastically..

Numan here is a BS artist. Probably got a lot of free time to play with the magic google box and create his worlds.. :cuckoo:
I'd refrain from trying to badger me if I were you "denailist".. I'm not as nice to obvious BS artists as these other guys. I tend to make internet elitists cry..

Did you notice how he went out of his way to write "devotés" fake an education better than our`s.
He does not have "l'accent aigu é" on his standard North American keyboard but went to all that trouble to fake it with a word that does not even exist in french...sure a shit not as a plural of an adjective:
French Dictionary (Dictionnaire français-anglais)
Le mot devotés n'a pas été trouvé.
Can`t find the word devotés

I see his BS all too often. Used to courier from Norfolk to Fort Meade between the engineers and number chrunchers, daily. Easy work but both groups thought they were the smartest men alive. Have to wait on something to finish and you will get a dissertation on the worlds problems and how they could cure it if they were allowed..

Probably wasn't an IQ below 150 at either place, but the level of common sense and social experience was almost non-existent. None of those guys hung out places like this. They would be bored by our most technologically advanced discussions, and completely lost on interacting socially here. They would never know when they were being made fun of sarcastically..

Numan here is a BS artist. Probably got a lot of free time to play with the magic google box and create his worlds.. :cuckoo:

Precisely. But it is sooo amusing to read his posts, reply and watch how predictable his response is. It`s more fun than poking around with a probe in conditioned lab rat brains

I had some fun for a while with "Saigon the educated journalist in Finland" who had to Google who Finland`s current Prime Minister is.Then the Siamese Cat in the hat who meowed "I used to run nuclear reactors" ( ~1960 in the US Navy) but it got too boring after I seen that this wacko believes you can`t spin 2 generators at the same rpm and phase angle...which means we have operators in all the power plants that make up our power grid who are constantly turning knobs instead of the software that took care of that since 1990.
"Numan" who should be using Norman Bates face as an avatar is just as, if not more amusing
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